7290993879 | absum, abesse, afui, afuturus | to be away | 0 | |
7290993880 | accido, accidere, acidi | to happen | 1 | |
7290993881 | accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus | to recieve | 2 | |
7290993882 | acer, acris, acre | sharp | 3 | |
7290993883 | adduco, adducere, adduxi, adductus | to induce | 4 | |
7290993884 | administro (1) | to manage | 5 | |
7290993885 | admitto, admittere, admisi, admissus | to let go, admit | 6 | |
7290993886 | adorior, adoriri, adortus sum | to attack | 7 | |
7290993887 | adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus | to be present | 8 | |
7290993888 | adventus, adventus m. | arrival | 9 | |
7290993889 | adversus, adversa, adversum | facing | 10 | |
7290993890 | res adversae | misfortune | 11 | |
7290993891 | aedificium, aedificii n. | building | 12 | |
7290993892 | aeger, aegra, aegrum | sick | 13 | |
7290993893 | aegre | with difficulty | 14 | |
7290993894 | aequor, aequoris m. | sea | 15 | |
7290993895 | aequus, aequa, aequum | equal | 16 | |
7290993896 | aestas, aestatis f. | summer | 17 | |
7290993897 | aestus, aestus | tide, heat | 18 | |
7290993898 | afficio, afficere, affeci, affectus | to affect | 19 | |
7290993899 | afflicto (1) | to shatter | 20 | |
7290993900 | ager, agri | field | 21 | |
7290993901 | aggredior, agredi, agressus sum | to approach | 22 | |
7290993902 | aggrego (1) | to collect | 23 | |
7290993903 | alacer, alacris, alacre | eager | 24 | |
7290993904 | alacritas, alacritatis f. | eagerness | 25 | |
7290993905 | alius, alia, aliud | another | 26 | |
7290993906 | alter, altera, alterum | the other | 27 | |
7290993907 | alititudo, altitudinis f. | height, depth | 28 | |
7290993908 | altus, alta, altum | high, deep | 29 | |
7290993909 | altum, alti n. | sea | 30 | |
7290993910 | amicus, amica, amicum | friendly | 31 | |
7290993911 | amicus, amici m. | friend | 32 | |
7290993912 | amicitia, amicitae f. | friendship | 33 | |
7290993913 | ancora, ancorae f. | anchor | 34 | |
7290993914 | angustus, angusta, angustum | narrow | 35 | |
7290993915 | animadverto, animadvertere, animadverti, animadversus | to notice | 36 | |
7290993916 | animus, animi m. | spirit | 37 | |
7290993917 | annus, anni m. | year | 38 | |
7290993918 | apertus, aperta, apertum | exposed | 39 | |
7290993919 | appello (1) | to call | 40 | |
7290993920 | appropinquo (1) | to approach | 41 | |
7290993921 | apud + acc. | among | 42 | |
7290993922 | aqua, aquae f. | water | 43 | |
7290993923 | aquila, aquilae f. | eagle | 44 | |
7290993924 | arbitror (1) | to believe | 45 | |
7290993925 | acresso, acressere, acressivi, acressitus | to send for | 46 | |
7290993926 | aridus, arida, aridum | parched | 47 | |
7290993927 | aridum, aridi n. | dry land | 48 | |
7290993928 | arma, armorum n. | weapons | 49 | |
7290993929 | armamentum, armamenti n. | equipment | 50 | |
7290993930 | armo (1) | to arm | 51 | |
7290993931 | ascisco, ascicere, ascivi, ascitus | to take to | 52 | |
7290993932 | at | but | 53 | |
7290993933 | atque/ac | and | 54 | |
7290993934 | attingo, attingere, attigi, attactus | to touch | 55 | |
7290993935 | auctoritas, auctoritatis f. | authority | 56 | |
7290993936 | audaciter | boldy | 57 | |
7290993937 | audax, audacis | bold | 58 | |
7290993938 | auriga, aurigae m. | chariot driver | 59 | |
7290993939 | aut | or | 60 | |
7290993940 | autem | however | 61 | |
7290993941 | auxilior(1) | to help | 62 | |
7290993942 | auxilium, auxilii n. | help | 63 | |
7290993943 | barbarus, barbara, barbarum | barbarous | 64 | |
7290993944 | bello (1) | to wage war | 65 | |
7290993945 | bellum, belli n. | war | 66 | |
7290993946 | bellum gerere | to wage war | 67 | |
7290993947 | biennium, bienni n. | two years | 68 | |
7290993948 | capio, capere, cepi, captus | to take | 69 | |
7290993949 | initium capere | to begin | 70 | |
7290993950 | carrus, carri m. | cart | 71 | |
7290993951 | castrum, castri n. | fort, camp | 72 | |
7290993952 | castra movere | to break camp | 73 | |
7290993953 | castra ponere | to pitch camp | 74 | |
7290993954 | casus, casus m. | chance | 75 | |
7290993955 | causa, causae f. | cause | 76 | |
7290993956 | causā | for the sake of | 77 | |
7290993957 | certus, certa, cerum | certain | 78 | |
7290993958 | cibaria, cibariorum n. | provisions | 79 | |
7290993959 | circum | about, around | 80 | |
7290993960 | circumdo, circumdare, circumdedi, circumdatus | to surround | 81 | |
7290993961 | circumsisto, circumsistere, circumsteti | to surround | 82 | |
7290993962 | circumvallo (1) | to blockade | 83 | |
7290993963 | civitas, civitatis f. | state | 84 | |
7290993964 | clam | secretly | 85 | |
7290993965 | cliens, clientis | client | 86 | |
7290993966 | coemo, coemere, coemi, coemptus | to buy up | 87 | |
7290993967 | cogito (1) | to consider | 88 | |
7290993968 | cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus | to gather | 89 | |
7290993969 | cohors, cohortis f. | cohort | 90 | |
7290993970 | cohortor, cohortari, cohoratus sum | to encourage | 91 | |
7290993971 | colloquor, colloqui, colloctus sum | to confer | 92 | |
7290993972 | comburo, comburere, combussi, combustus | to burn up | 93 | |
7290993973 | commeatus, commeatus m. | trip | 94 | |
7290993974 | commendo (1) | to intrust | 95 | |
7290993975 | commeo (1) | to visit | 96 | |
7290993976 | commiles, commilitis m. | fellow soldier | 97 | |
7290993977 | comparo (1) | to compare | 98 | |
7290993978 | compleo, complere, complevi, completus | to fill up | 99 | |
7290993979 | complures, complura | many | 100 | |
7290993980 | comprendo, comprendere, comprendi, comprehensus | to seize | 101 | |
7290993981 | concedo, concedere, concessi, concessurus | to withdraw | 102 | |
7290993982 | concilio(1) | to win over | 103 | |
7290993983 | concilium, concilii | meeting | 104 | |
7290993984 | conduco, conducere, conduxi, conductus | to bring together | 105 | |
7290993985 | confertus, conferta, confertum | crowded | 106 | |
7290993986 | confestim | at once | 107 | |
7290993987 | conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus | to do thoroughly | 108 | |
7290993988 | confido, conidere, confisus sum | to rely upon | 109 | |
7290993989 | confirmo (1) | to confirm | 110 | |
7290993990 | conicio, conicere, conieci, coniectus | to hurl | 111 | |
7290993991 | conicere in fugam | to put to flight | 112 | |
7290993992 | coniuratio, coniurationis f. | conspiracy | 113 | |
7290993993 | conor (1) | to try | 114 | |
7290993994 | conscisco, conscicere, conscivi, conscitus | to agree on | 115 | |
7290993995 | consciscere sibi mortem | to commit suicide | 116 | |
7290993996 | consequor, consequi, consecutus sum | to follow up | 117 | |
7290993997 | consilium, consilii n. | plan | 118 | |
7290993998 | consilium capere | to adopt a plan | 119 | |
7290993999 | consisto, consistere, constiti | to stand | 120 | |
7290994000 | conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, consepexus | to catch sight of | 121 | |
7290994001 | constituo, consituere, constitui, constitutus | to establish | 122 | |
7290994002 | consto, constare, constiti, constaturus | to stand firm | 123 | |
7290994003 | constat | it is agreed | 124 | |
7290994004 | consuesco, consuescere, consuevi, consuetus | to be accustomed | 125 | |
7290994005 | consuetudo, consuetudinis f. | custom | 126 | |
7290994006 | consul, consulis m. | consul | 127 | |
7290994007 | contendo, contendere, contendi, contentus | to strive | 128 | |
7290994008 | continens, continentis | the mainland | 129 | |
7290994009 | continenter | continually | 130 | |
7290994010 | contineo, continere, continui, contentus | to contain | 131 | |
7290994011 | convenio, convenire, conveni, conventurus | to assemble | 132 | |
7290994012 | convenit | it is fitting | 133 | |
7290994013 | copia, copiae | supply, troops | 134 | |
7290994014 | cotidianus, contidiana, cotidianum | daily | 135 | |
7290994015 | cremo (1) | to burn | 136 | |
7290994016 | culpa, culpae f. | fault | 137 | |
7290994017 | cultus, cultus m. | civilization | 138 | |
7290994018 | cum + abl. | with | 139 | |
7290994019 | cum | when, since | 140 | |
7290994020 | cunctor, cunctari, cuncatus sum | to delay | 141 | |
7290994021 | cunctus, cuncta cunctum | all together | 142 | |
7290994022 | cupiditas, cupiditatis f. | eagerness | 143 | |
7290994023 | cur | why | 144 | |
7290994024 | curo (1) | to take care of | 145 | |
7290994025 | curro, currere, cucurri, cursurus | to run | 146 | |
7290994026 | currus, currus m. | chariot | 147 | |
7290994027 | cursus, cursus m. | course | 148 | |
7290994028 | damno (1) | to condemn | 149 | |
7290994029 | decimus, decima, decimum | tenth | 150 | |
7290994030 | declivis, declive | sloping down | 151 | |
7290994031 | dedecus, dedcoris n. | disgrace | 152 | |
7290994032 | deicio, deicere, deieci, deiectus | to throw down | 153 | |
7290994033 | delibero (1) | to consider | 154 | |
7290994034 | deligo, deligere, delegi, delectus | to choose | 155 | |
7290994035 | delitesco, delitescere, delitui | to hide | 156 | |
7290994036 | demeto, demetere, demessui, demessus | to reap | 157 | |
7290994037 | demonstro (1) | to show | 158 | |
7290994038 | depono, deponere, deposui, depositus | to put down | 159 | |
7290994039 | desilio, desilire, desilui, desultus | to leap down | 160 | |
7290994040 | desum, deesse, defui, defuturus | to be lacking | 161 | |
7290994041 | deus, dei m. | god | 162 | |
7290994042 | dea, deae f. | goddess | 163 | |
7290994043 | dico, dicere, dixi, dictus | to say | 164 | |
7290994044 | causam dicere | to plead a cause | 165 | |
7290994045 | dictio, dictionis f. | the pleading of a cause | 166 | |
7290994046 | dies, diei m. | day | 167 | |
7290994047 | difficilis, difficile | hard | 168 | |
7290994048 | difficultas, difficultatis f. | difficulty | 169 | |
7290994049 | divido, dividere, divisi, divisus | to separate | 170 | |
7290994050 | differo, differre, distuli dilatus | to spread | 171 | |
7290994051 | discedo, discedere, discessi, discessurus | to depart | 172 | |
7290994052 | dispergo, dispergere, dispesi, dispersus | to scatter | 173 | |
7290994053 | dives, divitis | wealthy | 174 | |
7290994054 | do, dare, dedi, datus | to give | 175 | |
7290994055 | poenas dare | to suffer punishment | 176 | |
7290994056 | in fugam dare | to put to flight | 177 | |
7290994057 | in matrimonium dare | to give in marriage | 178 | |
7290994058 | dolor, doloris m. | grief | 179 | |
7290994059 | domus, domus f. | house | 180 | |
7290994060 | dubito (1) | to doubt | 181 | |
7290994061 | dubium, dubi n. | doubt | 182 | |
7290994062 | duco, ducere, duxi, ductus | to lead | 183 | |
7290994063 | in matrimonium ducere | to lead into marriage | 184 | |
7290994064 | dum | while | 185 | |
7290994065 | duo, duae, duo | two | 186 | |
7290994066 | duodecim | twelve | 187 | |
7290994067 | e, ex | out of | 188 | |
7290994068 | una ex parte | on one side | 189 | |
7290994069 | effero, eferre, extuli, elatus | to carry out | 190 | |
7290994070 | egredior, egredi, egressus sum | to go forth | 191 | |
7290994071 | enim | indeed | 192 | |
7290994072 | enuntio (1) | to report | 193 | |
7290994073 | eripio, eripere, eriui, ereptus | to snatch away | 194 | |
7290994074 | evenio, evenire, eveni, eventurus | to happen | 195 | |
7290994075 | evenit | it happens | 196 | |
7290994076 | eventus, eventus m. | outcome | 197 | |
7290994077 | exercitus, exercitus m. | army | 198 | |
7290994078 | exsequor, exsequi, exsecutus sum | to follow up | 199 | |
7290994079 | effemino (1) | to make womanish | 200 | |
7290994080 | eques, equitis m. | horseman | 201 | |
7290994081 | equitatus, equitatus m. | cavalry | 202 | |
7290994082 | equus, equi m. | horse | 203 | |
7290994083 | essedarius, essedari m. | charioteer | 204 | |
7290994084 | essedum, essedi n. | British war chariot | 205 | |
7290994085 | et | and | 206 | |
7290994086 | et...et | both...and | 207 | |
7290994087 | etiam | also | 208 | |
7290994088 | non solum...sed etiam | not only...but also | 209 | |
7290994089 | etsi | although | 210 | |
7290994090 | exeo, exire, exii, exiturus | to go forth | 211 | |
7290994091 | exiguitas, exiguitatis m. | smallness | 212 | |
7290994092 | exiguus, exigua, exiguum | scanty | 213 | |
7290994093 | existimo (1) | to think | 214 | |
7290994094 | expedio, expedire, expedivi, expeditus | disengage | 215 | |
7290994095 | expeditus, expedita, expeditum | unencumbered | 216 | |
7290994096 | extremus, extrema, extremum | farthest | 217 | |
7290994097 | exuro, exurere, exussi, exustus | to burn up | 218 | |
7290994098 | facilis, facile | easy | 219 | |
7290994099 | facile | easily | 220 | |
7290994100 | facio, facere, feci, factus | to do, make | 221 | |
7290994101 | iter facere | to journey | 222 | |
7290994102 | certiorem facere | to inform | 223 | |
7290994103 | facultas, facultatis f. | ability | 224 | |
7290994104 | familia, familiae f. | family | 225 | |
7290994105 | feliciter | happily | 226 | |
7290994106 | felix, felicis | happy | 227 | |
7290994107 | fere | almost | 228 | |
7290994108 | fero, ferre, tuli, latus | to bear | 229 | |
7290994109 | fides, fidei f. | faith | 230 | |
7290994110 | figura, figurae f. | form | 231 | |
7290994111 | filia, filiae f. | daugher | 232 | |
7290994112 | filius, filii m. | son | 233 | |
7290994113 | finis, finis | limit | 234 | |
7290994114 | finitimus,finitima, finitimum | neighboring | 235 | |
7290994115 | fio, fieri, factus sum | to become | 236 | |
7290994116 | firmiter | firmly | 237 | |
7290994117 | firmus, firma, firmum | firm | 238 | |
7290994118 | fluctus, fluctus m. | wave | 239 | |
7290994119 | flumen, fluminis n. | river | 240 | |
7290994120 | fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxurus | to flow | 241 | |
7290994121 | fore | futurum esse | 242 | |
7290994122 | fortis, forte | strong | 243 | |
7290994123 | fortitudo, fortitudinis f. | bravery | 244 | |
7290994124 | fortuna, fortunae f. | fortune | 245 | |
7290994125 | frango, frangere, fregi, fractus | to break | 246 | |
7290994126 | frater, fratris m. | brother | 247 | |
7290994127 | frumentor (1) | to get grain | 248 | |
7290994128 | frumentum, frumenti | grain | 249 | |
7290994129 | fuga, fugae f. | flight | 250 | |
7290994130 | se in fugam dare | to flee | 251 | |
7290994131 | funda, fundae f. | sling | 252 | |
7290994132 | funis, funis m. | rope | 253 | |
7290994133 | gens, gentis f. | nation | 254 | |
7290994134 | genus, generis n. | race | 255 | |
7290994135 | gero, gerere, gessi, gestus | to carry | 256 | |
7290994136 | gladius, gladii m. | sword | 257 | |
7290994137 | gloria, gloriae f. | glory | 258 | |
7290994138 | gravis, grave | serious | 259 | |
7290994139 | habeo, habere, habui, habitus | to have | 260 | |
7290994140 | hibernus, hiberna, hibernum | wintry | 261 | |
7290994141 | hiberna, hibernorum n. | winter quarters | 262 | |
7290994142 | hic, haec, hoc | this | 263 | |
7290994143 | hiemo (1) | to spend the winter | 264 | |
7290994144 | hiems, hiemis f. | winter | 265 | |
7290994145 | homo, hominis m. | man | 266 | |
7290994146 | hostis, hostis m. | enemy | 267 | |
7290994147 | humanitas, humanitatis f. | humanity | 268 | |
7290994148 | ibi | there | 269 | |
7290994149 | ictus, ictus m. | blow | 270 | |
7290994150 | ille, illa, illud | that | 271 | |
7290994151 | ignis, ignis m. | fire | 272 | |
7290994152 | ignosco, ignoscere, ignovi, ignotus | to not know | 273 | |
7290994153 | ignotus, ignota, ignotum | unknown | 274 | |
7290994154 | impedio, impedire, impedivi, impeditus | to encumber | 275 | |
7290994155 | paene | almost | 276 | |
7290994156 | adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus | to summon | 277 | |
7290994157 | aes, aeris n. | money | 278 | |
7290994158 | potens, potentis | powerful | 279 | |
7290994159 | facinus, facinoris n. | crime | 280 | |
7290994160 | caedis, caedis f. | murder | 281 | |
7290994161 | decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretus | to decide | 282 | |
7290994162 | interdico, interdicer, interdixi, interdictus | forbid | 283 | |
7290994163 | sceleratus, scelerata, sceleratum | wicked | 284 | |
7290994164 | decedo, decedere, decessi, decessus | to withdraw | 285 | |
7290994165 | contagio, contagionis f. | contact | 286 | |
7290994166 | reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditus | return | 287 | |
7290994167 | honos, honoris m. | honor | 288 | |
7290994168 | paro, parare, paravi, paratus | to prepare | 289 | |
7290994169 | pareo, parere, parui, paritus | to obey | 290 | |
7290994170 | disco, discere, didici | to learn | 291 | |
7290994171 | praesidium, praesidi(i) n. | protection | 292 | |
7290994172 | intereo, interire, interivi, interitus | to perish | 293 | |
7290994173 | verso, versare, versavi, versatus | to turn over | 294 | |
7290994174 | nosco, noscere, novi, notus | to know of | 295 | |
7290994175 | placo, placare, placavi, placatus | to appease | 296 | |
7290994176 | ioco, iocare, iocavi, iocatus | to joke | 297 | |
7290994177 | inedia, inediae | fasting | 298 | |
7290994178 | devius, devia, devium | out of the way | 299 | |
7290994179 | pinguis, pingue | fat | 300 | |
7290994180 | nitidus, nitida, nitidum | shining | 301 | |
7290994181 | otium, oti | leisure | 302 | |
7290994182 | epula, epulae | food | 303 | |
7290994183 | stolidus, stolida, stolidum | stupid | 304 | |
7290994184 | equidem | indeed | 305 | |
7290994185 | elabor, elabi, elapsus sum | to slip away | 306 | |
7290994186 | macto, matare, mactavi, mactatus | to magnify, slaughter | 307 | |
7290994187 | repperio, repperire, repperi, reppertus | to discover | 308 | |
7290994188 | polio, polire, polivi, politus | to polish | 309 | |
7290994189 | senarius, senaria, senarium | composed of six in a group | 310 | |
7290994190 | dos, dotis f. | dowry | 311 | |
7290994191 | risus, risus m. | laughter | 312 | |
7290994192 | rideo, ridere, risi, risus | to laugh | 313 | |
7290994193 | calumnior, calumniari, calumniatus sum | to accuse falsley | 314 | |
7290994194 | ferus, fera, ferum | wild | 315 | |
7290994195 | memini, meminisse, - | to remember | 316 | |
7290994196 | faux, faucis f. | throat | 317 | |
7290994197 | iurgium, iurgi(i) n. | quarrel | 318 | |
7290994198 | turbulenus, turbulenta, turbulentum | stormy | 319 | |
7290994199 | bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitus | to drink | 320 | |
7290994200 | laniger, lanigera, lanigerum | fleecy | 321 | |
7290994201 | queror, queri, questus sum | to complain | 322 | |
7290994202 | haustus, haustus m. | drink | 323 | |
7290994203 | lacero, lacerare, laceravi, laceratus | to mangle | 324 | |
7290994204 | nex, necis | death | 325 | |
7290994205 | corripio, corripere, corripui, correptus | to snatch | 326 | |
7290994206 | opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressus | to suppress | 327 | |
7290994207 | testor, testari, testatus sum | to testify | 328 | |
7290994208 | propositum, propositi n. | purpose | 329 | |
7290994209 | cluo, cluere | to be called | 330 | |
7290994210 | consots, consortis n. | sharer | 331 | |
7290994211 | tribuo, tribuere, tribui, tributus | to divide | 332 | |
7290994212 | improbitas, improbitatis f. | wickedness | 333 | |
7290994213 | fur, furis n. | thief | 334 | |
7290994214 | creo, creare, creavi, creatus | to create | 335 | |
7290994215 | ops, opis n. | power | 336 | |
7290994216 | ambages, ambagis f. | roundabout way | 337 | |
7290994217 | flecto, flectere, flexi, flexus | to bend | 338 | |
7290994218 | for, fari, fatus sum | to speak | 339 | |
7290994219 | expio (1) | to atone for | 340 | |
7290994220 | regia, regiae f. | court | 341 | |
7290994221 | interemo, interemere, interemi, interemptus | to kill | 342 | |
7290994222 | ulciscor, ulcisci, ultus sum | to avenge | 343 | |
7290994223 | lucidus, lucida, lucidum | bright | 344 |
AP Latin Flashcards
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