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AP Latin Vocab (Insert)

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31505655ac, atqueand, also; as, than
31505656accipio, ere, cepi, ceptusreceive, accept; learn, hear, concieve
31505657adsum, esse, fuibe present, assist (dat.)
31505658aequor, oris(n.) sea, waves; (level) plain
31505659age, agiteup! come! lead on!
31505660agmen, agminis(n.) army, line, troop; course
31505661ago, agere, egi, actuslead, drive, do, treat, pass, conduct
31505662ajo, ais, ait; ajuntsay, speak, assert
31505663altus, a, um(on) high, lofty, deep
31505664anima, ae(f.) air, breath, life, soul, shade
31505665animus, i(m.) soul, spirit, breath, courage; anger, pride; purpose, thought
31505666antiquus, a, umancient, old, aged, former, of olden times, time-honored
31505667ara, ae(f.) altar
31505668ardeo, ere, arsi, arsusburn, be eager
31505669arma, orum(n.) arms, equipment, tools
31505670arvum, i(n.) plowed land, field, region
31505671arx, arcis(f.) citadel, fort; hill, height
31505672at, astbut, yet, however, at least
31505673ater, tra, trumblack, gloomy, deadly
31505674aura, ae(f.) breeze, air; favor; light
31505675aurum, i(n.) gold (object, equipment)
31505676autor, either
31505677aut... auteither... or
31505678bellum, i(n.) war(fare), combat, fight
31505679campus, i(m.) plain, field, level surface
31505680caelum, i(n.) sky, heaven; weather
31505681capio, ere, cepi, captustake, seize, catch; captivate; deceive; occupy
31505682caput, itis(n.) head; summit; life, person
31505683casus, us(m.) chance, (mis)fortune; fall
31505684cerno, ere, crevi, cretusdiscern, perceive, understand, decide; fight
31505685clamor, oris(m.) shout, roar, applause
31505686classis, is(f.) fleet, ship, army
31505687comes, itis(m./f.) comrade, follower
31505688conjunx, jugis(m./f.) husband, wife
31505689corpus, oris(n.) body, corpse, form
31505690cum (conj.)when, while, since, although
31505691cum (prep.)with (abl.)
31505692cunctus, a, umall, whole, entire
31505693cura, ae(f.) care, anxiety, grief; love
31505694cursus, us(m.) course, running; haste
31505695dexter, (e)ra, (e)rumright (hand); favorable; (f. subst.) right hand
31505696dictum, i(n.) word, speech, command
31505697divus, a, umdivine, heavenly, deified; (subst.) divinity, god, goddess
31505698do, dare, dedi, datusgive (forth), grant, allow, bestow; put, place, make
31505699donum, i(n.) gift, offering, prize, reward
31505700dumwhile, as long as, until, provided
31505701ego, meiI
31505702nos, nostrumwe
31505703eripio, ere, ui, reptussnatch (from), tear away; rescue; hasten
31505704errostray, wander, err; linger
31505705fatum, i(n.) fate, destiny, doom; oracle
31505706fero, ferre, tuli, latusbear, endure; wear; report, say; report, say; extol; tend; grant, offer
31505707facio, ere, feci, factusdo, make, perform; grant, offer; suppose
31505708ferrum, i(n.) iron; sword, weapon, tool
31505709fessus, a , umtired, weary, feeble, worn
31505710finis, is(m./f.) end, limit, border; country; goal; starting-place
31505711flamma, ae(f.) flame, fire, torch; love
31505712fluctus, us(m.) wave, tide, flood, sea
31505713for, fari, fatusspeak, say, tell, utter
31505714fors, fortis(f.) chance, fortune, hap
31505715fortuna, ae(f.) fortune, chance, luck
31505716fuga, ae(f.) flight, haste, exile, speed
31505717fundo, ere, fudi, fususpour (out), shed; lay low, slay, rout; extend
31505718furo, ere, uirage, rave, be frantic
31505719futurus, a, umfuture, destined (to be), impending, about to be
31505720genitor, oris(m.) begetter, father, sire
31505721gens, gentis(f.) clan, race, nation, herd
31505722genus, eris(n.) birth, origin, race; descendant; kind, family
31505723haudnot, by no means, not at all
31505724heualas! ah! ah me!
31505725hîc(adv.) here, there, hereupon
31505726hincfrom this place, hence, thence
31505727honos (or), oris(m.) honor, glory, reward; offering, sacrifice; charm, grace
31505728hucto this place, hither, here
31505729idem, eadem, idemsame, the same
31505730ignis, is(m.) fire, flame, light, lightning, star; passion, love, fury, wrath
31505731immanis, ehuge, monstrous, enormous, mightly, dreadful, cruel, atrocious
31505732imperium, ii(n.) command, power, dominion, rule, sway, mastery, realm(s)
31505733imus, a, umsuperl. of inferus
31505734infelix, icisunfortunate, accursed, unhappy, ill-omened, unlucky, wretched
31505735inferus, a, umlow, below, underneath
31505736interamong, between, during (acc.)
31505737ira, ae(f.) anger, wrath, rage, passion
31505738jam(iam) now, already, finally, at once
31505739labor, i, psusslip (by), slide, glide (by), descend; fail; faint, fall, perish; flow
31505740lacrima, ae(f.) tear, compassion
31505741laetus, a, umhappy; fertile; fat, sleek
31505742limen, inis(n.) threshold, doorway, entrance; abode; shrine; palace
31505743litus, oris(n.) shore, strand, coast, beach
31505744lumen, inis(n.) light, lamp; eye; life
31505745lux, lucis(f.) light, sun, day; life; glory
31505746manus, us(f.) hand; band, troop; deed
31505747medius, a, ummid(dle), intermediate
31505748mens, mentis(f.) mind, feeling, intention
31505749meus, a, ummy (own), mine
31505750miser, era, erummiserable, unhappy, wretched, unfortunate, pitiable
31505751moenia, ium(n.) walls, city; structures
31505752mons, montis(m.) mountain, height
31505753munus, eris(n.) function, duty; gift
31505754nam, namquefor; indeed, truly
31505755natus, i(m.) son, child, young
31505756-nesign of a question; whether, or
31505757nelest, that not, no, not
31505758neque, necnor, neither, and not
31505759neque... nequeneither... nor
31505760noster, tra, trumour (own), ours
31505761nullus, a, umnone, no, no one
31505762nox, noctis(f.) night, darkness; sleep
31505763numen, inis(n.) divinity, divine power (will, favor, purpose, presence)
31505764olle, a, umold forms of ille
31505765ora, ae(f.) shore,coast, region, border
31505766os, oris(n.) mouth, face; speech
31505767pars, partis(f.) part, portion, share, side
31505768patrius, a, umpaternal, ancestral, native
31505769pectus, oris(n.) breast, heart, soul
31505770pelagus, i(n.) sea, flood, waves
31505771paroprepare, make ready
31505772pes, pedis(m.) foot; sheet-rope, sheet
31505774pius, a, umdevoted, loyal, righteous
31505775plus/plurescompar. of multus
31505776plurimussuperl. of multus
31508606poena, ae(f.) punishment, penalty, satisfaction, revenge, vengeance
31508607portus, us(m.) port, harbor, haven
31508608proculfar, at a distance, (from) afar
31508609puppis, is(f.) stern; ship, vessel, galley
31508610quaero, ere, sivi, situsseek (in vain), miss, inquire, ask, try
31508611quondam(at) some time, formerly, ever
31508612quowhither, where(fore), whereby
31508613quis, qua, quidwho? which? what? why? any, some(one)
31508614refero, ferre, tuli, latusbear back, restore, carry off; reproduce, renew, recall; relate, say; (re)pay
31508615remus, i(m.) oar
31508616ruo, ere, i, ruitusfall; rush; sink; plow
31508617saxum, i(n.) stone, rock, reef, cliff, crag
31508618sedes, is(f.) seat; abode, habitation; bottom; tomb, shrine; place, region
31508619servoobserve, watch; preserve, save, guard, keep, rescue; nurse
31508620sicthus, so, in this manner
31508621sidus, eris(n.) star, constellation, meteor; season, weather; heaven
31508622simulat the same time together
31508623simul (ac/atque)as soon as
31508624socius, iially, comrade, follower
31508625subeo, ire, ivi, itusgo under, bear; approach, enter; arise (dat.)
31508626sui(of) himself, etc.
31508627summussuperl. of superus
31508628superabove, beyond, left, in addition, upon, concerning, about (acc., abl.)
31508629superus, a, umupper, higher, above; subst. divinity, god
31508630supremussuperl. of superus
31508631suus, a, umhis, her, its, their (own)
31508632talis, esuch, of such sort, the following
31508633tandemfinally, at length; pray
31508634tantus, a, umso great, so much, so far
31508635tectum, i(n.) roof; house, home, abode
31508636tellus, uris(f.) earth, land, country
31508637telum, i(n.) weapon; wound, blow
31508638tendo, ere, tetendi, tentusstretch; hasten, strive, (ex)tend, aim; tent
31508639tollo, ere, sustuli, sublatuslift, raise, upheave, stir up; remove, destroy
31508640tu, tuiyou (sing.)
31508641vos, vestrumyou all
31508642tum, tuncthen, at that time; further
31508643tuus, a, umyour(s), your own
31508644ullus, a, umany, anyone
31508645umerus, i(m.) shoulder
31508646ut(i)as, when; that, so that; how
31508647-ve, velor, either, even
31508648vel... veleither... or
31508649vates, is(m./f.) prophet, seer, bard
31508650velum, i(n.) cloth, sail, canvas
31508651vis, vis(f.) force, violence, energy; pl. vis
31508652vixscarcely, feebly, with difficulty
31508653volvo, ere, i, volutusrevolve, (un)roll, roll (round, through); undergo
31508654vox, vocis(f.) voice, word, speech, sound
31508655volo, velle, voluiwill, wish, be willing

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