6633366098 | Allegory | A narrative or description having a second or symbolic meaning beneath the surface one | 0 | |
6633370457 | Allusion | A reference, explicit or implicit, to something in previous literature or history | 1 | |
6633371892 | Anecdote | A short account of an interesting or humorous incident | 2 | |
6633376173 | Artistic unity | That condition of a successful literary work whereby all its elements work together for the achievement of its central purpose | 3 | |
6633379991 | Cacophony | A harsh, discordant, unpleasant-sounding choice and arrangement of sounds | 4 | |
6633388333 | Euphony | A smooth, pleasant-sounding choice and arrangement of sounds | 5 | |
6633389632 | Genre | A type or class, as poetry, drama, etc | 6 | |
6633393135 | Imagery | The representation through language of sensory experience | 7 | |
6633395165 | Mood | The pervading impression of a work | 8 | |
6633398829 | Moral | A rule of conduct or maxim for living expressed or implied as the "point" of a literary work. Compare Theme. | 9 | |
6633404027 | Prose | Non-metrical language; the opposite of verse | 10 | |
6633406454 | Theme | The main idea, or message, of a literary work. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and may be implied rather than stated explicitly | 11 | |
6633408257 | Tone | The writer's or speaker's attitude toward the subject, the audience, or herself or himself; the emotional coloring, or emotional meaning, of a work | 12 | |
6633414421 | Topic | The subject matter or area of a literary work. Not to be confused with theme. | 13 | |
6633416465 | Setting | The context in time and place in which the action of a story occurs | 14 | |
6633421981 | Symbol (literary) | Something that means more than what it is; an object, person, situation, or action that in addition to its literal meaning suggests other meanings as well, a figure of speech which may be read both literally and figuratively. | 15 | |
6633426043 | Verse | Metrical language; the opposite of prose | 16 | |
6633428036 | Voice | The distinctive style or manner of expression of an author or a character in a book | 17 | |
6633435306 | Antagonist | Character in a story or poem who opposes the main character (protagonist). Sometimes the antagonist is an animal, an idea, or a thing. | 18 | |
6633438261 | Character | (1) Any of the persons involved in a story or play [sense 1] (2) The distinguishing moral qualities and personal traits of a character [sense 2] | 19 | |
6633440177 | Characterization | The process of conveying information about characters | 20 | |
6633441669 | Deuteragonist | the second most important character, after the protagonist, often a foil or eventual antagonist | 21 | |
6633442977 | Direct presentation of character | A method of characterization in which the author, by exposition or analysis, tells us directly what a character is like, or has someone else in the story do so | 22 | |
6633446457 | Dynamic character | A character (sense 1) who during the course of a story undergoes a permanent change in some aspect of character (sense 2) or outlook | 23 | |
6633449275 | Flat character | A character (sense 1) whose character (sense 2) is summed up in one or two traits | 24 | |
6633450541 | Foil | a character who contrasts with another character (usually the protagonist) in order to highlight various features of that other character's personality, throwing these characteristics into sharper focus. | 25 | |
6633452086 | Hero | A man who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for bold exploits, and favored by the gods | 26 | |
6633454492 | Hubris | Overbearing and excessive pride | 27 | |
6633456321 | Indirect presentation of character | That method of characterization in which the author shows us a character in action, compelling us to infer what the character is like from what is said or done by the character | 28 | |
6633456322 | Protagonist | The main character of a novel, play, or film | 29 | |
6633458418 | Round character | A character (sense 1) whose character (sense 2) is complex and many sided | 30 | |
6633463884 | Static character | A character who is the same sort of person at the end of a story as at the beginning. | 31 | |
6633466658 | Stock character | A stereotyped character. | 32 | |
6633468747 | Aside | A brief speech in which a character turns from the person being addressed to speak directly to the audience; a dramatic device for letting the audience know what a character is really thinking or feeling as opposed to what the character pretends to think or feel | 33 | |
6633467801 | Tragic Flaw | A flaw in the character of the protagonist of a tragedy that brings the protagonist to ruin or sorrow | 34 | |
6633470910 | Colloquial | Informal, conversational language | 35 | |
6633472191 | Dialogue | (1) Conversation between characters in a drama or narrative. (2) A literary work written in the form of a conversation. | 36 | |
6633474699 | Dialect | A regional variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary | 37 | |
6633474700 | Diction | Word choice | 38 | |
6633476477 | Euphemism | Substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for a harsh, blunt, or offensive one | 39 | |
6633479330 | Hyperbole | A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used in the service of truth | 40 | |
6633477857 | Figure of speech | Broadly, any way of saying something other that the ordinary way; more narrowly (and for the purposes of this class) a way of saying one thing and meaning another | 41 | |
6633480986 | Invective | Denunciatory or abusive language. | 42 | |
6633483154 | Monologue | (1) A dramatic soliloquy. (2) A literary composition in such form | 43 | |
6633484629 | Proverb | A short, pithy saying that expresses a basic truth or practical precept | 44 | |
6633485974 | Pun | A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words | 45 | |
6633488258 | Sarcasm | Bitter or cutting speech; speech intended by its speaker to give pain to the person addressed | 46 | |
6633489737 | Soliloquy | a device often used in drama where by a character relates his or her thoughts and feelings to him/herself and to the audience without addressing any of the other characters. | 47 | |
6633491195 | Slang | A kind of language esp. occurring in casual or playful speech, usu. made up of short-lived coinages and figures of speech deliberately used in place of standard terms | 48 | |
6633496249 | Understatement | A figure of speech that consists of saying less than one means, or of saying what one means with less force than the occasion warrants. | 49 | |
6633496250 | Exposition | The part of a play (usually at the beginning) that provides the background information needed to understand the characters and the actions | 50 | |
6633501740 | Rising action | That development of plot in a story that precedes and leads up to the climax | 51 | |
6633498972 | Conflict | A clash of actions, desires, ideas, or goals in the plot of a story or drama. Conflict may exist between the main character and some other person or persons; between the main character and some external force—physical nature, society, or "fate"; or between the main | 52 | |
6633503627 | Climax | The turning point or high point of a plot | 53 | |
6633505320 | Falling Action | The falling action immediately follows the climax and shows the aftereffects of the events in the climax | 54 | |
6633507103 | Irony | A situation, or a use of language, involving some kind of incongruity or discrepancy. Three kinds of irony are distinguished in this class: | 55 | |
6633507102 | Denouement | (Also called the resolution) the conclusion of the story. Conflicts are resolved, creating normality for the characters and a sense of catharsis for them and the reader. Sometimes a hint as to the characters' future is given | 56 | |
6633510290 | Dramatic irony | An incongruity of discrepancy between what a character says or thinks and what the reader knows to be true (or between what a character perceives and what the author intends the reader to perceive). | 57 | |
6633512227 | Irony of situation | A situation in which there is an incongruity between appearance and reality, or between expectation and fulfillment, or between the actual situation and what would seem appropriate. | 58 | |
6633513879 | Verbal irony | A figure of speech in which what is said is the opposite of what is meant | 59 | |
6633516072 | Epistolary novel | a novel written as a series of documents | 60 | |
6633519619 | Flashback | A literary device in which an earlier event is inserted into a narrative. | 61 | |
6633517685 | First person point of view | The story is told by one of its characters, using the first person | 62 | |
6633521697 | Flashforward | A literary device in which a later event is inserted into a narrative | 63 | |
6633523262 | In medias res | (into the middle of things) is a Latin phrase denoting the literary and artistic narrative technique wherein the relation of a story begins either at the mid-point or at the conclusion, rather than at the beginning, establishing setting, character, and conflict via flashback and expository conversations. | 64 | |
6633524899 | Limited omniscient point of view | The author tells the story, using the third person, but is limited to a complete knowledge of one character in the story and tells us only what that one character thinks, feels, sees, or hears. | 65 | |
6633526473 | Linear structure | a plot that follows a straight-moving, cause and effect, chronological order | 66 | |
6633528365 | Objective point of view | The author tells the story, using the third person, but is limited to reporting what the characters say or do; the author does not interpret their behavior or tell us their private thoughts or feelings. | 67 | |
6633529426 | Omniscient point of view | The author tells the story, using the third person, knowing all and free to tell us anything, including what the characters are thinking or feeling and why they act as they do | 68 | |
6633662513 | Narrator | the speaker or the "voice" of an oral or written work. Although it can be, the narrator is not usually the same person as the author. The narrator is one of three types of characters in a given work, (1) participant (protagonist or participant in any action that may take place in the story), (2) observer (someone who is indirectly involved in the action of a story), or (3) non participant (one who is not at all involved in any action of the story). The narrator is the direct window into a piece of work | 69 | |
6633664641 | Nonlinear structure | is when the plot is presented in a non-causal order, with events presented in a random series jumping to and from the main plot with flashbacks or flashforwards; or in any other manner that is either not chronological or not cause and effect, for example, in medias res. | 70 | |
6633666140 | Point of View | The angle of vision from which a story is told. | 71 | |
6633668348 | Stream of consciousness | Narrative which presents the private thoughts of a character without commentary or interpretation by the author | 72 | |
6633686942 | Unreliable narrator | a narrator whose credibility has been seriously compromised. Unreliable narrators are usually first-person narrators. | 73 | |
6633689869 | Anticlimax | A sudden descent from the impressive or significant to the ludicrous or inconsequential | 74 | |
6633760172 | Catastrophe | The concluding action of a classical tragedy containing the resolution of the plot | 75 | |
6633761777 | Comic Relief | A humorous incident introduced into a serious literary work in order to relieve dramatic tension or heighten emotional impact | 76 | |
6633763509 | Dilemma | A situation in which a character must choose between two courses of action, both undesirable | 77 | |
6633765397 | Deus ex machina | (god from the machine) The resolution of a plot by use of a highly improbable chance or coincidence (so named from the practice of some Greek dramatists of having a god descend from heaven at the last possible minute—in the theater by means of a stage machine—to rescue the protagonist from an impossible situation) | 78 | |
6633767777 | Indeterminate ending | An ending in which the central problem or conflict is left unresolved | 79 | |
6633768893 | Inversion | A reversal in order, nature, or effect | 80 | |
6633781042 | Motivation | An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action | 81 | |
6633782855 | Mystery | An unusual set of circumstances for which the reader craves an explanation; used to create suspense | 82 | |
6633784434 | Paradox | A statement or situation containing apparently contradictory or incompatible elements | 83 | |
6633784435 | Plot | The sequence of incidents or events of which a story is composed | 84 | |
6633787505 | Plot manipulation | A situation in which an author gives the plot a twist or turn unjustified by preceding action or by the characters involved | 85 | |
6633789434 | Plot device | An object, character, or event whose only reason for existing is to advance the story. Often breaks suspension of disbelief. | 86 | |
6633791377 | Prologue | An introduction or a preface, esp. a poem recited to introduce a play | 87 | |
6633793708 | Red herring | a literary tactic of diverting attention away from an item or person of significance | 88 | |
6633808593 | Scene | A subdivision of an act in a dramatic presentation in which the setting is fixed and the time continuous | 89 | |
6633810622 | Suspense | That quality in a story that makes the reader eager to discover what happens next and how it will end | 90 | |
6633812773 | Suspension of Disbelief | An unspoken agreement between writer and reader: "I agree to believe your make-believe if it entertains me." | 91 | |
6633814616 | Subplot | A plot subordinate to the main plot of a literary work | 92 | |
6633816771 | Surprise | An unexpected turn in the development of a plot | 93 | |
6633818084 | Comedy | A type of drama, opposed to tragedy, having usually a happy ending, and emphasizing human limitation rather than human greatness | 94 | |
6633820056 | Comedy of manners | Comedy that ridicules the manners (way of life, social customs, etc.) of a certain segment of society | 95 | |
6633822189 | Satire | A kind of literature that ridicules human folly or vice with the purpose of bringing about reform or of keeping others from falling into similar folly or vice. | 96 | |
6633824830 | Scornful comedy | A type of comedy whose main purpose is to expose and ridicule human folly, vanity, or hypocrisy | 97 | |
6633826912 | Romantic comedy | A type of comedy whose likable and sensible main characters are placed in difficulties from which they are rescued at the end of the play | 98 | |
6633828720 | Farce | A type of comedy that relies on exaggeration, horseplay, and unrealistic or improbable situations to provoke laughter | 99 |
AP Literature & Composition Vocabulary Flashcards
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