6652355919 | 1. Abhorrent | causing repugnance; detestable; loathsome. Utterly opposed, or contrary, or in conflict. | 0 | |
6652358510 | 2. Acerbic | harsh or severe, as of temper or expression: acerbic criticism. | 1 | |
6652363834 | 3. Ambivalent | uncertainty or fluctuation, esp. when caused by the inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things. the coexistence within an individual of positive and negative feelings toward the same person, object, or action, simultaneously drawing him or her in opposite directions. | 2 | |
6652370263 | 4. Anguished | showing excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain: the anguish of grief. Torment. Torture. | 3 | |
6652376739 | 5. Appalled | to fill with consternation or dismay. struck with fear, dread, or consternation. | 4 | |
6652383974 | 6. Apprehensive- | uneasy or fearful about something that might happen. perceptive; discerning (usually followed by of | 5 | |
6652396184 | 7. Ardent | having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent: an ardent vow; ardent love. intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic; zealous: an ardent theatergoer. an ardent student of French history. vehement; fierce: They were frightened by his ardent, burning eyes | 6 | |
6652399519 | 8. Austere | severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding: an austere teacher. rigorously self-disciplined and severely moral; ascetic; abstinent: the austere quality of life in the convent. grave; sober; solemn; serious: an austere manner. without excess, luxury, or ease; simple; limited; severe: an austere life. severely simple; without ornament: austere writing | 7 | |
6652421676 | 9. Benevolent | characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings: a benevolent attitude; her benevolent smile. Desiring to help others; charitable: gifts from several generous alumni. Intended for benefits rather than profit: a charitable institution | 8 | |
6652421677 | 10. Callous | unfeeling, insensitive to others | 9 | |
6652421678 | 11. Candid | frank; outspoken; open and sincere: a candid critic. Free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge; candid: an honest opinion. Honest; impartial | 10 | |
6652421679 | 12. Caustic | capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue. Severely critical or sarcastic: a caustic remark. Biting, mordant, bitter, scathing | 11 | |
6652421680 | 13. Conciliatory | to overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease. To regain or try to restore (friendship or goodwill) by social behavior. To make or attempt to make compatible; reconcile | 12 | |
6652421681 | 14. Contencious [kuh n-ten-shuh s] | tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome: a contentious crew. Causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy: controversial issues | 13 | |
6652421682 | 15. Cynical [sin-i-kuh l] | like or characteristic of a cynic; distrusting or disparaging the motives of others; showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, esp. by actions that exploit the scruples of others; bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic; sarcastic | 14 | |
6652421683 | 16. Derisive (dĭ-rī'sĭv) | contemptuous; mocking; jeering; expressing ridicule; causing or deserving scorn | 15 | |
6652421684 | 17. Derogatory (dĭ-rŏg'ə-tôr'ē) | tending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or thing; disparaging; depreciatory: a derogatory remark; belittling, uncomplimentary, denigrating | 16 | |
6652421685 | 18. Desolate (děs'ə-lĭt) | barren or laid waste; devastated: a treeless, desolate landscape; deprived or destitute of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited; solitary; lonely: an isolated place; having the feeling of being abandoned by friends or by hope; forlorn; dreary; dismal; gloomy | 17 | |
6652421686 | 19. Despondent (dĭ-spŏn'dənt) | feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom: despondent about failing health; disheartened, downhearted, melancholy, blue. | 18 | |
6652421687 | 20. Diabolical (dī'ə-bŏl'ĭ-kəl) | having the qualities of a devil; devilish; fiendish; outrageously wicked: a diabolic plot; Appropriate to a demon, especially in the degree of wickedness or cruelty. | 19 | |
6652421688 | 21. Didactic (dī-dāk'tĭk) | intended for instruction; instructive; inclined to teach or lecture others too much: a boring, didactic speaker. Teaching or intending to teach a moral lesson | 20 | |
6652421689 | 22. Diffident (dĭf'ĭ-dənt) | lacking confidence in one's ability, worth, or fitness; timid; shy; restrained or reserved in manner, conduct; self-conscious, self-effacing, abashed, embarrassed, modest, unassuming, unconfident | 21 | |
6652421690 | 23 Disdainful (dĭs-dān'fəl) | contemptuous, haughty, scornful; expressing extreme contempt; having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy | 22 | |
6652421691 | 24. Dismal (dĭz'məl) | causing gloom or dejection; gloomy; dreary; cheerless; melancholy: gloomy weather; characterized by ineptness or lack of skill, competence, effectiveness, imagination, or interest; pitiful: Our team played a horrible game. Hopeless | 23 | |
6652421692 | 25. Ebullient (ĭ-bŏŏl'yənt) | overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited: The award winner was in an ebullient mood at the dinner in her honor. | 24 | |
6652421693 | 26. Elated (ĭ-lāt' ed) | very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits: an elated winner of a contest; overjoyed, ecstatic | 25 | |
6652421694 | 27. Euphoric (yōō-fôr'ik) | a feeling of great happiness or well-being; a feeling of joy, confidence, or well-being sometimes | 26 | |
6652421695 | 28. Exasperated (ĭg-zās'pə-rāt'ed) | to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely: He was exasperated by the senseless delays; To make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly | 27 | |
6652421696 | 29. Fatalistic | the acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate: Her fatalism helped her to face death with stoic calm; the doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable predetermination | 28 | |
6652421697 | 30. Fervent (fûr'vənt) | having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.; ardent: a fervent admirer; a fervent plea; hot; burning; glowing; impassioned, passionate | 29 | |
6652421698 | 31. Flippant (flĭp'ənt) | frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity: The audience was shocked by his flippant remarks about patriotism; | 30 | |
6652421699 | 32. Grave | serious or solemn; sober; weighty, momentous, or important; threatening a seriously bad outcome or involving serious issues; critical | 31 | |
6652421700 | 33. Iidyllic (ī-dĭl'ĭk) | unspoiled, sylvan, pastoral; charmingly simple or rustic: his idyllic life in Tahiti. Straightforward and carefree: a pleasant vacation in a seashore cottage; excellent and delightful in all respects; "an idyllic spot for a picnic." | 32 | |
6652421701 | 34. Inane (ĭn-ān') | lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly: inane questions; empty; void; pointless | 33 | |
6652421702 | 35. Incredulous (ĭn-krěj'ə-ləs) | indicating or showing unbelief: an incredulous smile; not credulous; disinclined or indisposed to believe; skeptical | 34 | |
6652421703 | 36. Indignant (ĭn-dĭg'nənt) | feeling, characterized by, or expressing intense displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base: indignant remarks; an indignant expression on his face; angry, resentful, infuriated, mad | 35 | |
6652421704 | 37. Insolent (ĭn'sə-lənt) | boldly rude or disrespectful; contemptuously impertinent; insulting: an insolent reply; brazen; contemptuous | 36 | |
6652421705 | 38. Introspective | consider one's own internal state or feelings; to look into or examine (one's mind, emotions, etc.). | 37 | |
6652421706 | 39. Laudatory (lô'də-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē) | containing or expressing praise: overwhelmed by the speaker's laudatory remarks. Adulatory, complimentary, commendatory | 38 | |
6652421707 | 40. Melancholy (měl'ən-kŏl'ē) | a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression; sober thoughtfulness; pensiveness; Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloomy; mournful | 39 | |
6652421708 | 41. Mirthful (mûrth'fəl) | joyous; gay; jolly: a mirthful laugh; full of gladness and gaiety | 40 | |
6652421709 | 42. Macabre (mə-kä'brə) muh-kah-bruh | gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible; of, about, dealing with, or representing death, esp. its grimmer or uglier aspect. | 41 | |
6652421710 | 43. Naïve | having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous; having or showing the unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous | 42 | |
6652421711 | 44. Ominous (ŏm'ə-nəs) | portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious: an ominous bank of dark clouds; a bad omen | 43 | |
6652421712 | 45. Patronizing | displaying or indicative of an offensively condescending manner: a polite greeting, accompanied by a gentle pat on the pack; to behave in an offensively condescending manner toward a professor who patronizes his students. | 44 | |
6652421713 | 46. Pedantic | overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, esp. in teaching; didactic, doctrinaire; Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules: a pedantic attention to details | 45 | |
6652421714 | 47.Petulant (pěch'ə-lənt) | moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, esp. over some trifling annoyance: a petulant toss of the head. Irritable, peevish, fretful, pettish, touchy; Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish | 46 | |
6652421715 | 48. Pithy (pĭth'ē) | brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression; full of vigor, substance, or meaning; terse; forcible: a pithy observation; succinct, pointed, meaty, concise | 47 | |
6652421716 | 49. Poignant | emotionally impactful; keen or strong in mental appeal: a subject of poignant interest; affecting or moving the emotions | 48 | |
6652421717 | 50. Repugnant | distasteful, objectionable, or offensive; opposed or contrary, as in nature or character; making opposition; antagonistic, adverse, hostile | 49 | |
6652421718 | 51. Resigned | submissive or acquiescent (āk'wē-ěs'ənt)--willing to carry out orders or wishes of another | 50 | |
6652421719 | 52. Reticent (rět'ĭ-sənt) | disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved; taciturn, quiet, uncommunicative; reluctant or restrained; Inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself. Restrained or reserved in style. | 51 | |
6652421720 | 53. Reverent | feeling, exhibiting, or characterized by reverence; deeply respectful: feeling or showing profound respect or veneration | 52 | |
6652421721 | 54. Scathing (skāthing) | bitterly severe, as a remark; harmful, injurious, or searing; to attack with harsh criticism; excoriate. | 53 | |
6652421722 | 55. Terse-neatly | effectively concise; brief and pithy; abruptly concise; curt; brusque; succinct, compact, neat, concentrated | 54 | |
6652421723 | 56. Turgid (tûr'jĭd) | inflated, overblown, or pompous; bombastic: turgid language; Excessively ornate or complex in style or language; grandiloquent: turgid prose. | 55 | |
6652421724 | 57. Vehement (vē'ə-mənt) | zealous; ardent; impassioned; characterized by rancor or anger; violent; strongly emotional; intense or passionate | 56 | |
6652421725 | 58. Vivacious | lively; animated; gay; spirited; brisk | 57 | |
6652421726 | 59. Whimsical | given to whimsy or fanciful notions; capricious; erratic; unpredictable | 58 | |
6652421727 | 60. Wistful | characterized by melancholy; longing; yearning; reflective, musing, meditative, forlorn | 59 |
AP Literature & Composition Vocabulary: Tone Words Flashcards
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