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AP Lit Fiske Vocab Ch. 19-21

Vocabulary for chapters 19-21 of Fiske Word Power for Mr. Proctor's AP Literature class

Terms : Hide Images
an opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome, or a source of harm or ruin
extremely hostile
deep-seated, often mutual hatred
refers to people who fight with their fists
aggressive or engaged in warfare
annoyed or angry over a trivial issue
bitter hostility or active hatred
a strong feeling of aversion or repugnance (milder than belligerence or animosity)
connotes a desire to harm others or see them suffer, deliberately harmful or spiteful
warlike, very hostile
light-hearted rapport (mutual trust) among friends
sociable, enjoying the company of others
describes someone who is gracious and approachable, easy to speak to
agreeable and sympathetic, gracious (like affable)
having like mind or temperament
respect or reverence, usually describes feelings for someone older or more experienced
excessive admiration or flattery (close to adoration)
given to open expression of emotion
any kind of group or band of people, a companion
the praise one might offer to a friend or someone of exceptional achievement
sounding again, literally or figuratively
describing a full, rich sound; describes spoken words that are impressive
striking back, synonym for repercussion
describes things which relate to sound
refers to the combination of indefinable qualities of a sound that distinguish it from sounds identical in pitch and volume
a ringing or tinkling sound
used to describe smells, usually unpleasant or dangerous ones
describes a good fragrance, an aromatic smell; can be used figuratively for an intangible quality, a memory or an aura
describes sharp smells that may be pleasant or otherwise
having a smell

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