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AP Language Vocab Flashcards

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5862226014AcuityNoun- Sharpness; Keenness0
5862226015AdeptAdjective- Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude1
5862226016Admonish(v)/Admonition(Noun)Warn, scold, caution2
5862226017AmbiguousAdjective: Unclear meaning, two possible interpretations3
5862226018ApocalypticAdjective- Involving or portending widespread devastation or ultimate doom4
5862226019AprocryphalAdjective- Of questionable authenticity5
5862226020AppellationNoun- A name, title, or designation6
5862226021Archetype(Noun)/ Archetypal (Adjective)An original model, pattern or type (after an original model)7
5862226022AscertainVerb- To determine; To find out8
5862226023AssiduousAdjective- Diligent; persistent9
5862226024BaizeNoun- A type of coarse woolen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card tables10
5862226025BaseAdjective- Inferior; Dishonorable11
5862226026BastionNoun- A well-fortified position12
5862226027BerateVerb- To scold, rebuke, reprimand13
5862226028BourgeoisieNoun- The middle class; In Marxist theory, the social group opposed to the proletariat (working class)14
5862226029CalumnyNoun- Slander; A false statement maliciously made to injure another's reputation15
5862226030CantNoun- Tedious talk; Monotonous talk filled with platitudes16
5862226031CensureVerb- To reprimand; To excommunicate (expel, as from the priesthood)17
5862226032CoarseAdjective- Lacking refinement or rough grained texture18
5862226033ConfuteVerb- To prove to be wrong or in error19

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