11749047855 | throng | A large number of people gathered together; a crowd | 0 | |
11749047856 | edifice | a large, elaborate structure; an imposing building | 1 | |
11749047857 | utopia | an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect | 2 | |
11749047858 | portal | an entrance, door or gate | 3 | |
11749047859 | inauspicious | not conducive to success; unpromising | 4 | |
11749047860 | petrify | scare, frighten | 5 | |
11749047861 | physiognomy | the art of judging human character from facial features | 6 | |
11749047862 | auger | to foretell or predict | 7 | |
11749047863 | culprit | (n.) a person who has committed a crime or is guilty of some misconduct; an offender | 8 | |
11749047864 | indubitably | without a doubt | 9 | |
11749047865 | venerable | worthy of respect | 10 | |
11749047866 | infamy | the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed | 11 | |
11749047867 | transgressor | a person who breaks a law or moral code or oversteps a boundary | 12 | |
11749047868 | impropriety | a failure to observe standards or show due honesty or modesty; improper language, behavior, or character. | 13 | |
11749047869 | malefactress | a woman who violates the law or does evil | 14 | |
11749047870 | magistrate | a civil officer charged with the administration of the law | 15 | |
11749047871 | evanescent | vanishing, soon passing away; light and airy | 16 | |
11749047872 | ignominious | deserving or causing public disgrace or shame | 17 | |
11749047873 | haughty | snobbish, arrogant | 18 | |
11749047874 | demeanor | behavior; manner of conducting oneself | 19 | |
11749047875 | pillory | (n.) a device for publicly punishing offenders; a means for exposing one to public contempt or ridicule; (v.) to expose to public contempt or ridicule | 20 | |
11749047876 | conspicuous | Easily seen or noticed | 21 | |
11749047877 | preternaturally | abnormally, exceptionally, not natural | 22 | |
11749047878 | remonstrance | a forcefully reproachful protest | 23 | |
11749047879 | countenance | a person's face or facial expression | 24 | |
11749047880 | discern | to perceive or recognize | 25 | |
11749047881 | heterogeneous | (adj.) composed of different kinds, diverse | 26 | |
11749047882 | irk | (v.) to annoy, trouble, make weary | 27 | |
11749047883 | insubordination | defiance of authority | 28 | |
11749047884 | rebuke | express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions. | 29 | |
11749047885 | amenable | open to or willing to follow advice or suggestion, tractable, malleable | 30 | |
11749047886 | writhing | make continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body | 31 | |
11749047887 | sojourn | a temporary stay; to stay for a time | 32 | |
11749047888 | peremptory | insisting on immediate attention or obedience | 33 | |
11749047889 | alchemy | medieval form of chemistry | 34 | |
11749047890 | iniquity | an evil or wicked act | 35 | |
11749047891 | efficacy | (n.) the power to produce a desired result SYN: effectiveness, potency, reliability ANT: impotence | 36 | |
11749047892 | impelled | (v.)drive, force, or urge (someone) to do something "to push forward" | 37 | |
11749047893 | epoch | (n.) a distinct period of time, era, age | 38 | |
11749047894 | inquest | (n.)an investigation; an inquiry | 39 | |
11749047895 | repute | (n.)the opinion generally held of someone or something; the state of being generally regarded in a particular way. | 40 | |
11749047896 | paramour | (n.)an illicit lover | 41 | |
11749047897 | besmirch | (v.)damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others | 42 | |
11749047898 | cuckold | (n.)the husband of an unfaithful wife | 43 | |
11749047899 | retribution | (n.)punishment for a criminal act | 44 | |
11749047900 | compelled | (v.)force or oblige (someone) to do something. "to drive together" | 45 | |
11749047901 | entice | (v.)to attract by offering reward or pleasure | 46 | |
11749047902 | Morbid | (adj.) in an unhealthy mental state, extremely gloomy; caused by or related to disease, unwholesome | 47 | |
11749047903 | contemplate | To consider carefully and thoughtfully | 48 | |
11749047904 | lurid | (adj.) vivid in color, to create a harsh effect | 49 | |
11749047905 | superfluous | unnecessary | 50 | |
11749047906 | suffice | be enough or adequate | 51 | |
11749047907 | prolific | (adj.) abundantly productive; abundant, profuse | 52 | |
11749047908 | piety | the quality of being religious or reverent | 53 | |
11749047909 | ascetic | One who leads a life of self-denial and contemplation; absent of luxury | 54 | |
11749047910 | threshold | a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room. | 55 | |
11749047911 | scorn | the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; contempt. | 56 | |
11749047912 | procure | obtain (something), especially with care or effort. | 57 | |
11749047913 | imbue | to inspire or influence; to saturate | 58 | |
11749047914 | caprice | a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior | 59 | |
11749047915 | disposition | A person's general or natural mood; tendency | 60 | |
11749047916 | phantasmagoric | having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination | 61 | |
11749047917 | garb | clothing, dress | 62 | |
11749047918 | ludicrous | ridiculous, laughable, absurd | 63 | |
11749047919 | impel | to force, drive forward | 64 | |
11749047920 | supposition | something that is assumed or taken for granted without conclusive evidence | 65 | |
11749047921 | eminence | high station, rank, or repute | 66 | |
11749047922 | vista | a broad view; outlook | 67 | |
11749047923 | ingenuity | Cleverness, inventiveness, resourcefulness | 68 | |
11749047924 | proprietor | An owner of a store or other business | 69 | |
11749047925 | Analogy | A comparison of two different things that are similar in some way | 70 | |
11749047926 | lineage | ancestry | 71 | |
11749047927 | expatiate | (v.) to expand on, write or talk at length or in detail; to move about freely | 72 | |
11749047928 | accorded | granted, given | 73 | |
11749047929 | pious | devoutly religious | 74 | |
11749047930 | perversity | a deliberate desire to behave in an unreasonable or unacceptable way; contrariness | 75 | |
11749047931 | unobtrusive | not conspicuous or attracting attention | 76 | |
11749047932 | adduce | cite as evidence | 77 | |
11749047933 | mountebank | (n.) a trickster, deceive | 78 | |
11749047934 | tremulous | shaking or quivering slightly | 79 | |
11749047935 | genial | friendly and cheerful | 80 | |
11749047936 | imbibe | to drink alcohol | 81 | |
11749047937 | vehement | showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense | 82 | |
11749047938 | requital | something given in return, compensation, or retaliation | 83 | |
11749047939 | trodden | trampled or stepped on | 84 | |
11749047940 | appellation | a name or title | 85 | |
11749047941 | kindred | one's family and relations | 86 | |
11749047942 | apothecary | druggist; pharmacist | 87 | |
11749047943 | exemplary | worthy of imitation, commendable; serving as a model | 88 | |
11749047944 | sagacity | acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgment | 89 | |
11749047945 | erudition | knowledge acquired by research | 90 | |
11749047946 | emissary | a representative sent on a mission or errand | 91 | |
11749047947 | enumerate | to count, list, or itemize | 92 | |
11749047948 | despondent | showing extreme discouragement or depression | 93 | |
11749047949 | affinity | A likeness, a natural relationship, a kinship | 94 | |
11749047950 | inarticulate | Incomprehensible; unable to speak with clarity | 95 | |
11749047951 | omnious | portending evil or harm | 96 | |
11749047952 | proximity | nearness | 97 | |
11749047953 | manifest | readily perceived by the eye or the understanding | 98 | |
11749047954 | inimical | unfavorable, harmful | 99 | |
11749047955 | unutterable | unspeakable | 100 | |
11749047956 | solace | comfort, relief | 101 | |
11749047957 | propagate | reproduce | 102 | |
11749047958 | behold | to look upon; observe | 103 | |
11749047959 | tenacious | Holding fast; holding together firmly; persistent | 104 | |
11749047960 | self-abasement | the belittling or humiliation of oneself | 105 | |
11749047961 | traverse | to pass over, across, or through | 106 | |
11749047962 | somniferous | bearing or inducing sleep | 107 | |
11749047963 | malice | Desire to harm others | 108 | |
11749047964 | celestial | Heavenly; spiritual; divine | 109 | |
11749047965 | subtle | delicate, elusive, not obvious | 110 | |
11749047966 | antipathy | deep feeling of dislike | 111 | |
11749047967 | machination | plot or scheme(especially evil) | 112 | |
11749047968 | eloquence | fluent or persuasive speaking or writing | 113 | |
11749047969 | abhorrence | a feeling of repulsion; disgusted loathing | 114 | |
11749047970 | sanctity | holiness | 115 | |
11749047971 | introspection | examination of one's own thoughts and feelings | 116 | |
11749047972 | penance | a punishment undergone due to sin | 117 | |
11749047973 | pulpit | a raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon. | 118 | |
11749047974 | gait | manner of walking | 119 | |
11749047975 | crimson | deep purplish-red | 120 | |
11749047976 | penitence | the action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentance | 121 | |
11749047977 | erudite | scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic | 122 | |
11749047978 | bewilderment | condition of being confused | 123 | |
11749047979 | malevolence | ill will or evil intentions | 124 | |
11749047980 | zenith | the highest point; peak | 125 | |
11749047981 | repentance | sincere regret or remorse | 126 | |
11749047982 | scurrilous | coarsely abusive, vulgar or low, foul-mouthed | 127 | |
11749047983 | somnambulism | sleepwalking | 128 | |
11749047984 | abase | to humiliate, degrade | 129 | |
11749047985 | stigmatize | brand with a mark of disgrace | 130 | |
11749047986 | concoct | to prepare by combining ingredients, to devise, invent, fabricate | 131 | |
11749047987 | propensity | a natural inclination or tendency | 132 | |
11749047988 | acquiesce | to accept without protest; to agree or submit | 133 | |
11749047989 | resolute | bold, determined; firm | 134 | |
11749047990 | labyrinth | a complicated network of winding passages; a maze | 135 | |
11749047991 | calamity | a serious event causing distress or misfortune | 136 | |
11749047992 | pristine | fresh and clean; uncorrupted | 137 | |
11749047993 | deportment | a person's behavior or manners | 138 | |
11749047994 | accost | to approach and speak to first; to confront in a challenging or aggressive way | 139 | |
11749047995 | presentiment | a vague sense of approaching misfortune | 140 | |
11749047996 | gloat | to look at or think about with great satisfaction | 141 | |
11749047997 | fragmentary | incomplete; disconnected; made up of fragments | 142 | |
11749047998 | deletirious | harmful, injurious | 143 | |
11749047999 | bane | the cause of ruin, harm, distress, or death | 144 | |
11749048000 | rankle | to continue a cause of anger, irritation, or bitterness | 145 | |
11749048001 | denizen | an inhabitant, resident; one who frequents a place | 146 | |
11749048002 | blight | anything that destroys, prevents growth, or causes devaluation | 147 | |
11749048003 | impalpable | unable to be felt by touch | 148 | |
11749048004 | malignant | deadly, extremely harmful, evil; spiteful, malicious | 149 | |
11749048005 | precocious | unusually advanced or talented at an early age | 150 | |
11749048006 | petulant | Irritable or short-tempered | 151 | |
11749048007 | enigma | a puzzle; a mystery | 152 | |
11749048008 | acrid | harsh in taste or odor; sharp in manner or temper | 153 | |
11749048009 | reciprocate | to give in return | 154 | |
11749048010 | incongrous | inappropriate | 155 | |
11749048011 | amiable | friendly, good-natured | 156 | |
11749048012 | endow | to furnish, equip, provide with funds or some other desirable thing or quality | 157 | |
11749048013 | talisman | lucky charm | 158 | |
11749048014 | penitent | expressing remorse for one's misdeeds | 159 | |
11749048015 | loquacious | talkative | 160 | |
11749048016 | somber | dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit | 161 | |
11749048017 | sportive | frolicsome; playful | 162 | |
11749048018 | enfeeble | to weaken | 163 | |
11749048019 | misanthrophy | hatred of humanity | 164 | |
11749048020 | estrange | (v.) to drift apart or become unfriendly; to cause such a separation; to remove or keep at a distance | 165 | |
11749048021 | contiguous | sharing an edge or boundary; touching | 166 | |
11749048022 | propinquity | nearness | 167 | |
11749048023 | derisive | expressing contempt or ridicule | 168 | |
11749048024 | fervent | (adj.) very earnest, emotional, passionate; extremely hot | 169 | |
11749048025 | expiate | to atone for | 170 | |
11749048026 | trammel | to entrap or confine | 171 | |
11749048027 | grovel | to humble oneself in a demeaning way | 172 | |
11749048028 | exhilarating | exciting | 173 | |
11749048029 | subjugate | to conquer by force, bring under complete control | 174 | |
11749048030 | stealth | quiet, secret, or sneaky behavior | 175 | |
11749048031 | inscrutable | impossible to understand or interpret | 176 | |
11749048032 | impart | to make known | 177 | |
11749048033 | irrevocable | incapable of being changed or called back | 178 | |
11749048034 | transmute | to transform | 179 | |
11749048035 | steadfast | (adj.) firmly fixed; constant, not moving or changing | 180 | |
11749048036 | tantalizing | tempting; tormenting or teasing by keeping something in sight but out of reach | 181 | |
11749048037 | gesticulating | making gestures while speaking | 182 | |
11749048038 | hieroglyphic | symbol that stands for a word, idea, or sound | 183 | |
11749048039 | intrusive | causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited. | 184 | |
11749048040 | duplicity | treachery, deceitfulness | 185 | |
11749048041 | ravenous | (adj.) greedy; very hungry; eager for satisfaction | 186 | |
11749048042 | eccentricity | strange and unconventional behavior | 187 | |
11749048043 | plebian | common people | 188 | |
11749048044 | mien | a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood | 189 | |
11749048045 | quaff | to drink in large quantities; to gulp | 190 | |
11749048046 | languorous | lacking spirit or liveliness | 191 | |
11749048047 | tempestuous | turbulent, stormy | 192 | |
11749048048 | jocular | humorous, jesting, jolly, joking | 193 | |
11749048049 | depredation | plundering; destruction | 194 | |
11749048050 | mirth | gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter | 195 | |
11749048051 | relinquish | to give up | 196 | |
11749048052 | burnish | to polish | 197 | |
11749048053 | effervescence | bubbliness; fizziness | 198 | |
11749048054 | indefatigable | tireless | 199 | |
11749048055 | necromancy | sorcery | 200 | |
11749048056 | audacity | excessive boldness, rashness, daring | 201 | |
11749048057 | oracle | prediction | 202 | |
11749048058 | pathos | Appeal to emotion | 203 | |
11749048059 | tumultuous | noisy and disorderly | 204 | |
11749048060 | ensue | (v.) to follow in order, come immediately after and as a result | 205 | |
11749048061 | conjecture | to guess | 206 | |
11749048062 | inducement | a thing that persuades or influences someone to do something | 207 | |
11749048063 | parable | A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson | 208 | |
11749048064 | repudiate | (v.) to disown, reject, or deny the validity of | 209 | |
11749048065 | recur | to occur again | 210 |
AP Language Shea Chapters 1-24 Flashcards
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