31505655 | ac, atque | and, also; as, than | |
31505656 | accipio, ere, cepi, ceptus | receive, accept; learn, hear, concieve | |
31505657 | adsum, esse, fui | be present, assist (dat.) | |
31505658 | aequor, oris | (n.) sea, waves; (level) plain | |
31505659 | age, agite | up! come! lead on! | |
31505660 | agmen, agminis | (n.) army, line, troop; course | |
31505661 | ago, agere, egi, actus | lead, drive, do, treat, pass, conduct | |
31505662 | ajo, ais, ait; ajunt | say, speak, assert | |
31505663 | altus, a, um | (on) high, lofty, deep | |
31505664 | anima, ae | (f.) air, breath, life, soul, shade | |
31505665 | animus, i | (m.) soul, spirit, breath, courage; anger, pride; purpose, thought | |
31505666 | antiquus, a, um | ancient, old, aged, former, of olden times, time-honored | |
31505667 | ara, ae | (f.) altar | |
31505668 | ardeo, ere, arsi, arsus | burn, be eager | |
31505669 | arma, orum | (n.) arms, equipment, tools | |
31505670 | arvum, i | (n.) plowed land, field, region | |
31505671 | arx, arcis | (f.) citadel, fort; hill, height | |
31505672 | at, ast | but, yet, however, at least | |
31505673 | ater, tra, trum | black, gloomy, deadly | |
31505674 | aura, ae | (f.) breeze, air; favor; light | |
31505675 | aurum, i | (n.) gold (object, equipment) | |
31505676 | aut | or, either | |
31505677 | aut... aut | either... or | |
31505678 | bellum, i | (n.) war(fare), combat, fight | |
31505679 | campus, i | (m.) plain, field, level surface | |
31505680 | caelum, i | (n.) sky, heaven; weather | |
31505681 | capio, ere, cepi, captus | take, seize, catch; captivate; deceive; occupy | |
31505682 | caput, itis | (n.) head; summit; life, person | |
31505683 | casus, us | (m.) chance, (mis)fortune; fall | |
31505684 | cerno, ere, crevi, cretus | discern, perceive, understand, decide; fight | |
31505685 | clamor, oris | (m.) shout, roar, applause | |
31505686 | classis, is | (f.) fleet, ship, army | |
31505687 | comes, itis | (m./f.) comrade, follower | |
31505688 | conjunx, jugis | (m./f.) husband, wife | |
31505689 | corpus, oris | (n.) body, corpse, form | |
31505690 | cum (conj.) | when, while, since, although | |
31505691 | cum (prep.) | with (abl.) | |
31505692 | cunctus, a, um | all, whole, entire | |
31505693 | cura, ae | (f.) care, anxiety, grief; love | |
31505694 | cursus, us | (m.) course, running; haste | |
31505695 | dexter, (e)ra, (e)rum | right (hand); favorable; (f. subst.) right hand | |
31505696 | dictum, i | (n.) word, speech, command | |
31505697 | divus, a, um | divine, heavenly, deified; (subst.) divinity, god, goddess | |
31505698 | do, dare, dedi, datus | give (forth), grant, allow, bestow; put, place, make | |
31505699 | donum, i | (n.) gift, offering, prize, reward | |
31505700 | dum | while, as long as, until, provided | |
31505701 | ego, mei | I | |
31505702 | nos, nostrum | we | |
31505703 | eripio, ere, ui, reptus | snatch (from), tear away; rescue; hasten | |
31505704 | erro | stray, wander, err; linger | |
31505705 | fatum, i | (n.) fate, destiny, doom; oracle | |
31505706 | fero, ferre, tuli, latus | bear, endure; wear; report, say; report, say; extol; tend; grant, offer | |
31505707 | facio, ere, feci, factus | do, make, perform; grant, offer; suppose | |
31505708 | ferrum, i | (n.) iron; sword, weapon, tool | |
31505709 | fessus, a , um | tired, weary, feeble, worn | |
31505710 | finis, is | (m./f.) end, limit, border; country; goal; starting-place | |
31505711 | flamma, ae | (f.) flame, fire, torch; love | |
31505712 | fluctus, us | (m.) wave, tide, flood, sea | |
31505713 | for, fari, fatus | speak, say, tell, utter | |
31505714 | fors, fortis | (f.) chance, fortune, hap | |
31505715 | fortuna, ae | (f.) fortune, chance, luck | |
31505716 | fuga, ae | (f.) flight, haste, exile, speed | |
31505717 | fundo, ere, fudi, fusus | pour (out), shed; lay low, slay, rout; extend | |
31505718 | furo, ere, ui | rage, rave, be frantic | |
31505719 | futurus, a, um | future, destined (to be), impending, about to be | |
31505720 | genitor, oris | (m.) begetter, father, sire | |
31505721 | gens, gentis | (f.) clan, race, nation, herd | |
31505722 | genus, eris | (n.) birth, origin, race; descendant; kind, family | |
31505723 | haud | not, by no means, not at all | |
31505724 | heu | alas! ah! ah me! | |
31505725 | hîc | (adv.) here, there, hereupon | |
31505726 | hinc | from this place, hence, thence | |
31505727 | honos (or), oris | (m.) honor, glory, reward; offering, sacrifice; charm, grace | |
31505728 | huc | to this place, hither, here | |
31505729 | idem, eadem, idem | same, the same | |
31505730 | ignis, is | (m.) fire, flame, light, lightning, star; passion, love, fury, wrath | |
31505731 | immanis, e | huge, monstrous, enormous, mightly, dreadful, cruel, atrocious | |
31505732 | imperium, ii | (n.) command, power, dominion, rule, sway, mastery, realm(s) | |
31505733 | imus, a, um | superl. of inferus | |
31505734 | infelix, icis | unfortunate, accursed, unhappy, ill-omened, unlucky, wretched | |
31505735 | inferus, a, um | low, below, underneath | |
31505736 | inter | among, between, during (acc.) | |
31505737 | ira, ae | (f.) anger, wrath, rage, passion | |
31505738 | jam | (iam) now, already, finally, at once | |
31505739 | labor, i, psus | slip (by), slide, glide (by), descend; fail; faint, fall, perish; flow | |
31505740 | lacrima, ae | (f.) tear, compassion | |
31505741 | laetus, a, um | happy; fertile; fat, sleek | |
31505742 | limen, inis | (n.) threshold, doorway, entrance; abode; shrine; palace | |
31505743 | litus, oris | (n.) shore, strand, coast, beach | |
31505744 | lumen, inis | (n.) light, lamp; eye; life | |
31505745 | lux, lucis | (f.) light, sun, day; life; glory | |
31505746 | manus, us | (f.) hand; band, troop; deed | |
31505747 | medius, a, um | mid(dle), intermediate | |
31505748 | mens, mentis | (f.) mind, feeling, intention | |
31505749 | meus, a, um | my (own), mine | |
31505750 | miser, era, erum | miserable, unhappy, wretched, unfortunate, pitiable | |
31505751 | moenia, ium | (n.) walls, city; structures | |
31505752 | mons, montis | (m.) mountain, height | |
31505753 | munus, eris | (n.) function, duty; gift | |
31505754 | nam, namque | for; indeed, truly | |
31505755 | natus, i | (m.) son, child, young | |
31505756 | -ne | sign of a question; whether, or | |
31505757 | ne | lest, that not, no, not | |
31505758 | neque, nec | nor, neither, and not | |
31505759 | neque... neque | neither... nor | |
31505760 | noster, tra, trum | our (own), ours | |
31505761 | nullus, a, um | none, no, no one | |
31505762 | nox, noctis | (f.) night, darkness; sleep | |
31505763 | numen, inis | (n.) divinity, divine power (will, favor, purpose, presence) | |
31505764 | olle, a, um | old forms of ille | |
31505765 | ora, ae | (f.) shore,coast, region, border | |
31505766 | os, oris | (n.) mouth, face; speech | |
31505767 | pars, partis | (f.) part, portion, share, side | |
31505768 | patrius, a, um | paternal, ancestral, native | |
31505769 | pectus, oris | (n.) breast, heart, soul | |
31505770 | pelagus, i | (n.) sea, flood, waves | |
31505771 | paro | prepare, make ready | |
31505772 | pes, pedis | (m.) foot; sheet-rope, sheet | |
31505774 | pius, a, um | devoted, loyal, righteous | |
31505775 | plus/plures | compar. of multus | |
31505776 | plurimus | superl. of multus | |
31508606 | poena, ae | (f.) punishment, penalty, satisfaction, revenge, vengeance | |
31508607 | portus, us | (m.) port, harbor, haven | |
31508608 | procul | far, at a distance, (from) afar | |
31508609 | puppis, is | (f.) stern; ship, vessel, galley | |
31508610 | quaero, ere, sivi, situs | seek (in vain), miss, inquire, ask, try | |
31508611 | quondam | (at) some time, formerly, ever | |
31508612 | quo | whither, where(fore), whereby | |
31508613 | quis, qua, quid | who? which? what? why? any, some(one) | |
31508614 | refero, ferre, tuli, latus | bear back, restore, carry off; reproduce, renew, recall; relate, say; (re)pay | |
31508615 | remus, i | (m.) oar | |
31508616 | ruo, ere, i, ruitus | fall; rush; sink; plow | |
31508617 | saxum, i | (n.) stone, rock, reef, cliff, crag | |
31508618 | sedes, is | (f.) seat; abode, habitation; bottom; tomb, shrine; place, region | |
31508619 | servo | observe, watch; preserve, save, guard, keep, rescue; nurse | |
31508620 | sic | thus, so, in this manner | |
31508621 | sidus, eris | (n.) star, constellation, meteor; season, weather; heaven | |
31508622 | simul | at the same time together | |
31508623 | simul (ac/atque) | as soon as | |
31508624 | socius, ii | ally, comrade, follower | |
31508625 | subeo, ire, ivi, itus | go under, bear; approach, enter; arise (dat.) | |
31508626 | sui | (of) himself, etc. | |
31508627 | summus | superl. of superus | |
31508628 | super | above, beyond, left, in addition, upon, concerning, about (acc., abl.) | |
31508629 | superus, a, um | upper, higher, above; subst. divinity, god | |
31508630 | supremus | superl. of superus | |
31508631 | suus, a, um | his, her, its, their (own) | |
31508632 | talis, e | such, of such sort, the following | |
31508633 | tandem | finally, at length; pray | |
31508634 | tantus, a, um | so great, so much, so far | |
31508635 | tectum, i | (n.) roof; house, home, abode | |
31508636 | tellus, uris | (f.) earth, land, country | |
31508637 | telum, i | (n.) weapon; wound, blow | |
31508638 | tendo, ere, tetendi, tentus | stretch; hasten, strive, (ex)tend, aim; tent | |
31508639 | tollo, ere, sustuli, sublatus | lift, raise, upheave, stir up; remove, destroy | |
31508640 | tu, tui | you (sing.) | |
31508641 | vos, vestrum | you all | |
31508642 | tum, tunc | then, at that time; further | |
31508643 | tuus, a, um | your(s), your own | |
31508644 | ullus, a, um | any, anyone | |
31508645 | umerus, i | (m.) shoulder | |
31508646 | ut(i) | as, when; that, so that; how | |
31508647 | -ve, vel | or, either, even | |
31508648 | vel... vel | either... or | |
31508649 | vates, is | (m./f.) prophet, seer, bard | |
31508650 | velum, i | (n.) cloth, sail, canvas | |
31508651 | vis, vis | (f.) force, violence, energy; pl. vis | |
31508652 | vix | scarcely, feebly, with difficulty | |
31508653 | volvo, ere, i, volutus | revolve, (un)roll, roll (round, through); undergo | |
31508654 | vox, vocis | (f.) voice, word, speech, sound | |
31508655 | volo, velle, volui | will, wish, be willing |
AP Latin Vocab (Insert)
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