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AP Language Unit 1 Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
4820192954EpigramA brief witty saying0
4820195946AlliterationThe repetition of initial consonant in a series of words1
4820198439ProlixityLongwindedness; using more words than necessary to communicate an idea2
4820202175EuphemismA substitution of a mild or inoffensive expression for one that may shock or offend.3
4820208066GenericsBrand names that have become general terms in the language4
4820212750SesquipedalianUse of long words, many-syllable words that would not be known by ones audience thus creating awkward, ineffective, writing or speaking.5
4820217269CounterwordA word that is commonly and vaguely used that it ceases to convey any real meaning in a given context6
4820223360Mixed metaphorThe combination of two or more inconsistent comparisons7
4820225325MalapropismThe unintentional humorous substitution of similar-sounding word or phrase for the intended expression.8
4820229888NeologismA newly coined word9
4820232587MetonymyThe figure of speech in which an idea is expressed by using the term designating or exemplifying some associated notion10
4820236204LitotesA figure of speech in which the affirmative is expressed by negating or denying the opposite11
4820244656"We are not amused"Litotes example12
4820247908You can't fight city hallMetonymy example13
4820250769Ginormous, malware, crunkNeologism example14
4820254420He stepped up to the plate and slammed ducked the ball.Mixed metaphor example15
4820256586Great, awesome, whateverCounterword example16
4820259657Kleenex, TylenolGeneric example17
4820260882Death, Hell, urinateEuphemism example18
4820266887"...the infamous killer fought for his freedom, wanting no flesh..."Alliteration example19
4820269430"This humanist whom no beliefs constrained."Epigram example20

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