3434014216 | jettison verb | to throw off of a ship or aircraft | 0 | |
3434014217 | bastion noun | a strong hold | 1 | |
3434014218 | taciturn adjective | inclined to silence | 2 | |
3434014219 | credence noun | acceptance of something being true | 3 | |
3434014220 | nefarious adjective | evil | 4 | |
3434014221 | ostensibly adverb | supposedly | 5 | |
3434014222 | evince verb | to show clearly | 6 | |
3434014223 | denote verb | to indicate | 7 | |
3434014224 | eschew verb | to avoid | 8 | |
3434014225 | belabor verb | to go over excessively | 9 | |
3434014226 | extended metaphor literary term | a metaphor that is extended through a text | 10 | |
3434014227 | non-sequitur literary term | conclusions that do not follow the premise of logic and reason | 11 | |
3434014228 | rhetorical question literary term | a question asked to emphasize a point without expecting an answer | 12 | |
3434014229 | emulate verb | to imitate to surpass | 13 | |
3434014230 | dolt noun | a stupid person | 14 | |
3434014231 | onerous adjective | burdensome | 15 | |
3434014232 | felicity noun | extreme happiness | 16 | |
3434014233 | innate adjective | inborn | 17 | |
3434014234 | gainsay verb | to contradict | 18 | |
3434014235 | robust adjective | strong and healthy | 19 | |
3434014236 | attenuate verb | to reduce the force of something | 20 | |
3434014237 | euphemism noun | the substitution of a mild for a harsh word | 21 | |
3434014238 | elucidate verb | to make clear | 22 | |
3434014239 | paradox literary term | something that seems contradictory but is infact true | 23 | |
3434014240 | parallelism literary term | sentences that are grammatically te same in structure or meaning | 24 | |
3434014241 | periodic sentence literary term | a sentence that begins, goes off course and resumes with the main clause at the end | 25 | |
3434014242 | pungent adjective | sharp to the senses | 26 | |
3434014243 | abide verb | to remain | 27 | |
3434014244 | ameliorate verb | to improve the quality of | 28 | |
3434014245 | rife adjective | widespread | 29 | |
3434014246 | adept adjective | proficient | 30 | |
3434014247 | abject adjective | of the lowest kind | 31 | |
3434014248 | placate verb | to appease | 32 | |
3434014249 | surreptitiously adjective | done in secret | 33 | |
3434014250 | nascent adjective | newly formed | 34 | |
3434014251 | nadir noun | the lowest point | 35 | |
3434014252 | epigraph literary term | an inscription written in the beginning of a book or chapter | 36 | |
3434014253 | allegory literary term | a narrative with characters that represent ideas | 37 | |
3434014254 | deftly adverb | skillfully | 38 | |
3434014255 | portend verb | to indicate in advance | 39 | |
3434014256 | foible noun | a character flaw | 40 | |
3434014257 | ignominious adjective | shameful | 41 | |
3434014258 | parsimonious adjective | extremely stingy | 42 | |
3434014259 | copious adjective | abundant | 43 | |
3434014260 | garner verb | to collect | 44 | |
3434014261 | sacrosanct adjective | highly important | 45 | |
3434014262 | propensity noun | the tendency to behave a certain way | 46 | |
3434014263 | eviscerate verb | to disembowl | 47 | |
3434014264 | apology literary term | a defense in a speech or writing | 48 | |
3434014265 | metonymy literary term | a concept called by a different name that is associated in meaning of the thing or concept | 49 | |
3434014266 | synecdoche literary term | a part made to represent a whole | 50 | |
3434014267 | analogy literary term | comparison between two things | 51 | |
3434014268 | vacillate verb | to be indecisive | 52 | |
3434014269 | affable adjective | friendly | 53 | |
3434014270 | precipitous adjective | extremely high or steep | 54 | |
3434014271 | irrefragable adjective | indisputable (think of rules) | 55 | |
3434014272 | circumvent verb | to go around | 56 | |
3434014273 | stellar adjective | outstanding | 57 | |
3434014274 | charlatan noun | a fraud | 58 | |
3434014275 | sordid adjective | filthy or immoral | 59 | |
3434014276 | abrogate verb | to abolish officially | 60 | |
3434014277 | incidentally adverb | By the way... | 61 | |
3434014278 | red herring literary term | something that diverts the attention from the main issue | 62 | |
3434014279 | ad hominem literary term | an arguement that relies on personal attacks rather reason or substance | 63 | |
3434014280 | excluded middle literary term | fallacy in reasoning where only two opposite positions are presented with no middle | 64 | |
3434014281 | harbinger noun | something that foreshadows | 65 | |
3434014282 | exacerbate verb | to worsten | 66 | |
3434014283 | caveat noun | an explination to prevent misinterpretation | 67 | |
3434014284 | effervescent adjective | enthusiastic or bubbly | 68 | |
3434014285 | gregarious adjective | sociable | 69 | |
3434014286 | protract verb | to lengthen | 70 | |
3434014287 | circumspect adjective | cautious in action | 71 | |
3434014288 | recalcitrant adjective | resisting authority | 72 | |
3434014289 | vindicate verb | to clear from suspicion | 73 | |
3434014290 | untenable adjective | indefensible (think of targets) | 74 | |
3434014291 | abstract language literary term | language that refers to untagible ideas or concepts | 75 | |
3434014292 | concrete language literary term | language that refers to tangible ideas or concepts | 76 | |
3434014293 | figurative language literary term | language that is not literal that uses figures of speech | 77 | |
3434014294 | placid adjective | peaceful | 78 | |
3434014295 | explicate verb | to explain | 79 | |
3434014296 | mollify verb | to soften or passify | 80 | |
3434014297 | truncate verb | to shorten by cutting | 81 | |
3434014298 | purveyor noun | a person who provides or supplies | 82 | |
3434014299 | assuage verb | to relieve | 83 | |
3434014300 | frivolous adjective | lacking seriousness | 84 | |
3434014301 | embellish verb | to beautify | 85 | |
3434014302 | sophomoric adjective | childish | 86 | |
3434014303 | indelible adjective | cannot be erased | 87 | |
3434014304 | dramatic irony literary term | when a character is oblivious to actions but the audience knows | 88 | |
3434014305 | verbal irony literary term | when a person says one thing but means another | 89 | |
3434014306 | situational irony literary term | when the action of a character results in opposite of what was intended | 90 | |
3434014307 | irony literary term | when the outcome does not equal the expectation | 91 | |
3434014308 | erudite adjective | scholarly | 92 | |
3434014309 | assiduously adverb | diligently (think of things being done over time) | 93 | |
3434014310 | imbue verb | to be filled with a quality | 94 | |
3434014311 | ruse noun | a deceiving action | 95 | |
3434014312 | pensive adjective | deeply thoughtful | 96 | |
3434014313 | Germane adjective | relevent | 97 | |
3434014314 | penchant noun | a strong inclination | 98 | |
3434014315 | ubiquitous adjective | omnipresent | 99 | |
3434014472 | extrapolate verb | to infer on an unknown based on a known | 100 | |
3434014473 | caricature literary term | a greatly exaggerated representation | 101 | |
3434014474 | panegyric literary term | a speech or text in praise of something or someone | 102 | |
3434014475 | syllogism literary term | an arguement where the conclusion is drawn by two premises | 103 | |
3434014476 | polemic literary term | a strong verbal or written attack on something or someone | 104 | |
3434014477 | perfunctory adjective | done routinely | 105 | |
3434014478 | cogent adjective | convincing | 106 | |
3434014479 | pejorative adjective | belittling | 107 | |
3434014480 | enjoin verb | to command | 108 | |
3434014481 | resonate verb | to resound or to evoke shared emotion | 109 | |
3434014482 | tantamount adjective | equal | 110 | |
3434014483 | cognizant adjective | aware | 111 | |
3434014484 | decry verb | to publicly denounce | 112 | |
3434014485 | codify verb | to systematize | 113 | |
3434014486 | espouse verb | to adopt or support | 114 | |
3434014487 | exposition literary term | any comprehensive explination of a thought or idea | 115 | |
3434014488 | ellipsis literary term | a punctuation used to show where words have been left out | 116 | |
3434014489 | aphorism literary term | a small statement expressing general truths | 117 | |
3434014490 | multifarious adjective | having many diverse aspects | 118 | |
3434014491 | inexorably adverb | relentlessly | 119 | |
3434014492 | abate verb | to subside | 120 | |
3434014493 | urbane adjective | well mannered | 121 | |
3434014494 | dissemble verb | to conceal (emotions) | 122 | |
3434014495 | odious adjective | repulsive | 123 | |
3434014496 | deride verb | ridicule | 124 | |
3434014497 | clandestinely adverb | secretively | 125 | |
3434014498 | ascertain verb | to determine | 126 | |
3434014499 | aggrandize verb | to increase | 127 | |
3434014500 | deductive reasoning literary term | reasoning from general truths to the particulars | 128 | |
3434014501 | inductive reasoning literary term | reasoning from detailed facts to general principles | 129 | |
3434014502 | straw man literary term | the intentional misrepresentation of someones arguement for the purpose of tearing them down | 130 | |
3434014503 | cogitate verb | to ponder | 131 | |
3434014504 | fallacious adjective | logically unsound | 132 | |
3434014505 | hubris noun | excessive pride | 133 | |
3434014506 | intemperate adjective | unrestrained | 134 | |
3434014507 | embody verb | to personify | 135 | |
3434014508 | jocular adjective | playful | 136 | |
3434014509 | malign verb | to speak harmfully about | 137 | |
3434014510 | malediction noun | a curse | 138 | |
3434014511 | capitulate verb | to surrender | 139 | |
3434014512 | recapitulate verb | to summarize (RECAP) | 140 | |
3434014513 | allusion literary term | an indirect reference | 141 | |
3434014514 | illusion literary term | something that deceives | 142 | |
3434014515 | anecdote literary term | a short account of a humorous or interesting incident | 143 | |
3434014516 | juxtapose verb | to place side by side | 144 | |
3434014517 | feckless adjective | ineffective | 145 | |
3434014518 | circumlocution noun | a roundabout way of speaking | 146 | |
3434014519 | verbose adjective | excessively wordy | 147 | |
3434014520 | engender verb | to cause | 148 | |
3434014521 | pariah noun | a social outcast | 149 | |
3434014522 | expunge verb | to remove completely | 150 | |
3434014523 | lethargy noun | a lack of energy | 151 | |
3434014524 | rarefied adjective | lofty | 152 | |
3434014525 | mordant adjective | bitterly sarcastic | 153 | |
3434014526 | ambiguity literary term | the uncertainty of meaning of language | 154 | |
3434014527 | aesthetic literary term | of or relating to art and beauty | 155 | |
3434014528 | antithesis literary term | something regarded as the direct opposite of something else | 156 | |
3434014529 | obviate verb | to anticipate and prevent | 157 | |
3434014530 | unequivocal adjective | having only one possible answer or meaning | 158 | |
3434014531 | scrutinize verb | to examine in detail | 159 | |
3434014532 | malodorous adjective | stinky | 160 | |
3434014533 | insolence noun | rude or disrespectful behavior | 161 | |
3434014534 | formulate verb | to devise | 162 | |
3434014535 | paragon noun | a model of excellence | 163 | |
3434014536 | largess noun | generosity | 164 | |
3434014537 | potentate noun | a ruler | 165 | |
3434014538 | misnomer noun | an unaccurate name | 166 | |
3434014539 | antecedent literary term | something that is replaced by a pronoun | 167 | |
3434014540 | understatement literary term | presenting something in a less important manner | 168 | |
3434014541 | hyperbole literary term | an exaggeration in speech or writing | 169 | |
3488166555 | trenchant adjective | thoroughly effective | 170 | |
3488169794 | equivocate verb | to deliberately speak unclearly | 171 | |
3488173122 | roustabout noun | an unskilled laborer | 172 | |
3488173123 | plausible adjective | seemingly reasonable | 173 | |
3488180055 | inane adjective | lacking significance | 174 | |
3488182936 | posthumously adverb | after death | 175 | |
3488185634 | indomitable adjective | cannot be conquered | 176 | |
3488189166 | furtive adjective | secretive | 177 | |
3488189167 | illicit adjective | unlawful | 178 | |
3488197496 | splendiferous adjective | splendid | 179 | |
3488201130 | antimetabole literary term | repetition of words in successful clauses | 180 | |
3488220355 | tenor and vehicle literary term | the concept of objects in the metaphor; the image that is presented by the metaphor | 181 | |
3488226067 | genre literary term | a category of writing | 182 | |
3573001143 | proscribe verb | to prohibit | 183 | |
3573001144 | generate verb | to produce | 184 | |
3573002934 | disheveled adjective | untidy | 185 | |
3573005495 | countenance noun | facial expression | 186 | |
3573007741 | countenance verb | to admit as possible | 187 | |
3573009784 | prescribe verb | to establish a course of action | 188 | |
3573011726 | tawdry adjective | showy but cheap | 189 | |
3573013814 | virulent adjective | poisonous | 190 | |
3573017197 | galvanize verb | to stimulate into action | 191 | |
3573020177 | prescient adjective | having or showing knowledge of events before they take place | 192 | |
3573024292 | connotation literary term | feelings or emotions evoked by words | 193 | |
3573025324 | denotation literary term | literal or dictionary meanings of a word in contrast to its connotative or associated meanings | 194 | |
3573028275 | in medias res literary term | into the middle (of a narrative) | 195 | |
3616978512 | condone verb | to accept and allow | 196 | |
3616979270 | specious adjective | seemingly true | 197 | |
3616983823 | crestfallen adjective | sad | 198 | |
3616985028 | nonplus verb | to purplex | 199 | |
3616986107 | skulduggery noun | dishonorable proceedings | 200 | |
3616987341 | taxonomy noun | the classification of something | 201 | |
3616988454 | remiss adjective | negligence | 202 | |
3616990343 | bellicose adjective | warlike | 203 | |
3616991214 | parlance noun | language that is used by a specific group of people | 204 | |
3616993385 | resplendent adjective | shining brightly | 205 | |
3616994308 | declarative sentence literary term | makes a statement | 206 | |
3616995406 | imperative sentence literary term | gives a command | 207 | |
3616996581 | interrogative sentence literary term | asks a question | 208 | |
3756548523 | alleviate verb | to make less severe | 209 | |
3756552716 | conciliatory adjective | tending to mollify | 210 | |
3756552717 | moniker noun | a nickname | 211 | |
3756554745 | insatiable adjective | unable to be satisfied | 212 | |
3756556211 | delineate verb | to outline | 213 | |
3756557705 | indubitable adjective | impossible to doubt | 214 | |
3756561572 | raze verb | to demolish | 215 | |
3756563558 | minutiae noun | the small details (of something) | 216 | |
3756565618 | carp* verb | to bitch and moan | 217 | |
3756566868 | enigma noun | something puzzling | 218 | |
3756568175 | invective literary term | the words used in a polemic | 219 | |
3756569862 | persona literary term | the perception of ones character by others | 220 | |
3756572461 | discourse literary term | any formal discussion | 221 | |
3756575336 | glean verb | to extract from various sources | 222 | |
3756580368 | fraught* adjective | filled negatively | 223 | |
3756582107 | diatribe noun | a bitter verbal attack | 224 | |
3756587072 | frenetic adjective | frenzy or energetic | 225 | |
3756592544 | allay verb | to reduce in intensity | 226 | |
3756594062 | nuance noun | a subtle difference | 227 | |
3756595798 | recant verb | to withdrawal | 228 | |
3756598336 | benefactor noun | a person who gives money to support a cause | 229 | |
3756599511 | impeccable adjective | flawless | 230 | |
3756602995 | pedantic adjective | overly concerned with literal accuracy or formality | 231 | |
3756606014 | occasion literary term | the time, place, or context of an event | 232 | |
3756608890 | refutation literary term | the negation of an arguement | 233 | |
3756615311 | begging the question literary term | assuming the initial point without proof | 234 | |
3802186381 | assertion noun | a forceful statement of belief | 235 | |
3802191237 | coherent adjective | logically connected | 236 | |
3802194705 | didactic adjective | educational | 237 | |
3802195959 | exculpate verb | to clear from guilt | 238 | |
3802198140 | incontrovertible adjective | indisputable | 239 | |
3802207026 | listless adjective | lacking energy | 240 | |
3802208732 | convoluted adjective | highly complicated | 241 | |
3802211285 | obscure adjective | vague | 242 | |
3802212793 | impede verb | to hinder | 243 | |
3802222070 | quandary noun | a predicament | 244 | |
3802223394 | encomium literary term | a formal panegyric | 245 | |
3802241608 | narrative literary term | something that has story-like qualities | 246 | |
3802246462 | homily literary term | a sermon | 247 | |
3802247968 | axiom literary term | a universally accepted truth | 248 | |
3936453438 | Cryptic Adjective | Difficult to understand | 249 | |
3936453439 | Indolent Adjective | Lazy | 250 | |
3936453440 | Coup Noun | A sudden and violent illegal seizure of power from a government | 251 | |
3936453441 | Proliferate Verb | To increase rapidly | 252 | |
3936453442 | Vilify Verb | To bash without mercy | 253 | |
3936453443 | Malfeasance Noun | A wrongdoing by public officials | 254 | |
3936453444 | Timorous Adjective | Easily frightened | 255 | |
3936453445 | Corroborate Verb | To confirm with evidence | 256 | |
3936453446 | Cajole Verb | To persuade by promises | 257 | |
3936453447 | Ethos Literary term | Persuading through credibility in the author | 258 | |
3936453448 | Logos Literary term | Persuasion that relies on reasoning and evidence to convince an audience | 259 | |
3936453449 | Pathos Literary term | Persuasion through evoking emotions of the audience | 260 | |
3936453450 | Double entendre Literary term | A phrase open to two interpretations where one may be an innuendo | 261 | |
3985749901 | penitent adjective | contrite or remorseful | 262 | |
3985752390 | disparity noun | a great difference | 263 | |
3985754609 | tenuous adjective | very weak or slight | 264 | |
3985758395 | impinge verb | to negatively make an impression | 265 | |
3985760231 | hegemony noun | negatively dominant leadership | 266 | |
3985763168 | schism noun | a split between different groups | 267 | |
3985767341 | watershed noun | an event marking a turn point | 268 | |
3985771654 | parochial adjective | related to a distinct outlook | 269 | |
3985773975 | squander verb | to spend wastefully | 270 | |
3985778145 | tautology literary term | needless repetition of an idea | 271 | |
3985780112 | motif literary term | a reoccurring design or pattern in a piece | 272 | |
3985784602 | memoir literary term | a narrative composed from personal experiences | 273 | |
4037111809 | opulent adjective | wealthy/affluent | 274 | |
4037113541 | imperious adjective | dictorial | 275 | |
4037113542 | auspicious adjective | favorable | 276 | |
4037116059 | proximity verb | nearness in space, time, or order | 277 | |
4037118211 | disparage verb | to belittle | 278 | |
4037120086 | prognosticate verb | to predict | 279 | |
4037120087 | confound verb | to confuse | 280 | |
4037124184 | parity noun | equality | 281 | |
4037127250 | fatuous adjective | inane | 282 | |
4037127251 | expiate verb | to make amends | 283 | |
4037128939 | cliche literary term | an overused phrase or expression | 284 | |
4037131658 | parataxis literary term | technique that favors short simple sentences | 285 | |
4037139766 | nemesis literary term | the inescapable agent of ones downfall | 286 | |
4086220650 | ebullience noun | the quality of being high spirited | 287 | |
4086222105 | inveterate adjective | established and unlikely to change | 288 | |
4086223973 | ingrate noun | an ungrateful person | 289 | |
4086225677 | efficacy noun | the ability to produce a desired result | 290 | |
4086226879 | arbiter noun | a person who settles a dispute | 291 | |
4086229571 | ostentatious adjective | showy | 292 | |
4086232647 | denigrate verb | to belittle/ disparage | 293 | |
4086233758 | efface verb | to erase | 294 | |
4086235000 | mercurial adjective | tempermental | 295 | |
4086236095 | soporific adjective | tending to cause sleep | 296 | |
4086237619 | verisimilitude literary term | the appearance of being true or real | 297 | |
4086239532 | style literary term | the way an author uses word choice, sentence structure, figurative language, and sentence arrangement to establish a mood | 298 | |
4086242629 | reductio and absurdum literary term | arguing for the truth of ones position by asserting that it's denial leads to something false | 299 | |
4153795930 | indifferent adjective | showing no interest | 300 | |
4153795931 | staid adjective | of sedate character (like a librarian) | 301 | |
4153798509 | nocturnal adjective | done at night | 302 | |
4153802909 | diurnal adjective | during the day | 303 | |
4153802910 | florid adjective | flushed with a rosy color | 304 | |
4153806138 | reclamation noun | the restoration to a pristine form | 305 | |
4153815033 | moribund adjective | near death | 306 | |
4153819378 | aphorism literary terms | a small statement expressing general truths | 307 | |
4153821504 | castigate verb | to reprimand serverly | 308 | |
4153825287 | flippant adjective | disrespectful | 309 | |
4153825336 | utopia literary term | a place where everything is perfect | 310 | |
4153828689 | dystopia literary term | a degraded state in society | 311 | |
4153830055 | innuendo literary term | a suggestive remark | 312 | |
4203575939 | inception noun | the beginning | 313 | |
4203575940 | insuperable adjective | impossible to overcome | 314 | |
4203577092 | *replete adjective | filled | 315 | |
4203579878 | coalesce verb | to come together | 316 | |
4203579879 | debunk verb | to expose the flaseness | 317 | |
4203580922 | vilify verb | to criticize harshly | 318 | |
4203583071 | ominous adjective | foreshadowing to something bad | 319 | |
4203584078 | bolster verb | to support | 320 | |
4203584079 | candor noun | complete honesty | 321 | |
4203585625 | fastidious adjective | overly concerned with small matters (ocd) | 322 | |
4203590267 | asyndeton literary term | the absence of conjunctions in successive clauses | 323 | |
4203617532 | syndeton literary term | successive clauses joined by conjunctions | 324 | |
4203618379 | epitaph literary term | a statement in behalf of someone who has died, found usually on a tombstone | 325 |
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