AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!

AP Language Vocab List Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
4711775156AhborTo hate, loathe, or detest.0
4711775799CensureTo condemn in a stern fashion1
4711778740ChastiseTo Scold or criticize severely2
4786650605Coerceto force someone against his or her will, either by means of physical force or some kind of threat.3
4786658016Effaceto erase or wear away4
4786658896Inundateto flood or overwhelm5
4786660481Patronizeto talk down to or treat in a condescending way6
4786665227RepudiateTo reject, disown, or disclaim7
4786666771Vacillateto move back and forth between to opinions or choices; indecisive, or unable to make a decision8

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