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AP Lit Vocab Words Flashcards

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8049377529ApostropheA figure of speech that directly addresses an absent/imaginary person or personified abstraction; "Death, be not proud."0
8049380395AllegoryA work in which everything stands for something else1
8049380396ColloquialThe use of slang in writing, usually creates an informal tone2
8049384057DidacticWorks designed to teach or instruct some moral or ethical lesson.3
8049387054Paradoxan apparently bizarre or contradictory statement or circumstance that proves to be true upon reflection (example: "I can resist everything except temptation" - Oscar Wilde)4
8049387055Synecdochea specific kind of metonymy in which a part of a thing stands for the whole: "all hands on deck" meaning "every person on deck"5
8049390217Unreliable Narratora narrator who displays attitudes toward the story, or judgments about it, markedly different from those we know or assume to belong to the author.6
8049393575AmbiguityWhen something can mean more than one thing at once, or when an author leaves something open to interpretation.7
8049393576ArchaismIntentional use of an older or obsolete form ("methinks it's time for lunch.")8
8049396643EpithetWhen someone has a nickname that tells something about them (for instance: "Richard the Lion-Hearted")9
8049399979Portentn., a sign or warning that something bad is going to happen10
8049399980Peremptoryadj., saying or doing something in a rudely commanding way11
8049402804Somberadj., gloomy; dark or dull in color12
8049405863Importuneverb, to ask persistently for something13
8049405864Audibleadj., able to be heard14
8049408662Expostulateverb, to express strong disagreement15
8049411650Subtleadj., delicately complex or understated16
8049411651Tangibleadj., perceptible by touch17
8049414524Vivaciousadj., attractively lively and spirited18
8049417222Despondentadj., in low spirits from loss of hope or courage19
8049417223Dolefuladj., expressing sorrow; mournful20
8049420082Pervadeverb, (of an influence, feeling, or quality) to be present throughout21
8049422889Pensiveadj., engaged in deep thought22
8049422892Apprehensionnoun, anxiety that something bad will happen23
8049425531Procureverb, to obtain something through effort24
8049428504Abjectadj., either intense or maximum; or, completely without pride25
8049428505Austereadj., strict, comfortless26
8049431249Magnanimousadj., very generous or forgiving27
8049434782Oppressverb, to keep someone in subservience or hardship28
8049434783Obliqueadj., slanting, diagonal29
8348877609Extended Metaphora detailed metaphor, often extending over a number of lines/sentences30
8348877799Foila contrasting character who helps illuminate the protagonist, like a metallic foil under a diamond31
8348882111Hyperboleoverstatement to make a point, either direct or ironical32
8349327334In Medias Resa work that starts "in the middle of things," usually characterized by flashbacks that explain how the events of the work began.33
8349332899Juxtapositionthe placing of two disparate elements, words, characters, etc., next to one another for the purposes of contrast or comparison.34
8349333086Litotes ("lid - uh -tees")a kind of irony, the assertion of something by the denial of its opposite (examples: "not bad," "this is no small matter," "she was not supremely happy," "he was not unmindful of it").35
8349337238Metonymy"substitute naming"; when an associated idea names the item (e.g., "the pen is mightier than the sword" for "the dissemination of thought through writing is more influential in the long-term than the use of violence can ever be")36
8349341829i.e.Latin for "id est," meaning "that is"; used to clarify or give more information37
8349345458e.g.Latin for "exempli gratia," meaning "for example"; used to give examples of something38
8349402124Motifa recurrent thematic element, either a word, image, symbol, object, phrase, or action.39
8349402125Musein general, the source of artistic inspiration. Originally, the Muses were the nine daughters of Zeus that presided over the classical arts and sciences: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato (love poetry, lyric poetry), Euterpe (music), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (sacred poetry), Terpsichore (dancing and singing), Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy).40
8349406623Parablea species of allegory in which a moral or religious lesson is encapsulated in a short tale41
8349410721ReposeVerb - to be kept in a certain place Noun - a state of rest42
8349410722LuridAdj - Unpleasantly harsh; shocking, sensational43
8349416741LanguidAdj - slow-moving; weak, fatigued44
8349422296SuperfluousAdj - unnecessary; more than enough45
8349422298SagacityNoun - wisdom46
8349428216VulgarAdj - lacking sophistication; referring to obscene matters; of the common masses47
8349432478PlacidAdj - calm; not upset48
8349432479TremulousAdj - shaking or quivering slightly; timid or nervous49
8349437310OdiousAdj - repulsive50
8349441208PallorNoun - an unhealthy pale appearance51
8349441209AbyssNoun - a deep chasm; a gulf between two things52
8349445012StolidAdj - calm, dependable, not excitable53
8349449469CondescendVerb - to show feelings of superiority; to do something in an arrogant way54
8349449470WistfulAdj - having a feeling of regretful longing55
8349455023ProstrateAdj. - lying stretched out with one's face on the ground Verb - to lay face down on the floor; or, to be reduced to such a position56
8349459524RemonstrateVerb - to make a protest against something57
8349459525PalpableAdj - able to be touched or felt; intense58
8349463382VexVerb - to annoy someone, especially with trivial matters59
8349467311AmiableAdj - friendly, easy-going60
8349467312PerplexVerb - to confuse someone61
8349494089Countenancen.,"face"; v., "to accept as possible"62
8349494091Profoundadj., "deep"; used both literally and figuratively63
8349497558Manifestadj., "obvious"; v., "to demonstrate"64
8349502855Sereneadj, "calm"65
8349502856Sublimeadj., "awe-inspiring"66
8349506711Prodigiousadj., "abundant"67
8349511529Singularadj., "remarkable"68
8349516228Clamorn., "loud noise"; v., "to shout"69
8349520790Visagen., "face"70
8349520791Abatev., "to become less intense"71
8349525153Alludev., "to reference something"72
8349528616Grotesqueadj., "gross, weird, unusual"73
8349533158Undulatev., "to make a wavy motion"74
8349533159Acuteadj., "intense" OR "insightful"75
8349536792Vividadj., "lifelike"76
8349541040Veneratev., "to honor"77
8349541041Exquisiteadj., "deeply beautiful"78
8349544612Melancholyadj., "depressed"79
8349548656Incredulousadj., "in disbelief of something"80
8349548657Traversev., "to travel across"81
8661053396Ignominynoun, public shame or disgrace82
8661056148Eccentricadj., something that is unconventional and slightly strange83
8661058073Resoluteadj., admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering84
8661060022Articulateadj., showing the ability to speak fluently; v., to express something coherently85
8661060023Furtiveadj., attempting to avoid attention, secretive86
8661061758Fainarchaic adverb, means "willingly," as in "he would fain get a little rest"87
8661063943Genialadj., friendly and cheerful88
8661063946Miennoun, pronounced "mean"; a person's look or manner89
8661065964Affectverb, to have an effect (noun) on something90
8661068259Billownoun, a large undulating mass of something, typically clouds, smoke, or steam; verb, to fill with air and swell outward91
8661068263Confoundverb, to cause confusion in someone; or, to confuse one thing for another92
8661071524Wanadj., of a person's complexion, giving the appearance of illness or exhaustion93
8661073252Indolentadj., lazy94
8661073254Maximnoun, a short statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct95
8661074938Reproachverb, to address someone in a tone of disapproval or disappointment96
8661076915Moroseadj., sullen and ill-tempered97
8661078354Latterdenoting the second-mentioned of two things; or, occuring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning98
8661078356Conjureverb, to call upon something supernatural to appear99
8661104156Retortverb, to say something in answer to a remark, typically in a witty fashion100
8661104159Antipathynoun, a deep-seated feeling of dislike101
9189977204Animatedadj., filled with activity, vigor, or spirit102
9189977205Alacrityn., speed or quickness103
9189980686Vestigen., a trace of something that is disappearing or that no longer exists104
9189984079Verduren., lush green vegetation105
9189984081Adjacentadj., next to or adjoining something else106
9189988295Rebuken., an expression of sharp disapproval or criticism; v., to express strong disapproval or criticism107
9189991235Zenithn., the time at which something is at its most powerful; the point in the sky directly above an observer108
9189991237Inexorableadj., impossible to stop or prevent109
9189995049Lividadj, furiously angry; as a color, dark bluish gray110
9189998670Dinn., a loud and prolonged noise111
9189998671Dilatev., to make or become wider, larger, or more open112
9190001805Fortnightn., two weeks113
9190004902Abashv., to cause to feel embarrassed or ashamed114
9190004906Profaneadj., not respectful of religion; v., to treat something with irreverence115
9190078800Imperiousadj., arrogant and domineering116
9190078802Conjecturen., an opinion; v., to form an opinion117
9190083527Imputev., to attribute something to someone118
9190088878Appellationn., a name or title119
9190088880Pedanticadj., overly concerned with minute details120
9190091195Saturnineadj., of a person, slow and gloomy; of a place, dark and mysterious121

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