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AP Language Vocab Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
5434492265Sullengloomy, withdrawn, sad; sluggish, slow0
5434503924Precoclousexhibiting unusually early development or maturity1
5434509549Discernto perceive or recongnize2
5434514290Perfunctorydone without care, superficial3
5434521723Perniciouscausing great harm: ruinous; evil: wicked4
5434535016Engimaticpuzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable5
5434542159Eschewto avoid or keep away from6
5434545918Reprehensibleworthy of blame to a high degree7
5434550384Laconicexpressing much in few words; concise8
5434555000Plethoraa large amount; excess9
5554293344Acrimonioushostile in language or tone10
5554295429Admonishto warn mildly or kindly, but seriously11
5554306290Egregiousoutstandingly bad12
5554315196Rudimentrybeing in the earliest stages of development13
5554321111Stipulationto specify a condition14
5554323432Alacityspeed or quickness; lively action15
5554327191Scoffto mock or treat with scorn16
5554330598Inanewithout sense; foolish17
5554334025Clandestinesecret; undercover18
5554339527Melicrateto make or become better19

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