Selected words from the 2013 Princeton Review AP English Language and Composition "The Hit Parade" chapter. (These are words that have most commonly appeared on the AP Lang exam in the past.)
14996437412 | Cogent | convincing, reasonable | 0 | |
14996437413 | Didactic | intended to instruct | 1 | |
14996437414 | Lucid | easily flowing; easily understood; clear | 2 | |
14996437415 | Arbiter | a judge who decides a disputed issue | 3 | |
14996437416 | Exculpate | to free from guilt or blame | 4 | |
14996437417 | Incontrovertible | not able to be denied or disputed | 5 | |
14996437418 | Imperious | arrogantly domineering or overbearing | 6 | |
14996437419 | Convoluted | intricate; complex | 7 | |
14996437420 | Quandary | a state of uncertainty or perplexity | 8 | |
14996437421 | Indolent | lazy | 9 | |
14996437422 | Insipid | uninteresting; unchallenging | 10 | |
14996437423 | Torpor | laziness; inactivity; dullness | 11 | |
14996437424 | Disparity | inequality in age, rank, or degree; difference | 12 | |
14996437425 | Impinge | hinder; interfere with | 13 | |
14996437426 | Servile | submissive; like a servant | 14 | |
14996437427 | Ostentatious | describing a showy or pretentious display | 15 | |
14996437428 | Ebullience | intense enthusiasm | 16 | |
14996437429 | Effusive | emotionally unrestrained; gushy | 17 | |
14996437430 | Egregious | conspicuously bad or offensive | 18 | |
14996437431 | Frenetic | wildly excited or active | 19 | |
14996437432 | Auspicious | favorable; promising | 20 | |
14996437433 | Mollify | to calm or soothe | 21 | |
14996437434 | Reclamation | the act of making something useful again | 22 | |
14996437435 | Dubious | doubtful; of unlikely authenticity | 23 | |
14996437436 | Spurious | not genuine | 24 | |
14996437437 | Astute | shrewd; clever | 25 | |
14996437438 | Clandestine | secretive | 26 | |
14996437439 | Coup | a brilliantly executed plan | 27 | |
14996437440 | Disingenuous | not straight-forward; crafty | 28 | |
14996437441 | Ruse | a crafty trick | 29 | |
14996437442 | Surreptitiously | done by secretive means | 30 | |
14996437443 | Arbitrary | Determined by impulse rather than reason | 31 | |
14996437444 | Capricious | impulsive and unpredictable | 32 | |
14996437445 | Equivocate | to avoid making a definite statement | 33 | |
14996437446 | Tenuous | having little substance or strength; shaky; unsure, weak | 34 | |
14996437447 | Assiduous | hard-working | 35 | |
14996437448 | Intrepid | courageous; fearless | 36 | |
14996437449 | Obdurate | stubborn; inflexible | 37 | |
14996437450 | Obstinate | stubbornly adhering to an opinion or a course of action | 38 | |
14996437451 | Proliferate | to grow or increase rapidly | 39 | |
14996437452 | Tenacity | persistence | 40 | |
14996437453 | Incumbent | imposed as a duty; obligatory | 41 | |
14996437454 | Dogmatic | stubbornly adhering to unproved beliefs | 42 | |
14996437455 | Inherent | inborn; built-in | 43 | |
14996437456 | Inveterate | long established; deep-rooted; habitual | 44 | |
14996437457 | Transient | passing away with time; passing from one place to another | 45 | |
14996437458 | Transitory | short-lived or temporary | 46 | |
14996437459 | Affable | easy-going; friendly | 47 | |
14996437460 | Amenable | responsive; agreeable | 48 | |
14996437461 | Facetious | treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant | 49 | |
14996437462 | Dilettante | one with an amateurish or superficial understanding of a field of knowledge | 50 | |
14996437463 | Virtuoso | a tremendously skilled artist | 51 | |
14996437464 | Decorous | proper; marked by good taste | 52 | |
14996437465 | Equanimity | the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure | 53 | |
14996437466 | Propriety | appropriateness of behavior | 54 | |
14996437467 | Prudent | exercising good judgement or common sense | 55 | |
14996437468 | Staid | unemotional; serious | 56 | |
14996437469 | Stoic | indifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive | 57 | |
14996437470 | Pejorative | describing words or phrases that belittle or speak negatively of someone | 58 | |
14996437471 | Vilify | to make vicious statements about | 59 | |
14996437472 | Brusque | rudely abrupt | 60 | |
14996437473 | Caustic | bitingly sarcastic or witty | 61 | |
14996437474 | Fractious | quarrelsome; unruly | 62 | |
14996437475 | Incorrigible | unable to be reformed | 63 | |
14996437476 | Ingrate | an ungrateful person | 64 | |
14996437477 | Insolent | insulting in manner or speech | 65 | |
14996437478 | Pugnacious | combative; belligerent | 66 | |
14996437479 | Reprehensible | worthy of blame | 67 | |
14996437480 | Deleterious | having a harmful effect; injurious | 68 | |
14996437481 | Enmity | mutual hatred or ill-will | 69 | |
14996437482 | Malfeasance | wrongdoing, misconduct | 70 | |
14996437483 | Malice | extreme ill-will or spite | 71 | |
14996437484 | Rancorous | hateful; marked by deep-seated ill-will | 72 | |
14996437485 | Ponderous | extremely dull | 73 | |
14996437486 | Prosaic | unimaginative; dull | 74 | |
14996437487 | Harbinger | something that indicated what is to come; a forerunner | 75 | |
14996437488 | Ominous | menacing; threatening | 76 | |
14996437489 | Timorous | timid; fearful about the future | 77 | |
14996437490 | Nascent | coming into existence; emerging | 78 | |
14996437491 | Candor | sincerity; openness | 79 | |
14996437492 | Sonorous | producing a deep or full sound | 80 | |
14996437493 | Copious | plentiful; having a large quantity | 81 | |
14996437494 | Pervasive | dispersed throughout | 82 | |
14996437495 | Prodigious | enormous | 83 | |
14996437496 | Replete | abundantly supplied; filled to capacity | 84 | |
14996437497 | Laudatory | giving praise | 85 | |
14996437498 | Venerated | highly respected | 86 | |
14996437499 | Facile | done or achieved with little effort; easy | 87 | |
14996437500 | Fastidious | possessing careful attention to detail; difficult to please | 88 | |
14996437501 | Pragmatic | practical | 89 | |
14996437502 | Solvent | able to pay one's debts | 90 | |
14996437503 | Anachronism | something out of place in time or sequence | 91 | |
14996437504 | Anthropomorphism | the attribution of humanlike characteristics to inanimate objects, animals, or forces of nature | 92 | |
14996437505 | Archetype | a perfect example of; an original pattern or mold | 93 | |
14996437506 | Paradigm | an example or model | 94 | |
14996437507 | Penitent | expressing remorse for one's misdeeds | 95 | |
14996437508 | Pernicious | causing great harm | 96 | |
14996437509 | Propitious | presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious | 97 | |
14996437510 | Sardonic | disdainfully or ironically humourous; harsh, bitter, or caustic | 98 | |
14996437511 | Truncated | shortened; cut off. | 99 |