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ap language rhetorical terms Flashcards

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14788599476ad hominemdirected against an opponent's personal character rather than the position they are maintaining (from the latin meaning "to the man")0
14788616147ad populum fallacy(also known as the bandwagon appeal) a fallacy that occurs when evidence boils down to "everybody's doing it, so it must be a good thing to do"1
14788633788allegoryan extended narrative in prose or verse in which characters, events, and settings represent abstract qualities and in which the writer intends a second meaning to be read beneath the surface story: the underlying meaning may be moral, religious, political, social,or satiric2
14788709700alliterationthe repetition of initial sounds in successive or neighboring words (ex. "while I nodded, nearly napping"3
14788717073allusiona reference to something literary, mythological, or historical4
14788722059ambivalenthaving or showing simultaneously and contradictory attitudes or feeings toward something or someone5
14788728701analogya comparison that explains one thing in terms of another to highlight the ways in which they are alike (ex. "he's as flaky as a snowstorm")6
14788750030anaphoraa rhetorical device of repeating the same word or words at the start of two or more lines of poetry or successive phrases or sentences in prose.7
14788837620anecdotea brief story used to illustrate a point or claim8
14788844771anticlimacticreferring to an event, period,or outcome that is strikingly less important or dramatic than expected9
14788886854antithesisa rhetorical device contrasting words, clauses, sentences, or ideas, balancing one against the other in strong opposition. the contrast is reinforces by the similar grammatical structure (ex. "we shall...support any friend, oppose any foe..." -John F. Kennedy)10
14789044397appeal to authorityan argument made in which truth is attributed to a statement based on the authority of the speaker or the authority of someone supporting the statement11
14789068054appeal to ignorancean argument made in which an assumption of a conclusion is based primarily on lack of evidence to the contrary (X is true because you cannot prove that X is false // X is false because you cannot prove that X is true) (ex. santa clause is real because you cannot prove that he doesn't exist)12
14789104118aphorisma concise statement which expresses succinctly a general truth or idea often using language that isn't meant to be taken literally and using rhyme of balance (ex. give him an inch and he'll take a mile)13
14789126856apostrophea rhetorical device in which an absent or imaginary person or an abstraction is directly addressed as though present (ex. "death, be not proud")14
14789139146assonancethe repetition of vowel sounds between different consonants, such as in neigh/fade15
14789148738asyndetonthe omission or absence of conjunctions between a series of related clauses, used for the stylistic purpose of increasing rhythmic speed or emphasis ("government of the people, by the people,for the people shall not perish from the Earth" -the gettysburg address")16
14789179238cacophonyharsh, awkward, or dissonant sounds used deliberately in poetry or prose; the opposite of euphony17
14789193801circular reasoninga fallacy in which the argument repeats the claim as a way to provide evidence (X is true because of Y // Y is true because of X) (ex. you can't give me a c; because i'm an a student)18
14789217663chiasmusa rhetorical device in which two or more clauses are balanced against each other by the reversal of their structures in order to produce an artistic effect (ex. "it is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath")19
14789258445claim of facta claim that asserts that something is true or not true (ex. "the number of suicides and homicides committed by teenagers, most often young men, has exploded in the last three decades..." -Anna Quindlen)20
14795257274claim of policya claim that proposes a change (ex. "yet one solution continues to elude us, and that is ending the ignorance about mental health, and moving it from the margins of care and into the mainstream where it belongs" -Anna Quindlen)21
14795278482claim of valuea claim that argues whether something is good or bad or right or wrong (ex. there's a plague on all our houses, and since it doesn't announce itself with lumps or spots or protest marches, it has gone unremarked in the quiet suburbs and busy cities where it had been laying waste" -Anna Quindlen)22
14795355255clausea group of words with a subject and its verb in it23
14795384981colloquialisminformal words or expressions not usually acceptable in formal writing24
14795503068complex sentencea sentence that contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause (a group of words with a subject and a verb that cannot stand alone) (ex. because she is hungry, she ate dinner)25
14795395724compound-complex sentencea sentence that contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause (ex. she completed her literature work, but she still needs to proofread before she submits it)26
14795543331compound sentencea sentence that contains that least two independent clauses (two sets of subjects and verbs) (ex. she read that book, and she liked it).27
14795569662conceitan elaborate figure of speech in which two seemingly dissimilar things or situations are compared28
14795587321concessionan acknowledgement that an opposing argument may be true or reasonable29
14795596544confirmationthe part of a speech/essay providing logical arguments in support of a position30
14795607631connotationthe implied or associative meaning of a word (as opposed to denotation)31
14795611933consonancethe repetition of a constant sound used to create a rhyme or cadence that typically refers to the repetition of sounds at the end of the word but can also refer to repeated sounds in the middle of a word (ex. pitter patter --repeats the "t" and "r" sounds)32
14795665608counterargumentan opposing argument to the one a writer is putting forward33
14795672006cumulative sentencesentence that completes the main idea at the beginning of the sentence and then builds and adds on (ex. "but neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course--both sides overburden by the cost of modern weapons, both rigidly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays in the hand of mankind's final war" -John F Kennedy)34
14795733563deductiona method of reasoning in which one reaches a conclusion by starting with a general principle (a major premise) and applying it to a specific case (a minor premise); the process is usually demonstrated in the form of syllogism, as the following example shows: major premise: exercise contributes to better health minor premise: yoga is a type of exercise conclusion: yoga contributes to better health35
14795769382denotationthe literal meaning of a word (as opposed to connotation)36
14796011621dependent (or subordinate) clausea group of words with a subject and its verb that cannot stand alone37
14796018674dictionword choice38
14796021400didacticintended to teach, particularly in conveying moral instruction; might be used to describe a writer's or speaker's tone39
14796043320dissonancethe grating of sounds that are harsh or do not go together40
14796047716ellipsisthe omission of a word or phrase which is grammatically necessary but can be deducted from the context (ex. Kathleen wants to be a firefighter; sara; a nurse)41
14796080404epiphoraa rhetorical device of repeating the same word or phrase at the end of several clauses (almost a reciprocal of anaphora) ("sweet portia,/ if you did know to whom I gave the ring/ If you did know for whom I gave the ring/ And would conceive for what I gave the ring/ And how unwillingly I left the ring/ When nought would be accepted but the ring,/ You would abate the strength of your displeasure.)42
14796108313ethosthe ethical appeal based on the character, credibility, or reliability of the speaker/writer--persuading the audience that the person making the argument is worth listening to (from the Greek meaning "character")43
14796126851euphemisman indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant (ex. "laid to rest" for "buried")44
14796145155euphonya succession of harmonious sounds used in poetry or prose; the opposite of cacophony45
14796154355fallacyan erroneous argument depending upon an unsound or illogical contention46
14796162611false dilemmaa fallacy of oversimplification, presenting the audience with a limited number of options (usually two) when more are actually available47
14796179279fancifulcharacterized by imagination rather than by reason and experience48
14796185264foila character who, by contrast, highlights the characteristics of another character49
14796230697hasty generalizationa fallacy in which conclusion is not logically justified given the evidence at hand (meaning insufficient or discernibly biased evidence)50
14796216192hyperboledeliberate exaggeration in order to create humor or emphasis51
14796269959ibidema latin word meaning "in the same place" (used in footnotes to indicate that information presented in one note came from the same place as the information in the previous note)52
14796290854independent clausea group of words with a subject and its verb that can stand alone53
14796318385inductiona method of reasoning in which specific details move towards a generalized conclusion (as opposed to deduction) ex. regular exercise promotes weight loss. regular exercise lowers stress levels. regular exercise improves mood and outlook. generalization: exercise contributes to better health.54
14796424171ironya situation or statement where the truth is the opposite of appearance55
14796432965invectivespeech or writing that attacks, insults, or denounces a subject, generally in an abusive, injurious manner56
14796451917inversioninverted order of words in a sentence (a variation of the subject-verb-object order)57
14796472844jargonthe use of specific words and phrases by those in a particular area of study, profession, or trade58
14796484581juxtapositionplacement of two things closely together to emphasize similarities or differences (ex. "the nations of Asia and Africa are moving at jet-like speed toward gaining political independence, but we still creep at horse-and-buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter" -Martin Luther King Jr)59
14796812033litotesa type of understatement in which something affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite (ex. "the teacher was not overly impressed by the poor test results")60
14796877280logosthe appeal to reason, relying on logic. logos often relies on the use of inductive or deductive reasoning (from the Greek meaning "word")61
14796893716metonymya figure of speech that uses the name of an object, person, or idea to represent something with which it is associated, such as using "the crown" to refer to a monarch62
14796920116modes of discoursesystems of thoughts composed of different beliefs, practices, ideas, and attitudes,which present a subject in a particular way. the four main modes are exposition, narrative, description, and argument.63
14796947028motifa standard theme or dramatic situation which recurs in various works64
14796953890moodthe atmosphere that pervades a literary work with the intention of evoking a certain emotion or feeling from the audience65
14796966768non sequituran inference that does not logically follow from the premise(s)66
14796970603odea long lyric poem, usually serious and elevated in tone; often written to praise someone or something67
14796992444onomatopoeiathe formation of a word from the imitation of natural sounds, such as "hiss" and "boom"68
14797021606oxymoronan expression in which two words that contradict each other are joined (ex. jumbo shrimp)69
14797046537parablea short tale that teaches a moral; similar to but shorter than an allegory70
14797253136paradoxa statement that seems to contradict itself but that turns to have a rational meaning, as in this quotation from Henry David Thoreau: "I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude"71
14797292004parallelismsimilarity of grammatical structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases or clauses (ex. let both sides explore...let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals...let both sides seek to invoke...let both sides unite to heed..." -John F Kennedy)72
14797341734pathosthe appeal to emotion/passion, relying on the manipulation of the audience's sentiments as means of persuasion (from the Greek meaning "suffering" or "experience")73
14797363367periodic sentencesentence whose main clause is withheld until the end (ex. to that world assembly of sovereign states, the united nations, out last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support..." John F. Kennedy)74
14797482072polysyndetonthe use of many conjunctions to achieve an overwhelming effect75
14797487509qualified argumentan argument that is not absolute and acknowledges the merits of an opposing view but still develops a stronger case for its own position76
14797502218rebuttala part of an argument in which the writer or speaker explains why the opposing position is wrong or shows how it is false77
14797530247red herringa fallacy that results when a speaker skips to a new and irrelevant topic in order to avoid the topic of discussion78
14797542974rejoinderan answer to a reply79
14797553360refutationthe part of an argument in which the speaker/writer confronts (and, ideally, dismantles) the contradicting point of view80
14797571866rhetoricthe art of effective, persuasive speaking or writing, especially through the use of figurative language and compositional techniques81
14797593436rogerian argumentargument based on the assumption that fully understanding an opposing position is essential to responding to it persuasively and refuting it in a way that is accommodating rather than alienating82
14797607129romanticimaginary; having no basis in fact83
14797612491satirethe use of irony or sarcasm to critique society or an individual84
14797643455simple sentencesentence that contains a subject and a verb but contains only one independent clause (a group of words that contains a subject and a verb that can stand alone as a complete thought) (ex. she read the book)85
14797661756stock charactera standard character who may be stereotyped, such as the miser or the fool, or universally recognized, like the hard-boiled private eye in detective stories86
14797678457straw man fallacya fallacy that occurs when a speaker chooses a deliberately poor or oversimplified example in order to ridicule and refute an opponent's viewpoint87
14797692815syllepsisthe linking of one word with other words in two strikingly different ways (ex. the migrants "exhausted their credit, exhausted their friends")88
14797717700syllogisma kind of logical argument using deductive reasoning; two (or more) propositions are asserted to be true, and a conclusion follows. (all men are mortal/socrates is a man/therefore, socrates is mortal)89
14797750104symbolan object in which something in itself yet is used to represent something else90
14797768757synechdochethe use of one part of an object to represent the entire object, such as using "boards" to mean "a stage" or "wheels" to mean "a car"91
14797789807synesthesiadescribing one kind of sensation in terms of another ex. sound as color, color as sound, sound as taste, color as temperature92
14797801396synthesizeto combine two or more ideas in order to create something more complex in support of a new idea93
14797815412syntaxthe arrangement of words within a sentence--includes sentence length and complexity; the variety and pattern of sentence form;inversion of natural word order; unusual juxtaposition; repetition; parallelism; use of active or passive voice; level of discourse94
14797846042tautologyneedless repetition which adds no meaning or understanding (ex. widow woman; free gift; close proximity95
14797855670tonethe attitude of a writer, usually implied, toward the subject or audience (may be described with words such as sardonic, apologetic, light-hearted, or somber)96
14797875153transitionwords and phrases providing connections between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs, thus increasing flow and presenting the piece as a unified whole97
14797888497understatementthe deliberate representation of something as less in magnitude than it really is98
14797900757zeugmause of two different words in a grammatically similar way that produces different often incongruous, meanings (ex, John held the door and his breath)99

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