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AP Literature and Composition Vocabulary Flashcards

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2496049458abstracta style in writing that is typically complex, discusses intangible qualities like good and evil, and seldom uses examples to support its points0
2496049459academican adjective describing style; dry and theoretical writing; piece of writing seems to be sucking all the life out of its subject with analysis1
2496049460accentin poetry, the stressed portion of a word; sometimes set, often a matter of opinion2
2496049461aestheticadj.: "appealing to the senses"; noun: coherent (logically connected) sense of taste3
2496049462aestheticsthe study of beauty; "What is beauty?" "Is the beautiful always good?"4
2496049463allegorya story in which each aspect of the story has a symbolic meaning outside the tale itself; many fables have this quality; true ones are even more hard and fast; example: Orwell's Animal Farm5
2496049464alliterationthe repetition of INITIAL consonant sounds; consonant clusters coming closely cramped and compressed6
2496049465allusiona reference to another work or famous figures; can be classical (refers to Greek and Roman mythology or literature), topical (refers to current event), or popular (refers to something from pop culture--TV show or hit movie)7
2496049466anachronismGreek for "misplaced in time"; something or someone that isn't in its correct historical or chronological time--i.e., Brutus wearing a watch8
2496049467analogya comparison usually involving two or more symbolic parts; employed to clarify an action or relationship9
2496049468anecdotea short narrative10
2496049469antecedentthe word, phrase, or clause that determines what a pronoun refers to11
2496049470anthropomorphismwhen inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena are given human characteristics, behaviour, or motivation--"In the forest, the darkness waited for me, I could hear its patient breathing."12
2496049471anticlimaxoccurs when an action produces far smaller results than one had been led to expect; frequently comic13
2496049472antiheroa protagonist who is markedly unheroic: morally weak, cowardly, dishonest, or any number of other unsavory qualities14
2496049473aphorisma short and usually witty saying; astute observation--"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." (Lord Acton)15
2496049474apostrophea figure of speech wherein the speaker talks directly to something that is nonhuman, absent, or dead16
2496049475archaismthe use of deliberately old-fashioned language, used to create a feeling of antiquity17
2496049476asidea speech (usually just a short comment) made by an actor to the audience, as though momentarily stepping outside of the action on stage18
2496049477aspecta trait or characteristic19
2496049478assonancethe repeated use of vowel sounds--"Old king Cole was a merry old soul."20
2496049479atmospherethe emotional tone or background that surrounds a scene21
2496049480ballada long, narrative poem, usually in regular meter and rhyme; typically has a naive folksy quality that sets it apart from epic poetry22
2496049481bathoswhen the writing of a scene strains for grandeur it can't support and tries to jerk tears from every little hiccup; intends to be dramatic but goes to the extreme of becoming ridiculous23
2496049482pathoswhen the writing of a scene evokes feelings of dignified pity and sympathy24
2496049483black humorthe use of disturbing themes in comedy; morbid humor used to express the absurdity, insensitivity, paradox, and cruelty of the modern world, ordinary characters or situations exaggerated beyond normal limits of satire or irony25
2496049484bombastpretentious, exaggeratedly learned language; one tries to be eloquent by using the largest, most uncommon words26
2496049485burlesquebroad parody, one that takes a style or form, such as tragic drama, and exaggerates it into ridiculousness; achieves its effects through caricature, ridicule, and distortion, devoid of any ethical element; interchangeable with parody27
2496049486cacophonyusing deliberately harsh, awkward sounds--the sound of midday traffic28
2496049487cadencethe beat or rhythm of poetry in a general sense e.g., iambic pentameter; can be gentle and pulsing, conversational, and even vigorous, marching29
2496049488cantothe name for a section division in a long work of poetry; divides a long poem into parts the way chapters divide a novel--like in Dante's Inferno30
2496049489caricaturea portrait (verbal or otherwise) that exaggerates a facet of personality31
2496049490catharsisdrawn from Aristotle's writings on tragedy; refers to the "cleansing" of emotion an audience member experiences, having lived (vicariously) through the experiences presented on stage; purging of emotions through a form of art, in this case, literature32
2496049491chorusthe group of citizens who stand outside the main action on stage and comment on it33
2496049492classictypical; an accepted masterpiece34
2496049493classicalrefers to the arts of ancient Greece and Rome and the qualities of those arts35
2496049494coinage (tech. term: neologism)a new word, usually one invented on the spot36
2496049495colloquialisma word or phrase used in everyday conversational English that isn't a part of accepted "schoolbook" English; slang words, informal English37
2496049496complex, densetwo terms carrying the similar meaning of suggesting that there is more than one posibilty in the meaning of words (image, idea, opposition); there are subtleties and variations; there are multiple layers of interpretation; the meaning is both explicit and implicit38
2496049497conceitrefers to a startling or unusual metaphor, or to a metaphor developed and expanded upon over several lines39
2496049498controlling imagewhen the image of conceit dominates and shapes the entire work40
2496049499connotationwhat a word suggests or implies, not its literal meaning--i.e., dark meaning dangerous instead lacking of light41
2496049500denotationthe literal meaning of a word42
2496049501consonancethe repetition of consonant sounds WITHIN words--"A flock of sick, black-checkered ducks."43
2496049502coupleta pair of lines that end in rhyme44
2496049503decorumin order to observe, a character's speech must be styled according to his or her social station, and in accordance with the occasion--bum speaks like a bum about bumly things45
2496049504dictionauthor's choice of words, choice of specific words46
2496049505syntaxauthor's choice of words; refers to the ordering and structuring of the words47
2496049506dirgea song for the dead, tone is typically slow, heavy, and melancholy48
2496049507dissonancethe grating of incompatible sounds49
2496049508doggerelcrude, simplistic verse, often in sing-song rhyme--i.e., limericks50
2496049509dramatic ironywhen the audience knows something that the characters in the drama do not51
2496049510dramatic monologuewhen a single speaker in literature says something to a silent audience52
2496049511elegya type of poem that meditates on death or mortality in a serious, thoughtful manner; often use the recent death of a noted or loved person as a starting point; also memorialize specific dead people53
2496049512elementsthe basic techniques of each genre of literature54
2496049513enjambmentthe continuation of a syntactic unit from one line or couplet of a poem to the next with no pause--i.e.,55
2496049514epica very long narrative poem on a serious theme in a dignified style; typically deal with glorious or profound subject matter--i.e., great war, heroic journey, battle with supernatural, etc.56
2496049515mock-epicparody form that deals with mundane events and ironically treats them as worthy of epic poetry57
2496049516epitaphlines that commemorate the dead at their burial place; usually a line or a handful of lines, often serious or religious, but sometimes witty and even irreverent58
2496049517euphemisma word or phrase that takes the place of a harsh, unpleasant, or impolite reality--i.e., passed away for died, let go for fired59
2496049518euphonywhen sounds blend harmoniously60
2496049519explicitto say or write something directly and clearly61
2496049520farcetoday it's used to refer to extremely broad humor; in earlier times, it was used to mean a simply funny play; a comedy (generic term for play then, btw, no implication of humor)62
2496049521feminine rhymelines rhymed by their final two syllables--running, gunning; properly, the penultimate syllables are stressed and the final syllables are unstressed63
2496049522foila secondary character whose purpose is to highlight the characteristics of a main character, usually by contrast64
2496049523footthe basic rhythmic unit of a line of poetry, formed by a combination of two or three syllables, either stressed or unstressed65
2496049524foreshadowingan event or statement in a narrative that in miniature suggests a larger event that comes later66
2496049525free versepoetry written without a regular rhyme scheme or metrical pattern67
2496049526genrea subcategory of literature--i.e., scientific fiction, detective stories->types of fiction68
2496049527Gothic, Gothic novelform first showed up in the middle of the 1700s, heyday of popularity for sixty years; sensibility: mysterious, gloomy, sinister69
2496049528hubristhe excessive pride or ambition that leads to the main character's downfall--like Caesar70
2496049529hyperboleexaggeration or deliberate overstatement: He has a watermelon head.71
2496049530implicitto say or write something that suggests and implies but never says it directly or clearly; reading between the lines72
2496049531in medias resLatin for "in the midst of things;" one of the conventions of epic poetry73
2496049532interior monologuea term for novels and poetry, not dramatic literature; refers to writing that records the mental talking that goes on inside a character's head; related, but not identical to the stream of consciousness; tends to be coherent, as though the character is actually talking74
2496049533inversionswitching the customary order of elements in a sentence or phrase--Yoda speech!75
2496049534*ironycomes in a variety of forms; a statement that means the opposite of what it seems to mean, deeper than sarcasm though; an undertow of meaning76
2496049535lamenta poem of sadness or grief over the death of a loved one or over some other intense loss77
2496049536lampoona satire78
2496049537loose sentencesentence is clear in the beginning, begins with main clause, followed by subordinates and modifiers79
2496049538periodic sentenceleaves the completion of its main clause to the end, often produces effect of suspense80
2496049539lyrica type of poetry that explores the poet's personal interpretation of and feelings about the world; when used to describe a tone, refers to a sweet, emotional melodiousness81
2496049540masculine rhymea rhyme ending on the final stressed syllable--spent, went82
2496049541means, meaningliteral meaning-concrete and explicit; emotional meaning83
2496049542melodramaa form of cheesy theater in which the hero is very, very good, the villain mean and rotten, and the heroine oh-so-pure84
2496049543metaphora comparison, or analogy that states one thing IS another--His eyes were burning coals.85
2496049544metonyma word that is used to stand for something else that it has attributes of or is associated with---"the crown" referring to the king, "The pen is mightier than the sword." (pen reps writers and ideas, sword reps war)86
2496049545nemesisthe protagonist's archenemy or supreme and persistent difficulty87
2496049546objectivitytreatment of a matter as impersonal or as an outside view of events88
2496049547subjectivitytreatment of a matter using the interior personal view of a single observer and is typically coloured with that observer's emotional responses89
2496049548onomatopoeiawords that sound how they're spelled--boom, splat90
2496049549oppositiona pair of elements that contrast sharply, not necessarily "conflict," rather a pairing of images, each becomes more striking and informative because it's placed in contrast to the other one; creates mystery and tension, can be obvious or lead to irony, not always though91
2496049550oxymorona phrase composed of opposites; a contradiction92
2496049551parablea story that instructs like a fable or an allegory93
2496049552paradoxa situation or statement that seems to contradict itself, but on closer inspection, it does not---"It's raining, but I don't believe that it is."94
2496049553parallelismrepeated syntactical similarities used for effect--He likes playing the piano, eating cookies, and reading lengthy novels.95
2496049554paraphraseto restate phrases and sentences in your own words, to rephrase; not an analysis or interpretation96
2496049555parenthetical phrasea phrase set off by commas that interrupts the flow of a sentence with some commentary or added detail97
2496049556parodywhen a specific work is exaggerated to ridiculousness98
2496049557pastorala poem set in a tranquil nature or even more specifically, one about shepherds99
2496049558personathe narrator in a non-first-person novel. in third person, get an idea of author's personality, but isn't really the author's personality; shadow-author100
2496049559personificationgiving an inanimate object human qualities or form--The darkness of the forest became the figure of a beautiful, pake-skinned woman in night-black clothes.101
2496049560plainta poem or speech expressing sorrow102
2496049561point of viewthe perspective from which the action of a novel (or narrative poem) is presented103
2496049562omniscient narratorthird-person narrator who sees into each character's mind and understands all the action that's going on104
2496049563limited omniscient narratorthird-person narrator who generally reports only what one character (usually main character) sees, reports only thoughts of that one character105
2496049564objective/camera-eye narratorthird-person narrator who only reports on what would be visible to a camera, doesn't know what the character is thinking unless character speaks of it106
2496049565first-person narratornarrator who is a character in the story and tells the story from his or her point of view; when crazy, a liar, or very young, narrator is unreliable107
2496049566stream of consciousness techniquemethod is like first-person, but instead of the character telling the story, the author puts the reader in the character's head108
2496049567preludean intro poem to a longer work or verse109
2496049568protagonistthe main character of a novel or play110
2496049569punusually humorous use of a word in such a way to suggest two or more meanings111
2496049570refraina line or set of lines repeated several times over the course of a poem112
2496049571requiema song or prayer for the dead113
2496049572rhapsodyan intensely passionate verse or section of verse, usually of love or praise114
2496049573rhetorical questiona question that suggests an answer115
2496049574satireexposes common character flaws to humor; attempts to improve things by pointing out people's mistakes in the hope that once exposed, such behaviours will become less common--hypocrisy, vanity, greed116
2496049575similelike a metaphor but softens the full-out equation of things, often, but not always, by using like or as117
2496049576soliloquya speech spoken by a character alone on stage; meant to convey the impression that the audience is listening to the character's thoughts; not meant to imply that the actor acknowledges the audience is listening118
2496049577stanzaa group of lines roughly analogues in function in verse to the paragraph's function in prose119
2496049578stock charactersstandard or cliched character types: the drunk, the miser, the foolish girl, etc.120
2496049579subjunctive mooda mood that represents an act or state (not as a fact but) as contingent or possible; wishful thinking--if I were you, if he were honest121
2496049580suggestto imply, infer, indicate; you have to pull out the meaning yourself122
2496049581summarya simple retelling of what you've just read; covers more material than paraphrase, more general, includes all the facts123
2496049582suspension of disbeliefdemand made of a theater audience to accept the limitations of staging and supply the details with imagination124
2496049583symbolisma device in literature where an object reps an idea125
2496049584techniquethe methods, the tools, "how-you-do-it" ways of the author126
2496049585themethe main idea of the overall work; the central idea; topic of discourse or discussion127
2496049586thesisthe main position of an argument; the central contention that will be supported128
2496049587tragic flawin tragedy, weakness of character in an other wise good/great individual that leads to his demise129
2496049588travestya grotesque parody130
2496049589truisma way-too-obvious truth131
2496049590utopiaan idealized place; paradise132
2496049591zeugmathe use of a word to modify two or more words, but used for different meanings--On the fishing trip, he caught three trout and a cold.133

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