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AP Language Vocabulary Final

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175279000Gregariousadj. fond of the company of others; sociable.
175279001Laudatoryadj. containing or expressing praise
175279002Chimericaladj. unreal; imaginary; visionary
175279003Provincialadj. having or showing the manners, viewpoints, etc., ucharacteristic of unsophisticated inhabitants of a province; rustic; narrow or illiberal; parochial
175279004Clandestineadj. characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception
175279005Exuberancen. state of being abounding in vigour and high spirits or full of vitality
175279006Reticentadj. disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved.
175279007Assiduousadj. constant in application or effort; working diligently at a task
175279008Vilifyv. to malign, to defame, to utter abusive statements against
175279009Enervatev. weaken mentally or morally
175279010Detritusn. loose bits and pieces of material resulting from disintegration or wearing away; fragments that result from any destruction
175279011Gustatoryadj. relating to the sense of taste
175279012Callowadj. lacking experience of life
175279013Panegyricn. a formal expression of praise
175279014Magnanimousadj. courageously or generously noble in mind and heart
175279015Disconsolateadj. cheerless; inconsolable
175279016Mendaciousadj. dishonest
175279017Timorousadj. fearful; timid; demonstrating fear
175279018Effusev. spread out; diffuse, pour out
175279019Pugilisticadj. having to do with boxing or fighting with the fists
175279020Atolln. island which encloses a lagoon
175286635Remonstrancen. the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest
175286636Scintillatev. to sparkle; to twinkle; to sparkle intellectually
175286637Vitiatev. to corrupt morally; to contaminate
175286638Brigandn. a bandit, robber, outlaw, highwayman
175286639Incendiaryadj. causing to excite or inflame
175286640Laconicadj. concise, using few words
175286641Discursiveadj. rambling, moving from one topic to another randomly
175286642Mienn. air, manner; appearance; expression
175286643Veracityadj. truthfulness
175286644Etherealadj. of the heavens; celestial; airy; delicate; intangible
175286645Nascentadj. coming into existence; emerging
175286646Nonplusedadj. in state of confusion, bewilderment or perplexity
175286647Fatuousadj. complacently or inanely foolish
175286648Perniciousadj. exceedingly harmful
175286649Febrileadj. feverish; pertaining to or marked by fever; frenetic
175286650Obfuscatev. make obscure or unclear
175286651Elegiacadj. expressing sorrow or lamentation
175286652Perfunctoryadj. done in a routine way; indifferent
175286653Iconoclastn. someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions
175286654Anomalousadj. abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual
175286655Dilatoryadj. tending to delay or procrastinate
175286656Staidadj. settled; of quiet disposition; sedate
175286657Disquietn. the trait of seeming ill at ease
175286658Nebulousadj. hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused
175286659Incongruityn. nonconformity, disagreement, incompatibility
175708787Ambulatoryadj. capable of walking
175708788Unctuousadj. greasy,oily
175708789Prognosticatev. predict
175708790Vapidadj. without liveliness
175708791Austereadj. strict
175708792Ennuin. boredom
175708793Paradigmn. example serving as a model
175708794Urbaneadj. sophisticated
175708795Schismn. division
175708796Inscrutableadj. unreadable
175708797Gesaltn. a unified whole
175708798Aplombadj. with poise
175708799Cognizancen. awareness
175708800Collusionn. a secret agreement
175708801Prostrateadj. lying face down
175708802Pusillanimousadj. cowardly
175708803Phlegmaticadj. sluggish, unemotional
175708804Hegemonyn. leadership
175708805Capaciousadj. roomy
175708806Ignominyn. dishonor
175708807Ribaldadj. crude
175708808Dissimulationn. hypocrisy
175708809Peremptoryadj. putting an end to
175708810Indolentadj. lazy
175708811Suppliantadj. asking humbly and earnestly; n. one who makes a request humbly and earnestly, a petitioner, suitor
175708812Palpatev. to examine by touch
175708813Dissemblev. hide under false appearance
175708814Lugubriousadj. mournful
175708815Expectoratev. cough or spit up
175708816Fecklessadj. futile
176395112Defenestratev. throw out a window
176395113Gaucheadj. lacking in social grace
176395114Diatriben. bitter speech or attack
176395115charlatann. a quack, a phony
176395116subterfugen. a deceptive stratagem or device
176395117denigratev. attack the reputation of
176395118maelstromn. violent whirlpool
176395119truculentadj. savage, feral
176395120speciousadj. deceptively truthful
176395121dilettanten. a dabbler in an art or subject
176395122perspicacityadj. perceptive, mentally keen
176395123artisann. craft worker
176395124altruisticadj. selflessly giving
176395125conciliatoryadj. willing to compromise
176395126acerbicadj. bitter or sour
176395127indigencen. poverty
176395128extraditionn. legal transfer from one government to another
176395129forbearancen. strong control of urges
176395130zeitgeistn. spirit of the times
176395131deprecatev. to critique or belittle
176395132auspiciousadj. favorable
176395133arcaneadj. mysterious
176395134convivialadj. friendly
176395135obdurateadj. stubborn
176395136transitoryadj. temporary
176395137imperiousadj. overbearing or controlling
176395138monolithicadj. standing tall above other objects
176395139equivocatev. use ambiguous expressions
176395140extemporaneousadj. impromptu
176395141copaceticadj. satisfactory
176395142dintn. force
176395143vicariousadj. taking place via someone else
176395144lassituden. weariness
176395145licentiousadj. lewd, sexually unrestrained
176395146pecuniarypertaining to money
176395147avocationn. a calling, hobby
176395148efficacyn. effectiveness
176395149ubiquitousadj. omnipresent
176395150moribundadj. near death
176395151insipidadj. dull
176395152corpulentadj. fat
176395153jocundadj. cheerful
176395154sanguineadj. hopeful

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