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AP Literature 2017-2018 - Symbols Flashcards

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7820764354RedImmoral; blood, passion, emotion, danger, or daring; often associated with fire0
7820796290BlackSeen as a cold and negative aspect suggesting passivity, death, ignorance, or evil; black hens are used in witchcraft as are black cats1
7820801189GreenInexperience, hope; new life, immaturity; it is a comforting, refreshing human color; it is the color of plant life2
7820801190YellowRotting, heat, decay, violence, decrepitude, old age, and the approach of death; bright; happiness3
7820807932BlueCool, calm, peaceful; an insubstantial color in the real world except as translucency, the void of heavens4
7820810400PinkInnocence, femininity5
7820813843PurpleRoyalty, bruising or pain6
7820817174BrownA color somewhere between russet and black; it is the color of earth and ploughed land and soil, it represents humility and poverty7
7820820014OrangeThe emblem of divine love or extreme lust; vibrancy, life8
7820823654VioletComposed of red and blue, it is the color of temperance, clarity of mind; (shyness, pettiness)9
7820827412WhiteInnocence, life, light, purity, or enlightenment10
7820854079SpringBirth, new beginning11
7820857179SummerMaturity, knowledge12
7820859577AutumnDecline, nearing death, growing old13
7820861619WinterDeath, sleep14
7820864063Christmas seasonBirth change for the better15
7820866799Easter seasonRebirth, enlightenment, faith16
7820869685LightTruth, safety, warmth, knowledge, spirit, God, life, and happiness17
7820876357Darknessevil, ignorance, danger, spiritual dullness, death, misfortune18
7820881753DawnSymbol of hope, renewal, new beginnings, and abundance of possibilities19
7820889829Crescent moonattribute of female, especially virgin goddesses; pregnancy and birth; Muslims accompany the crescent with a star which to them symbolizes the image of paradise20
7820911748Moonas it both changes shape and then returns to its original shape, it is the watery principle; (it is both the watery and feminine symbol. It symbolizes the changing and the returning to the same shape; Muslims accompany the crescent shape of the moon with a star which to them is the image of paradise)21
7820918267Sunwarmth, life giving principle; resurrection and new beginnings; the male principle (source of light, heat, and life; a masculine symbol and the symbol of a monarch as the heart of an empire)22
7820927991Cloudsdwelling places of the gods23
7820933135Chaoscondition of the world before anything was created24
7820939383Centerpoint from which everything proceeds; symbol of God25
7820943662Searepresents inexhaustible vital energy; an abyss that swallows everything26
7820949899Mountaina symbol that joins heaven and earth (provides stability, changelessness, and safety; sometimes indicates human pride)27
7820964899Forestsacred and mysterious realm where good and evil gods, spirits, and demons, wild men, fairies, and female wood, moss, and forest spirits dwell; a place of seclusion from the affairs of the world28
7820977355Fruitripeness and completed development; because of its many seeds it represents fertility; temptation to sin29
7820984925Firesacred, purifying, and renewing; destruction and rebirth (phoenix); it can also symbolize destruction, war, evil, the demonic, hell, or divine wrath30
7820997712Riverrepresents time and transitory nature of life and things; perpetual renewal31
7821002117Skyplace where God and divine beings exist32
7821007005Starsrepresent high ideals and / or spiritual light penetrating the darkness33
7821012280Thundersymbol of divine power and strength / The voice of God or Gods34
7861091561Treesline of Demarcation, darkness35
7861092681Apple treethe fruit is the key of knowledge and temptation36
7861094795Chestnut treesymbol of foresight37
7861098523Oak treesymbol of strength, masculinity, and steadfastness38
7861102755Palm treein Egypt it was probably associated with the Tree of Life. Its branches are a widespread symbol of victory, joy, and peace.39
7861108784Pear treesymbol of mourning40
7861109812Laurelan evergreen plant, it is a symbol of immortality41
7861113804Cypressa sacred tree, it represents long life and immortality; also at times a symbol of death because once cut down, it does not grow back42
7861118267Cedarlofty and sublime things43
7861119079Poplar treestrongly linked to the underworld, to pain, sacrifice, and grief; a funeral tree44
7861123499Sycamorea symbol of vanity and to climb it is to trust in vain things45
7861126864Pine treesymbol of immortality because of its evergreen foliage and the incorruptible nature of its resin46
7861130542Weedsevil (hemlock, pig weed, etc.) wildness/outside society47
7861134947Ivya symbol of immortality, but also friendship and beauty; because of its tendency to cling, it may also be a feminine symbol48
7861139463Grapevineabundance and life; in Greece sacred to Dionysus, ecstasy, death, and renewal49
7861142622Reedbecause it sways in the wind, it represents fickleness and weakness50
7861144354Rosemaryprotection against illness;love fertility, immortality, and fidelity51
7861146506Thistlesymbol of difficulty and suffering52
7861148597Anemonesymbolizes transience53
7861149937Chrysanthemumbecause its petals expand in ordered rays, it is a solar symbol; it is also of perfection and as an Autumn flower, it represents ease after labor of harvest. It is a hardy flower and can signify strength54
7861161887Rosebudding youth, romance, potential, fragility; fertility and respect for the dead; shed blood and wounds of Christ55
7861165695Sunflowersturdiness, strength; symbol of Sun and majesty; represents God's love56
7861171749Lilyrepresents light, purity, innocence, and virginity57
7861172924Waterlife passing by, purity or washes away guilt, origin of life, maintenance of life, black water = death; may also evoke unlawful passions, temptation, or the Gates of Hell; in Biblical tradition the lily is the symbol of one's choice, "a lily among thorns, so is my love among daughters." (Song of Solomon 2:2)58
7861184203Cuckoosymbolizes jealousy and parasitism because it lays its eggs in the nest of other birds59
7861187731Nightingalebecause of its sweet and plaintive song, it is a symbol of love60
7861190232Ravendeath, evil omen61
7861191182Storkgood fortune, resurrection, and long life62
7861192935Swallowas a migratory bird, it symbolizes spring, light, and fertility63
7861195964Cavernserves as an archetype of the material womb / Greeks believed the cavern to be represented of the world64
7861219435Wallsbarriers between people both physical and mental;a barrier that shuts out the world65
7861227370Eastland of birth or rebirth, of the Sun and Venus; it is associated with renewal, youth, feasting, song and love66
7861230523Northis the side that lies on the Suns right hand and lies on with side of life; it symbolizes night sky and night wind and is the home of the Moon and the Milky Way. Its color is black. North represents coldness, alienation, and hostility67
7861238323Southis the side which lies on the Suns left hand; is the land of fire. Represents warmth, comfort68
7861240683Snowblanket which obscures or covers69
7861242355Fog/Mistprevents clear vision or thinking - represents isolation; transition from one condition to another70
7861252708Rainsadness or despair or; new life; fertility71
7861254118Wind and stormsviolent human emotions72
7861256772Lightningindicates the spark of life and the power of fertilization; it can either be life giving of death dealing, so it is a sign of power and strength73
7861265451Morningthe time of God's blessings; the beginning when all is still uncorrupted; a symbol of both purity and promise74
7861270519Rainbowsalso intermediates and pathways between Heaven and Earth; most are heralds of good and are linked with cycles of rebirth, however, however, they may also serve as prologues to disturbance75
7879743967DovePeace, purity, simplicity76
7879746020Foxslyness and cleverness77
7879748451Serpenttemptation, sin, Satan, cleverness, seduction; a masculine symbol because of its phallic form; feminine because of its capacity to devour78
7879757652Liona solar symbol, pride79
7879761930Peacockpride, vanity80
7879766366Mouseshyness, meekness82
7879768146Hawkpredation, keen eyesight83
7879775052Snakeevil, temptation84
7879777062Owlwisdom, rational knowledge; messenger of death85
7879779548Salmoninstinct, sacred wisdom86
7879787973Catsare often viewed as servants of the underworld; it may also symbolize cunning, forethought, and ingenuity87
7879795773Scarabsacred, solar animal that symbolizes resurrection88
7879805389Ankleif slender, suggest more intimate parts of anatomy along with potential skill and refinements in making love89
7879823794Bloodguilt; all the integral qualities of fire and the heat and vitality inherent in the sun; it also corresponds to vital and bodily heat; the life principle90
7879830648Bonesrepresent both the framework of the human body, but since they contain marrow, they symbolize strength and virtue91
7879837300Handsstrength or weakness92
7879839991Eyeswindows to the soul or barometer of emotions93
7879842653Mouthindicator of character traits94
7879850014Liverseat of vital force, desires, anger, and love95
7879851702HandsSymbolize activity and power96
7879860165Hairsymbol of strength; on women it may represent sexuality97
7879884429Footpart of body most closely associated with the earth; as an organ of locomotion it is related to the will; on an enemy's neck it represents victory98
7879892736Bellymaternal warmth and protection; or gluttony and materialistic approach to life99
7879897197Beardmasculinity, strength, and wisdom100
7881032399Kneesome call the knee "the knob of the head's staff" and believed to be the seat of political power. / Many ancient traditions believe the knee to be the main seat of bodily strength.101
7881051082Right and leftto look to one's right hand is to look to the protector; this is the place of the elect and the Last Judgment, the dammed go to the left, to Hell102
7881064999CapeA celestial and ascendant symbolism. The priest robed in such a cape and is "set ritually at the center of the universe, identified with the World axis, the cape being a celestial tent and with his head in the beyond, the dwelling of God whose earthly representative he is. Whoever wraps himself in the cloak acquires the air, shape, and face of whomsoever he wishes as long as he wears it. This is a symbol of the changes wrought by human trickery and the different personalities that humans may assume. When monks or nuns withdraw from the world, they cover themselves in a cape or cloak that symbolizes a withdrawal into one or into God.103
7881121000Cloakis a symbol of human trickery, and the different personalities humans can assume.104
7881127488Hathead or thoughts105
7881127489Glovesymbolizes station in life, used to challenge, symbol of law and sovereignty106
7881135111Shoessymbol of free person; slaves went barefoot107
7881140007Maskused to frighten enemies; symbol of concealment; demonic tendencies108
7881147810Chainsymbolizes the bond which connect Heaven and earth ties together two extremes or beings109
7881156125Casksuggests wealth and pleasure; an indestructible character of natural desire and even Greek morality. To decline a natural act is normal and legitimate circumstances, is to doom oneself to endless folly and abortive action, to a punishment, which fits the crime. The bottomless cask thus means the opposite to the cask filled with wine, or rather the symbolism of the cask but the meaning draws from the opposite.110
7881199323Keypower to open and lock, control, or to loose and bind; holds power and authority111
7881217278Gardenearthly and heavenly paradise112
7881221710Windowwhen a person is inside a window looking out, he is an observer of life, not a participant.113
7881230414Mirrorrepresents knowledge, self-knowledge, and consciousness / often a solar symbol; an unbroken mirror is a sign of a happy marriage; a broken mirror would often indicate a separation or destruction of the union114
7881240743Parasol or umbrellais a symbol of a canopy or vault of heaven115
7881247908Scythesymbol of time and death which destroys all116
7881252165Staffsymbol of power and magical knowledge117
7881258360Stairssymbol of emotional and spiritual development and incremental gains in knowledge and wisdom118
7881283140Door or thresholdtransition from one place to another119
7881286940Laddersymbol of ascension and realization of potential; they are also a symbol of the coming and going between Heaven and Earth120
7881305717Sicklerepresents the harvest cycle, self-renewing, death, and the hope of rebirth; it is also the attribute of Death and Time, which destroys all things.121
7881342916Tower of Babelconfusion, human pride; resulted in multiple languages122
7881353205Ichabod Cranelegs like a crane123
7881358373Young Goodman Brownall good young men124
7881362010Arthur Dimmesdalesins "dimmed" or obscured in a "dale"125
7881367994Holden Caulfieldis "holding" on to his childhood and wants to stand in the middle of a "field" and "call" out to the children to prevent them from falling over the "crazy cliff"126
7881386162Ward StradlaterHolden's roommate who will in the back of his car straddle girls later127
7881399579Mr. McChoakumchilda teacher in the Dicken's Hard Times128
7881403734The forestusually a place of evil or mystery129
7881410253An isolated settingalienation, loneliness or provincial thinking130
7881415975A parka place for retreat and renewal131
7881418228The towna place where rules are observed and people are on their best behavior132
7881429874Even places have a symbolic meaning:1. Xanadu 2. Babylon 3. Waterloo 4. El Dorado133
7881441198Rubypossesses healing powers; associated with virginity134
7881447905Sapphiresymbol of Heaven135
7881451614Diamondrepresents purity, spirituality, and immutability136
7881456350Pearla lunar and feminine symbol; perfection, wisdom, love beauty, "the pearl of the great prince"; tears, heaven137
7881468876Emeraldrepresents fertility, moistness, moon, and spring138
7881477747Goldimmutability, eternity, and perfection; identified with the sun; symbol of insight and knowledge139
7881487198SilverPurity; associated with the moon and the feminine principle140

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