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AP Language - Vocabulary (Lessons 1-20) Flashcards

Selected words from the 2013 Princeton Review AP English Language and Composition "The Hit Parade" chapter. (These are words that have most commonly appeared on the AP Lang exam in the past.)

Terms : Hide Images
14996437412Cogentconvincing, reasonable0
14996437413Didacticintended to instruct1
14996437414Lucideasily flowing; easily understood; clear2
14996437415Arbitera judge who decides a disputed issue3
14996437416Exculpateto free from guilt or blame4
14996437417Incontrovertiblenot able to be denied or disputed5
14996437418Imperiousarrogantly domineering or overbearing6
14996437419Convolutedintricate; complex7
14996437420Quandarya state of uncertainty or perplexity8
14996437422Insipiduninteresting; unchallenging10
14996437423Torporlaziness; inactivity; dullness11
14996437424Disparityinequality in age, rank, or degree; difference12
14996437425Impingehinder; interfere with13
14996437426Servilesubmissive; like a servant14
14996437427Ostentatiousdescribing a showy or pretentious display15
14996437428Ebullienceintense enthusiasm16
14996437429Effusiveemotionally unrestrained; gushy17
14996437430Egregiousconspicuously bad or offensive18
14996437431Freneticwildly excited or active19
14996437432Auspiciousfavorable; promising20
14996437433Mollifyto calm or soothe21
14996437434Reclamationthe act of making something useful again22
14996437435Dubiousdoubtful; of unlikely authenticity23
14996437436Spuriousnot genuine24
14996437437Astuteshrewd; clever25
14996437439Coupa brilliantly executed plan27
14996437440Disingenuousnot straight-forward; crafty28
14996437441Rusea crafty trick29
14996437442Surreptitiouslydone by secretive means30
14996437443ArbitraryDetermined by impulse rather than reason31
14996437444Capriciousimpulsive and unpredictable32
14996437445Equivocateto avoid making a definite statement33
14996437446Tenuoushaving little substance or strength; shaky; unsure, weak34
14996437448Intrepidcourageous; fearless36
14996437449Obduratestubborn; inflexible37
14996437450Obstinatestubbornly adhering to an opinion or a course of action38
14996437451Proliferateto grow or increase rapidly39
14996437453Incumbentimposed as a duty; obligatory41
14996437454Dogmaticstubbornly adhering to unproved beliefs42
14996437455Inherentinborn; built-in43
14996437456Inveteratelong established; deep-rooted; habitual44
14996437457Transientpassing away with time; passing from one place to another45
14996437458Transitoryshort-lived or temporary46
14996437459Affableeasy-going; friendly47
14996437460Amenableresponsive; agreeable48
14996437461Facetioustreating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant49
14996437462Dilettanteone with an amateurish or superficial understanding of a field of knowledge50
14996437463Virtuosoa tremendously skilled artist51
14996437464Decorousproper; marked by good taste52
14996437465Equanimitythe quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure53
14996437466Proprietyappropriateness of behavior54
14996437467Prudentexercising good judgement or common sense55
14996437468Staidunemotional; serious56
14996437469Stoicindifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive57
14996437470Pejorativedescribing words or phrases that belittle or speak negatively of someone58
14996437471Vilifyto make vicious statements about59
14996437472Brusquerudely abrupt60
14996437473Causticbitingly sarcastic or witty61
14996437474Fractiousquarrelsome; unruly62
14996437475Incorrigibleunable to be reformed63
14996437476Ingratean ungrateful person64
14996437477Insolentinsulting in manner or speech65
14996437478Pugnaciouscombative; belligerent66
14996437479Reprehensibleworthy of blame67
14996437480Deleterioushaving a harmful effect; injurious68
14996437481Enmitymutual hatred or ill-will69
14996437482Malfeasancewrongdoing, misconduct70
14996437483Maliceextreme ill-will or spite71
14996437484Rancoroushateful; marked by deep-seated ill-will72
14996437485Ponderousextremely dull73
14996437486Prosaicunimaginative; dull74
14996437487Harbingersomething that indicated what is to come; a forerunner75
14996437488Ominousmenacing; threatening76
14996437489Timoroustimid; fearful about the future77
14996437490Nascentcoming into existence; emerging78
14996437491Candorsincerity; openness79
14996437492Sonorousproducing a deep or full sound80
14996437493Copiousplentiful; having a large quantity81
14996437494Pervasivedispersed throughout82
14996437496Repleteabundantly supplied; filled to capacity84
14996437497Laudatorygiving praise85
14996437498Veneratedhighly respected86
14996437499Faciledone or achieved with little effort; easy87
14996437500Fastidiouspossessing careful attention to detail; difficult to please88
14996437502Solventable to pay one's debts90
14996437503Anachronismsomething out of place in time or sequence91
14996437504Anthropomorphismthe attribution of humanlike characteristics to inanimate objects, animals, or forces of nature92
14996437505Archetypea perfect example of; an original pattern or mold93
14996437506Paradigman example or model94
14996437507Penitentexpressing remorse for one's misdeeds95
14996437508Perniciouscausing great harm96
14996437509Propitiouspresenting favorable circumstances; auspicious97
14996437510Sardonicdisdainfully or ironically humourous; harsh, bitter, or caustic98
14996437511Truncatedshortened; cut off.99

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