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AP Language Rhetorical/Literary Terms

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283302468Allusion:reference to another work that the author assumes the audience is familiar with
283302469Anaphora:repetition of initial words (of phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs) -> ex."Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach." Aristotle
283302470Anecdote:, a brief narrative that focuses on a particular incident or event, a short account
283302471Aphorism/maxim:saying (short, clever, memorable) -meant to teach an idea
283302472Appeals (ethos,pathos,logos)ethos-ethical;appealing to themselves, trustworthy, credible, believable pathos-appeal to the audience through pathos; how we appeal emotional, passions, emotions, sympathy,empathy logos-appeal to the argument itself, logical
283302473Argument:collected series of statements to establish a preposition (truth,belief); series of facts, logical
283302474Colloquialism:informal words or expressions not usually acceptable in formal writing ex. y'all (Grapes of Wrath)
283302475Connotation vs. DenotationDenotation-literal definition Connotation-feeling; what is implied
283302476Context:writings preceding and following the passage quoted; circumstance in which an event occurs, discourse surrounding the language
283302477Controlling Image/Controlling Methaphor:analogy->extended metaphor; carried through the work; introduce analogy and keep coming back to it
283302478Epigraph:a quotation or motto placed at the beginning of a book, chapter, or poem, as an indication of its theme
283302479Figurative Languagespeech or writing that departs from literal meaning in order to achieve a special effect or meaning, speech or writing employing figures of speech (metaphor, simile etc.)
283302480Hyperbole:overstatement, an exaggeration, to express strong emotion or stress a point
283302481Irony (three kinds):subtly humorous perception of inconsistency 1. Verbal-sarcasm 2. Dramatic-reader has perception, character doesn't 3. Situational-situation reader didn't expect
283302482Litotesunderstatement for rhetorical effect (especially when expressing an affirmative by negating its contrary) -double negative
283302483Metaphor:indirect comparison, -a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity
283302484Metonymy:replaces the name of something with something closely related to it ex.-> ("The pen [writing] is mightier than the sword [war/fighting].")
283302485Oxymoron:two words that contrast; placed side by side (ex. Jumbo shrimp)
283302486Parallelism:use of repeated grammatical structures *provides rhythm to the writing *sense of balance
283302487Paraphrase:rewording for the purpose of clarification; restate in other words
283302488Peroration:speech; last line of a speech that sums up the rhetorical purpose
283302489Persona:communicator, role, voice, speaker, sender
283302490Personification:anything non-human compared to a human/given human qualities
283302491Persuasion:act of seeking to change someone's point of view (includes going beyond reason and logic; includes emotion)
283302492Rhetoric:the deliberate manipulation of eloquence for the most persuasive effect in public speaking or writing (the way writers on purpose,control, or shape, beautiful language to persuade a reader)
283302493Rhetorical Question:asked only for rhetorical effect, not meant to get an answer
283302494Rhetorical TriangleCreated by Aristotle 1. Subject-topic,content,subject matter 2. Persona- sender, role, voice, speaker, communicator 3. Audience- receiver of the communication, reader (The triangle shows that components of a rhetorical situation are interdependent on each other; connected) *Rhetorical Purpose is in the middle of the the triangle*
283302495Satire (Horation and Juvenalian):kind of writing, NOT a technique -a mode of writing that exposes the failings of individuals, institutions or societies to ridicule and scorn {for humorous effect} 1. Horation Satire: humorous effect 2. Juvenalian Satire: exposing failings, look down on them, serious effect
283302496Simile:direct comparison -a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds (usually formed with 'like' or 'as')
283302497SOAPS (rhetorical situation)S-speaker O-occasion (history, content, circumstance) A-audience P-purpose S-subject SOAPS-*depicts what we are prompted by
283302498Support/Evidence/Data:material offered in evidence of an argument
283302499Synecdoche:"part of the whole" ex. all hands on deck
283302500Tone:emotions being conveyed through the language
283302501Trope (all kinds; on handout)Tropes: any artful variation from the typical way a word o idea is expressed; works with connotations and figurative language Categories of Tropes 1. Trope Comparison: -Simile -Metaphor -Personification -Synecdoche -Metonymy 2. Tropes of Word Play -Pun: play on words -Onomatopoeia: use of words that imitate the sound they refer to 3. Tropes of Overstatement or Understatement -Hyperbole/overstatement-exaggeration -Litotes/understatement-usually used with double negative (ex."It is not uncommon...") 4. Tropes of Meaning -Irony -Oxymoron -Rhetorical Question
283302502Unreliable Narrator: when the narrator is not entirely credible (ex. no real background, no formal education,young,crazy etc.)

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