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AP Language - Terms Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
10634785577Argumentmethod of representing a belief or opinion0
10634802748Ad hominemType of logical fallacy where you attack the person you are arguing with personally; don't want to have in argument1
10634829406Aim/Intention/PurposeWriter's main goal or objective2
10634837987AllusionReference to something outside the source3
10634904029Anadiplosisrepetition of the last word of one clause at the beginning of the following clause4
10648262929AnalogyComparison between something that's familiar with something that is not5
10648317379AntimetaboleRepetition of words in consecutive clauses, but in reverse order6
10648333313AntithesisOpposite of words or phrases that are used in parallel structure7
10648343214AppealStrategies of Argument8
10648350982AnecdoteShort story or personal event that's used to grab attention of the audience or to support an opinion9
10648442425Aristotelian TriangleRhetor - Topic/Subject - Audience10
10648486378ArrangementStructure of argument and placement of rhetorical devices11
10648493843AsyndetonPhrases without conjections12
10648526800Attitude/StanceA writer's belief towards audience and subject matter13
10648538433AudienceIntended reader or listener of an argument14
10648550375Begging of the questionA situation based on a writer/speaker's assumption that the audience rejects15
10648572335Causal relationshipCause and effect/if-then relationship; good way to persuade logically16
10648592241Claim/Generalization/ThesisMain point of argument17
10648594829ClimaxArrangement of words in order of increasing importance18
10648611326Climbing the ladderCombo of climax and anadiplosis19
10659013199Logosan appeal to logic and reason20
10659015526EthosTrying to establish credibility and reliability21
10659018766PathosBringing emotions into it22

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