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AP Language Vocabulary Unit 1 Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
4774103307Aberrationa deviating from the right path or usual course of action; a mental disorder, especially of a minor or temporary nature0
4774104048Abstinencethe giving up of certain pleasures such as food and drink1
4774106741Abstracttheoretical, not applied or practical; not concrete; hard to understand2
4774107672Acclaimloud applause; approval3
4774108205Acquiesceto accept the conclusions or arrangements of others; to accede; to give consent by keeping silent4
4774110033Admonishto advise against something; to warn; to scold gently5
4774110383Advocateto support; to be in favor of6
4774111082Aestheticshowing an appreciation of beauty in nature or art; artistic7
4774112462Affinitynatural attraction to a person or liking for a thing; relation; connection8
4774112943Aggrandizementan increase in rank or wealth; growth in power9

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