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AP Language (Syntax and Modes) Flashcards

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4935703070EpistropheRepetition of words/phrases near the end of clauses/sentences0
4935703071EpanalepsisWord that appears at the beginning appears at the end of the clause1
4935703072PolyptotonRhetorical repetition of the root word2
4935703073AnadiplosisRepetition of word/phrase in which the word appears at the end of one clause and begins the next3
4935703074AphorismStatement that expresses witty truth4
4935703075MaximPrinciple by which you act5
4935703076AdageProverb or short statement expressing general truth6
4935703077AposiopesisCut off in the middle of a sentence7
4935703078a-, mono-, poly- syndetonNo, one, or many conjunctions8
4935703079TautologySaying the same thing in different words; Circumlocution9
4935703080InterruptionSteers away from the main flow of the sentence, not necessarily stopping the flow10
4935703081EpithetA descriptive phrase descrbing a person or quality of that person11
4935703082ExclamationInterruption that doesn't match grammatical structure at all (Ouch!)12
4935703083InterjectionAn abrupt remark, made especially in dialogue as an aside or interruption13
4935703084AppositiveA noun or noun phrase used to describe another noun14
4935703085ParenthesisWord or clause that is inserted into a grammatically correct sentence offering additional information15
4935703086ArgumentMode: An educated guess or opinion that is debatable. It often offers a thesis and then supporting reasons.16
4935703087Cause and EffectMode: A starting subject leads into the reasons for it and/or effects of it. It often shows the logical chain of connected events.17
4935703088ClassificationMode: A subject is identified and broken down into parts and sub-parts18
4935703089Compare/ContrastMode: Subjects are shown how they are alike and/or different. Emphasis on more than one subject19
4935703090DescriptionMode: A subject is described in great illustrative detail20
4935703091NarrationMode: Details are provided of what happened, usually in chronological order. Ex: itinerary21
4935703092ExpositionMode: Purpose of which is to explain, inform, or describe. Ex: Press release, financial reports22

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