ERM. Vocabulary?
40251622 | bereft | to be deprived of something, desolate, past tense and past part. of bereave | |
40251623 | sonorous | producing a full, deep, and rich sound, resonant | |
40251624 | reticence | reluctance, reserved, unwillingness | |
40251625 | renunciation | denial, abandonment // acceptance | |
40251626 | benignant | kind, gentle, gracious; favorable, beneficial // cruel, pernicious | |
40251627 | indefatigable | untiring, inexhaustible, unrelenting // enervated | |
40251628 | craven | cowardly, gutless, timorous, pusillanimous | |
40251629 | spectral | ghostly, haunted, supernatural, phantom, ethereal | |
40251630 | solipsism | philosophical theory of the self as the only knowable reality | |
40251631 | panoply | array, myriad, countless, numerous // few | |
40251632 | apotheosis | glorification, deification, elevate to a transcendent position | |
40251633 | solecism | mistake, faux pas, error in grammar or etiquette | |
40251634 | trepidation | fear, apprehensiveness, alarm, dread | |
40251635 | truculent | pugnacious, scathing, belligerent, violent | |
40251636 | calumny | slander, falsehoods about someone, | |
40251637 | snivel | whine, complain, sniffle | |
40251638 | canny | wily, smart, shrewd, frugal in spending | |
40251639 | sedulous | industrious, assiduous, persevering // lackadaisical | |
40251640 | elucidate | enlighten, clarify, shine a light upon | |
40251641 | insouciant | nonchalant, cavalier, unconcerned | |
40251642 | polemic | diatribe, tirade, a controversy or argument, especially one that is a refutation of or an attack upon a specified opinion, doctrine, or the like. The term can refer to the person who is engaged in the argument | |
40251643 | unctuous | greasy or oily, sycophantic or groveling | |
40251644 | chasten | punish or chastise, censure, reprimand, castigate | |
40251645 | estrange | alienate, disaffect, push away or separate from | |
40251646 | ruminate | ponder, consider, think, meditate, reflect | |
40251647 | imbue | instill, fill, infuse, saturate, permeate | |
40251648 | lascivious | licentious, lustful, immoral, dissolute, decadent | |
40251649 | transcendental | concerned with an a priori basis of knowledge, exalted or mystical | |
40251650 | insidious | sinister, subtle, sly, cunning | |
40251651 | lassitude | lethargy, weakness, enervation, indolence, exhaustion | |
40251652 | salutary | helpful, beneficial, productive | |
40251653 | coda | postscript, addendum, afterthought | |
40251654 | periphery | margin, border, edge, boundary | |
40251655 | propinquity | nearness or proximity, vicinity; concurrence or kinship, tie | |
40251656 | execrated | cursed or denounced, to declare as evil or detestable | |
40251657 | presage | foreshadow, portend, foretell, predict | |
40251658 | stigmata | mark or brand, a sign of disease, Christ's wounds | |
40251659 | accede | approve, approach, consent, assent | |
40251660 | refractory | stubborn, unmanageable, immune, insusceptible | |
40251661 | noxious | pernicious, harmful, corrupting, destructive | |
40251662 | ancor | enmity, ill-will, hostility, abhorrence | |
40251663 | inane | banal, empty, prosaic, dull, vapid, asinine, ludicrous | |
40251664 | turpitude | depravity, inherent baseness of character | |
40251665 | pedagogy | the art, science or profession of teaching | |
40251666 | dexterity | adroitness, mental skill or quickness, ease in use of hands | |
40251667 | fiasco | disaster, debacle, flop, ignominy, disgrace, humiliation | |
40251668 | coquetry | a flirtatious act or attitude | |
40251669 | insinuate | imply, suggest, intimate; ingratiate yourself, wheedle | |
40251670 | pedant | a male school teacher; one who is exacting and perfectionist in the minutiae of knowledge, one who parades his learning | |
40251671 | piquant | hot, spicy, tangy, sharp | |
40251672 | obsequious | sycophantic, flattering, fawning, submissive | |
40251673 | riposte | reply, wisecrack, retort | |
40251674 | frenetic | frantic, hectic, chaotic | |
40251675 | solace | comfort, consolation succor, relief | |
40251676 | speculation | conjecture, assumption, theory, guesswork | |
40251677 | importune | plead, annoy, harass, beleaguer, pester | |
40251678 | approbate | affirm, approve, praise, acknowledge | |
40251679 | adumbrate | foreshadow, prefigure indistinctly | |
40251680 | repudiate | abjure, reject, disown, disavow | |
40251681 | pithy | terse, brief, succinct, concise | |
40251682 | expiate | compensate, recompense, redress, do penance | |
40251683 | timorous | apprehensive, fearful, timid, afraid | |
40251684 | portentous | pompous, arrogant, haughty; significant, fateful, ominous | |
40251685 | divert | redirect, deflect, switch; distract, sidetrack; entertain, amuse, delight | |
40251686 | ensue | result, eventuate, arise | |
40251687 | acrimony | bitterness, irascibility, wrath, rudeness | |
40251688 | loquacious | talkative, chatty, verbose, garrulous | |
40251689 | levity | humor, cheerfulness, flippancy | |
40251690 | admonish | reprove, reprimand, chide, scold, caution | |
40251691 | propriety | decorum, respectability, modesty; correctness, appropriateness | |
40251692 | enmity | animosity, rancor, loathing, malice | |
40251693 | lugubrious | sad, melancholy, depressing, somber | |
40251694 | candid | direct, frank, honest, forthright, sincere, uncensored | |
40251695 | predicament | dilemma, quandary, mess, jam | |
40251696 | tawdry | cheap, sleazy, gaudy | |
40251697 | eschew | (v) shun, avoid, disdain | |
40251698 | laudable | (adj) praiseworthy, commendable, valiant, admirable, courageous | |
40251699 | laconic | (adj) brief, concise, terse, economical, curt | |
40251700 | odious | (adj) deplorable, appalling, abhorrent, horrible | |
40251701 | iniquity | (n) wickedness, immorality, vice, crime | |
40251702 | posterity | (n) descendants, offspring, children | |
40251703 | beguile | (v) entice, mesmerize, fool, charm, enchant, enthrall | |
40251704 | fervid | (adj) passionate, impassioned, intense | |
40251705 | tumult | (n) clamor, commotion, turmoil, mayhem | |
40251706 | sagacious | (adj) wise, erudite, astute, perceptive | |
40251707 | erudition | (n) scholarship, sophistication, learning | |
40251708 | tacit | (adj) implicit, implied, unstated but understood, unspoken | |
40251709 | eminent | (adj) well-known, distinguished, prominent, famous | |
40251710 | vehement | (adj) fervent, passionate, intense, violent | |
40251711 | encroach | (v) impinge, trespass, intrude, infringe | |
40251712 | countenance | (v) tolerate, allow, stomach; (n) expression, face | |
40251713 | insolent | (adj) impudent, disrespectful, impertinent, rude | |
40251714 | suffuse | (v) permeate, saturate, fill, imbue | |
40251715 | feign | (v) fake, pretend, simulate, counterfeit | |
40251716 | profound | (adj) insightful, deep, meaningful | |
40251717 | copious | (adj) abundant, plentiful, profuse, numerous | |
40251718 | assiduous | (adj) diligent, industrious, sedulous | |
40251719 | juxtaposition | (n) conjunction, combination, concurrence, union | |
40251720 | inchoate | (adj) unclear, tentative, embryonic, undeveloped | |
40251721 | callous | (adj) heinous, uncaring, ruthless | |
40251722 | malign | (v) slander, criticize, smear, libel; (adj) harmful, hurtful, damaging, destructive | |
40251723 | prodigious | (adj) remarkable, exceptional, impressive, phenomenal; huge, vast, copious, giant, enormous, profuse | |
40251724 | daunt | (v) intimidate, deter, discourage, overwhelm | |
40251725 | clemency | (n) mercy, leniency, forgiveness, pity, compassion | |
40251726 | encomium | (n) praise, tribute, accolade, compliment | |
40251727 | expedient | (n) device, means, maneuver: (adj) convenient, practical, beneficial; fitting, appropriate, advisable | |
40251728 | alacrity | (n) eagerness, enthusiasm, quickness, speed, promptness | |
40251729 | disapprobation | (n) disapproval, censure, criticism, rejection, condemnation | |
40251730 | inured | (adj) accustomed, hardened, habituated | |
40251731 | concupiscence | (n) a strong physical desire, lust | |
40251732 | auspicious | (adj) favorable, promising, fortunate, propitious, good | |
40251733 | intrepid | (adj) fearless, bold, brave, courageous, valiant, resolute, audacious | |
40251734 | abet | (v) assist, help, support, back, : encourage, incite, put up to | |
40251735 | infallible | perfect, foolproof, reliable, fail-safe, waterproof | |
40251736 | precipitate | (adj) impulsive, impetuous, sudden, rash; (v) hasten, cause, occasion, trigger; (adj) abrupt, rapid, unexpected, sudden | |
40251737 | nettle | (v) annoy, irritate, grate on one's nerves, vex, exasperate | |
40251738 | ignominious | (adj) nefarious, reprehensible, disgraceful, shameful | |
40251739 | inundate | (v) overwhelm, flood, deluge, swamp | |
40251740 | potent | (adj) powerful, compelling, persuasive, effective | |
40251741 | providence | (n) fate, chance, luck, outside influence, divine intervention, destiny | |
40251742 | junta | (n) military rule, stratocracy, government by army | |
40251743 | temperance | (n) restraint, self-control, reasoned action | |
40251744 | promulgate | (v) proclaim, disseminate, announce, publicize, declare | |
40251745 | circumspect | (adj) cautious, judicious, prudent | |
40251746 | puissance | (n) power, might, strength, force |