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AP Lit Vocab 4

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251437055AbstractConsidered apart from concrete existence
251437056AggrandizeTo increase the scope of: extend To make greater in power, influence To exaggerate...aggrandizement
251437057AnimosityDeep seated hostility: enmity
251437058ArduousDemanding much effort, difficult
251437059AutonomyTo have independence
251437060BovineOf or resembling an ox Sluggish: dull
251437061Catalysta substance that alters and especially increases the rate at which a chemical reaction takes place one that precipitates process or event
251437062Circumspectaware and needful of consequences: prudent
251437063Contentiouscontroversial rivalry:competition an assertion
251437064Dearthscarcity, lack
251437065Deprecateto show disapproval of to belittle, depreciate
251437066Didacticintended to instruct morally instructive inclined to teach
251437067Dispositiontemperament habitual tendency
251437068Eclecticconsisting or components from source or style
251437069Endemicwidespread in or peculiar to a particular area/people
251437070Eulogya speech honoring a person or thing
251437071Expungeto remove or erase, delete
251437072Flagrantconspicuously bad or offensive, outrageous
251437073Garbleddistorted or scrambled unintelligible
251437074Hegemonydominance, especially one nation over another
251437075Imminentabout to happen, impending
251437076Impugnto attack as false cast doubt on
251437077Inertnot able to move or act slow to move or act: sluggish displaying no chemical properties
260179585insurgentrising in insurrection against established authority: rebelling
263927524kineticof, pertaining to, or produced by motion
263927525loquacioustoo talkative
263927526meticulousvery careful, precise excessively concerned w/ details
263927527nefariouswicked, despicable
263927528opulenthaving great wealth grandiose, extravagant
263927529peerlesswithout equal, matchless
263927530placateto mollify yield concessions
263927531predilectiona natural or habitual preference
263927532proselytizeto convert from one religion, doctrine, or party
266800629razeto demolish, tear down
266800630renaissancerevival rebirth. Also 14th 16th c revival of art/literature
266800631reticentreluctant to speak freely
266800632savorycharacterized by a particular taste, smell or quality. tasty
266800633sordiddirty filthy marked by moral degradation
266800634stultifying1 making ineffectual/useless 2 causing to appear stupid illogical dull
266800635surreptitiousmade done or acting secret/ stealthy
266800636teneta basic principle, doctrine, or dogma
266800637turpitudevileness, depravity as in "moral turpitude"
266800638untenablenot capable of being sustained or defended
266800639viablecapable of living as an infant capable of living and developing effective or successful
266800640volatileevaporating readily changeable especially fickle, given to violence

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