2883686710 | Brigand | A thief or fugitive. He was a brigand who stole from the house. Synonyms: thief, fugitive | 0 | |
2883686705 | Carte Blanche | Complete freedom to do as one wishes. Giving the boys carte Blanche was a big mistake. Synonyms: free rein, free hand, blank check | 1 | |
2883686711 | Contemptuous | Showing contempt; scornful. She was intolerant and contemptuous of the majority of the group. Synonyms: disdainful, disrespectful, mocking | 2 | |
2883686707 | Cosmopolitan | Familiar with and at ease with many different countries and cultures. She is a cosmopolitan traveller who has visited 80 countries. Synonyms: worldly, experienced, sophisticated | 3 | |
2883686698 | Donnybrook | A fight or uproar. A donnybrook broke out after the football game. Synonyms: brawl, free for all, heated arguement | 4 | |
2883686706 | Incantation | A spell or charm. They professed to raise spirits by incantation. Synonyms: witchcraft, black magic, wizardry | 5 | |
2883686701 | Interlocutor | A person who participates in a conversation. He served as an interlocutor in the group discussion. Synonyms: interviewer, speaker, dialogist | 6 | |
2883686697 | Metamorphosis | Complete transformation. During the metamorphosis, the caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Synonyms: mutation, change, conversion | 7 | |
2883686709 | Nomenclature | Technical names. We were often tested the nomenclature related to the human body. Synonyms: vocabulary, classification, glossary | 8 | |
2883686699 | Nonchalant | Casual or coolly unconcerned. He was being so nonchalant after the fight. Synonyms: casual, cool, calm, composed | 9 | |
2883686702 | Procrustean | Strictly disregarding individual differences or circumstances. The company abandoned its Procrustean scheduling policy. Synonyms: relentless, severe, unmerciful | 10 | |
2883686704 | Sophistry | Deceptive/misleading. Although he knew he was being dishonest with the group, he hoped they would believe his sophistry. Synonyms: a false argument, fallacy | 11 | |
2883686703 | Stygian | Relating to Hades. Dark or gloomy. He was afraid to go down the Stygian path. Synonyms: black, inky, dusky, dim | 12 | |
2883686708 | Rife | (Especially of something undesirable or harmful) of common occurrence. All escaped malaria, which was rife in the neighborhood. Synonyms: widespread, general, universal | 13 | |
2883686700 | Vestige | A trace of something no longer existing. A few columns were the last vestiges of a Greek temple. Synonyms: fragment, echo, legacy | 14 | |
3666946554 | Zealous | Full of, characterized by, and devoted/diligent He is a zealous supporter of high school football. | 15 | |
3666954292 | Lugubrious | To be mournful or gloomy In the novel, the dad was a perfect example of a lugubrious character. Synonyms: sorrowful, melancholy | 16 | |
3666957124 | Desiccate | To dry up The trees were desiccated by the hot sun. Synonyms: dried, dehydrated, powdered | 17 | |
3666959828 | Interminable | Incapable of being terminiated What seemed to be an interminable wait, she finally returned. Synonyms: endless, nonstop, constant | 18 | |
3666961941 | Litany | A ceremonial prayer with responses that are the same The church service consisted of a litany, sermon, singing, and scripture. Synonyms: list, catalog, enomeration | 19 | |
3666965119 | Arable | Capable of producing crops. More than one third of Texas has arable land. Synonyms: farmable, cultivable | 20 | |
3666966900 | Moratorium | A suspension of activity In 1875 the banks were granted a moratorium. Synonyms: prohibition, ban, standstill | 21 | |
3666968058 | Replete | To have an abundance of something Her room was small, with a domed ceiling replete with paintings. Synonyms: sated, satiated, glutted, surfeited | 22 | |
3666974601 | Truncate | To shorten by cutting off a part He had to truncate the movie so it's runtime was 1 hour. Synonyms: abridge, trim, curtail, abbreviate | 23 | |
3666977479 | Vernacular | Native or indigenous language His vernacular identified him as a Frenchman. | 24 | |
3666978876 | Wrenching | To twist suddenly and forcibly It was heart-wrenching when the dog died. | 25 | |
3666982069 | Camaraderie | Mutual trust/good fellowship Camaraderie built up throughout the training this weekend. Synonyms: conviviality, brotherhood, bonhomie | 26 | |
3666983257 | Ubiquitous | Existing or being everywhere His ubiquitous notebook was scattered with papers, covering the floor. Synonyms: omnipresent, universal, worldwide | 27 | |
3666986690 | Equanimity | Mental or emotional stability Throughout all his struggles, he preserved his equanimity. Synonyms: serenity, self-possession, aplomb | 28 | |
3666988543 | Frangible | Easily broken Young children should not play with frangible items. Synonyms: fragile, frail | 29 | |
3667014393 | Scapegoat | One who bears blame for others. Andy was frequently absent, so other workers made him the scapegoat for their own mistakes. Synonyms: patsy, sucker | 30 | |
3667023701 | Peremptory | Not allowing refusal or delay; imperative The guard issued a peremptory warning to step away from the fence or be fired upon. Synonyms: authoritative, unconditional | 31 | |
3667027907 | Atelier | An artist's or a designer's workshop The painter converted his garage into an atelier to work on his creative masterpieces. Synonyms: | 32 | |
3667032992 | Axiom | A universal truth; an est. rule The most important axiom of all is, "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you." Synonyms: fundamental, theorem | 33 | |
3667037964 | Dulcet | Melodious; pleasing to the ear The opera singer's dulcet voice earned her a prominent place in the upcoming production. Synonyms: harmonic, melodic | 34 | |
3667048407 | Usurp | To take over; to seize power The evil heir planned to usurp the throne while the king was ill. Synonyms: commander, seize, co-opt. | 35 | |
3667052031 | Patronizing | Treating with condescension; acting superior Despite his patronizing treatment of the employees, the foreman was still well liked. Synonyms: lofty, arrogant | 36 | |
3667057012 | Iniquity | An evil or wicked act He heartily repented his iniquity, but only after he faced a lifelong prison sentence. Synonyms: abomination, injustice, sin | 37 | |
3667068392 | Archaic | No longer current or applicable; antiquated Some states still have archaic laws that regulate horse-and-buggy traffic. Synonyms: obsolete, outmoded | 38 | |
3667071709 | Vacillate | To waver; to sway indecisively For years Bobby vacillated between liking one band and then another. Synonyms: fluctuate, swing | 39 | |
3667076457 | Perspicacious | Keen; mentally sharp The perspicacious gambler knew that he would need to make a hasty exit after winning most of the cowboy's money. Synonyms: shrewd, keen, clever | 40 | |
3667083343 | Abstemious | Using or consuming sparingly Bill, who wants to lose weight, is abstemious in eating foods high in fat. Synonyms: frugal, moderate | 41 | |
3667087917 | Talisman | A magic charm or superstitious object for protection or luck The wizard claimed that no harm would come to anyone holding the talisman. | 42 | |
3667093355 | Expurgate | To remove vulgar or objectionable material Censors sometimes feel that it is necessary to expurgate objectionable scenes from movies. Synonyms: censor, bowdlerize, sanitize | 43 | |
3667100175 | Pellucid | Transparent; clear Eliminate extraneous words if you want your paper to have a pellucid message. Synonyms: limpid | 44 | |
3667140264 | Efficacious | Capable of having the desired result or effect The vaccine has proved both efficacious and safe. | 45 | |
3667140265 | Inundate | Overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with. We've been inundated with complaints from listeners. | 46 | |
3667140266 | Catharsis | The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief form, strong or repressed emotions. Crying is a cathartic release. | 47 | |
3667143458 | Revere | Feel deep respect or admiration for (something). Cezanne's still lifes were revered by his contemporaries. | 48 | |
3667144735 | Internecine | Destructive to both sides in a conflict. The partition did not prevent internecine wars. | 49 | |
3667144736 | Sybaritic | Fond of sensuous luxury or pleasure, self-indulgent She regretted leaving her simple past for this sybaritic life with Mark. | 50 | |
3667145887 | Risible | Such as to provoke laughter His essay was so risible that nobody bothered trying to argue with it. | 51 | |
3667145888 | Crepuscular | Of, resembling or relating to twilight Crepuscular animals may also be active on a bright moonlit night. | 52 | |
3667147297 | Kudos | Praise and honor received for an achievement I believe she deserves kudos for just putting up with some of the drama that comes with her job. | 53 | |
3667147298 | Intrinsic | Belonging naturally; essential Small local shops are intrinsic to the towns. | 54 | |
3667147299 | Estrange | Cause (someone) to be no longer close or affectionate to someone Their quarrel estranged the two friends. | 55 | |
3667149005 | Maxim | A short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct My mother lives by the old maxim, "Life is what you make it." | 56 | |
3667149006 | Putrid | Decaying, rotting or unpleasant smell/matter I was extremely thirsty, but there was only a bottle of putrid water in the cell. | 57 | |
3667151012 | Apocryphal | Well-known but probably not true Even though people know the apocryphal account of the shipwreck is false, they still tell the tale over and over again. | 58 | |
3667152200 | Servile | Having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others She served us with discouraged eyes in a servile manner. | 59 | |
3706175505 | Consternation | Feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected. | 60 | |
3706175506 | Anomaly | Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. Synonyms: abnormal, strange, weird | 61 | |
4024078473 | Vitriolic | Acid, bitter. Synonyms: sour, harsh | 62 | |
4024080028 | Preamble | An introduction; prelude. Synonyms: thesis statement | 63 | |
4024086638 | Coterie | A circle or group of people. Synonyms: clique, clan, circle | 64 | |
4024086639 | Expiate | Atone (for guilt or sin). Synonyms: to forgive | 65 | |
4024089191 | Compendium | A collection of things; concise. Synonyms: encyclopedia, survey, guide, treasury, digest | 66 | |
4024094675 | Comprise | To be involved or included. Synonyms: consist, to be made up of | 67 | |
4024094676 | Eidetic | Relating to or denoting mental images having unusual vividness and details as if actually visible. Synonyms: detailed, imagery | 68 | |
4024096841 | Innocuous | Not harmful or offensive. Synonyms: harmless, safe, non-toxic | 69 | |
4024098531 | Foist | Impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on Synonyms: unload on, force on, bother | 70 | |
4024098532 | Plethora | A large or excessive amount. Synonyms: exces, surplus, glut | 71 | |
4024101018 | Flippancy | Lack of respect or seriousness. Synonyms: levity | 72 | |
4024101019 | Incongruous | Not in harmony or keeping with the surrounding of aspects of something. Synonyms: inappropriate, unsuitable | 73 | |
4024103754 | Disconcert | Disturb the composure of. Synonyms: unsettle, discomfit | 74 | |
4024152187 | Sectarian | denoting or concerning a sect or sects. The country was split along sectarian lines. | 75 | |
4024159566 | Peregrination | travel from one place to another, especially on foot. We may now continue our peregrination along the main street. | 76 | |
4024164876 | Accoutrement | additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity. This vacuum cleaner has all the accoutrements for cleaning furniture as well as floors. | 77 | |
4024166477 | Contrive | to plan with ingenuity; devise; invent. The author contrived a clever plot. | 78 | |
4024174937 | Hubris | excessive pride or self-confidence. His failure was brought in by his hubris. | 79 | |
4024174938 | Platitude | a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful. "Blondes have more fun" is a silly platitude. | 80 | |
4024179262 | Venerate | regard with great respect; revere. Mother Teresa is venerated as a saint. | 81 | |
4024181127 | Scullion | a servant assigned the most menial kitchen tasks | 82 | |
4024185837 | Quotidian | of or occurring every day; daily. The car sped noisily off through the quotidian traffic. | 83 | |
4024189884 | Prognosticate | foretell or prophesy (an event in the future). Using current trends to prognosticate what the workplace of the future will be like. | 84 | |
4024193622 | Antediluvian | of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood. He has antediluvian notions about the role of women in the workplace. | 85 | |
4024195590 | Stringent | (of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting | 86 | |
4024201355 | Haughty | arrogantly superior and disdainful. He rejected their offer with a tone of haughty disdain. | 87 | |
4024204498 | Sanctimonious | making a show of being morally superior to other people. No one wants to hear your sanctimonious hot air. | 88 | |
4024206901 | Imbroglio | an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation. If you love her and she loves him and he loves somebody else, you've got quite an imbroglio. | 89 |
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