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AP Language Rhetorical Terms Flashcards

Rhetorical Terms and Definitions for Mrs. Martenson's AP Language and Composition Class.

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5185550383AllegoryThe device of using character and/or story elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addition to the literal meaning. example, an author may intend the characters to personify an abstraction like hope or freedom, usually deals with moral truth or a generalization about human existence.0
5185561883Abstract DictionDiction describing concepts/ ideas rather than specifics. Ex: Love, guilt, freedom, intelligence. ex. 'the large gorilla' opposed to 'the 420' male gorilla'1
5185574287Absolutesa nonfinite verb or no verb at all. (the clause is missing "was" or "were" or it is replaced by a verbal, making it dependent. ex. the prisoners marched past, their hands above their heads (their hands were above their heads)2
5185595472Academic Dictionthe use of scholarly words or terms. ex. kennedy uses rhetorical strategies such as chaismus, allusion, and pathos3
5185634426Active VoiceDescribes a sentence where the subject performs the action stated by the verb. ex. the dog bit the boy4
5185648068Ad Hominem FallacyA fallacy of logic in which a person's character or motive is attacked instead of the person's argument. ex. jack is wrong when he says there is no god because he is a convicted felon5
5185663562Ad Populum Fallacywhen we attempt to persuade people by arguing our position is reasonable because so many other people are doing it or agree with it. ex. gods must exist because every culture believes in a higher being6
5185687372AdjectiveA word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it, use when looking at diction. ex. the stupid girl fell for the abusive criminal7
5185700159AdverbA word that modifies a verb, an adjective, typically ending in -ly ex. she is extremely pale8
5185710502AdverbialA phrase that is optionally included in a sentence, which gives more information about time, place, manner, frequency. Eg. "the dog bit the man on Wednesday" or "After the football match"9
5185720534Adverbial Clausedependent clause that modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb, adverb like function. ex. I saw the movie before I left for Europe10
5185550384AlliterationThe repetition of sounds, especially initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words (as in "she sells sea shells").11
5185550385AllusionA direct or indirect reference to something which is presumably commonly known, such as an event, book, myth, place, or work of art; can be historical (like referring to Hitler), literary (like referring to Kurtz in Heart of Darkness), religious (like referring to Noah and the flood).12
5185550386AmbiguityThe Multiple meanings, either intentional or unintentional, or a word, phrase, sentence or passage.13
5185550387AnadiplosisThe repetition of a key word, especially the last one, at the beginning of the next sentence or clause. For example, "He gave his life; life was all he could give."14
5185550388AnalogyA similarity or comparison between tow different things or the relationship between them; can explain something unfamiliar by associating it with or pointing out its similarity to something more familiar.15
5185550389AnaphoraThe rhetorical device of repeating a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences for emphasis and rhythm.16
5185550390AnathemaA thing or person accursed or damned; a thing or person greatly detested; a formal curse or condemnation excommunicating a person from a church or damning something; any strong curse.17
5185728054AnastropheInversion of the usual, normal, or logical order of the parts of a sentence. Purpose is rhythm or emphasis or euphony. violates normal syntax. ex. it only stand/ our lives upon/ to use our strongest hands18
5185762013AnecdoteA story or brief episode told by the writer or a character to illustrate a point or trait may add humor. ex. gates frequently played poker till daybreak. he did not graduate19
5185794398Annotationa critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work20
5185797221Anticipating and addressing counter argumentsWhen making the argument, the author, aware of what points his or her opponents will likely take exception to, anticipates these objections and then addresses them in his or her argument, thus strengthening his or her position. Refutation and concession are examples of this type of organizational strategy. ex. while I realize your sales representation is new I feel that she has been unhelpful21
5185550392AnticlimaxUsing a sequence of ideas that abruptly diminish in dignity or importance at the end of a sentence, generally for satirical effect.22
5185550391AntecedentThe word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun. The AP language exam occasionally asks for one of a given pronoun in a long complex sentence or in a group of sentences. ex. one cannot untie a knot if he is ignorant of it23
5185550393AntimetaboleRepeating words in reverse order for surprise and emphasis. Same as Chiasmus.24
5185550394AntithesisA contrast or opposition of thoughts, usually in two phrases, clauses, or sentences. For example, You are going; I am staying. The exact opposite (Joy is the antithesis of sorrow).25
5185550395AphorismA terse statement of known authorship which expresses a general truth or a moral principle. (If the authorship is unknown, the statement is generally considered to be a folk proverb).26
5185550396ApostropheA figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or a personified abstraction, such as liberty or love. The effect may add familiarity or emotional intensity. William Wordsworth addresses John Milton as he writes, "Milton, thou shouldst be living at this hour: England hath need of thee.27
5185856655Appeal to authorityIn a text, the reference to words, action, or beliefs of a person in authority as a means of supporting a claim, generalization, or conclusion. ex. as Mick Jagger said, you can't always get what you want28
5185872554Apposotivea noun or pronoun that identifies or explains another noun or pronoun in the sentence. ex. the raccoon, a scavenger, enjoys eating turtle eggs.29
5185550397ArchetypeThe original pattern, or model from which all other things of the same kind of thing are made; a perfect example of a type or group.30
5185885659Argumentthe logical and non-logical ideas or reasons a person uses to convince a specific audience31
5185897800Argumentationwriting that attempts to prove the validity of a point of view or an idea by presenting reasoned arguments; persuasive writing is a form of argumentation32
5185908909Aristotelian LogicA formal logical system using syllogism in which propositions are given to support a conclusion that can be proven by either deduction or induction. ex. all penguins are birds, no birds are mammals, therefore no penguins are mammals33
5185920692Assertiona rhetorical stance and starting point of an argument that can be supported with specific evidence. ex. racists use the press skillfully to depict black men as dangerous34
5185550398AssonanceThe repetition of vowel sounds in a series of words; e.g., the words "cry and "side" have the same vowel sound and so are said to be in assonance.35
5185941273Assumptionan inference or conclusion possibly based on some evidence. ex. she is a successful american, which is to say, an american36
5185550399AsyndetonThe practice of leaving out the usual conjunctions between coordinate sentence elements. For example: smile, shake hands, part.37
5185550400AtmosphereThe emotional mood created by the entirety of the literary work, established partly by the setting and partly by the author's choice of objects that are described. Even such elements as a description of the weather can contribute to the atmosphere. Frequently, atmosphere foreshadows events.38
5185550401AttitudeThe position or posture assumed in connection with an action, feeling, mood. For example, to kneel in an attitude of prayer. Also a manner of acting, feeling or thinking that shows one's disposition, opinion or mental set, etc.39
5185550402Balanced SentenceThe phrases or clauses balance each other by virtue of their likeness in structure, meaning, or length: e.g., He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters.40
5185550403BathosAn abrupt change from the lofty to the ordinary or trivial in writing or speech; anticlimax.41
5185957436Bangwagonsaying a specific stance would cause the rejection of peers, using a popular stance to persuade others to support it as well. ex. if you don't drink no one will invite you to anything42
5185977862Begging the questionA logical fallacy in which the claim that is made is based on grounds that are in doubt. (Example: An accused felon makes the argument "I can't be guilty of embezzlement; I'm an honest person." Fallacy: How can the accused felon defend himself on the grounds of honesty when that honesty is now suspect?)43
5185986451Binary Classificationthe task of classifying the members of a given set of objects into two groups on the basis of whether they have some property or not. ex. testing a patient for a disease44
5185550404CacophonyHarsh sounding, jarring sound; dissonance. ex. my stick fingers clicked with a snicker45
5186013117Caricaturawriting that exaggerates a specific trait. ex. with bulges like cabbages in the middle of the sleeves46
5186032610Cause and Effectexamination of the causes and/or effects of a situation, can be an organizational strategy. ex. the erosion of the middle of the labor market is easy to misinterpret because its roots are multiple47
5186071246Challengethe author disagrees with a given assertion48
5186075706Charts/ graphs/ diagramsvisual representation of data49
5186086087Chiasmusthe order of terms in the first of two parallel clauses is reversed in the second. ex. Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you50
5186091297Chronological orderingevents are organized according to the order of their occurrence51
5186106086Circular logic/ thinking/ reasoninga fallacy which involves repeating assertions endlessly with no support. ex. the bible is the infallible word of god, the bible says god exists, therefore god exists52
5186129361Classification as a mean of orderingorganizational strategy where objects are arranged by their class. ex. media arranged by print, television, amd radio53
5185550406ClauseA grammatical unit that contains both a subject and a verb.54
5186147845Coherenceall parts of the piece of writing contribute to the central idea, shows quality55
5185550408Colloquial DictionThe use of slang or informalities in speech or writing. Not generally acceptable for formal writing,; give a work a conversational, familiar tone; expressions in writing include local and regional dialects.56
5186444166Comparisonshowing the similarities of two or more things57
5186456777Complementa sentence element required by the verb to complete the sentence. ex. I am now living 'in manhatten', he seems 'satisfied'58
5185550409Complex Sentencecontains one principal clauses and one subordinate clause: e.g., although canada is a rich country, it still has many poor people59
5185550410Compound Sentencesentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction (and, but, or) or by a semicolon: e.g., The singer bowed to the audience, but she sang no encores.60
5185550412ConceitA fanciful expression, sometimes an oxymoron(freezing fire, burning ice) usually in the form of an extended metaphor or surprising analogy or juxtaposition between seemingly dissimilar objects. ex. comparing a loved one to a ship or planet61
5186531840Concrete DictionWords that specifically name or describe things or persons, what we can immediately perceive with our senses. ex. 'the 420 pound gorilla' opposed to 'the large gorilla'62
5185550413ConnotationThe non-literal, associative meaning of a word; the implied, suggested meaning. ex. infatuation compared to love63
5185550414ConsonanceThe repetition of a constant sound within a series of words to produce a harmonious effect: e.g., And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds. can also be found in compound words. ex. fulfill, pingpong64
5186583407Contrastshowing the differences of two or more things65
5186610105Conundruma paradox or difficult problem. ex. what came first, the chicken or the egg?66
5186622667Convoluted Sentenceslong complicated sentences that are hard to follow, involve too many ideas and are too wordy67
5186639496Coordinating Conjunctionwords that can, with a comma, link two independent clauses . ex. but, and , yet, nor, or, so68
5185550415Cumulative/ loose sentencea simpple sentence with a string of details about a person, place, event, or idea. ex. bells rang, filling the air with their clamor, startling pigeons to flight, causing people to fill the streets69
5186696988Damning with faint praiseintentionally making a positive statement have a negative implication. ex. your new hairdo is so... interesting70
5185550416Declarative SentenceA sentence that makes a statement, structured subject/verb/object. ex. Sandra is on the radio71
5186716561Deductionreasoning using a syllogism, starts with the general and moves to the specific. ex. if a=b and b=c then a=c72
5185550417DenotationThe strict, literal, dictionary definition of a word, devoid of any emotion, attitude, or color.73
5186759166Dependent clausea group of words that contains a subject and a verb but cannot be a grammatical sentence. ex. because I can't wait for the bus74
5186778460Determinerwords that introduce noun phrases. ex. an, these, your, what, some, etc. ex. you may borrow 'this' pencil75
5185550418DictionRelated to style, refers to the writer's word choices, especially with regard to their correctness, clearness, or effectiveness. An author's choice of words, phrases, sentence structures and figurative language, which combine to help create meaning and tone. ex. to the police an "accident", to an employer an "oversight"76
5185550419DidacticFrom the Greek, didactic literally means "teaching" Intended to instruct; teaching , or teaching a moral lesson, fiction or nonfiction. ex. "a didactic novel that set out to expose social injustice"77
5186806492Digressiontemporary departure from main subject of speaking or writing78
5186814859Dilemmaa conflict where both choices are negative79
5186827822Diversionused to distract or divert attention from the main issue to unrelated or trivial topics80
5186836162Economya style of writing characterized by its brevity81
5185550420EllipsisThe omission of a word or words necessary for complete grammatical construction but understood in the context.82
5185550421EpanalepsisOpening and closing a sentence with the same word or praise for surprise and emphasis. For example, Buster is deeply concerned to promote the health and well being of Buster.83
5186857263EpigramA brief, clever, and memorable statement. ex. often it does seem a pity that noah and his party did not miss the boat84
5186874734Epistrophethe repetition of the same word or group of words at the end of phrases, clauses, or sentences. ex. when i was a child, i spoke as a child, i understood as a child, i thought as a child85
5186932355Ethosappeal to character and values86
5185550424EuphemismForm the Greek for "good speech," a more agreeable or less offensive substitute for a generally unpleasant word or concept.87
5185550425EuphonyThe quality of having a pleasant sound; pleasant combination of agreeable sounds.88
5186944153Exclamatory Sentencessentences used to express great emotion, begin with what or how. ex. what a good time we had!89
5187002560Explicationthe art of interpreting or discovering the meaning of a text90
5187009117ExplicitClearly and openly stated; leaving nothing to the interpretation91
5187014028Expositiondesigned to convey information through the use of facts, reasons, examples92
5185550426Extended MetaphorA metaphor developed at great length , occurring frequently in or throughout a work.93
5185550427Figurative LanguageMany compare dissimilar things. Figures of speech include, for example, apostrophe, hyperbole. Irony, metaphor, metonymy, onomatopoeia etc.94
5185550428GenreKinds of types of literature. For example, poetry, drama, novel, short story, nonfiction, etc.95
5185550429HomilyA solemn, moralizing talk or writing; a sermon96
5185550430Hortative SentenceA sentence meant to encourage97
5185550431HyperboleAn overstatement or exaggerated way of saying something. Example: "This book weighs a ton."98
5185550432ImageryAnything in a literary work that calls up sensations of sight, taste, smell, touch, hearing.99
5185550433Infer/InferenceTo conclude or decide from something known or assumed; derive by reasoning.100
5185550434InvectiveA violent verbal attack; strong criticism, curses; an abusive term.101
5185550435Inverted order of a sentenceThis involves constructing a sentence so the predicate comes before the subject: e.g., In California grow oranges. This is a device in which normal sentence patterns are reversed to create an emphatic or rhythmic effect.102
5185550436Imperative sentenceA sentence that commands103
5185550437IronyIn general, an implied contrast.104
5185550438Juxtapositiona poetic and rhetorical device in which normally unassociated ideas, words, or phrases are placed next to one another, creating an effect of surprise and wit: e.g., "The apparition of these face sin the crowd;/petals on a wet, black bough."105
5185550439LitotesIronical understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary106
5185550440Loose Sentencemakes sense if brought to a close before the actual ending: e.g., We reached Edmonton/ that morning/ after a turbulent flight/ and some exciting experiences107
5185550441MetaphorA comparison, like a simile but usually implied and without a comparative word such as like or as. Example: "My heart is a singing bird"; "He wolfed his food"108
5185550442MetonymyThe use of the name of one thing for that of another associated with or suggested by it. For example "the White House" of the "President."109
5185550443MoodThe atmosphere of the literary work. In verbs, an expression of the manner in which the action is done. The three in English are indicative, the most common, which states the action is an actual fact ("Tony hit the ball"), imperative, stating a command ("Tony, hit the ball!"). A third, the subjunctive, is now rare in English. It is used to express a wish or a conditional statement: "If I were you...", "It is required that the applicant be under twenty-one."110
5185550444MotifA main theme or subject.111
5185550445NarrativeThe telling of any story, or the story itself, the plot.112
5185550446OnomatopoeiaThe use of words that sound like what they mean. Buzz, clang, and hiss are onomatopoeia.113
5185550447OxymoronA figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined; for example: thunderous silence, sweet sorrow and jumbo shrimp are oxymorons.114
5185550448ParableA brief story, usually with human characters, that teaches a moral lesson. The most famous parables are those told by Christ in the Bible.115
5185550449Paradoxa statement that seems contradictory, unbelievable, or absurd but that may actually be true in fact.116
5185550450Parallelismrefers to a grammatical or structural similarity between sentences or parts of a sentence. It involves an arrangement of words, phrase, sentences, and paragraphs so that elements of equal importance are equally developed and similarly phrased: e.g., He was walking, running, and jumping for joy. I learned to swim, to play tennis, and to ride a horse.117
5185550451ParodyA literary that imitates and makes fun of another type of work, or specific author.118
5185550452PedanticAn unnecessary display of scholarship lacking in judgment or sense of proportion.119
5185550453Periodic Sentencemakes sense only hen the end of the sentence is reached. E.g., that morning, after a turbulent flight and some exciting experiences, we reached Edmonton.120
5185550454PersonificationThe treatment of an object or an abstract idea as if it were a person, as in Tennyson's "Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white," and Shakespeare's "Time's cruel hand."121
5185550455Point of ViewIn fiction, is the first person, second, or third the writer creates to tell the story to the reader.122
5185550456ProseThe ordinary form of written or spoken language, without rhyme or meter; speech or writing that is not poetry.123
5185550457ProsodyThe science or art of versification, including the study of metrical structure, rhyme, stanza forms, etc.124
5185550458Punplay on words that are identical or similar in sound but have sharply diverse meanings.ccan have serious as well as humorous uses: e.g., When Mercutio is bleeding to death in Romeo and Juliet, he says to his friends, "Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me grave man."125
5185550459RepetitionA device in which words, sounds, and ideas are used more than once to enhance rhythm and create emphasis: e.g., "...government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall perish form the earth"126
5185550460Rhetorical ModesNarrative, descriptive, expository & argumentative.127
5185550461Rhetorical Questiona question that expects no answer. It is used to draw attention as a point and is generally stronger than the direct statement: e.g., "If Mr. Ferchoff is always fair, as you have said, why did he refuse to listen to Mr. Baldwing's arguments?"128
5185550462SarcasmA taunting, sneering, cutting or caustic remark; gibe or jeer.129
5185550463SatireA literary work that ridicules various aspects of human behavior. Its purpose is often to correct certain faults, but underneath the surface it is sometimes pure personal attack. Gulliver's Travels and Animal Farm and both satires.130
5185550464SemanticsThe nature, structure, development and changes of the meanings of speech forms with contextual meaning.131
5185550465Sentence StructureHow a speaker or author constructs a sentence affects what the audience understands. The inverted order of an interrogative sentence cues the reader or listener to a question and creates a tension between speaker and listener. Similarly short sentences ar e often emphatic, passionate or flippant, whereas longer sentences suggest the writer's thoughtful response.132
5185550466ShiftA change of feelings by the speaker from the beginning to the end, paying particular attention to the conclusion of the literature. (Progression)133
5185550467SimileThe comparison of two different things or ideas through the use of words like or as. It is a definitely stated comparison in which the poet says one thing is like another; e,g,, The warrior fought like a lion.134
5185550468Simple Sentencea simple sentence contains one subject and one verb: e.g., The singer bowed to her adoring audience.135
5185550469Split order of a sentence"This divides the predicate into two parts with the subject coming in the middle: e.g., In California oranges grow136
5185550470Stylea group of different aspects of writing that have to do with the writer's way of saying something. Diction, sentence structure, figurative language, and various sound patterns all enter into style.137
5185550471Symbol/SymbolismA thing or action that is made to mean more than itself. A rose, for instance, is used to symbolize love.138
5185550472SynecdocheA form of a metaphor, In synecdoche , a part of something is used to signify the whole: e.g., All hands on deck. Also, the reverse, whereby the whole can represent a part, is synecdoche: e.g., Canada played the United States in the Olympic hockey finals.139
5185550473Synesthetic ImageryDetail that moves from the simulation of one sense to a response by another sense, as a certain odor induces the visualization of a certain color. Here the act of reading, a visual stimulus, produces sound. e.g., "the cinnamon beat of the music," "yellow cocktail music," "the sparkling odor of jonquils," etc.140
5185550474SyntaxAt its simplest level, syntax consists of sentence structure and word order, but analysis of style and meaning never relies on one concept alone. Syntax should not be studied in isolation, but rather it should be examined in conjunction with other stylistic techniques that work together to develop meaning.141
5185550475ThemeWhat the author is saying bout the subjects in his work.142
5185550476ToneThe writer's or speaker's attitude toward the subject and the audience.143
5185550477Triteis applied to something, especially a n expression or idea which through repeated use or application has lost its origin freshness.144
5185550478TropeA figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression145
5185550479Understatement (meiosis)The opposite of hyperbole. It is a king of irony that deliberately represents something as being much less than it really is: e.g., I could probably manage to survive on a salary of two million dollars a year.146
5185550480VernacularUsing the native language of a country or place; commonly spoken by the people of a particular country or place.147
5185550481VignetteA short, delicate literary sketch.148
5185550482ZeugmaFigure of speech in which a word applies to two others in different senses149

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