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Ap Language Vocabulary Quiz 1 Flashcards

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4861607836Adjunctionsomething that is joined or added to another thing, but not part of the whole,At the family reunion, I felt like an adjunct member because I was not blood related to anyone.0
4870405927Bellwethersomething or someone that points out upcoming trends,At his brokerage firm, Ted is known as the bellwether because he always knows which stocks will become profitable.1
4870564189Caterwaulmake a shrill howling or wailing noise.2
4870565313Chimericalan invention of an individual's imagination,The company was fined when the government discovered it had used chimerical data to get approval for its new drug.3
4870566494Effetelacking strength, courage, or spirit,,,,,The effete man was scared of his own shadow and hid in the closet during thunderstorms.4
4870569016Fait accomplialready completed and unchangeable.The low grade on my project was a fait accompli the teacher saw no reason to alter.5
4870570967Hideboundrigidly opposed to change,,The hidebound politician refused to change his position on the abortion bill6
4870572949Hierarchya ranking system designed to maintain order in a society or organization.In regards to political decisions, the prime minister sits at the top of the British hierarchy.7
4870574177Laissez-faireThe policy of not interfering in the affairs of others.Since the dictator is killing Christians in his country, there is no way Christian nations can simply do nothing while observing a laissez-faire policy.8
4870575278Liturgypreset practices that are carried out during a religious service or event The priest has performed the baptismal liturgy over five hundred times.9
4870576899Morassa complicated or confusing situation.Even the smartest lawyer will find it difficult to find a solution for this legal morass.10
4870577318Noisomedisgusting in smell.The dog's noisome odor is making me physically ill.11
4870580264Obliviousunaware of what is present or occurring.The huge dog closed its eyes and appeared oblivious to the crawling baby.12
4870581279Poltroonone who acts in a cowardly manner.The poltroon was the coward who sent an anonymous hate letter to the president.13
4870582779Proselytea person who has converted from one opinion, religion, or party to another, especially recently.The earliest to be thus edited was the Targum of Onkelos (Ongelos), the proselyte, on the Law.14
4870585114Quasihaving features that are similar to another thing.Since my father was in the military for twenty-five years, he treats our home like it is a quasi-base camp.15
4870586145Raillerygood-natured bantering.While many people think the brothers are arguing, they're usually just engaging in some fun raillery.16
4870587120Ribaldoffensive or vulgar humor.The comic's sexual jokes were too ribald for my religious mother17
4870589299Supinelying face upward.My brother-in-law is a lazy fellow who will sleep with his head up in a supine position all day long.18
4870590613Vignettea short but meaningful account. As an assignment, we were asked to read a two-page vignette and then sum up the writer's opinion on immigration.19

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