4817373980 | abnegation | self-denial, rejection in favor of others | 0 | |
4817373981 | acquiesce | to agree, to favor, to accept | 1 | |
4817373982 | acrimony | sharp animosity, harshness, or bitterness | 2 | |
4817373983 | acumen | superior mental qualities, keen insight | 3 | |
4817373984 | aplomb | great poise, confident composure | 4 | |
4817373985 | assuage | appease, satisfy, make less intense | 5 | |
4817373986 | bedizen | ornament in a showy, gaudy, vulgar manner | 6 | |
4817373987 | bucolic | pastoral, idyllically rural; of or relating to shepherds | 7 | |
4817373988 | caliber | degree of merit, degree of mental capacity | 8 | |
4817373989 | candid | frank, outspoken, sincere | 9 | |
4817373990 | captious | fault-finding, exaggerating trivial defects | 10 | |
4817373991 | charlatan | impostor, fraud | 11 | |
4817373992 | cohort | companion, a group of warriors or soldiers | 12 | |
4817373993 | credulity | gullibility, readiness to believe without evidence | 13 | |
4817373994 | cupidity | greed, lust for wealth, excessive desire | 14 | |
4817373995 | dilatory | delaying, procrastinating, inclined to waste time | 15 | |
4817373996 | effusive | demonstrative, overflowing emotion | 16 | |
4817373997 | elation | great joy or gladness, high spirits | 17 | |
4817373998 | enjoin | direct someone to do something, to prohibit or forbid | 18 | |
4817373999 | explicate | explain, make plain, make clear | 19 | |
4817374000 | abrogate | abolish or treat as non-existent | 20 | |
4817374001 | anachronistic | set in the wrong time, misdated | 21 | |
4817374002 | ardor | fervor, zeal, passion | 22 | |
4817374003 | auspicious | favorable, attended by good | 23 | |
4817374004 | boorish | rude, unmannerly | 24 | |
4817374005 | chastise | discipline, punish | 25 | |
4817374006 | cogent | to the point, relevant | 26 | |
4817374007 | conflagration | large, destructive fire or war | 27 | |
4817374008 | coruscate | sparkle, gleam | 28 | |
4817374009 | coterie | clique, select group of people | 29 | |
4817374010 | decry | belittle, to condemn openly | 30 | |
4817374011 | diatribe | tirade, criticism | 31 | |
4817374012 | ebullient | high spirited, joyously unrestrained | 32 | |
4817374013 | enervate | weaken, exhaust, deprive of strength | 33 | |
4817374014 | erudite | learned, showing profound knowledge of | 34 | |
4817374015 | exonerate | free from blame, relieve from responsibility | 35 | |
4817374016 | fetid | stinking, having an offensive odor | 36 | |
4817374017 | foment | instigate, attempt to stir up public opinion | 37 | |
4817374018 | garrulous | wordy, rambling, excessively talkative | 38 | |
4817374019 | gregarious | sociable, fond of company | 39 | |
4817374020 | codicil | supplement to a will, a legal change to a will | 40 | |
4817374021 | copious | abundant, plentiful | 41 | |
4817374022 | diametrical | direct opposite, absolute reverse | 42 | |
4817374023 | disburse | expend, distribute | 43 | |
4817374024 | dolt | blockhead, stupid person | 44 | |
4817374025 | duplicity | deceitfulness, deceptiveness | 45 | |
4817374026 | effete | decadent, sterile, worn out | 46 | |
4817374027 | equine | of, relating to, or resembling horses or the horse family | 47 | |
4817374028 | exculpate | absolve, free from blame | 48 | |
4817374029 | expedite | hasten, dispatch, quicken | 49 | |
4817374030 | extemporize | to do in a makeshift way, to deliver impromptu | 50 | |
4817374031 | fallible | liable to err, likely to fail or to make a mistake | 51 | |
4817374032 | fatuous | inane, silly, unreal | 52 | |
4817374033 | furtive | stealthy, sly, shifty | 53 | |
4817374034 | gauche | awkward, tactless, lacking social grace | 54 | |
4817374035 | germane | relevant, pertinent | 55 | |
4817374036 | hone | sharpen, whet, file, grind | 56 | |
4817374037 | immutable | unchangeable, unalterable | 57 | |
4817374038 | iniquitous | sinful, wicked, vicious | 58 | |
4817374039 | kudos | glory, a praising remark for exceptional achievement | 59 | |
4817374040 | avarice | greed, cupidity | 60 | |
4817374041 | calumny | slander, lies to damage another's reputation | 61 | |
4817374042 | consonant | in agreement, in harmony | 62 | |
4817374043 | dearth | scarcity, shortage, lack | 63 | |
4817374044 | debacle | sudden collapse, a flood, a failure | 64 | |
4817374045 | elan | dash, distinctive and stylish elegance | 65 | |
4817374046 | elegy | a lament for the dead | 66 | |
4817374047 | galvanize | startle into sudden activity, to coat with zinc | 67 | |
4817374048 | histronics | acting, theatricals | 68 | |
4817374049 | illicit | unlicensed, unlawful | 69 | |
4817374050 | inane | pointless, silly, foolish | 70 | |
4817374051 | intrinsic | innate, true, natural, inherent | 71 | |
4817374052 | levity | lightness of character, excessive frivolity | 72 | |
4817374053 | lucid | clear, bright, shining | 73 | |
4817374054 | mercurial | active, lively, erratic | 74 | |
4817374055 | paradox | seeming self-contradiction that's true, a statement opposing accepted opinion | 75 | |
4817374056 | pathos | pity, evoking compassion | 76 | |
4817374057 | pensive | reflective, meditative, dreamily thoughtful | 77 | |
4817374058 | penurious | poor, impoverished | 78 | |
4817374059 | plethora | excess, abundance, state of being overfull | 79 | |
4817374060 | impolitic | unwise, injudicious | 80 | |
4817374061 | incarnadine | blood-red, crimson, flesh color | 81 | |
4817374062 | indigenous | native, natural, innate | 82 | |
4817374063 | indigent | destitute, impoverished, needy | 83 | |
4817374064 | ineffable | inexpressible, unutterable, indescribable, taboo | 84 | |
4817374065 | inure | toughen, harden, habituate | 85 | |
4817374066 | irascible | testy, touchy, irritable | 86 | |
4817374067 | laud | praise, extol, acclaim, to glorify | 87 | |
4817374068 | limpid | clear, transparent, lucid, serene | 88 | |
4817374069 | lithe | pliant, flexible, supple | 89 | |
4817374070 | loquacious | very talkative, garrulous | 90 | |
4817374071 | ludricous | laughable, ridiculous, funny because of obvious absurdity | 91 | |
4817374072 | lugubrious | mournful, dismal, gloomy, excessively sorrowful | 92 | |
4817374073 | malfeasance | wrongdoing, official misconduct, illegal deed | 93 | |
4817374074 | malign | defame, slander | 94 | |
4817374075 | morass | marsh, bog, swamp | 95 | |
4817374076 | mundane | common, ordinary, everyday | 96 | |
4817374077 | pariah | outcast, Untouchable | 97 | |
4817374078 | patrimony | heritage from one's father or other ancestor, legacy | 98 | |
4817374079 | pecuniary | financial, monetary, relating to money | 99 | |
4817374080 | abatement | the act of putting an end to, a deduction | 100 | |
4817374081 | altruistic | unselfish concern for the welfare of others | 101 | |
4817374082 | analogous | comparable, similar | 102 | |
4817374083 | aquiline | hooked like an eagle's beak, having characteristics like an eagle | 103 | |
4817374084 | austerity | strict economy, without adornment; a state of great self-denial | 104 | |
4817374085 | brevity | shortness, conciseness, terseness | 105 | |
4817374086 | castigate | criticize or punish severely | 106 | |
4817374087 | deplorable | sad, pitiable, lamentable | 107 | |
4817374088 | doddering | trembling, shaking with old age, to progress in a feeble manner | 108 | |
4817374089 | ennui | boredom, weariness, dissatisfaction | 109 | |
4817374090 | eyrie | nest of a bird of prey, a home | 110 | |
4817374091 | jocularity | state of being playful, jesting, characterized by joking | 111 | |
4817374092 | mandate | command, authorize, decree | 112 | |
4817374093 | maudlin | mawkish, tearfully sentimental | 113 | |
4817374094 | mete | dole, measure out, allot | 114 | |
4817374095 | peregrination | travel from one place to another, journey | 115 | |
4817374096 | prodigious | enormous, extraordinary in size or degree | 116 | |
4817374097 | saturate | fill up completely | 117 | |
4817374098 | temerity | foolish boldness, fearless, daring | 118 | |
4817374099 | vacuous | stupidly blank or empty | 119 | |
4817374100 | iconoclast | destroyer of images of idols, attacker of traditions | 120 | |
4817374101 | impeccable | faultless, irreproachable | 121 | |
4817374102 | inexorable | relentless, unyielding | 122 | |
4817374103 | infer | conclude, to derive by reasoning, to guess, speculate | 123 | |
4817374104 | insipid | pointless, flat, dull | 124 | |
4817374105 | integral | entire, whole, essential | 125 | |
4817374106 | invidious | offensive, obnoxious | 126 | |
4817374107 | laconic | concise, expressing much in a few words | 127 | |
4817374108 | lethargic | drowsy, sluggish, vagrant | 128 | |
4817374109 | malignant | harmful, dangerous | 129 | |
4817374110 | martial | warlike, pertaining to war | 130 | |
4817374111 | misanthropy | hatred or dislike of mankind | 131 | |
4817374112 | mollify | pacify, appease, reduce | 132 | |
4817374113 | ominous | threatening, portentous | 133 | |
4817374114 | omniscient | all-knowing, infinite awareness | 134 | |
4817374115 | ostracism | banishment, exile, exclusion | 135 | |
4817374116 | panegyric | formal eulogy, or commendation | 136 | |
4817374117 | paradigm | model, pattern, standard | 137 | |
4817374118 | parsimonious | stingy, excessively frugal. | 138 | |
4817374119 | peripatetic | wandering, roving, vagrant | 139 | |
4817374120 | affray | public fight or riot, quarrel, or brawl | 140 | |
4817374121 | apothegm | short, pithy saying, terse remarks | 141 | |
4817374122 | decrement | loss, decrease | 142 | |
4817374123 | incongruous | lacking harmony or agreement | 143 | |
4817374124 | salacious | lustful, lecherous, obscene | 144 | |
4817374125 | sartorial | of or about tailors or tailoring | 145 | |
4817374126 | soliloquy | talking as is alone; utterance by a person talking to himself | 146 | |
4817374127 | sordid | dirty, vile | 147 | |
4817374128 | stringent | strict, severe, exacting | 148 | |
4817374129 | supplant | remove, replace, overthrow | 149 | |
4817374130 | taciturn | uncommunicative, habitually silent | 150 | |
4817374131 | tepid | lukewarm, moderately warm | 151 | |
4817374132 | truculent | savage, cruel, fierce | 152 | |
4817374133 | unctuous | suave, smug, excessively pious | 153 | |
4817374134 | venal | mercenary, corruptible, able to be bribed | 154 | |
4817374135 | verbose | wordy, loquacious, lack of incisiveness or precision | 155 | |
4817374136 | vernacular | common, native language | 156 | |
4817374137 | virago | a shrew; ill-tempered woman | 157 | |
4817374138 | voracious | greedy, immoderate, insatiable | 158 | |
4817374139 | tedium | boredom, ennui, dullness | 159 | |
4817374140 | incite | provoke, arouse, goad | 160 | |
4817374141 | insular | detached, isolated, having a narrow point of view | 161 | |
4817374142 | intrepid | fearless, dauntless, fortitude | 162 | |
4817374143 | manumission | freeing, release from slavery | 163 | |
4817374144 | moribund | dying, stagnant, on the verge of extinction | 164 | |
4817374145 | nescient | ignorant, agnostic, lack of knowledge | 165 | |
4817374146 | obfuscate | confuse, cloud, make obscure | 166 | |
4817374147 | placebo | substance having no pharmaceutical effect | 167 | |
4817374148 | proliferation | excessive rapid spread | 168 | |
4817374149 | pusillanimous | cowardly in spirit, fearful | 169 | |
4817374150 | recondite | deep, difficult, profound, little known | 170 | |
4817374151 | sanctimonious | hypocritical show of piety or righteousness | 171 | |
4817374152 | similitude | likeness, resemblance, comparison | 172 | |
4817374153 | soporific | of or about sleep, drowsy | 173 | |
4817374154 | supine | inactive, passive, lying on the back | 174 | |
4817374155 | tactile | tangible, perceptible to the touch | 175 | |
4817374156 | temporal | secular, transitory of this world, limited by time | 176 | |
4817374157 | ungulate | hoof like, of or about horses | 177 | |
4817374158 | vapid | insipid, spiritless, inane | 178 | |
4817374159 | zenith | acme, highest point | 179 | |
4817374160 | antipathy | aversion, habitual repugnance | 180 | |
4817374161 | wane | diminish, abate, decrease | 181 | |
4817374162 | encomium | eulogy, formal expression of high praise | 182 | |
4817374163 | cacophonous | harsh, discordant, unpleasant | 183 | |
4817374164 | ambivalent | having opposing feelings or desires | 184 | |
4817374165 | puissant | powerful, potent, mighty | 185 | |
4817374166 | bellicose | pugnacious, ready to fight | 186 | |
4817374167 | amenable | agreeable, answerable | 187 | |
4817374168 | cavil | harp, nitpick, raise minor objections | 188 | |
4817374169 | commodious | spacious, roomy | 189 | |
4817374170 | desultory | disconnected, random, lacking in order | 190 | |
4817374171 | discreet | judicious, tactful, diplomatic | 191 | |
4817374172 | emanate | emit, send forth, flow out | 192 | |
4817374173 | didactic | too inclined to teach, preach, or lecture | 193 | |
4817374174 | ephemeral | transitory, short-lived, fleeting | 194 | |
4817374175 | feckless | feeble, ineffective, worthless | 195 | |
4817374176 | heinous | hateful, odious, abominable | 196 | |
4817374177 | piquant | pungent, spicy, provocative | 197 | |
4817374178 | obstreperous | unruly, uncontrolled, vociferous, clamorous | 198 | |
4817374179 | discrete | separate, distinct, detached from others | 199 |
AP Literature and Composition Vocabulary Flashcards
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