Words that describe tone
4379426410 | afraid | feeling fear; frightened; apprehensive; or regretful realization; anzious, alarmed | 0 | |
4379426411 | allusive | containing an indirect reference to another work; casual reference | 1 | |
4379426412 | angry | wild and stormy; wrath; indignation; rage; ire; vitriol, fume | 2 | |
4379426413 | apologetic | an acknowledging and expressing regret for a fault, injury, insult, etc.; sorry, remorseful | 3 | |
4379426414 | audacious | too daring; reckless; bold; presumptuous; insolent; impudent; bantam, assuming | 4 | |
4379426415 | bantering | to tease or make fun of in a playful way; raillery, joshing | 5 | |
4379426416 | bitter | causing or showing sorrow, discomfort, or pain; grievous; sardonic; acrimonious, embittered | 6 | |
4379426417 | boring | wearying by being dull, uninteresting, etc.; monotonous, hackneyed | 7 | |
4379426418 | candid | honest, outspoken; unbiased, impartial; frank, genuine | 8 | |
4379426419 | childish | immature; silly; not fit for an adult; juvenile; puerile, pedomorphic | 9 | |
4379426420 | clinical | purely scientific; dispassionately curious; objective, detached | 10 | |
4379426421 | cold | without warmth of feeling; not cordial; chilling and gloomy; calm; unenthusiastic, icy | 11 | |
4379426422 | colloquial | words, phrases or idioms as used in conversation; informal, vernacular | 12 | |
4379426423 | compassionate | to have sorrow for suffering with helpful intent; pity, deep sympathy | 13 | |
4379426424 | facetious | lightly joking, usually at an inappropriate time; jacose, jocular | 14 | |
4379426425 | factual | having te nature of something true; genuine, accurate | 15 | |
4379426426 | fanciful | indulging in imagination or delusion; imaginative, whimsical | 16 | |
4379426427 | formal | high level of language utilizing high vocabulary, complex syntax, etc.; academic, pomp | 17 | |
4379426428 | frivolous | not properly serious or sensible; of little value or importance; trifling; trivial, paltry | 18 | |
4379426429 | giddy | having a whirling, dazed sensation; whirling; reeling, lightheaded | 19 | |
4379426430 | happy | favored by circumstances; having, showing, or sharing a feeling of great pleasure; joyous, pleased | 20 | |
4379426431 | hollow | lacking depth, worthless; not real or meaningful; loneliness; shallow, empty | 21 | |
4379426432 | humorous | funny; amazing; amusing; comical; droll; waggish, ribald | 22 | |
4379426433 | impartial | favoring none more than another; without prejudice; just; fair, unbiased | 23 | |
4379426434 | incisive | cutting into; sharp; keen; piercing; acute; trenchant, poignant | 24 | |
4379426435 | indignant | anger or scorn from injustice, cruelty, etc.; resentment, animus | 25 | |
4379426436 | inflammatory | rousing or likely to rouse excitement or violence; vehement, fiery | 26 | |
4379426437 | informal | casual, easy, unceremonious, or relaxed; colloquial, offhand | 27 | |
4379426438 | informative | giving instruction, knowledge or education; advisory, illuminating | 28 | |
4379426439 | insipid | not exciting or interesting; flavorless; dull, inane | 29 | |
4379426440 | benevolent | doing or inclined to do good; charitable | 30 | |
4379426441 | burlesque | broadly comic or satirical imitation as of writing, play, etc.; derisive caricature; low comedy | 31 | |
4379426442 | complimentary | conveying or epressing praise, commendation or admiration | 32 | |
4379426443 | concerned | interested; troubled or anxious | 33 | |
4379426444 | condescending | graciously willing to do something regarded as beneath one's dignity; to deal with others in a proud or haughty way | 34 | |
4379426445 | confident | assured; certain; trustful | 35 | |
4379426446 | contemptuous | expressing disdain, or scorn, or intense disgust | 36 | |
4379426447 | contentious | tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome | 37 | |
4379426448 | cynical | denying the sincerity of people's motives and actions | 38 | |
4379426449 | detached | not involved by emotion; impartial | 39 | |
4379426450 | didactic | intended for teaching/instruction; too much inclined to teach others | 40 | |
4379426451 | disdainful | treating or regarding as beneath one's dignity; aloof contempt or scorn | 41 | |
4379426452 | dramatic | filled with action, emotion or exciting qualities | 42 | |
4379426453 | effusive | pour out freely; overflowing; express excessive emotion in unrestrained manner | 43 | |
4379426454 | elegiac | sad; mournful; plaintive | 44 | |
4379426455 | elusive | hard to grasp or retain mentally; baffling | 45 | |
4379426456 | flippant | frivolous and disrespectful; impertinent | 46 | |
4379426457 | informative | educational, instructional | 47 | |
4379426458 | irreverent | disrespect; lack of love or awe for something sacred | 48 | |
4379426459 | ironic | contrary to what is expressed or usual | 49 | |
4379426460 | insolent | boldly rude or disrespectful; impertinent | 50 | |
4379426461 | lugubrious | very sad or mournful to an exaggerated or ridiculous extent | 51 | |
4379426462 | mock-heroic | mocking or burlesquing a heroic manner, action or character | 52 | |
4379426463 | moralistic | adhering to a system of morals or perhaps imposing this system on others | 53 | |
4379426464 | objective | without bias or prejudice; detached; impersonal | 54 | |
4379426465 | patronizing | to treat in a condescending manner | 55 | |
4379426466 | pedantic | to stress minor or trivial points of learning | 56 | |
4379426467 | petty | relatively worthless; trivial; minor | 57 | |
4379426468 | pretentious | making claims, implicit or explicit, to some distinction or importance | 58 | |
4379426469 | restrained | limited; restricted; suppressed | 59 | |
4379426470 | sardonic | characterized by bitter or scornful derision | 60 | |
4379426471 | satiric | use of ridicule, sarcasm, irony to expose, attack or deride vices, follies, stupidities or abuses | 61 | |
4379426472 | scornful | filled with extreme indignant contempt; disdain; refusing or rejecting as wrong/disgraceful | 62 | |
4379426473 | sentimental | having or showing tender, gentle, or delicate feelings, but sometimes in an excessive or maudlin way; influenced more by emotion than reason | 63 | |
4379426474 | somber | dark and gloomy; earnest and solemn | 64 | |
4379426475 | sympathetic | looking upon with favor | 65 | |
4379426476 | taunting | challenging or reproachfull in a sarcastic, insulting or jeering manner | 66 | |
4379426477 | turgid | inflated, overblown or pmpous; bombastic | 67 | |
4379426478 | urgent | calling for hast; insistent | 68 | |
4379426479 | vibrant | throbbing with life; vigorous, energetic, radiant | 69 | |
4379426480 | whimsical | unpredictable, fanciful | 70 | |
4379426481 | pitiful | sorrow felt for another's suffering or misfortune; commiserate; condoling, sympathetic | 71 | |
4379426482 | playful | fond of fun; sportive; humorous, joking, or merry; fralicsome, waggish | 72 | |
4379426483 | proud | delight or satisfaction of oneself, achievements, possessions, etc. (can be haughty); arrogant, superior | 73 | |
4379426484 | sad | having, expressing, or showing low spirits; unhappy; sorrowful; mournful, melancholy | 74 | |
4379426485 | sarcastic | intent to hurt by taunting with mocking ridicule, veiled snickers, etc.; sardonic, caustic | 75 | |
4379426486 | seductive | tending to persuade to do wrong or evil; lead astray; tempting, enticing | 76 | |
4379426487 | sharp | harsh; biting; severe, as language, temper, criticism, etc.; harsh, acrimonious | 77 | |
4379426488 | shocked | any sudden disturbance or agitation of the mind or emotions (surprise, disgust, etc.); dazed, flabbergasted | 78 | |
4379426489 | silly | having or showing little sense, judgement, or sobriety; absurd; foolish, ludicrous | 79 | |
4379426490 | intimate | most private or personal; very close or familiar | 80 | |
4379426491 | joking | anything said or done that deserves laughter | 81 | |
4379426492 | joyful | feeling, causing, or indicating gladness | 82 | |
4379426493 | learned | showing knowledge of events or showing scholarly ability | 83 | |
4379426494 | mocking | to ridicule; mimic; with a sarcastic tone | 84 | |
4379426495 | mock-serious | imitation of a grave quality or manner; to imitate the earnest of an act | 85 | |
4379426496 | nostalgic | a wishing for something that happened long ago or is now far away; a bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations or the past | 86 | |
4379426497 | peaceful | free from strife; lacking noise or disorder; quiet | 87 | |
4379426498 | solemn | deeply earnest, serious, and sober | 88 | |
4379426499 | sweet | pleasing to the senses; agreeable; having a pleasing disposition; lovable | 89 | |
4379426500 | tired | weary, hackneyed, lack of sleep and rest | 90 | |
4379426501 | upset | to disturb the functioning of; to disturb emotionally or physically | 91 | |
4379426502 | vexed | disturbed, annoys especially in a petty way; to distress or afflict | 92 | |
4379426503 | zealous | motivated or filled by enthusiastic devotion or strong diligence; fervent; showing great emotion | 93 |