My hittah we made it. This will continue for future vocab tests. It has been a fun time. (":
3355360324 | Ascribe you know what dis means | to assign (as to a cause); to attribute; to think of as coming from or belonging to someone | 0 | |
3355360325 | Elegy that sad poem by EL was EDGY | a sad or mournful poem or song, often about someone who is DEAD | 1 | |
3355360326 | Engender I produced a baby with the gender female | to produce; to cause; to bring into being | 2 | |
3355360327 | Hackneyed HACKING is cliche and used too often | used too often; stale from overuse; trite; cliched | 3 | |
3355360328 | Homily that sermon about the bible said "Home? ILY!" | a sermon, especially on something in the bible; a long, often dull, moralizing talk of writing | 4 | |
3355360329 | Humdrum you know what dis means | without variety or excitement; monotonous; commonplace | 5 | |
3355360330 | Idiosyncrasy Wow the word idiosyncrasy is so quirky xDDD | a personal peculiarity that is an identifying trait; a quirk | 6 | |
3355360331 | Inconsequential you know what dis mean | unimportant; petty; trivial | 7 | |
3355360332 | Introvert you know what dis meanz | A person who looks inward; a shy, quiet person | 8 | |
3355360333 | Paragon that POLYGON is a perfect, excelent shape | A model of excellence or perfection; a perfect example of something | 9 |