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AP Language Vocabulary Flashcards

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4117108850Abstractrefers to language that describes concepts rather than concrete images.0
4117108851Ad HominemIn an argument, an attack on the person rather than on the opponent's ideas. It comes from the Latin meaning "against the man."1
4117108852Allegorya work that functions on a symbolic level.2
4117108853Alliterationthe repetition of initial consonant sounds, such as "peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."3
4117108854Allusiona reference contained in a work.4
4117108855Analogya literary device employed to serve as a basis for comparison. It is assumed that what applies to the parallel situation also applies to the original circumstance. In other words, it is the comparison between two different items.5
4117108856Anecdotea story of brief episode told by the writer or a character to illustrate a point.6
4117108857Antecedentthe word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers. The AP English Language and Composition exam often expects you to identify this in a passage.7
4117108858Antithesisthe presentation of two contrasting images. The ideas are balanced by word, phrase, clause, or paragraph. "To be or not to be. . ." "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country . . ."8
4117108859Argumenta single assertion or a series of assertions presented and defended by the writer.9
4117108860Attitudethe relationship an author has toward his or her subject, and/or his or her audience.10
4117108861Balancea situation in which all parts of the presentation are equal, whether in sentences or paragraphs or sections of a longer work.11
4117108862Cacophonyharsh and discordant sounds in a line or passage in a literary work.12
4117108863Characterthose who carry out the action of the plot in literature. Major, minor, static, and dynamic are types of these.13
4117108864Colloquialthe use of slang in writing often to create local color and to provide an informal one. 'Huckleberry Finn' is written in this style.14
4117108865Comic Reliefthe illusion of a humorous character or scene to contrast with the tragic elements of a work, thereby intensifying the next tragic event.15
4117108866Conflicta clash between opposing forces in a literary work, such as man vs. man; man vs. nature; man vs. god; man vs. self.16
4117108867Connective Tissuethose elements that help create coherence in a written piece. (see ch.8)17
4117108868Connotationthe interpretive level of a word based on its associated images rather than its literal meaning.18
4117108869Deductionthe process of moving from a general rule to a specific example.19
4117108870Denotationthe literal or dictionary meaning of a word.20
4117108871Dialectthe re-creation of a regional spoken language such as a Southern dialect. Zora Neale Hurston uses this in such works as 'Their Eye Were Watching God.'21
4117108872Dictionthe author's choice of words that creates tone, attitude, and style, as well as meaning.22
4117108873Didacticwriting whose purpose is to instruct or to teach. This work is usually formal and focuses on moral or ethical concerns.23
4117108874Discoursea discussion on a specific topic.24
4117108875Ellipsisan indication by a series of three periods that some material has been omitted from a given text. It could be a word, a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph, or a whole section. Be wary of this; it could obscure the real meaning of the piece of writing.25
4117108876Epigraphthe use of a quotation at the beginning of a work that hints at its theme. Hemingway begins 'The Sun Also Rises' with two of these. One of them is "You are all a lost generation" by Gertrude Stein.26
4117108877Euphemisma more acceptable and usually more pleasant way of saying something that might be inappropriate or uncomfortable. "He went to his final reward" is a common _____ for "he died." These are also often used to obscure the reality of a situation. The military uses "collateral damage" to indicate civilian deaths in a military operation.27
4117108878Euphonythe pleasant, mellifluous presentation of sounds in a literary work.28
4117108879Expositionbackground information presented in a literary work.29
4117108880Extended Metaphora sustained comparison, often referred to as a conceit. This is developed throughout a piece of writing.30
4117108881Figurative Languagethe body of devices that enables the writer to operate on levels other than the literal one. It includes metaphor, simile, symbol, motif, and hyperbole, etc.31
4117108882Flashbacka device that enables a writer to refer to past thoughts, events, or episodes.32
4117108883Formthe shape or structure of a literary work.33
4117108884Hyperboleextreme exaggeration, often humorous, it can also be ironic; the opposite of understatement.34
4117108885Imagea verbal approximation of a sensory impression, concept, or emotion.35
4117108886Imagerythe total effect of related sensory images in a work of literature.36
4117108887Inductionthe process that moves from a given series of specifics to a generalization.37
4117108888Inferencea conclusion one can draw from the presented details.38
4117108889Invectivea verbally abusive attack.39
4117108890Ironyan unexpected twist or contrast between what happens and what was intended or expected to happen. It involves dialog and situation and can be intentional or unplanned. Dramatic centers around the ignorance of those involved; whereas, the audience is aware of the circumstances.40
4117108891Logicthe process of reasoning.41
4117108892Logical Fallacya mistake in reasoning. (see ch.9 for specific examples)42
4117108893Metaphora direct comparison between dissimilar things. "Your eyes are stars" is an example.43
4117108894Metonymya figure of speech in which a representative term is used for a larger idea (The pen is mightier than the sword).44
4117108895Monologuea speech given by one character (Hamlet's "To be or not to be . . .").45
4117108896Motifthe repetition or variations of an image or idea in a work used to develop theme or characters.46
4117108897Narratorthe speaker of a literary work.47
4117108898Onomatopoeiawords that sound like the sound they represent (hiss, giggle, pop).48
4117108899Oxymoronan image of contradictory term (bittersweet, pretty ugly, jumbo shrimp).49
4117108900Pacingthe movement of a literary piece from one point or one section to another.50
4117108901Parablea story that operates on more than one level and usually teaches a moral. ('The Pearl' by John Steinbeck is a fine example.)51
4117108902Parodya comic imitation of a work that ridicules the original. It can be utterly mocking or gently humorous. It depends on allusion and exaggerates and distorts the original style.52
4117108903Pathosthe aspects of a literary work that elicit pity from the audience. An appeal to emotion that can be used as a means to persuade.53
4117108904Pedantica term used to describe writing that orders on lecturing. It is scholarly and academic and often overly difficult and distant.54
4117108905Periodic Sentencepresents its main clause at the end of the sentence for emphasis and sentence variety. Phrases and/or dependent clauses precede the main clause.55
4117108906Personificationthe assigning of human qualities to inanimate objects or concepts. (Wordsworth personifies "the sea that bares her bosom to the moon" in the poem "London 1802.")56
4117108907Persuasiona type of argument that has as its goal an action on the part of the audience.57
4117108908Plota sequence of events in a literary work.58
4117108909Point of Viewthe method of narration in a literary work.59
4117108910Puna play on words that often has a comic effect. Associated with wit and cleverness. A writer who speaks of the "grave topic of American funerals" may be employing an intentional or unintentional one.60
4117108911Reductio ad Absurdumthe Latin for "to reduce to the absurd." This is a technique useful in creating a comic effect (see Twain's "At the Funeral") and is also an argumentative technique. It is considered a rhetorical fallacy, because it reduces an argument to an either/or choice.61
4117108912Rhetoricrefers to the entire process of written communication. These strategies and devices are those tools that enable a writer to present ideas to an audience effectively.62
4117108913Rhetorical Questionone that does not expect an explicit answer. It is used to pose an idea to be considered by the speaker or audience. (Francois Villon [in translation] asks, "Where are the snows of yesteryear?")63
4117108914Sarcasma comic technique that ridicules through caustic language. Tone and attitude may both be described as sarcastic in a given text if the writer employs language, irony, and wit to mock or scorn.64
4117108915Satirea mode of writing based on ridicule, that criticizes the foibles and follies of society without necessarily offering a solution. (Jonathon Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' is a great satire that exposes mankind's condition.)65
4117108916Settingthe time and place of a literary work.66
4117108917Similiean indirect comparison that uses the word 'like' or 'as' to link the differing items in the comparison. ("Your eyes are like stars.")67
4117108918Stage Directionsthe specific instructions a playwright includes concerning sets, characterization, delivery, etc.68
4117108919Stanzaa unit of a poem, similar in rhyme, meter, and length to other units in the poem.69
4117108920Structurethe organization and form of a work.70
4117108921Stylethe unique way an author presents his ideas, Diction, syntax, imagery, structure, and content all contributes to a particular style.71
4117108922Summaryreducing the original text to its essential parts.72
4117108923Syllogismthe format of a formal argument that consists of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion.73
4117108924Symbolsomething in a literary work that stands for something else. (Plato has the light of the sun symbolize truth in "The Allegory of the Cave.")74
4117108925Synecdochea figure of speech that utilizes a part as representative of the whole. ("All hands on deck" is an example.)75
4117108926Syntaxthe grammatical structure of prose and poetry.76
4117108927Synthesislocating a number of sources and integrating them into the development and support of a writer's thesis/claim.77
4117108928Themethe underlying ideas the author illustrates through characterization, motifs, language, plot, etc.78
4117108929Thesissimply, the main idea of a piece of writing. It presents the author's assertion or claim. The effectiveness of a presentation is often based on how well the writer presents, develops, and supports the thesis.79
4117108930Tonethe author's attitude toward his subject.80
4117108931Transitiona word or phrase that links one idea to the next and carries the reader from sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph. See the list of transition in Chapter 9.81
4117108932Understatementthe opposite of exaggeration. It is a technique for developing irony and/or humor where one writes or say less than intended.82
4117108933Voicecan refer to two different areas of writing. The first refers to the relationship between a sentence's subject and verb (active voice and passive voice). The second refers to the total "sound" of a writer's style.83
4117112242False Analogy-In this fallacy, the arguer is comparing situations that are different and cannot accurately be compared. Ex: If we can put a man on the moon, we should be able to eliminate poverty.84
4117113625Post hoc ergo proctor hocIn this fallacy, the arguer uses the fact that one thing happened before another as evidence that the first thing caused the second thing. Ex: The quality of education in our schools has been declining for years. Clearly, our teachers aren't doing their jobs.85
4117114556Bandwagon-In this fallacy, the arguer appeals to the sheer number of persons who agree with the belief or to the popularity of the belief as evidence that it is true. Ex: Because a majority of Americans believe in UFO's, they must exist! That many people can't be wrong!86
4117114557Faulty Appeal to AuthorityIn this fallacy, the arguer appeals to an authority whose area of expertise is irrelevant to the issue at hand, or appeals to a person who is famous but not an expert. Ex: Madonna is against animal testing. So animal testing is probably an unethical practice.87
4117119594Appeals to Pity-In this fallacy, the arguer tries to get you to accept his view on the grounds that he will be harmed if you don't. Ex: Please don't give me a homework card! If you do, my parents will beat me88
4117120954Appeals to force/fearIn this fallacy, the arguer tries to get you to accept his view on the grounds that you will be harmed if you don't. He attempts to motivate you from a position of fear rather than to logically persuade you. Ex: So you're an animal rights activist. I'd consider changing my views if I were you because most of us here on the prairies are beef farmers and we don't care too much for your kind.89
4117122543Circular ReasoningIn this fallacy, the arguer supports the conclusion simply by restating it as a premise or by leaving out a key premise. It never actually answers a question. Ex: Women should not be permitted to join men's clubs because they are for men only.90
4117123904False CorrelationWhen the premise of an argument supports a particular conclusion, but then a different, often vaguely related conclusion is drawn, this fallacy occurs. The arguer is basically missing the point. Ex: Crimes of theft and robbery have been increasing at an alarming rate. The conclusion is obvious: we must reinstate the death penalty immediately.91
4117123905Hasty GeneralizationAny argument that draws a generalization based on a small or unrepresentative sample size is this type of fallacy. EX: You can't speak French; I can't; = no one at Seton can speak French.92
4117125532Slippery SlopeIn this fallacy, the arguer creates fear by saying if one thing is permitted, a whole host of the most extreme cases will occur. EX: "...[I]f once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination93
4117126544False DilemmaThis is a fallacy in which the arguer claims that there are only two options, and one is unacceptable so we must accept the other. However in actuality there are other alternatives. Ex: Vote for me or die.94

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