4723780989 | Abstract | (n.) An abbreviated synopsis of a longer work of scholarship or research. (adj.) Dealing with or tending to deal with a subject apart from a particular pr specific instance. | 0 | |
4723783491 | Ad hominem | Directed to or appealing to feelings or prejudices instead of to intellect or reason. | 1 | |
4723783810 | Adage | A saying or proverb containing a truth based on experience and often couched in metaphorical language. Example: "There is more than one way to skin a cat." | 2 | |
4723784685 | Allegory | A story in which a second meaning to be read beneath the surface. | 3 | |
4723787754 | Alliteration | The repetition of one or more initial consonants in a group of words or lines in a poem. | 4 | |
4723788753 | Allusion | A reference to a person, place, or event meant to create an effect or enhance the meaning of an idea. | 5 | |
4723789221 | Ambiguity | A vagueness of meaning; a conscious lack of clarity meant to evoke multiple meanings or interpretations. | 6 | |
4723790588 | Anachronism | A person, scene, event, or other element that fails to correspond with the appropriate time era. Example: "Columbus sailing to the United States." | 7 | |
4723791534 | Analogy | A comparison that points out similarities between two dissimilar things; a passage that points out several similarities between two unlike thing is called an extended analogy. | 8 | |
4723792384 | Anecdote | A brief narrative often used to illustrate an idea to make a point. | 9 | |
4723793447 | Annotation | A brief explanation, summary, or evaluation of a text or work of literature. | 10 | |
4723794236 | Antagonist | A character or force in a work of literature that, by opposing the protagonist, produces tension or conflict. | 11 | |
4723795052 | Antecedent | A word to which a pronoun refers. | 12 | |
4723795266 | Antithesis | A rhetorical opposition or contrast of ideas by means of grammatical arrangement of words, clauses, or sentences, as in the following; "They promised freedom but provided slavery." "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." | 13 | |
4723797725 | Aphorism | A short, pithy statement of a generally accepted truth or sentiment. Also see adage and maxim. | 14 | |
4723798259 | Apollonian | In contrast to Dionysian, it refers to the most noble, godlike qualities of human nature and behavior. | 15 | |
4723798823 | Apostrophe | A location that addresses a person or personified thing, not present. Example: "Oh, you cruel streets of Manhattan, how I detest you!" | 16 | |
4723799595 | Arch | Characterized by clever or sly humor, often saucy, playful and somewhat irreverent. | 17 | |
4723800023 | Archetype | An abstract or ideal conception of a type; a perfectly typical example; an original model or form. | 18 | |
4723800824 | Assonance | The repetition of two or more vowel sounds in a group of words in prose or poetry. | 19 | |
4723804185 | Bard | A poet; in olden times, a performer who told heroic stories to musical accompaniment. | 20 | |
4723804407 | Bathos | Insincere or overdone sentimentality. | 21 | |
4723805041 | Belle-Letters | A French term for the world of books, criticism, and literature in general. | 22 | |
4723805392 | Bibliography | A list of works cited or otherwise relevant to a particular subject. | 23 | |
4723805777 | Bombast | Inflated, pretentious language. | 24 | |
4723805999 | Burlesque | A work of literature meant to ridicule a subject; a grotesque imitation. | 25 | |
4748885718 | Cacophony | Grating, inharmonious sounds. | 26 | |
4748886203 | Canon | Th e works considered most important in a national literature or period; works widely read and studied. | 27 | |
4748886977 | Caricature | A grotesque or exaggerated likeness of striking qualities in persons and things. | 28 | |
4748887719 | Carpe Diem | Literally "seize the day"; "enjoy life while you can," a common theme in life and literature. | 29 | |
4748888363 | Circumlocution | Literally "talking around" a subject; i.e., discourse that avoids direct reference to a subject. | 30 | |
4748889391 | Classic | A highly regarded work of literature or other art form that has withstood the test of time. | 31 | |
4748890068 | Classical, classicism | Deriving from the orderly qualities of ancient Greek and Roman culture; implies formality, objectivity, simplicity, and restraint. | 32 | |
4748891229 | Clause | A structural element of a sentence, consisting of a grammatical subject and a predicate. Independent clauses, sometimes called main clauses, may stand on their own as complete sentences; dependent clauses, which are used as nouns or modifiers, are incomplete sentences and cannot stand alone grammatically. Dependent clauses are sometimes called subordinate clauses. Dependent clauses that function as adjectives, nouns, or adverbs are known, respectively, as adjective, noun, and adverbial clauses. | 33 | |
4748899789 | Climax | The high point, or turning point, of a story or play. | 34 | |
4748900333 | Comparison and Contrast | A mode of discourse in which two or more things are compared and contrasted. Comparison often refers to similarities, contrast to differences. | 35 | |
4748902286 | Conceit | A witty or ingenious thought; a diverting or highly fanciful idea, often stated in figurative language. | 36 | |
4748903184 | Concrete detail | A highly specific, particular, often real, actual, or tangible detail; the opposite of abstract. | 37 | |
4748904168 | Connotation | The suggested or implied meaning of a word or phrase. Contrast with denotation. | 38 | |
4748905435 | Consonance | The repetition of two or more consonant sounds in a group of words or a unit of speech or writing. | 39 | |
4748906756 | Critique | An analysis or assessment of a thing or situation for the purpose of determining its nature, limitations, and conformity to set of standards. | 40 | |
4748907778 | Cynic | One who expects and observes nothing but the worst of human conduct. | 41 | |
4748908129 | Deductive reasoning | A method of reading by which specific definitions, conclusions, and theorems are drawn from general principles. Its opposite is inductive reasoning. | 42 | |
4748910290 | Denotation | The dictionary definition of a word. Contrast with connotation | 43 | |
4748911426 | Denouement | The resolution that occurs at the end of a narrative or drama, real or imagined. | 44 | |
4748911799 | Descriptive detail | Graphic, exact, and accurate presentation of the characteristics of a person, place or thing. | 45 | |
4748913114 | Deus ex machina | In literature, the use of an artificial device or gimmick to solve a problem. | 46 | |
4748917470 | Diction | The choice of words in oral and written discourse. | 47 | |
4748917760 | Didactic | Having an instructive purpose; intending to convey information or teach a lesson, usually in a dry, pompous manner. | 48 | |
4748918941 | Digression | That portion of discourse that wanders or departs from the main subject or topic. | 49 | |
4748919503 | Dionysian | As distinguished from Apollonian, the word refers to sensual, pleasure-seeking impulses. | 50 | |
4748920092 | Dramatic irony | A circumstance in which the audience or reader knows more about a situation than a character. | 51 | |
4748920583 | 52 |
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