3270166990 | Discomfit | To embarrass and confuse | 0 | |
3270166991 | Edification | Improvement or enlightenment | 1 | |
3270166992 | Malfeasance | Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official | 2 | |
3270166993 | Feasible | Capable of being accomplished | 3 | |
3270166994 | Surfeit | Condition of being too full, overabundance | 4 | |
3270166995 | Magnum Opus | The greatest work of an artist, writer, or composer. | 5 | |
3270166996 | Modus Operandi | Manner of working | 6 | |
3270166997 | Opulent | Possessing or exhibiting great wealth; affluent | 7 | |
3270166998 | Synergy | The power that results from the combination of two or more forces | 8 | |
3270166999 | Liturgy | A pattern of prayer or worship | 9 | |
3270167000 | Lethargy | A state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy | 10 | |
3270167001 | Laborious | Requiring mental or physical effort | 11 | |
3270167002 | Belabor | 1. To discuss in too much detail 2. To attack | 12 | |
3270167003 | Elaborate | To explain in greater detail | 13 | |
3270167004 | Stanch | To stop the flow of | 14 | |
3270167005 | Staunch | Firm and steadfast | 15 | |
3270167006 | Extant | Still in existence; not destroyed | 16 | |
3270167007 | Restive | 1. Resisting authority; difficult to control 2. Restless; fidgety | 17 | |
3270167008 | Apropos | With regard to | 18 | |
3270167009 | Depose | To remove from office or power | 19 | |
3270167010 | Static | Having no motion or change | 20 | |
3270167011 | Ecstasy | Intense joy or delight | 21 | |
3270167012 | Stasis | Condition in which there is no change | 22 | |
3270167013 | Entity | A being | 23 | |
3270167014 | Essence | The most important ingredient; the crucial element | 24 | |
3270167015 | Quintessential | The most typical, ideal, or important | 25 | |
3270167016 | Verdure | Greenery; fresh and ripe vegetation | 26 | |
3270167017 | Verdant | Green; lush with vegetation | 27 | |
3270167018 | Viridity | Lack of experience; innocence | 28 | |
3270167019 | Candid | Open and sincere | 29 | |
3270167020 | Candor | Frankness or sincerity of expression; openness | 30 | |
3270167021 | Incandescent | Shining brilliantly | 31 | |
3270167022 | Pallor | Extreme or unnatural paleness | 32 | |
3270167023 | Pallid | Lacking color; dull | 33 | |
3270167024 | Appall | To fill with horror or disapproval | 34 | |
3270167025 | Livid | Enraged; furious | 35 | |
3270167026 | Denigrate | To attack the character of; to mock | 36 | |
3270167027 | Peccadillo | A small sin or fault | 37 | |
3270167028 | Impeccable | Having no flaws | 38 | |
3270167029 | Peccant | Violating a moral law; sinful | 39 | |
3270167030 | Pejorative | Negative and critical; insulting | 40 | |
3270167031 | Impair | To cause to diminish, as in strength, value, or quanity | 41 | |
3270167032 | Malign | To speak of maliciously; insult | 42 | |
3270167033 | Malinger | To pretend to be sick in order to avoid something | 43 | |
3270167034 | Malaise | A sense of unease; depression | 44 | |
3270167035 | Negligent | Not properly attentive | 45 | |
3270167036 | Negligible | Unimportant; insignificant | 46 | |
3270167037 | Negate | To cancel the effect of; nullify | 47 | |
3270167038 | Jocose | Cheerful; merry | 48 | |
3270167039 | Jocular | Characterized by joking | 49 | |
3270167040 | Festoon | To drape or adorn festively | 50 | |
3270167041 | Fete | To honor with a banquet or feast | 51 | |
3270167042 | Bacchic | Of or related to a wild celebration | 52 | |
3270167043 | Bacchanal | A drunken party or celebration | 53 | |
3270167044 | Plaintive | Sorrowful; expressing or evoking mourning or sadness | 54 | |
3270167045 | Plaint | A lament or complain | 55 | |
3270167046 | Elegy | A song or poem memorializing something or someone | 56 | |
3270167047 | Elegiac | Mourning that which is lost or past; sorrowful | 57 | |
3270167048 | Somnolent | Drowsy; sleepy | 58 | |
3270167049 | Soporific | Causing sleep or fatigue | 59 | |
3270167050 | Sopor | Sleep; drowsiness | 60 | |
3270167051 | Languid | Lacking energy; weak | 61 | |
3270167052 | Languish | To waste away | 62 | |
3270167053 | Languor | Lack of physical or mental energy | 63 | |
3270167054 | Vigilant | On the alert; watchful | 64 | |
3270167055 | Vigilante | Someone who takes law enforcement into his or her own hands | 65 | |
3270167056 | Acquiesce | To give in | 66 | |
3270167057 | Requiem | A song or religious service for the dead or lost | 67 | |
3270167058 | Quittance | A repayment; compensation | 68 | |
3300453442 | Fortuitous | Happening by a lucky accident or chance; fortunate | 69 | |
3300456200 | Fortuity | Chance or accident | 70 | |
3300457829 | Auspices | Protection or support; patronage | 71 | |
3300459710 | Auspicious | Followed by favorable circumstances | 72 | |
3300460793 | Predestination | The belief that one's fate has been determined in advance by a higher power | 73 | |
3300463725 | Destine | Intend for a specific end or purpose | 74 | |
3300466171 | Consortium | A group of companies or institutions | 75 | |
3300468520 | Consort | To keep company; associate | 76 | |
3300470071 | Propitious | Lucky; favorable | 77 | |
3300471632 | Propitiate | To soothe or satisfy; to appease | 78 | |
3397295556 | Importune | To urge or beg without end | 79 | |
3397298712 | Rapport | A positive relationship | 80 | |
3397299695 | Insufferable | Impossible to bear; intolerable | 81 | |
3397304739 | Preferential | Giving or showing an advantage to one over another | 82 | |
3397311996 | Conferment | The act of bestowing; a formal offer | 83 | |
3397313323 | Periphery | The outermost part of boundary | 84 | |
3397314497 | Euphoria | A feeling of great happiness or well-being | 85 | |
3397329589 | Congested | Overcrowded; too tightly packed | 86 | |
3397332756 | Gestate | To conceive and develop in the mind or body | 87 | |
3397335250 | Gesticulate | To make gestures for emphasis | 88 | |
3457492977 | Solipsism | The theory that the self is the only reality | 89 | |
3457495894 | Desolate | Deserted and lonely | 90 | |
3457498629 | Soliloquy | A literary or dramatic speech spoken by a solitary character | 91 | |
3457500874 | Monotonous | Unvarying; lacking in variety | 92 | |
3457503649 | Monosyllabic | Having only one syllable | 93 | |
3457505891 | Monotone | Sameness of sound, style, manner or color | 94 | |
3457510179 | Divulge | To make public | 95 | |
3457513104 | Vulgar | Of the common people | 96 | |
3457516142 | Polymath | A person with knowledge of many subjects | 97 | |
3457521436 | Hoi Polloi | The common people; the masses | 98 | |
3457525017 | Polyglot | A person with a knowledge of several languages | 99 | |
4423413956 | Totalitarian | Having to do with a government in which one person, group, or party controls everything | 100 | |
4423413957 | Totality | Completeness | 101 | |
4423415816 | Holistic | Concerning the whole rather than the parts | 102 | |
4423421348 | Catholic | Conversing a broad range; universal | 103 | |
4423424231 | Consummate | Perfect or ideal, especially in skill or accomplishment | 104 | |
4423425584 | Summation | Accumulation; total result | 105 | |
4423428009 | Trenchant | Sharply effective or insightful | 106 | |
4423429381 | Truncate | To cut short in the middle | 107 | |
4423429382 | Parcel | To divide into parts and distribute | 108 | |
4423429383 | Parse | To examine or analyze | 109 | |
4423435117 | Repartee | Quick. witty conversation | 110 | |
4423437700 | Assertion | Something declared or stated positively | 111 | |
4423439584 | Exertion | The use of power and of strength | 112 | |
4423439585 | Disseration | A formal and long paper, written for a degree at a university or college | 113 | |
4423441311 | Disconcert | To upset and confuse | 114 | |
4423444631 | Certitude | Certainty; inevitability | 115 | |
4423446742 | Ascertain | To discover; find out | 116 | |
4423448194 | Annex | To attach oneself; take over | 117 | |
4423449846 | Nexus | The core or center | 118 | |
4423451448 | Liasion | Intermediary; go-between | 119 | |
4423456436 | Obligatory | Expected or required | 120 | |
4423458842 | Ligature | A binding or joining | 121 | |
4423458936 | Sedition | Act or practice aimed at undermining authority; rebellion | 122 | |
4423463153 | Ambiance | Environment surrounding; atmosphere | 123 | |
4423466149 | Circuitous | Roundabout or lengthy | 124 | |
4423469450 | Transitory | Short-lived or temporary | 125 | |
4423471183 | Accede | To agree, often at the urging of another | 126 | |
4423472750 | Antecedent | One that precedes another | 127 | |
4423474527 | Precedent | Tradition; an act or decision that is used as a model for future acts or decisions | 128 | |
4423476580 | Contravene | To violate or go against | 129 | |
4423478821 | Adventitious | Artificial; acquired | 130 | |
4423480218 | Parvenu | Someone newly wealthy | 131 | |
4423482359 | Incendiary | Inflaming; provoking heat or anger | 132 | |
4423485054 | Incense | To infuriate; to make passionately angry | 133 | |
4423486957 | Inflammatory | Arousing anger or strong emotion | 134 | |
4423489005 | Flamboyant | Intended to attract attention; showy | 135 | |
4423491777 | Luster | Brilliance; brightness | 136 | |
4423494788 | Illustrious | Well-known and distinguished | 137 | |
4423499097 | Illustrative | Descriptive; representative | 138 | |
4423500554 | Fulminate | To attack with words; denounce | 139 | |
4423500578 | Refulgent | Brilliantly illuminated; shining | 140 | |
4423504064 | Flagrant | Noticeably bad or offensive | 141 | |
4423508169 | Conflagration | A large fire | 142 | |
4423510069 | Semantic | Having to do with the meaning of words or language | 143 | |
4423512000 | Semiotic | Of or relating to signs or symbols | 144 | |
4423514045 | Paradigm | A pattern or model | 145 | |
4423517099 | Phraseology | The way in which something is expressed style | 146 | |
4423521947 | Metaphrase | An exact translation or restatement | 147 | |
4423523428 | Paraphrase | A summary that is not word-for-word | 148 | |
4423527304 | Demonstrative | Openly expressive of emotion | 149 | |
4423528994 | Remonstrate | To protest or object | 150 | |
4423530945 | Omionous | Menacing; threatening | 151 | |
4423533425 | Abominable | Loathsome; disagreeable | 152 | |
4423533452 | Abomination | Something disgustingly offensive | 153 | |
4423542408 | Detrimental | Causing damage or harm; injurious | 154 | |
4423544600 | Contrite | Feeling regret and sorrow; penitent | 155 | |
4423546063 | Trite | Boring because of overuse or repetition | 156 | |
4423549461 | Detritus | Debris; junk | 157 | |
4423551894 | Attrition | A lowering in number | 158 | |
4423557093 | Lenient | Not strict; generous | 159 | |
4423557122 | Lenitive | Easing pain or discord | 160 | |
4423560014 | Mollify | To soothe the feelings of; to appease | 161 | |
4423562714 | Ruidment | A basic idea or principle | 162 | |
4423564439 | Rudimentary | Undeveloped; very basic or simple | 163 | |
4423569995 | Implicit | Implied or understood but not directly expressed | 164 | |
4423571943 | Inexplicable | Difficult or impossible to explain | 165 | |
4423573822 | Diverge | To branch out to go different ways | 166 | |
4423575326 | Converge | To come together; to gather; to meet | 167 | |
4423577762 | Acclivity | A climbing slope; a hill | 168 | |
4423579849 | Declivity | A downward slope; a dip | 169 | |
4423584676 | Proclivity | A natural tendency towards | 170 | |
4423584677 | Contort | To twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape | 171 | |
4423587807 | Distort | To misshape; misrepresent | 172 | |
4423589720 | Sinuous | Curving or twisting | 173 | |
4423591623 | Insinuate | To suggest in an indirect or subtle fashion | 174 |
AP Language Vocabulary Words Flashcards
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