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AP Language Vocab Review Flashcards

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5769668316Benediction(noun)- a blessing or the act of a blessing; an invocation if divine blessing0
5769671182Benefaction(noun)- a charitable gift or deed1
5769673770Benefactor(noun)- one who gives financial or other aid2
5769675561Beneficiary(noun)- a person designated to receive something such as funds or other property under a will, trust, or insurance policy3
5769679974Benevolent(adjective)- characterized by performing acts of kindness or charity4
5769683147Facade(noun)- a false, superficial, or artificial appearance5
5769685290Facilitate(verb)- to make easier or less difficult, to help6
5769687348Faction(noun)- a group of people in a political party, church, or club acting together for a common purpose7
5769691216Fickle(adjective)- changeable, especially with regard to affections or attractions, inconsistent8
5769693801Facility(noun)- something designated, designed, built, or installed to serve a specific purpose9
5769698537Colloquial(adjective)- Characteristic of or appropriate to conversational language, informal speech10
5769702001Elocution(noun)- The art of public speaking, emphasizing gestures, etc.11
5769704534Loquacious(adjective)- Very talkative12
5769705214Elucidate(verb)- To make clear; to explain13
5769707445Eloquent(adjective)- having or exercising the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech14
5769709881Magnanimous(adjective)- noble of mind and heart; above resentment or revenge, gracious15
5769711210Magnate(noun)- a powerful or influential man or woman, especially in business or industry16
5769713055Magnetize(verb)- to exert a strong force upon, to captivate17
5769714226Magnitude(noun)- the size, extent, or importance of something, intensity of something18
5769716826Magnum Opus(noun)- a great work, especially of literature, or artistic decent, masterpiece19
5769722847Precedent(noun)- any act, decision, or case that serves as a guide or justification for subsequent situations.20
5769723384Recede(verb)- to go or move away; retreat; withdraw21
5769724673Incessant(adjective)- Continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending.22
5769725693Intercede(verb)- to act on behalf of someone in difficulty o trouble, as by pleading or petition23
5769726485Concede(verb)- To admit something in usually in an unwiliing way; to admit as true, valid, or accurate24
5769727338Duplicitous(adjective)- one who speaks or acts in many different ways, with the intent to deceive, deceitful, double-dealing25
5769730862Complicit(adjective)- the act of being an accomplice, partaking in wrong-doing26
5769732412Complicate(verb)- to make more complex, difficult, or intricate27
5769733381Duplicate(verb) - to make an exact copy of something28
5769734676Implicit(adjective)- implied, rather than directly stated; suggested29
5769735937Diverge(verb)- to extend in different directions from a common point, to branch out30
5769736878Divisive(adjective)- creating discomfort, tension, or disagreement31
5769738951Divorce(noun/verb) N1. the legal separation of a marriage V1. To separate32
5769740723Diverse(adjective)- differing from one another33
5769741321Diversion(noun)- Something that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains us.34

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