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AP Literature and Composition Terms Flashcards

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2334930806actA major unit of action in a drama or play. Each act can be further divided into smaller sections called scenes.0
2334930807allegoryA story in which people, things and actions represent an idea about life; allegories often have a strong moral or lesson.1
2334930808alliterationThe repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.2
2334930809allusionA regerence in a literary work to a person, place, or thing in history or another work of literature. Allusions are often indirect or brief references to well-known characters or events.3
2334930810analogyA comparision of two or more like objects that suggests if they are alike in certain respects, they will probably be alike in other ways as well.4
2334930811anecdoteA brief account of an interesting incident or event that usually is intended to entertain or to make a point.5
2334930812asideAn actor's speech, directed to the audience, that is not supposed to be heard by other actors on stage. An aside is used to let the audience know what a character is about to do or what he or she is thinking.6
2334930813assonancerepetition of vowel sounds within a line of poetry.7
2334930814audiencethe particular group of readers or viewers that the writer is addressing. A writer considers his or her audience when deciding on a subject, a purpose for writing and the tone and style in which to write.8
2334930815authorthe writer of a book, article, or other text9
2334930816author's purposean author's purpose is his or her reason for creating a particular work. The purpose can be to entertain, explain, or inform, express an opinion, or to persuade.10
2334930817autobiographya form of nonfiction in which a person tells the story of his or her life.11
2334930818ballada poem that tells a story and is meant to be sung or recited.12
2334930819biographythe story of a person's life that is written by someone else.13
2334930820blank verseunrhymed iambic pentameter14
2334930821caesuraa pause or a sudden break in a line of poetry15
2334930822cause and effectone event brings about or causes the other. The event that happens first is the cause, the one that follows is the effect.16
2334930823charactera person who is responsible for the thoughts and actions within a story, poem, or other literature. Characters are extremely important because they are the medium through which a reader interacts with a piece of literature. Every character has his or her own personality, which a creative author uses to assist in forming the plot of a story or creating a mood.17
2334930824antagonist"a character in a story or poem who deceives, frustrates, or works against the main character, or protagonist, in some way. The antagonist doesn't necessarily have to be a person. It could be death, the devil, an illness, or any challenge that prevents the main character from living ""happily every after."""18
2334930825caricaturea picture or imitation of a person's habits, physical appearance or mannerisms exaggerated in a comic or absurd way.19
2334930826foila character who serves as a contast or a conflict to another character.20
2334930827hero/heroinea character whose actions are inspiring or noble; often the main character in a story.21
2334930828main charactersthe characters who are central to the plot of a story; main characters are usually dynamic and round22
2334930829minor charactersa less important character who interacts with the main characters, helping to move the plot along and providing background for the story. Minor characters are usually static and flat.23
2334930830characterizationall of the techniques that writers use to create characters24
2334930831character traita character's personality25
2334930832direct characterizationthe author directly states a character's traits of makes direct comments about a character's nature.26
2334930833dynamic charactera character who changes throughout the course of the story.27
2334930834flat charactera character about whom little information is provided.28
2334930835indirect characterizationthe author does not directly state a character's traits; instead the reader draws conclusions and discovers a character's traits based upon clues provided by the author.29
2334930836round characteris a character who is fully described by the author (several character traits, background information, etc.)30
2334930837static charactera character who does not change or who changes very little in the course of a story.31
2334930838chronological orderthe order in which events happen in time.32
2334930839clarifyingthe reader's process of pausing occasionally while reading to quickly review what he or she understands. By clarifying as they read, good readers are able to draw conclusions about what is suggested but not stated directly.33
2334930840clichéa type of figurative language containing an overused expression or a saying that is no longer considered original.34
2334930841comedya dramatic work that is light and often humorous in tone and usually ends happily with a peaceful resolution of the main conflict.35
2334930842comparisonthe process of identifying similarities.36
2334930843concrete poetrya type of poetry that uses its physical or visual form to present its message.37
2334930844conflictthe tension or problem in the story; a struggle between opposing forces.38
2334930845central conflictthe dominant or most important conflict in the story.39
2334930846external conflictthe problem or struggle that exists between the main character and an outside force (person vs. person, person vs. society, person vs. nature, person vs. the supernatural, person vs. technology, etc.)40
2334930847internal conflictthe problem or struggle that takes place in the main character's mind (person vs. self).41
2334930848connectinga reader's process of relating the content of a literary work to his or her own knowledge and experience.42
2334930849connotationthe idea and feeling associated with a word as opposed to its dictionary definition or denotation.43
2334930850consonancethe repetition of consonant sounds anywhere within a line of poetry. Alliteration is a specific type of consonance.44
2334930851context clueshints or suggestions that may surround unfamiliar words or phrases and clarify their meaning.45
2334930852contrastthe process of pointing out differences between things.46
2334930853coupleta rhymed pair of lines in a poem.47
2334930854denotationthe opposite of connotation in that it is the exact or dictionary meaning of a word.48
2334930855dialecta form of language that is spoken in a particular place or by a particular group of people.49
2334930856dialoguethe conversation between characters in a drama or narrative. A dialogue occurs in most works of literature.50
2334930857dramaa drama or play is a form of literature meant to be performed by actors before an audience. In a drama, the characters' dialogue and actions tell the story. The written form of a play is known as a script.51
2334930858drawing conclusionscombining several pieces of information to make an inference is called drawing a conclusion.52
2334930859dramatic monologuea literary devince that is used when a character reveals his or her innermost thoughts and feelings, those that are hidden throughout the course of the story line, through a poem or a speech. This speech, where only one character speaks, is recited while other characters are present onstage. This monologue often comes during a climatic moment in a work and often reveals hidden truths about a character, their history and their relationships.53
2334930860elegya type of literature defined as a song or poem that expresses sorrow or lamentation, usually for one who has died.54
2334930861enjambmentin poetry, the running over of a line or thought into the next of verse.55
2334930862epigrama short poem or verse that seeks to ridicule a thought or event, usually with witticism or sarcasm.56
2334930863epica long narrative poem about the adventures of a hero whose actions reflect the ideals and values of a nation or group.57
2334930864epiphanya sudden moment of understanding that causes a character to change or to act in a certain way.58
2334930865epitapha short poem or verse written in memory of someone59
2334930866essaya short work of nonfiction that deals with a single subject.60
2334930867descriptive essayan essay that describes a particular subject.61
2334930868expository essayan essay whose purpose is to explain and give information about a subject.62
2334930869formal essayan essay that is highly organized and thoroughly researched.63
2334930870humorous essayan essay whose purpose is to amouse or entertain the reader.64
2334930871informal essayan essay that is lighter in tone and usually reflects the writer's feelings and personality.65
2334930872narrative essayan essay that tells a story.66
2334930873persuasive essayan essay that attempts to convince a reader to adopt a particular option or course of actions.67
2334930874evaluatingthe process of judging the value of something or someone. A work of literature can be evaluated in terms of such criteria as entertainment believability, originality, and emotional power.68
2334930875extended metaphora figure of speech that compares two essentially unlike things in great length.69
2334930876fablea brief tale that teaches a lesson about human nature. Fables often feature animals as characters.70
2334930877fact and opiniona fact is a statement that can be proved. An opinion, in contrast, is a statement that reflects the writer's or speaker's belief, but which cannot be supported by proof or evidence.71
2334930878fantasya work of literature that contains at least one fantastic or unreal element.72
2334930879fictionprose writing that tells an imaginary story. Fiction includes both short stories and novels.73
2334930880figurative language / figure of speechexpressions that are not literally true.74
2334930881flashbackan interruption of the chronological sequence (as in a film or literary work) of an event of earlier occurrence. A flashback is a narrative technique that allows a writer to present past events during current events, in order to provide background for the current narration.75
2334930882folkloretraditions, customs, and stories that are passed down within a culture. Folklore contains various types of literature such as legends, folktales, myths, and fables.76
2334930883folktalea simple story that has been passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. Folktales are told primarily to entertain rather than to explain or teach a lesson.77
2334930884foota unit of meter within a line of poetry78
2334930885foreshadowingwhen the writer provides clues or hints that suggest or predict future event in a story.79
2334930886free versepoetry without regular patterns of rhyme and rhythm. Often used to capture the sounds and rhythms of ordinary speech.80
2334930887generalizationa broad statement about an entire group.81
2334930888genrea type or category of literature. The four main literary genres include: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama.82
2334930889haikua traditional form of Japanese poetry, usually dealing with nature. A haiku has three lines and describes a single moment, feeling, or thing. The first and third lines contain five syllables and the second line contains seven syllables.83
2334930890heroic couplet / closed coupleta couplet consisting of two successive rhyming lines that contain a complete thought.84
2334930891historical fictionfiction that explores a past time period and may contain references to actual people and events of the past.85
2334930892horror fictionfiction that contains mysterious and often supernatural events to create a sense of terror.86
2334930893humorthe quality that provokes laughter or amusement. Writers create humor through exaggeration, sarcasm, amusing descriptions, irony, and witty dialogue.87
2334930894hyperbolea figure of speech in which the truth is exaggerated for exphasis or humorous effect.88
2334930895idioma phrase or expression that means something different from what the words actually say.89
2334930896imagerythe use of words and phrases that appeal to the five senses. Writers use sensory details to help readers imagine how things look, feel, smell, sound, and taste.90
2334930897inferenceis a logical guess based on evidence in the text.91
2334930898interviewa meeting in which one person asks another about personal matters, professional matters, or both.92
2334930899ironya contrast between what is expected and what actually exists or happens. irony spices up a literary work by adding unexpected twists and allowing the reader to become more involved with the characters and plot.93
2334930900verbal ironyoccurs when the speaker means something totally different than what he or she is saying and often times the opposite of what a character is saying is true.94
2334930901dramatic ironyoccurs when facts are not known to the characters in a work of literature but are known by the audience.95
2334930902cosmic ironysuggests that some unknown force brings about dire and dreadful events.96
2334930903irony of situationthe difference between what is expected to happen and the way events actually work out.97
2334930904legenda story handed down from the past about a specific person, usually someone of heroic accomplishments.98
2334930905limericka short humorous poem composed of five lines that usually has the rhyme scheme AABBA, created by two rhyming couplets followed by a fifth line that rhymes with the first couplet. A limerick typically has a sing-song rhythm.99
2334930906literal meaningthe actual meaning of a word or phrase.100
2334930907lyric poetrya song-like poem written mainly to express the feelings or emotions of a single speaker.101
2334930908main ideathe most important point that a writer wishes to express.102
2334930909memoira specific type of autobiography; like autobiography, a memoir is about the author's personal experiences. However, a memoir does not necessarily cover the author's entire life.103
2334930910metaphor"a type of figurative language in which a comparison is made between two things that are essentially unalike but may have one quality in common. Unlike a simile, a metaphor does not contain an explicit word of comparison, such as ""like"" or ""as""."104
2334930911meter"the regular pattern of accented and unaccented syllables. Although all poems have rhythm, not all poems have regular meter. Each unit of meter is known as a foot. The conventional symbols used to identify accented and unaccented syllables are:""/"" to indicate an accented syllable""X"" or ""U"" to indicate an unaccented syllable"105
2334930912iambX /106
2334930913trochee/ X107
2334930914anapestX X /108
2334930915dactyl/ X X109
2334930916spondee/ /110
2334930917pyrrhicX X111
2334930918monometerone foot per line112
2334930919dimetertwo feet per line113
2334930920trimeterthree fet per line114
2334930921tetra meterfour feet per line115
2334930922pentameterfive feet per line116
2334930923hexametersix feet per line117
2334930924heptameterseven feet per line118
2334930925octametereight feet per line119
2334930926metonymythe metaphorical substitution of one word or phrase for another related word or phrase.120
2334930927mooda mood or atmosphere is the feeling that a literary work conveys to readers. Mood is created through the use of plot, character, the author's descriptions, etc.121
2334930928morala lesson that a story teaches. A moral is often stated directly at the end of a fable.122
2334930929motifa recurring object, concept, or structure in a work of literature. A motif may also be two contrasting elements in a work, such as good and evil. A motif is important because it allows one to see main points and themes that the author is trying to express, in order that one might be able to interpret the work more accurately.123
2334930930motivationthe reason why a character acts, feels, or thinks in a certain way.124
2334930931mytha traditional story that attempts to explain how the world was creaed or why the world is the way that it is. Myths are stories that are passed on from generation to generation and are of unknown authorship.125
2334930932narrativeany writing that tells a story. Most novels and short stories are place into the categories of first-person and third-person narratives, which are based on who is telling the story and from what perspective.126
2334930933narrative poetrypoetry that tells a story. A narrative poem can come in many forms and styles, both complex and simple, short or long, as long as tells a story. Like fiction, narrative poetry contains characters, settings, and plots.127
2334930934narrator"one who tells a story; the speaker or the ""voice"" of an oral or written work. The narrator is not usually the same person as the author. The narrator is the direct window into a piece of work. Who the author chooses to narrate establishes the point of view in the story."128
2334930935unreliable narratorone who gives his or her own understanding of a story, instead of the explanation and interpretation the author wishes the audience to obtain. This type of action tends to alter the audience's opinion of the conclusion.129
2334930936nonfictionprose writing that presents and explains ideas or that tells about real people, places, objects, or events. Some examples of nonficiton include autobiographies, newspaper articles, biographies, essays, etc.130
2334930937novela work of fiction that is longer and more complex than a short story. In a novel, etting, plot, and characters are usually developed in great detail.131
2334930938odea lyric poem of some length, usually of serious or meditative nature and having an elecated style and formal structure.132
2334930939onomatopoeiathe use of words whose sound suggest their meaning.133
2334930940oral historystories of people's lives related by word of mouth. These histories usually include both factual material and personal reactions.134
2334930941oxymorona form of figurative language combining contradictory words or ideas.135
2334930942paradoxa statement that seems to contradict itself but is, nevertheless, true.136
2334930943parallelismthe use of similar grammatical constructions to express ideas that are related or equal in importance.137
2334930944paraphrasingthe restatement of a text by readers in their own words or in another form.138
2334930945parodya literary or artistic work that imitates the characterisic style of an author's work for comic effect or ridicule.139
2334930946personificationa figure of speech where animals, ideas, or inanimate objects are given human characteristics.140
2334930947persuasionpersuasive writing is meant to sway readers' feelings, beliefs, or actions. Persuasion normally appeals to both the mind and the emotions of readers.141
2334930948plotthe sequence of related events that make up a story.142
2334930949expositionintroduces the characters and the conflicts they face.143
2334930950incting incidentoccurs after the exposition and introduces the central conflict within the story.144
2334930951rising actionfollowing the introduction of the central conflict; complications arise as the characters struggle with the conflict.145
2334930952climaxthe turning point, point of maximum interest, and highest tension in the plot of a story, play, or film. The climax usually occurs towards the end of the story after the reader has understood the conflict and has become emotionally involved with the characters. At the climax, the conflict is resloved, and the outcome of the plot becomes clear.146
2334930953falling actionthe end of the central conflict in a story, when the action starts to wind down.147
2334930954resolution / denouementoccurs after the climax and is where conflicts are resolved and loose ends are tied up.148
2334930955subplotan additional minor plot that involves a secondary conflict in the story; the subplot may or may not affect the main plot.149
2334930956poetrya type of literature in which ideas and feelings are expressed in compact, imaginative, and often musical language. Poets arrange words in ways designed to touch readers' senses, emotions, and minds. Most poems are written in lines that may contain patterns of rhyme and rhythm. These lines may be grouped in stanzas.150
2334930957point of viewperspective from which a story is told.151
2334930958first person point of viewthe person telling the story is one of the characters in the story. Is the most limited type.152
2334930959second person point of view"refers to the use of ""you"" in explanations or arguments. It is not frequently used, but is appropriate in certain circumstances. Most second person points of view occur within instructions that are meant to be followed."153
2334930960third person limited/objectivethe person telling the story is not one of the characters in the story. He or she is an outside observer. The reader can only know what one character learns through interaction with other characters or through overheard conversations. The narrator cannot supply the thoughts or feelings of other characters in the story.154
2334930961third person omniscient"the narrator is not a character in the story, but the events in the story are seen through the eyes of more than one of the characters. The narrator is considered to be ""all knowing"" and cannot only see and hear everything that is happening to all characters in the story, but can also enter their minds and tell the reader what each is thinking and feeling. This is the least limited point of view because the narrator has knowledge of all the characters."155
2334930962predicitingthe process of gathering information and combining it with the reader's own knowledge to guess what might occur in the story.156
2334930963primary sourcea first hand account of an event; primary sources include:diariesjournalslettersspeechesnews storiesphotographspieces of art157
2334930964propagandatext that uses false or misleading information to present a slanted point of view.158
2334930965prosethe ordinary form of spoken and written language; that is, language that lacks the special features of poetry.159
2334930966questioningthe process of raising questions while reading in an effort to undertand characters and events.160
2334930967realistic fictionimaginative writing set in the real, modern world. The characters act like real people who use ordinary human abilities to cope with problems and conflicts typical of modern life.161
2334930968refrain / chorusrepetition in literature of one or more lines at regular intervals; sometimes called the chorus.162
2334930969repetitiona technique in which a sound, word, phrase, or line is repeated for effect or emphasis.163
2334930970rhymerepetition of an identical or similarly accented sound or sounds in a work. Rhyme gives poems flow and rhythm, helping the lyricist tell a story and convey a mood.164
2334930971end or terminal rhymeswords that rhyme at the end of a verse-line.165
2334930972eye rhymesare words that when written appear to rhyme, but when spoken do not.166
2334930973internal rhymerhyme found within a line poetry.167
2334930974slant rhymealso known as near rhyme, half rhyme, off rhyme, imperfect rhyme, oblique rhyme, or pararhyme. A distinctive system or patter of metrical structure and verse composition in which two words have only their final consonant sounds and no preceding vowel or consonant sounds in common.168
2334930975rhyme scheme"the pattern of end rhyme used in a poem, generally indicated by matching lowercase letters to show which lines rhyme. The letter ""a"" notes the first line, and all other lines rhyming with the first line. The first line that does not rhyme with the first, or ""a"" line, and all others that rhyme with this line, is noted by the letter ""b"", and so on. The rhyme scheme may follow a fixed pattern (as in a sonnet) or may be arranged freely according to the poet's requirements."169
2334930976rhythmrefers to the pattern of flow of sounds created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry.170
2334930977sarcasmthe use of praise to mock someone or something; the use of mockery or verbal irony.171
2334930978satirea literary technique in which ideas or customs are ridiculed for the purpose of improving society.172
2334930979scanningthe process of searching through writing for a particular fact or piece of information.173
2334930980scenea section in a play presenting events that occur in one place at one time.174
2334930981science fictionprose writing in which a writer explores unexpected possibilities of the past or the future by using scientific data and theories as wel as his or her imagination.175
2334930982secondary sourceinformation compiled from or based on other sources.176
2334930983sensory detailswords and phrases that help readers see, hear, taste, feel, or smell what an author is describing.177
2334930984sequencethe order in which events occur or in which ideas are presented.178
2334930985settingthe time, place, physical details, and circumstances in which a story occurs. Settings include the background, atmosphere, or environment in which characters live and move, and usually include physical characteristics of the surroundings.179
2334930986short storybrief work of fiction that generally focuses on one or two main characters who face a single problem or conflict.180
2334930987simile"a type of figurative language that makes a comparison between two otherwise unlike objects or ideas by connecting them with the words ""like"" or ""as."""181
2334930988soliloquya speech delivered by a character who is alone on stage.182
2334930989sonneta distinctive poetic style that uses a system or pattern of metrical structure and verse composition usually consisting of 14 lines, arranged in a set rhyme scheme.183
2334930990Italian/Petrarchan sonnetABBA ABBA CDECDE184
2334930991English/Shakespearean sonnetABAB CDCD EFEF GG185
2334930992speakerthe voice that talks to the reader in a poem, as the narrator does in a work of fiction. The speaker in the poem is not necessarily the poet.186
2334930993speecha talk given in public.187
2334930994stage directionsthe instructions to the actors, director, and stage crew in the script of a play.188
2334930995stanzaa grouping of two or more lines within a poem. A stanza is comparable to a paragraph in prose.189
2334930996triplet/tercetthree line stanza190
2334930997quatrainfour line stanza191
2334930998cinquain/quintetfive line stanza192
2334930999sestet/sextetsix line stanza193
2334931000septetseven line stanza194
2334931001octaveeight line stanza195
2334931002stereotypea broad generalization or an oversimplified view that disregards individual differences.196
2334931003story mappinga visual organizer that helps a reader understand a work of literature by tracking setting, characters, event, and conflicts.197
2334931004stylehow a writer says something; many elements contribute to style, including word choice, sentence length, tone, and figurative language.198
2334931005summarizingthe process of briefly recounting the main ideas of a piece of writing in a person's own words, while omitting unimportant details.199
2334931061suspensea feeling of growing tension and excitment. Writers create suspense by raising questions in readers' minds about what might happen.200
2334931062symbolismusing something specific to stand for something else, expecially an idea. A symbol is a person, place, object, or action that stands for something beyond itself.201
2334931063synecdochea literary technique in which the whole is represented by naming one of its parts or vice versa.202
2334931064tall talea humorously exaggerated story about impossible events.203
2334931065themea common thread or repeated idea that is incorporated throughout a literary work. A theme is a thought or idea the author presents to the reader about life or human nature.204
2334931066tonethe writer's attitude or feeling about his or her subject.205
2334931067tragedya dramatic work that presents the downfall of a dignified character or characters who are invlolced in historically or socially significant events. The events in a tragic plot are set in motion by a decision that is often an error in judgment. Succeeding events inevitably lead to a disastrous conclusion, usually death.206
2334931068understatementa statement that is restrained in ironic contrast to what might have been said; the opposite of hyperbole. Understatement is usually used for humorous effect.207
2334931069urban legenda contemporary story that is told in many rumored versions that have little basis in fact.208
2334931070voicean author or narrator's distinctive style or manner of expression. Voice can reveal much about the author or narrator's personality.209
2334931071Pastoralportraying or suggesting idyllically the life of shepherds or of the country, as a work of literature, art, or music.210
2334931072suspension of disbeliefa willingness to suspend one's critical faculties and believe the unbelievable; sacrifice of realism and login for the sake of enjoyment.211
2334931073Utopiaany visionary system of political or social perfection.212
2334931074anthropomorphismthe attribution of human form or behaviour to a deity, animal, etc.213
2334931075apostrophean exclamatory passage in a speech or poem addressed to a person (typically one who is dead or absent) or thing.214
2334931076cacophonya harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.215
2334931077cadencesuch a modulation in reading aloud as implied by the structure and ordering of words and phrases in written text.216
2334931078catharsisthe process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from strong or repressed emotions.217
2334931079conceita fanciful expression in writing or speech; an elaborate metaphor.218
2334931080syntaxthe arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.219
2334931081dissonancelack of harmony among musical notes; a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements.220
2334931082euphemisma mild or indirect word or expression for one too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.221
2334931083hubrisexcessive pride or self-confidence; (in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.222
2334931084in media resinto the middle of a narrative; without preamble.223
2334931085interior monologuea piece of writing expressing a character's inner thoughts.224
2334931086lamenta formal expression of sorrow or mourning, especially in verse or song; an elegy or dirge.225
2334931087lyrichaving the form and musical quality of a song, and especially the character of a songlike outpouring of the poet's own thoughts and feelings, as distinguished from epic and dramatic poetry; characterized by or expressing spontaneous, direct feeling.226

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