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AP Language Rhetorical Terms Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
7247895231allegorysymbolic fictional narrative that conveys a second meaning (Animal Farm)0
7247899056allusionreference to a biblical, mythological or historical person, place, thing, or idea1
7247903734analogycomparison of a familiar and unfamiliar thing2
7247906752antithesiscontrasting words, phrases, etc.3
7247909398aphorismbrief statement of truth4
7247911868catharsismoral or spiritual cleansing5
7247912969apostrophestatement addressing an absent person or abstract quality as though present6
7247918151epigramshort, witty poem expressing an observation7
7247921187litotessubstituting words (not bad instead of good)8
7247925924metonymysubstituting one word for another which suggests the word; using synonyms for the word to add flavor to the text9
7247930491parableshort story to teach moral or religious lesson10
7247933333synecdochepart of something represents the whole and vice versa11
7247935495synesthesiasimilar to the disorder; senses normally not associated with each other are used in unison (blind ears, hungry eyes)12

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