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AP Literary Terms - 10th, 11th, & 12th

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31427103rhetorical questionquestion designed to draw attention, pause for thought
31427104settingtime, place and social context in which a story takes place
31427105symbolan image that is itself but also stands for something more
31427106situational ironywhat we expect and what happens are not the same
31427107repetitionuse of key words, phrases, or ideas more than once, in close proximity
31427108syllogisma logical deduction that has three parts: a main premise, a secondary premise, and a conclusion
31427109synecdochea part is substituted or used to represent the whole
31427110sound devicesany of a number of literary elements such as onomatopoeia, alliteration, etc.
31427111thememain idea of a work of literature
31427112sarcasmcruel, rude form of verbal irony
31427113scansionanalyzing and graphically marking poetry for stressed and unstressed patterns
31427114syntaxthe way words and phrases are connected to form sentences
31427115stanzaa group of verse lines of the same structure and rhythm and rhyme scheme
31427116satirea type of writing that points out the follies and failings of man
31427117stream of consciousnessliterary style that attempts to capture thoughts, memories, impressions, often without punctuation or structure
31427118structurethe organized, planned framework of a piece of literature
31427119stereotyped characterstock character; character created to represent some standard archetypes
31427120slanginformal words and expressions
31427121alliterationrepetition of initial consonant sounds
31427122ambiguityvague, unclear, in literature, done on purpose
31427123aphorismshort saying known for its wit and wisdom
31427124anecdotea short story used to illustrate a point
31427125asidespeech in a drama where character speaks his mind and other characters on stage don't "hear"
31427126bathosmoving from the serious to the ridiculous
31427127cacophonyharsh sounds; should reflect meaning and content
31427128clichean overused expression that has lost meaning such as quick as lightning
31427129catharsisan emotional release - crying, laughing, fear
31427130apostropheaddressing an inanimate object as if it were alive and could respond
31427131antagonistcharacter in opposition to the protagonist
31427132assonancerepetition of the same vowel sounds in close proximity
31427133confidanteone in whom others confide their confidences, secrets
31427134denotationdictionary definition of a word
31427135dictionword choice
31427136dramatic ironythe reader or audience knows more than the characters
31427137conceitan extended metaphor
31427138consonancerepeated consonant sounds; not at the beginning of words
31427139couplettwo lines, in successive order, that have end rhyme
31427140enjambmentwhen a line of poetry runs from the end of one into another without stopping or pausing for punctuation
31427141imagerylanguage that appeals to the five senses; creating pictures with words
31427142free versepoetry without formal structure, stanzas, or rhyme scheme
31427143blank versepoetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter
31427144heroic coupletcouplet that rhymes and is written in iambic pentameter
31427145metaphora comparison of two dissimilar items through direct comparision
31427146jargonspecialized language of a group or profession
31427147quatraina verse stanza of four lines
31427148odea long lyrical poem on a serious subject
31427149narrativea poem or other work of literature that tells a story
31427150onomatopoeiawords that sound like they are spelled and create aural imagery like fizz and whirr
31427151puna clever play on words, usually involves double entendres
31427152tragedya work of literature that raises emotions of pity and fear and shows the fall of a noble person
31427153verbal ironysaying one thing but really meaning another
31427154vernacularcommon every day language
31427155point of viewthe vantage from which a story is told: first or third person, omniscient, limited, or not at all
31427156narrative pacespeed at which a story and its plot move along; should reflect the content
31427157meterthe pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables
31427158metonymya word related to the topic is substituted for it
31427159protagonistthe main character in a story
31427160parallel eventsevents that are similar in scope
31427161end rhymewords that rhyme at the ends of lines of poetry
31427162epica long narrative poem that spans a long time period, uses grand language, involves the fate of an entire people, and has a hero of super human characteristics, among other things
31427163euphemismusing a less offensive word for one that could be offensive
31427164climaxthe point of highest tension in a plot
31427165ballada poem with an abcb rhyme scheme, characters that pop in and out, and have repetition
31427166characterizationhow a character acts and talks, what other characters say about him, and how others react to him
31427167masculine rhymewords with one syllable word that rhymes such as man and can
31427168feminine rhymewords with two syllables that rhyme such as mister and blister
32631704similean explicit comparison between two unlike things signaled by the use of like or as
32631705personificationattributing human qualities to an inanimate object
32631706anaphorathe regular repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases or causes
32631707anastropheword order is reversed or rearranged
32631708appositionthe placing next to a noun, another noun or phrase that explains it
32631709asyndentonconjunctions are omitted, producing a fast paced and rapid prose
32631710epanalepsisrepetition at the end of a clause of the word that occurred at the beginning
32631711epistropherepetition of the same word or group of words at the ends of successive clauses (opposite of anaphora)
32631712polysyndentonthe use of many conjunctions to slow the pace
32631713parenthesisthe insertion of words, phrases, or a sentence that is not syntactically related to the rest of the sentence, set off from the rest of the sentence by dashes or parentheses
32631714oxymoroncontradiction; two contradictory terms or ideas used together
32631715paradoxa statement that appears to be contradictory but, in fact, has some truth
32631716parallelismexpresses similar or related ideas in similar grammatical structures
32631717chiasmusgrammatical structure of the first clause or phrase is reversed in the second, sometimes repeating the same words
32631718antithesisthe juxtaposition of contrasting ideas
32631719zeugmawhen two different words that sound exactly alike are yoked together. "He bolted the door and his dinner."
32631720ironywhen the writer takes on another voice or role that states the opposite of what is expressed
32631721hyperboleexaggeration; deliberation exaggeration for emphasis
32631722litotesopposite of hyperbole; intensifies an idea by understatement
32631723pathosthe emotional effect an author wishes to achieve on his audience
32631724ethosthe persona or credibility of an author

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