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AP Language Vocabulary Terms Flashcards

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6953366642penanceatonement for sin0
6953368100asceticone who practices self-denial and devotion1
6953368900desultoryoccurring by chance, disconnected2
6953373024scionchild, descendant5
6953374413indoctrinateto teach certain principles6
6953375537opulencewealth, riches7
6953376308obsequiousseeking favor, fawning8
6953376962fulsomeexcessive, insincere9
6953378365two strings to one's bowtwo means of achieving one's aim10
6953379757on tenter hooksin a state of anxiety11
6953380464the fat is in the firethe mischief is done12
6953382186lushluxurious, elaborate13
6953382969destitutionextreme poverty14
6953382970ponderto consider carefully15
6953385505supplicationearnest prayer16
6953386708bona fidegenuine18
6953387290salvationdeliverance from ruin19
6953389255materialismattention to worldly things and neglect of spiritual needs20
6953390466nurtureto nourish, support21
6953392083nirvanafreedom from care and pain, Buddhist heaven22
6953393474like Caesar's wifeabove suspicion23
6953395131juxtaposeto place side by side24
6953395846plightpredicament, dangerous situation25
6953396832covertsecret, hidden26
6953397602copeto be a match for, to be able to handle27
6953398760incompatibilityquality of being mismatched, lack of harmony28
6953401338plea bargainto agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge so as to avoid trial for a more serious offense29
6953402677incapacitateddisabled, made unfit30
6953403271fabricateto lie, concoct31
6953404508connubialrelated to marriage32
6953404509demurto object33
6953405993appellationa name34
6953406724in apple pie orderin neat order, good condition35
6953406727escalationan increase, intensification36
6953408066indifferencelack of concern37
6953409494reconditesecret, hidden, obscure40
6953410459apple polishingtrying to gain favor by gifts or flattery41
6953411483palliatealleviate, relieve without curing42
6953413244deludeto fool43
6953414689chimericalvisionary, imaginary, fantastic45
6953417238the Draconian Codea very severe set of rules47
6953420036perspicaciousacutely perceptive, shrewd50
6953421125analogouscomparable, similar51
6953421126maladjustedpoorly adjusted, disturbed52
6953422229the distaff sidewomen53
6953423319phenomenonunusual occurrence54
6953424122decadeten years56
6953424663susceptibleeasily affected, unusually liable57
6953425608neuroticsuffering from a nervous disorder58
6953427295on the qui viveon the alert59
6953429369enunciateto utter, proclaim61
6953432617introspectivelooking into one's own feelings64
6953433935to get one's back upto become angry65
6953435919perpetuateto cause to continue66
6953435920mandatean authoritative order or command67
6953441597compensatoryserving to pay back68
6953442440neutralizeto counteract69
6953445177to bring home the baconto earn a living, to succeed71
6953449963anthropologistan expert in the study of the races, beliefs, customs, etc. of mankind72
6953450925artifactan object made by hand, rather than a thing as it occurs in nature73
6953452251bizarreodd, peculiar, strange, weird74
6953453351fetishan object that is thought to have magic powers75
6953455884to get down a high horseto act like an ordinary person77
6953458329imperativeurgent, necessary, compulsory78
6953461239imprudentunwise, not careful79
6953462064prohibitionthe act of forbidding certain behavior80
6953463152tabooforbidden by custom or religious practice81
6953465259taintcontamination, undesirable substance that spoils something82
6953467054the first waterof the best quality, the greatest83
6953467610abhorto detest, to despise84
6953468970bigota person who is intolerant of other people of ideas86
6953470241contemptuousexpressing a feeling that something is worthless87
6953472034universalpresent everywhere88
6953473189dyed-in-the-woolset in one's ways89
6953474546vulnerablecapable of being injured90
6953475351entreatyappeal, plea91
6953475352traditioncustom that has been handed down92
6953476363originatebegin, arise93
6953477060inviolablesafe (from destruction, etc.)94
6953477774blue chipa highly valuable asset, stock, property95
6953479051awesomeinspiring terror, weird96
6953479991debrisruins, fragments97
6953480636dispersedscattered, spread, broken up98
6953480637eruptionbursting out99
6953481736punyweak, unimportant100
6953482875as broad as it is longit makes very little difference101
6953483635obliterateerase, wipe out102
6953483636deplorablesad, pittiable103
6953484898initiatestart, set going104
6953485573conflagrationgreat fire105
6953486217blow hot and coldswing for and against something107
6953486781congenialsympathetic, agreeable108
6953488071hoardhide, store, accumulate109
6953490051sagewise man, philosopher110
6953490052aegisshield, protection, sponsorship111
6953491468detrimentinjury, damage, hurt112
6953492148in the doldrumsin a bored or depressed state113
6953492903longevitylong duration of life114
6953493518virilemasterful, manly116
6953494201senileinfirm, weak from old age117
6953495613dodderingtrembling, shaking118
6953496409burn the midnight oilstudy or work late into the night119
6953497926lethargiclazy, indifferent120
6953497927prevalentprevailing, common, general121
6953498600paramountsupreme, foremost122
6953499243remisscareless, negligent123
6953499244hostileantagonistic, angry124
6953500790to split hairsto make fine distinctions125
6953500791rebukecriticize, reproach, reprimand126
6953502452aversionstrong dislike, opposition127
6953504028evinceshow plainly, exhibit128
6953504872superficialon the surface, slight130
6953505848to strike while the iron is hotto take an action at the right moment131
6953506556jettisonthrow overboard, discard132
6953507655inevitablesure, certain, unavoidable133
6953508386tusslea rough struggle135
6953508398intrinsicessential, natural, inborn136
6953509629once in a blue moonon a very rare occasion137
6953510593acutesharp, keen, severe138
6953510594gistessence, main point139
6953511419transientpassing, short-lived, fleeting140
6953512925terseconcise, brief, compact141
6953514023cogentforceful, convincing, persuasive142
6953514725sleep on itpostpone a decision while giving it some thought143
6953516062pinnaclesummit, peak, top, crown144
6953516063arrayarrangement, system145
6953516983obscureunknown, lowly, unclear146
6953517618ardentpassionate, eager147
6953517635culminatereach the highest point148
6953518962to break the iceto make a beginning, to overcome stiffness between strangers149
6953521494constrictlimit, bind, squeeze150
6953522582prodigymarvel, phenomenon151
6953523283bereftdeprived of152
6953523284falterstumble, hesitate, waver153
6953524870exultationtriumphant joy154
6953525600loaded for bearto be well prepared155
6953526264vitriolicbiting, burning156
6953526265invectiveinsulting, abusive speech157
6953527714besmirchsoil, stain, dim the reputation158
6953528285voluminousbulky, large159
6953529263retrospectlooking backward160
6953529264to bring down the houseto cause great enthusiasm161
6953530328egotista vain, conceited person162
6953530932humilityhumbleness, modesty, meekness163
6953530933pungentsharply stimulating, biting164
6953533018inveteratehabitual, firmly established165
6953533879adamantunyielding, inflexible166
6953535259to pull one's weightto do a fair share of the work167
6953536977bedlamconfusion, uproar168
6953538072cacophonydiscord, hard sound, dissonance169
6953539246exploitprofit by, utilize170
6953540345propinquitynearness in time or place171
6953541047a white elephanta costly and useless possession172
6953543335disgruntledunhappy, displeased173
6953543336infallibleexempt from error, right174
6953546587eradicatewipe out176
6953546588impedeinterfere, block, hinder177
6953548175lock, stock, and barrelentirely, completely178
6953550355sedatequiet, still, undisturbed, sober179
6953551110equanimityevenness of mind, composure180
6953551899compatibleharmonious, well-matched181
6953553304serenitypeaceful repose182
6953553305reverehonor, respect, admire183
6953554614a feather in one's capsomething to be proud of184
6953558562avaricegreed, passion for riches186
6953558563insatiablecannot be satisfied187
6953559614nadirlowest point188
6953559615moribunddying, at the point of death189
6953561126out on a limbin a dangerous or exposed position190
6953562191obesevery fat192
6953562811adherentbacker, supporter193
6953562812blisshappiness, pleasure194
6953563602patheticsad, pitiful, distressing195
6953564231on the spur of the momenton impulse, without thinking196
6953564876exhorturge strongly, advise197
6953566064apathylack of interest, unconcern198
6953566707fracasnoisy fight, brawl199
6953567404inebriateddrunk, intoxicated200
6953568360adversaryopponent, enemy, foe201
6953573174a fly in the ointmentsome small thing that spoils or lessens the enjoyment202
6953574516gustoenthusiasm, enjoyment, zest204
6953575773garruloustalkative, wordy205
6953576695banaltrivial, meaningless from overuse206
6953577670platitudecommonplace or trite saying207
6953577671to take French leaveto go away without permission208
6953578349piquefit of resentment209
6953579277dilettanteone who has great interest, but little knowledge210
6953579998nondescriptundistinguished, difficult to describe212
6953581874wanedecrease, decline213
6953582612in the arms of Morpheusasleep214
6953583346extinctno longer existing215
6953584555idyllicsimple, peaceful216
6953584556galvanizeexcite or arouse to activity217
6953586591encumbranceburden, handicap, load218
6953589030gaudyshowy, flashy219
6953589031forty winksa short nap220
6953590120condescendstoop, lower oneself221
6953590846candorfrankness, honesty222
6953591637mortifyembarrass, humiliate223
6953592248jocosehumorous, merry224
6953592249malignabuse, slander225
6953592944from pillar to postfrom one place to another226
6953593445omnipotentalmighty, unlimited in power or authority227
6953594021zenithsummit, top, prime228
6953594022fledglinglittle known, newly developed229
6953594953peremptoryabsolute, compulsory, binding230
6953596627precedentcustom, model231
6953598096in the lap of the godsout of one's own hands232
6953598097wheedlecoax, persuade, cajole233
6953599167rusticcountrified, unpolished234
6953599775jubilantjoyful, in high spirits235
6953600655decorumpoliteness, correct behavior236
6953601193charlatanpretender, fraud237
6953602381Achilles heelweak spot238
6953602382heresyunbelief, dissent, lack of faith239
6953602881prudentwise, cautious240
6953602882ostensibleoutward, pretended, seeming241
6953604435fervidintense, enthusiastic, passionate242
6953605785spuriousfalse, counterfeit, specious243
6953607499cold shoulderto disregard or ignore244
6953608353propagateproduce, multiply, spread245
6953609353anomalyirregularity, abnormality246
6953609966innocuousharmless, mild, innocent247
6953610650surfeitexcess, superabundance248
6953611213milieuenvironment, setting249
6953611773without rhyme or reasonmaking no sense250
6953611774stridentshrill, harsh, rough251
6953612477concomitantaccompanying, attending252
6953613209lassitudeweariness, fatigue253
6953613786deleteriousbad, harmful254
6953615586efficacypower to produce an effect255
6953615588swan songfinal or last256
6953616357dissentdiffer, disagree, protest257
6953617363fermentuproar, agitation, turmoil258
6953618122attenuatedweakened, thinned, decreased259
6953619640incumbentmorally required261
6953620231to get the sackto be discharged or fired262
6953620232menialhumble, degrading263
6953620974venerablerespected, worshipped264
6953621840extraneousforeign, not belonging265
6953621841ambiguousvague, undefined, not specfic266
6953623579succinctbrief, concise267
6953624591the writing on the wallan incident or event that shows what will happen in the future268
6953625545archaicout of date269
6953626465emulaterival, strive to equal270
6953627390facetiouscomical, humorous, witty271
6953628239rabidfanatical, furious, mad272
6953628879salubrioushealthful, wholesome273
6953628939on the bandwagonjoining with the majority; going along with the trend274
6953631385profounddeep, intense275
6953631386alleviatemake easier, lighten276
6953632151prodigiousextraordinary, enormous277
6953632793expeditecarry out promptly278
6953633601celerityspeed, rapidity279
6953633602ivory towerisolated from life; not in touch with life's problems280
6953635074usurpseize, annex, grab281
6953635615paltryof little importance, insignificant282
6953636345condoneexcuse, pardon283
6953636346trivialpetty, worthless284
6953637320to feather one's nestto enrich oneself on the sly or at every opportunity285
6953639280sombergloomy, sad287
6953641306occultsecret, mysterious, supernatural290
6953642342to hit the nail on the headto state or guess something correctly291
6953643206discreetcareful, cautious, prudent292
6953643207fomentstir up, instigate293
6953644293gleangather, collect294
6953645596quarrysomething hunted or pursued295
6953646375slovenlydisorderly, carelessly296
6953646376on the dotexactly on time297
6953647231abjurerenounce, abstain from298
6953647792reproachrebuke, reprimand299
6953647793penitentregretful, confessing guilt300
6953648709evanescentfleeting, passing, momentary301
6953649718tantamountequivalent, identical302
6953650778to take under one's wingto become responsible for303
6953651691propensitydisposition, inclination, bent304
6953652514warywatchful, shrewd305
6953653284allaycalm, soothe306
6953653285deterhinder, discourage307
6953655193out of one's depthin a situation that is too difficult to handle309
6953656002vigilwakeful watching311
6953656003cumbersomeunwieldy, burdensome312
6953656967divulgedisclose, reveal314
6953657798to take a leaf out of someone's bookto imitate or follow the example315
6953658542fluctuateshift, alternate316
6953659493unmitigatedunrelieved, as bad as can be317
6953660589commodiouslarge, spacious318
6953661925antiquatedout-of-date, obsolete319
6953662740disheveleddisorderly clothing or hair320
6953663559brass tacksthe real problem or situation321
6953663560tenacioustough, stubborn322
6953664436facadefront, superficial appearance323
6953665038asininesilly, stupid324
6953666501grimacefacial expression of disgust325
6953667449calumnyfalse accusation, slander326
6953667450hook, line, and sinkercompletely, all the way327
6953668291pittancesmall amount328
6953668292au courantup-to-date329
6953669721fastidiousparticular, choosy330
6953670540noisomefoul, unwholesome331
6953670541unkemptuntidy, neglected332
6953671242parablea moralistic story334
6953671944whimsicalhumorous, witty335
6953674511countenancetolerate, approve337
6953676081sanctimonioushypocritically religious338
6953677012to pull up stakesto quit a place339
6953679087nonentityone of no importance341
6953679714debacleruin, collapse343
6953680773to raise Cainto cause trouble, make a fuss344
6953681279genrea certain form or style in painting or literature345
6953681800candidfrank, open, honest346
6953681801unsavorydisagreeable, offensive, morally bad347
6953683205degrademake contemptible, lower348
6953684007venialpardonable, forgivable349
6953684722keep a stiff upper lipkeep up courage, stand up to trouble350
6953686175epitomeperson or thing that embodies or represents the best351
6953686996dexteritymental or physical skill352
6953687466grotesquestrange, bizarre, fantastic353
6953687467compassionsympathetic feeling, kindness354
6953688423repugnantdistasteful, repulsive355
6953689292to throw the book at someoneto give the maximum punishment356
6953690332acmepeak, pinnacle, zenith357
6953691150copiousample, abundant, plentiful358
6953692171vehementlyviolently, eagerly, passionately359
6953693064depictdescribe clearly, picture, portray360
6953693946naiveunworldly, unsophisticated361
6953694915terra firmasolid, firm land362
6953695647perfidioustreacherous, false363
6953695648covetwant, envy, wish364
6953696429ingratiatewin confidence, charm365
6953696992ignominioushumiliating, disgraceful367
6953698342in seventh heaventhe highest happiness or delight368
6953698955confrontcome face to face with369
6953701594antipathydislike, distaste, hate370
6953702745servileslavish, submissive371
6953703308volitionwillpower, choice372
6953703309sojourntemporary stay373
6953703970to tighten one's beltto get set for bad times or poverty374
6953704862austeresimple, unadorned, hard375
6953707561halcyonpeaceful, calm377
6953707562tenablesupportable, defendable378
6953708306superfluousexcessive, surplus379
6953710221off the beaten tracknot usual, out of the ordinary380
6953710937motivateinspire, stimulate, provoke381
6953711700rationalizeuse or give a reason other than the real one382
6953711702therapyhealing or curing process383
6953712622nascentbeginning to exist or develop384
6953714549iconoclastimage-breaker, attacker of beliefs385
6953715934a square peg in a round holean able man in the wrong job386
6953716793eruditevery scholarly387
6953716794phobiapersistent fear, strong dislike388
6953718370germaneleading, helpful389
6953719986conduciveappropriate, in close relationship to391
6953720886to upset the apple cartto overturn or disturb a plan or intention392

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