8047296702 | torrid | very hot and dry | 0 | |
8047296703 | tedious | boring; tiresome | 1 | |
8047296704 | suppliant | a person making a humble plea or prayer to someone in power or authority | 2 | |
8047296705 | retinue | the group following and attending to some important person | 3 | |
8047296706 | physiognomy | (n.) - the art of judging human character from facial features | 4 | |
8047296707 | nefarious | wicked; evil | 5 | |
8047296708 | insipid | lacking interest or flavor | 6 | |
8047296709 | inexorable | impossible to stop or prevent | 7 | |
8047296710 | corroborate | (v.) to confirm, make more certain, bolster, substantiate, verify | 8 | |
8047296711 | akin | related to or alike | 9 | |
8047296712 | vacillate | be undecided about something; waver | 10 | |
8047296714 | moribund | close to death; in a dying state | 11 | |
8047296715 | impetus | a moving force, impulse, stimulus | 12 | |
8047296716 | hospice | a home providing care for the sick, especially the terminally ill | 13 | |
8047296717 | epistle | a letter or literary composition in letter form | 14 | |
8047296718 | efficacy | effectiveness; power to produce desired effect | 15 | |
8047296719 | disparity | inequality; difference | 16 | |
8047296720 | capricious | changing one's mind quickly and often; determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason | 17 | |
8047296721 | avocation | a hobby; secondary or minor occupation | 18 | |
8047296722 | vacuous | lacking ideas or intelligence | 19 | |
8047296723 | subversive | intended to undermine or underthrow, especially an established government | 20 | |
8047296724 | presumptuous | too forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds | 21 | |
8047296725 | plight | A difficult or dangerous condition or situation | 22 | |
8047296726 | pecuniary | relating to money; financial | 23 | |
8047296727 | muse | (v.) to think about in a dreamy way, ponder; (n.) one who inspires an artist | 24 | |
8047296728 | licentious | Sexually unrestrained; immoral; ignoring the rules; promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters | 25 | |
8047296729 | lassitude | (n.) weariness of body or mind, lack of energy | 26 | |
8047296730 | akimbo | (adj.) - with hands on hips and elbows extending outward | 27 | |
8047296731 | admonish | to caution or reprimand; to warn | 28 | |
8047312877 | callous | emotionally hardened, unfeeling; showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others | 29 | |
8047316148 | marauding | going about in search of things to steal or people to attack; to roam about and raid in search of plunder | 30 | |
8047320359 | tumult | Noisy excitement; an uproar or disturbance. | 31 | |
8047322247 | sepulcher | a tomb, grave, or burial place | 32 | |
8047324230 | perquisite | a privilege that goes along with a job; a "perk" | 33 | |
8047328030 | indiscretion | a minor misdeed; action lacking in judgment, breaking the rules as a result of lack of judgment | 34 | |
8047333606 | edict | (n.) an order issued by someone in authority | 35 | |
8047335631 | din | ongoing loud sound; noise | 36 | |
8047340616 | brazen | bold and without shame | 37 | |
8047337863 | compunction | feeling of regret or remorse; uneasiness caused by guilt | 38 | |
8047344520 | affront | insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect; V: insult or hurt the feelings of intentionally | 39 | |
8047350507 | blase | bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned | 40 | |
8047351763 | cajole | to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice; to deceive with soothing thoughts or false promises | 41 | |
8047354774 | choleric | (adj.) easily made angry, bad-tempered | 42 | |
8047356907 | encumber | v. to burden or weigh down; hinder | 43 | |
8047365157 | feckless | (adj.) lacking in spirit and strength; ineffective, weak; irresponsible, unreliable | 44 | |
8047368775 | impasse | blocked path; dilemma with no solution | 45 | |
8047371878 | indolent | habitually lazy; idle; disinclined to work or exertion | 46 | |
8047374243 | lugubrious | mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree | 47 | |
8047376912 | ribald | offensive in speech or gesture; (adj.) irreverently mocking; coarse, vulgar, or indecent in language | 48 | |
8047474507 | adulation | (n.) praise or flattery that is excessive | 49 | |
8047477608 | censure | (v) to criticize sharply; (n) harsh criticism or disapproval | 50 | |
8047483098 | dissemble | (v.) to disguise or conceal, deliberately give a false impression | 51 | |
8047486093 | dissimulation | (n) concealment of one's thoughts, feelings, or character; pretense | 52 | |
8047489696 | droll | amusing in an odd or whimsical way | 53 | |
8047492644 | expectorate | cough up and spit out mucus from the respiratory tract | 54 | |
8047494597 | palpate | to examine by touch | 55 | |
8047496652 | peremptory | insisting on immediate attention or obedience; imperative; leaving no choice | 56 | |
8047501941 | pusillanimous | cowardly; fearful | 57 | |
8047505716 | surfeit | an excessive amount of something | 58 | |
8047570999 | allay | (v.) to calm or pacify, set to rest; to lessen or relieve | 59 | |
8047572565 | capacious | (adj.) able to hold much, roomy | 60 | |
8047574761 | didactic | intended to instruct; having the primary purpose of teaching or instructing | 61 | |
8047580844 | diurnal | daily; Occurring every day; happening in the daytime (rather than at night) | 62 | |
8047584236 | ignominious | disgraceful and dishonorable | 63 | |
8047587586 | mitigate | to make milder or softer, to moderate in force or intensity | 64 | |
8047589753 | palpitate | to beat rapidly; to shake or flutter | 65 | |
8047592420 | phlegmatic | calm and unemotional in temperament | 66 | |
8047594296 | propitious | Favorable, giving good signs for the future, likely to work out; kind or forgiving | 67 | |
8047596025 | prostrate | lying stretched out on the ground with one's face downward | 68 | |
8047602290 | acquiesce | (v.) to accept without protest; to agree or submit | 69 | |
8047604245 | amity | friendship; peaceful relationship as between nations | 70 | |
8047606007 | arduous | (adj.) hard to do, requiring much effort | 71 | |
8047608307 | gestalt | an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts | 72 | |
8047611415 | inundate | (v.) to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size | 73 | |
8047613693 | perjury | lying under oath | 74 | |
8047618901 | perspicuity | clearness, lucidity; clear and easy to understand | 75 | |
8047622251 | preposterous | (adj.) ridiculous, senseless | 76 | |
8047623902 | trepidation | a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen | 77 | |
8047625753 | voluble | talkative | 78 | |
8750205599 | alacrity | brisk and cheerful readiness | 79 | |
8750208643 | aplomb | poise, assurance, great self-confidence | 80 | |
8750211265 | barrage | bombardment; a rapid, large-scale outpouring of something | 81 | |
8750217800 | cognizant | having knowledge or being aware of | 82 | |
8750221267 | collusion | secret agreement or cooperation; collaboration; complicity; conspiracy | 83 | |
8750229035 | deleterious | (adj.) harmful, injurious | 84 | |
8750230566 | hegemony | domination over others; leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others | 85 | |
8750235845 | paradigm | a model; a standard or typical example | 86 | |
8750242132 | unctuous | exaggeratedly or insincerely polite; oily; using excessive flattery | 87 | |
8750248068 | urbane | (adj.) refined in manner or style, suave; sophisticated; refined; elegant | 88 | |
8770795083 | ambulatory | able to walk about; of or for walking; capable of walking | 89 | |
8770802947 | churlish | rude in a mean-spirited and surly way | 90 | |
8770805483 | culpable | Deserving blame; Guilty | 91 | |
8770808553 | diffident | (adj.) shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved | 92 | |
8770812694 | ennui | (n.) weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation or interest, boredom | 93 | |
8770818866 | inscrutable | Impossible to understand or interpret | 94 | |
8770820951 | prognosticate | foretell or prophesy (an event in the future) | 95 | |
8770828510 | schism | division of a group into opposing factions; Split | 96 | |
8770834950 | sedition | behavior that promotes rebellion or civil disorder against the state; Inciting rebellion against a government, esp. speech or writing that does this | 97 | |
8770848148 | wizened | dry, shrunken, wrinkled | 98 | |
8770850531 | austere | severe or stern in appearance; undecorated | 99 | |
8770853989 | corpulent | (adj.) fat; having a large, bulky body | 100 | |
8770860322 | derisive | expressing contempt or ridicule; mocking | 101 | |
8770863407 | effeminate | unmanly; having womanly traits | 102 | |
8770868833 | jocund | cheerful and lighthearted | 103 | |
8770870566 | manifest | obvious; very clear; evident | 104 | |
8770878479 | ostentatious | intended to attract notice and impress others; flashy or showy | 105 | |
8770883283 | sanguine | cheerful; optimistic | 106 | |
8770889709 | strident | unpleasantly loud and harsh | 107 | |
8770892651 | vehement | marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; intense, forceful, powerful | 108 | |
8770898611 | elegiac | expressing sorrow or lamentation | 109 | |
8770900834 | fecund | fruitful, fertile | 110 | |
8770907885 | infirmity | (n.) a weakness or ailment (physical, mental, moral, etc.) | 111 | |
8770910248 | malady | a sickness, illness, disease, disorder | 112 | |
8770913430 | nuance | a slight or subtle degree of difference | 113 | |
8770916689 | profligate | recklessly wasteful | 114 | |
8770919666 | remonstrance | a forcefully reproachful protest | 115 | |
8770922142 | scintillate | to sparkle; to twinkle; to sparkle intellectually | 116 | |
8770923696 | terse | brief and to the point | 117 | |
8770926093 | vitiate | destroy the use or value; to weaken, debase, or corrupt; to impair the quality or value of | 118 | |
9320479655 | ambivalent | having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone | 119 | |
9320481642 | analogous | comparable; similar | 120 | |
9320484381 | emissary | messenger; person sent out on a mission | 121 | |
9320487984 | felicity | intense happiness; bliss | 122 | |
9320491917 | incendiary | combustible, flammable, burning easily | 123 | |
9320493897 | magnanimous | generous in forgiving; courageously or generously noble in mind and heart | 124 | |
9320503525 | morose | (adj.) having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable | 125 | |
9320504842 | repartee | quick, witty conversation | 126 | |
9320509720 | ubiquitous | (adj.) present or existing everywhere | 127 | |
9320512240 | venerable | commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity | 128 | |
9320515086 | countenance | a person's face or facial expression | 129 | |
9320517335 | deposition | testimony under oath | 130 | |
9320526391 | discursive | rambling, moving from one topic to another randomly | 131 | |
9320533716 | epigram | a witty saying expressing a single thought or observation | 132 | |
9320539448 | feign | to pretend; to fake | 133 | |
9320542444 | interpolate | to insert; change by adding new words or material | 134 | |
9320555371 | laconic | using few words; short; concise | 135 | |
9320558950 | meretricious | attractive in a cheap, flashy way | 136 | |
9320561612 | veracity | truthfulness, accuracy | 137 | |
9320566893 | wry | humorously sarcastic or mocking | 138 | |
9320573415 | confound | be confusing or perplexing to | 139 | |
9320578628 | curate | to take charge of or organize | 140 | |
9320584601 | ethereal | heavenly, unusually delicate, light, lacking material substance, intangible | 141 | |
9320587339 | gambol | to frolic; to romp about playfully | 142 | |
9320590171 | mutability | the degree to which something is subject and likely to change | 143 | |
9320592460 | nascent | starting to develop; coming into existence | 144 | |
9320596937 | nonplused | greatly surprised; to cause to be at a loss as to what to say, think or do | 145 | |
9320602705 | pedantic | tending to show off one's learning | 146 | |
9320605594 | quail | to draw back in fear; to lose heart or courage | 147 | |
9320610143 | rhetorical | relating to using language effectively (and persuasively) | 148 | |
9320616374 | effusive | showing excessive emotion; overflowing with gratitude or approval | 149 | |
9320619823 | fatuous | silly, foolish | 150 | |
9320622940 | febrile | (adj.) feverish; pertaining to or marked by fever; | 151 | |
9320627761 | incredulous | unwilling or unable to believe something | 152 | |
9320630392 | interminable | tiresome and long; seemingly endless | 153 | |
9320632482 | obliquely | indirectly | 154 | |
9320639797 | pernicious | (adj.) extremely harmful; deadly, fatal | 155 | |
9320642598 | sardonic | grimly or scornfully mocking, bitterly sarcastic | 156 | |
9320645944 | ultimatum | a final demand or threat; take-it or leave-it deal | 157 | |
9320649461 | writhe | (v.) to make twisting or turning movements in a way that suggests pain or struggle | 158 |
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