3128343063 | allocation | allowance, portion, share | 0 | |
3128343064 | ascetic | one who leads a life of self-denial and contemplation; absent of luxury | 1 | |
3128343065 | beguile | to deceive | 2 | |
3128343066 | crass | coarse, unfeeling; stupid | 3 | |
3128343067 | defray | to pay for | 4 | |
3128343068 | dint | means; effort | 5 | |
3128344153 | enjoin | command; order; forbid | 6 | |
3128344154 | envoy | representative or messenger | 7 | |
3128344155 | interloper | one who interferes with the affairs of others; a meddler | 8 | |
3128344156 | vicarious | performed, suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another | 9 | |
3128344157 | admonish | to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty | 10 | |
3128344171 | akimbo | with hands on hips and elbows extending outward | 11 | |
3128344934 | lassitude | a state of diminished energy | 12 | |
3128344935 | licentious | immoral; unrestrained by society | 13 | |
3128344936 | muse | to meditate; to consider thoughtfully | 14 | |
3128344937 | pecuniary | relating to money | 15 | |
3128344938 | plight | predicament | 16 | |
3128345589 | presumptuous | assuming too much; arrogant | 17 | |
3128345590 | subversive | intended to undermine or overthrow | 18 | |
3128345591 | vacuous | empty; silly; meaningless | 19 | |
3128346115 | avocation | a hobby | 20 | |
3128346116 | capricious | impulsive and unpredictable | 21 | |
3128346117 | disparity | difference | 22 | |
3128346721 | efficacy | effectiveness | 23 | |
3128346722 | epistle | a letter | 24 | |
3128346723 | hospice | a shelter for travelers, orphans, or the ill or destitute | 25 | |
3128346724 | impetus | a moving force, impulse, stimulus | 26 | |
3128346725 | moribund | being on the point of death; declining, rapidly losing all momentum in progres | 27 | |
3128347095 | reticent | reserved | 28 | |
3128347096 | vacillate | to physically sway or be indecisive | 29 | |
3128347097 | akin | related by blood | 30 | |
3128347098 | corroborate | to support with evidence | 31 | |
3128347701 | inexorable | inflexible; unyielding | 32 | |
3128347702 | insipid | lacking interest or flavor | 33 | |
3128347703 | nefarious | wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards | 34 | |
3128347704 | physiognomy | facial features | 35 | |
3128348187 | retinue | a group that attends an important person | 36 | |
3128348188 | suppliant | beseeching | 37 | |
3128348189 | tedium | boredom | 38 | |
3128348190 | torrid | very hot, parching, burning; passionate | 39 | |
3128348191 | affront | an insult | 40 | |
3128352899 | blasé | bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned | 41 | |
3128353721 | cajole | to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice; to deceive with soothing thoughts or false promises | 42 | |
3128353722 | choleric | easily angered | 43 | |
3128360519 | encumber | to weigh down or burden (with difficulties, cares, debt, etc.); to fill up, block up, hinder | 44 | |
3128360942 | feckless | lacking in spirit and strength; ineffective, weak; irresponsible, unreliable | 45 | |
3128360943 | impasse | blocked path; dilemma with no solution | 46 | |
3128360944 | indolent | habitually lazy or idle | 47 | |
3128360945 | lugubrious | sorrowful; mournful; dismal | 48 | |
3128360946 | ribald | humorous in a vulgar way | 49 | |
3128361390 | adulation | praise or flattery that is excessive | 50 | |
3128361391 | censure | to criticize harshly | 51 | |
3128361392 | dissemble | to present a false appearance; to disguise one's real intentions or character | 52 | |
3128361393 | dissimulation | the act of deceiving | 53 | |
3128361810 | droll | amusing in a wry, subtle way | 54 | |
3128361811 | expectorate | to spit | 55 | |
3128361812 | palpate | to examine by touch | 56 | |
3128361813 | peremptory | having the nature of a command that leaves no opportunity for debate, denial, or refusal; offensively self-assured, dictatorial; determined, resolute | 57 | |
3128362502 | pusillanimous | cowardly | 58 | |
3128362503 | surfeit | excessive amount | 59 | |
3128362504 | allay | to lessen | 60 | |
3128362505 | capacious | able to hold much, roomy | 61 | |
3128362533 | diurnal | daily | 62 | |
3128363066 | extricate | to free from difficulty | 63 | |
3128363067 | ignominious | shameful | 64 | |
3128363068 | mitigate | to soften; to lessen | 65 | |
3128363803 | palpitate | beat rapidly | 66 | |
3128363804 | phlegmatic | calm and unemotional in temperament | 67 | |
3128363805 | propitious | favorable | 68 | |
3128364291 | prostrate | lying flat | 69 | |
3128364292 | acquiesce | to accept without protest; to agree or submit | 70 | |
3128364293 | amity | friendship | 71 | |
3128364848 | arduous | difficult | 72 | |
3128364849 | gestalt | a structure, whose parts cannot stand alone | 73 | |
3128364850 | inundate | to overwhelm; to cover with water | 74 | |
3128364851 | perjury | lying under oath | 75 | |
3128365375 | perspicuity | clearness | 76 | |
3128365376 | preposterous | ridiculous, senseless | 77 | |
3128365399 | trepidation | fear | 78 | |
3128366173 | voluble | talkative | 79 | |
3128366707 | aplomb | confidence | 80 | |
3128366708 | barrage | a rapid, large-scale outpouring of something | 81 | |
3128366709 | cognizant | aware; conscious | 82 | |
3128366710 | collusion | collaboration; complicity; conspiracy | 83 | |
3128367208 | hegemony | the domination of one state or group over its allies | 84 | |
3128367209 | nebulous | vague, confused, indistinct | 85 | |
3128367210 | paradigm | a model or example | 86 | |
3128367211 | unctuous | exaggeratedly or insincerely polite | 87 | |
3128367868 | urbane | refined in manner or style, suave | 88 | |
3128367869 | ambulatory | able to walk | 89 | |
3128367870 | brazen | bold and without shame | 90 | |
3128367871 | din | continued loud noise | 91 | |
3128370068 | ennuí | dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy | 92 | |
3128370069 | exonerate | to clear of blame | 93 | |
3128370844 | inscrutable | incapable of being understood; impossible to see through physically | 94 | |
3128370845 | prognosticate | to predict | 95 | |
3128370846 | schism | a division; a split; a break | 96 | |
3128370884 | sedition | behavior that promotes rebellion or civil disorder against the state | 97 | |
3128371561 | qizened | withered, shriveled | 98 | |
3128371562 | austere | severe or stern in appearance; undecorated | 99 | |
3128371563 | corpulent | fat; having a large, bulky body | 100 | |
3128371564 | derisive | expressing contempt or ridicule | 101 | |
3128371565 | effeminate | having womanly traits | 102 | |
3128372058 | jocund | cheerful and lighthearted | 103 | |
3128372059 | manifest | obvious; very clear; evident | 104 | |
3128372060 | ostentatious | showy | 105 | |
3128372061 | sanguine | ruddy; cheerfully optimistic | 106 | |
3128372062 | strident | loud and harsh | 107 | |
3128372845 | vehement | intense, forceful, powerful | 108 | |
3128372846 | elegiac | sorrow | 109 | |
3128372847 | fecund | fertile | 110 | |
3128373271 | fortuitious | accidental, happening by chance; unexpected | 111 | |
3128373722 | infirmity | a weakness or ailment | 112 | |
3128373723 | malady | illness | 113 | |
3128373724 | nuance | something subtle; a fine shade of meaning | 114 | |
3128373757 | profligate | corrupt; degenerate | 115 | |
3128374297 | remonstrance | a protest | 116 | |
3128374298 | scintillate | to sparkle | 117 | |
3128375050 | vitiate | to impair the quality of, corrupt morally | 118 | |
3128375076 | analogous | comparable | 119 | |
3128375574 | brigand | a bandit, robber, outlaw, highwayman | 120 | |
3128375575 | emissary | messenger | 121 | |
3128375576 | felicity | happiness | 122 | |
3128375577 | incendiary | combustible, flammable, burning easily | 123 | |
3128376109 | magnanimous | generous | 124 | |
3128376111 | repartee | a quick, witty reply | 125 | |
3128377019 | ubiquitous | being everywhere at the same time | 126 | |
3128377020 | venerable | respected because of age | 127 | |
3128377021 | countenance | facial expression | 128 | |
3128377723 | deposition | testimony under oath | 129 | |
3128377724 | discursive | passing aimlessly from one place or subject to another, rambling, roving, nomadic | 130 | |
3128377725 | disdain | contempt | 131 | |
3128377726 | epigram | a brief and usually witty or satirical saying | 132 | |
3128377727 | feign | pretend | 133 | |
3128378112 | laconic | brief and to the point | 134 | |
3128378113 | mien | bearing or manner, esp. as revealing one's inner state of mind | 135 | |
3128378114 | veracity | filled with truth and accuracy | 136 | |
3128378115 | wry | twisted, turned to one side; cleverly and often grimly humorous | 137 | |
3128378116 | confound | confuse | 138 | |
3128378117 | curate | to take charge of or organize | 139 | |
3128378974 | ethereal | light, airy, delicate; highly refined; suggesting what is heavenly (rather than earthbound) | 140 | |
3128378975 | gambol | to dance or skip around playfully | 141 | |
3128378976 | mutability | changeability | 142 | |
3128378977 | nascent | starting to develop; coming into existence | 143 | |
3128378978 | nonplused | perplexed | 144 | |
3128379007 | pedantic | excessively concerned with book learning and formal rules | 145 | |
3128379472 | quail | to draw back in fear; to lose heart or courage | 146 | |
3128379474 | fatuous | stupid; foolishly self-satisfied | 147 | |
3128379899 | febrile | feverish | 148 | |
3128379900 | furtive | secret, stealthy | 149 | |
3128379901 | incredulous | disbelieving, skeptical | 150 | |
3128380446 | interminable | endless | 151 | |
3128380447 | obliquely | slantingly; indirectly | 152 | |
3128380448 | pernicious | extremely harmful; deadly, fatal | 153 | |
3128380449 | sardonic | cynical; scornfully mocking | 154 | |
3128381405 | ultimatum | final proposal or statement of conditions | 155 | |
3128381406 | writhe | to twist | 156 | |
3128381407 | astute | shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom | 157 | |
3128381408 | beseech | beg | 158 | |
3128381409 | capitulate | surrender | 159 | |
3128382126 | deprecating | expressing disapproval | 160 | |
3128382127 | glean | to gather bit by bit | 161 | |
3128382128 | obfuscate | deliberately make something difficult to understand | 162 | |
3128382129 | pathos | appeal to emotion | 163 | |
3128382130 | primeval | of the first ages | 164 | |
3128383116 | salubrious | healthful | 165 | |
3128383117 | solicitous | showing concern or care; fearful or anxious about someone or something | 166 | |
3128383118 | albeit | although | 167 | |
3128383119 | bereft | deprived | 168 | |
3128383536 | gratis | free | 169 | |
3128383537 | intercession | the act of pleading on behalf of another | 170 | |
3128383538 | lineaments | any of the features of the body, usually the face | 171 | |
3128383558 | presage | an omen | 172 | |
3128384192 | prodigal | lavish; wasteful | 173 | |
3128384193 | prolixity | long and wordy | 174 | |
3128384194 | sinecure | a well-paying job or office that requires little or no work | 175 | |
3128384195 | visage | appearance, aspect | 176 | |
3128384737 | accordant | being in agreement or harmony | 177 | |
3128384738 | accouterments | personal clothing, accessories, or equipment | 178 | |
3128384739 | deportment | a person's behavior or manners | 179 | |
3128384740 | exposition | narrative device, often used at the beginning of a work that provides necessary background information about the characters and their circumstances | 180 | |
3128384802 | impugn | to call into question; to attack as false | 181 | |
3128385572 | parapet | low wall or railing | 182 | |
3128385573 | pertinacity | stubbornness | 183 | |
3128385574 | temperance | moderation, self-control, esp. regarding alcohol or other desires or pleasures | 184 | |
3128385575 | viands | food | 185 | |
3128386040 | brevity | briefness | 186 | |
3128386041 | copious | abundant; plentiful | 187 | |
3128386043 | habiliments | clothing | 188 | |
3128386044 | irksome | annoying | 189 | |
3128386497 | ponderous | weighty; slow and heavy | 190 | |
3128386498 | scrupulous | careful; diligent; painstaking | 191 | |
3128386499 | sundry | various | 192 | |
3128388078 | timorous | fearful, timid | 193 | |
3128388079 | transcendent | beyond/above the range of human experience, exceptional | 194 | |
3128388080 | amorous | loving | 195 | |
3128388081 | benign | harmless | 196 | |
3128388111 | dissolute | loose in one's morals or behavior | 197 | |
3128389182 | ebullient | overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement; boiling, bubbling | 198 | |
3128389183 | entourage | group of attendants | 199 | |
3128389184 | extol | to praise | 200 | |
3128389185 | languid | drooping; without energy, sluggish | 201 | |
3128389186 | resolute | bold, determined; firm | 202 | |
3128389213 | turgid | swollen, bloated, filled to excess; overdecorated or excessive in language | 203 | |
3128389838 | chastening | correction; a rebuke for making a mistake | 204 | |
3128389839 | corporeal | having to do with the body | 205 | |
3128389840 | derive | to obtain from a specified source | 206 | |
3128389841 | dubious | doubtful, questionable, suspect | 207 | |
3128389873 | equivocal | ambiguous; intentionally misleading | 208 | |
3128390721 | errant | mistaken; straying from the proper course | 209 | |
3128390722 | goad | to urge, spur, incite to action | 210 | |
3128390723 | languor | weakness | 211 | |
3128390724 | resplendent | shining; glowing | 212 | |
3128390725 | ruminate | to meditate, think about at length | 213 | |
3128391199 | assail | to attack | 214 | |
3128391200 | beget | to give birth to; to create; to lead to; to cause | 215 | |
3128391201 | bellicose | demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight | 216 | |
3128391202 | delusion | a false belief | 217 | |
3128391648 | discourse | conversation | 218 | |
3128391649 | garrison | the troops stationed in a fortress or town to defend it | 219 | |
3128391650 | recourse | help for a problem; solution | 220 | |
3128391651 | tumultuous | noisy and disorderly | 221 | |
3128392216 | vexation | discomfort or distress | 222 | |
3128392217 | viligant | attentive | 223 | |
3128392218 | auspicious | favorable | 224 | |
3128392219 | cavil | quibble; make frivolous objections; find fault unnecessarily | 225 | |
3128392220 | conducive | promoting | 226 | |
3128392243 | emulate | to copy; to try to equal or excel | 227 | |
3128392803 | fungible | interchangeable | 228 | |
3128392804 | garrulous | talkative | 229 | |
3128392805 | imperious | overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling | 230 | |
3128392806 | morose | gloomy | 231 | |
3128393432 | proprietary | characteristic of an owner of property; constituting property | 232 | |
3128393433 | zeal | enthusiasm | 233 |
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