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AP Language Terms Flashcards

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4108586825Ad HominemA fallacy that attacks the opposing speaker or another person rather than addressing the issues at hand0
4108586826AllegoryFictional work in which the characters represent ideas or concepts1
4108586827AlliterationThe repetition of consonant sounds, usually at the beginning of words2
4108586828AllusionA reference, usually oblique or faint, to another place, idea, or person from history or literature3
4108586829AmbiguityUncertain or indefinite; subject to more than one interpretation4
4108586830AnalogyThe correspondance or resemblance between two things that are essentially different5
4108586831Faulty Analogypoorly devised, inaccurate or illogical comparison6
4108586832AnecdoteA short story used to illustrate a point the author is making7
4108586833AntecedentEvery pronoun refers back to a previous noun or pronoun8
4108586834AntithesisAn opposition or contrast of ideas that is often expressed in balanced phrases or clauses9
4108586835AphorismA terse statement of known authorship which expresses a general truth or a moral principle10
4108586836ApostropheA figure of speech in which an absent person or personified object is addressed by a speaker11
4108586837AppositiveA word or phrase that follows a noun or pronoun for emphasis or clarity12
4108586838AsyndetonWhen the conjunctions (such as "and" or "but") that would normally connect a string of words, phrases, or clauses are omitted from a sentence13
4108586839Atmosphere (mood)the emotional feeling of a place, scene, or event14
4108586840Bandwagon AppealsA fallacy that urges people to follow the same path or accept the same idea based on popular behavior/opinion15
4108586841Begging the QuestionA fallacy that assumes as true the very claim that is disputed; a form of circular reasoning that is divorced from reality16
4108586842Caricaturea verbal description, the purpose of which is to exaggerate or distort a person's distinctive physical features or other characteristics17
4108586843Clausea grammatical unit that contains both a subject and a verb18
4108586844Coordinationjoining one or more equal grammatical units (words, phrases, or clauses) with a coordinating conjunction19
4108586845Contrastexplain differences in two or more items20
4108586846Colloquial LanguageSlang or common language that is informal21
4108586847Connotationthe interpretive level of a word based on associated images rather than the literal meaning22
4108586848Deductive ArgumentThe process of moving from a general rule to a specific example23
4108586849DenotationThe literal, dictionary defined meaning of a word24
4108586850DictionAn author's choice of words25
4108586851DidacticWriting which has the purpose of teaching or instructing26
4108586852DogmatismA fallacy that asserts or assumes there is only one solution or direction to go27
4108586853Either-Or ChoicesA fallacy that asserts there are only two choices, one positive and one negative28
4108586854ElegyA work that expresses sorrow29
4108586855Ellipsesindicated by a series of three periods; shows that words have been omitted30
4108586856Equivocationan argument that gives a lie an honest appearance; a half truth31
4108586857EthosRefers to the honesty, credibility, values, intentions and authority of the speaker32
4108586858EuphemismA mild or pleasant sounding expression that substitutes for a harsh, indelicate, or simply less pleasant idea33
4108586859ExpositionWriting or speech that is organized to explain34
4108586860False AuthorityA fallacy that offers the speaker/writer's authority as the sole reason for believing a claim35
4108586861Faulty Causalityin Latin "post hoc, ergo propter hoc". A fallacy that assumes one event/action causes another36
4108586862Figurative LanguageAll uses of language that imply an imaginative comparison37
4108586863Footnotesnumbered references within a work that correspond to numbers at the bottom of the page38
4108586864ForeshadowingA purposeful hint placed in a work of literature to suggest what may occur later in the narrative39
4108586865GenreThe major category into which a literary work fits (prose, poetry, drama) (fiction etc.)40
4108586866Hasty GeneralizationA fallacy that assumes as true an inference derived from insuffcient evidence; a stereotype41
4108586867HyperboleA figure of speech in which exaggeration is used to achieve emphasis42
4108586868ImageryA mental picture that is conjured by specific words and associations43
4108586869Inductive Argumentcreating a case by providing specific examples and drawing a conclusion based on the evidence they provide44
4108586870Inference/inferto draw a reasonable conclusion from the information presented45
4108586871Invective (tirade, polemic)an emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language46
4108586872IronyContrast between what is stated and what is really meant, or the difference between what appears to be and what is actually true47
4108586873Verbal Ironywhen the words literally state the opposite of the writer's meaning48
4108586874Situational Ironywhen events turn out the opposite of what characters and readers expect49
4108586875Dramatic Ironywhen facts or events are known by the audience but not the characters in work50
4108586876Juxtapositionwhen two contrasting things are placed next to each other for comparison51
4108586877Logosthe use of hard evidence and logicial reasoning as a controlling principle in an argument52
4108586878Metaphora figure of speech in which two things are compared directly53
4108586879Metonymya figure of speech in which something is referred to by using the name of something that is associated with it54
4108586880Mood (atmosphere)The prevailing or dominant feeling of a work, scene, or event55
4108586881Narrativethe telling of a story or an account of an event of series of events56
4108586882Non SequiturA fallacy that claims, reasons, or warrants fail to connect or follow each other57
4108586883Onomatopoeiaan effect created by words that have sounds that reinforce their meaning; buzz, hiss, hum, crack58
4108586884Oxymorontwo contradictory words in one expression; jumbo shrimp59
4108586885Paradoxa seeming contradiction that in fact reveals some truth60
4108586886Parallelisma literary technique that relies on the use of the same syntactical structure61
4108586887Parenthetical IdeasA short diversion from the main point of a work62
4108586888Parodyan effort to ridicule or make fun of a literary work or an author by writing a comic imitation of the work63
4108586889PathosA sympathetic appeal to pity or compassion used in an argument64
4108586890Pedantica tone that is overly academic, scholarly, or bookish65
4108586891Personathe character created by the voice and narration of the speaker of a text66
4108586892Personificationa figure of speech in which ideas or objects are described as having human qualities or personalities67
4108586893Point of Viewthe particular perspective from which a story is told68
4108586894Puna play on words69
4108586895Repetitionthe reiteration of a word, phrase, image sound, etc. for emphasis70
4108586896Rhetoricthe art, style and logic of a written or spoken argument to persuade, to analyze, or to expose71
4108586897Rhetorical Strategythe way an author organizes words, sentences, and overall argument in order to achieve a particular purpose72
4108586898Rhetorical Devicesthe specific language tools that an author uses to carry out a rhetorical strategy (diction, imagery, syntax)73
4108586899Rhetorical Questiona question that is asked for the sake of the argument74
4108586900Satireto ridicule or mock ideas, persons, events, or doctrines while making a clear point (unlike parody)75
4108586901Scare Tacticsa fallacy that over-emphasizes possible dangers well beyond their statistical likelihood76
4108586902Selection of Detailthe specific words, incidents, images, or events the author uses to create a scene or narrative; details may be concrete or abstract77
4108586903Semanticsthe branch of language that studies the meaning of words78
4108586904Declarative sentenceassertive- a statement79
4108586905Imperative sentenceauhoritative- command80
4108586906Interrogative sentenceasks a question81
4108586907Exclamatory sentenceexpresses emotion82
4108586908Simple Sentenceone subject and one verb83
4108586909Compound Sentencemore than one subject and/or verb (no dependent clauses)84
4108586910Complex Sentenceone independent and one or more dependent clauses85
4108586911Compound-Complex Sentencetwo or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses86
4108586912Loose (Cumulative) Sentencesubordinate structures after the main subject and verb87
4108586913Periodic (Climactic) Sentencesubordinate structures before the main subject and verb88
4108586914Convoluted sentencesubordinate structures between main subject and verb89
4108586915Sentimental Appealsa fallacy that uses tender, heartwarming emotions excessively to distract readers from facts90
4108586916Similea figure of speech that compares one thing with another using the words "like" or "as"91
4108586917Slippery Slopea fallacy that portrays a small problem as tomorrow's slide into disaster92
4108586918Speakerthe narrator of a story, poem, or drama93
4108586919Straw mana fallacy that attacks an argument that really isn't there or isn't the real issue at hand94
4108586920Subordinationjoining two or more unequal grammatical units (words, phrases, or clauses) with a subordinating conjunction95
4108586921Syllogisma form of deductive reasoning in which pieces of evidence are used to create a new conclusion96
4108586922Symbolsomething that represents something else97
4108586923Synonyma word that has the same, or nearly the same, meaning as another word98
4108586924Syntaxthe way words are arranged in a sentence99
4108586925Tensiona feeling of excitement and expectation the reader or audience feels because of the conflict, mood, or atmosphere of the work100
4108586926Themethe central idea101
4108586927ToneAuthor's attitude102
4108586928Transitiona word or phrase that links different ideas103
4108586929Understatementwhen an author assigns less significance to an event or thing than it deserves104

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