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AP Literature Final Flashcards

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5585150175EpistleA poem written in the form of a letter0
5585150176SestinaA poem with six unrhymed stanzas of six lines each. The words at the ends of the first stanza's lines recur in a rolling pattern at the ends of all other lines. It concludes with a tercet (three-line stanza) that uses all six end words, two to a line.1
5585150177RondeauA thirteen-line poem with lines of eight or ten syllables each, divided into stanzas of five, three, and five lines. The whole poem is constructed around two rhymes, and the first words (or sometimes the whole first line) are used as a refrain that repeats, independent of the rhyme scheme, at the end of the second and third stanzas (adding two lines to the basic thirteen).2
5585150178SimilieA figure of comparison showing the similarity or resemblance of something known to something to be explained. -like goes with nouns -as goes with clauses3
5585150179Example of a Similie"You are like the sunshine in my life."4
5585150180MetaphorA description of something as though it actually were something else5
5585150181Example of a Metaphor"You are the sunshine of my life."6
5585150182PersonificationGiving human traits to abstractions or non-human objects7
5585150183Example of Personification"Love smiled upon him."8
5585150184ParadoxSomething contradictory that seems wrong is proven to be true in some respects9
5585150185Examples of Paradoxes"I, a child, very old." "I fear and hope, I burn and freeze like ice."10
5585150186AssonanceThe repetition of vowel sounds11
5585150187ConsonanceThe repetition of consonant sounds12
5585150188OxymoronOpposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined13
5585150189Example of Oxymoron"Sweet sorrow"14
5585150190CoupletA pair of rhyming verse lines, usually the same length15
5585150191ConceitA witty extended metaphor16
5585150192EpitaphInscriptions on tombs or monuments inspired by the deceased17
5585150193Examples of Epitaphs"Underneath this sod lies John Round, who was lost at sea, and never was found." "Here lies I Killed by a sky Rocket in the eye."18
5585150194AcrosticA poem in which the first letters of each line read downwards, forming a word, phrase, or sentence. There are variations (center, end).19
5585150195Example of AcrosticOpen your mind to the Universe, and Run back home and get your lunch20
5585150196CinquainEither a five line poem or stanza Line 1: 2 syllables Line 2: 4 syllables Line 3: 6 syllables Line 4: 8 syllables Line 5: 2 syllables21
5585150197Example of Cinquain"These be Three silent things: The falling snow... the hour Before the dawn... the mouth of one Just dead."22
5585150198QuatrainPoetry at its most basic. Four lines of poetry, either rhymed or unrhymed. Most common rhyme scheme is aabb. Can be an entire poem or a series of stanzas that create a longer poem.23
5585150199ParaphraseThe step of reading poetry that follows pondering the title. It consists of translating the poem into your own words, noting the point of view (speaker), setting, and checking the meaning of all words24
5585150200DictionWord choice25
5585150201Specific DictionObjects and conditions that can be perceived or imagined26
5585150202General DictionBroad classes or persons, objects, and phenomena27
5585150203Concrete DictionConditions or qualities that are exact and particular28
5585150204Abstract DictionQualities that are rarified and theoretical29
5585150205High/Formal DictionElevated, elaborate, complex30
5585150206Middle/Neutral DictionStresses simplicity while maintaining correct language31
5585150207Low/Informal DictionCommon, relaxed, everyday use32
5585150208Idioms (Diction)Unique words and phrases within regions, classes, or groups (standing in a line)33
5585150209Dialect (Diction)Language particular to a region (includes pronunciation, unique words, and vocal rhythms34
5585150210Jargon (Diction)Specialized words used by groups based on profession and trade35
5585150211Slang (Diction)Informal, substandard vocabulary36
5585150212Decorum (Diction)Words and subjects match37
5585150213Syntax (Diction)The choice of word order and sentence structure38
5585150214Parallelism (Diction)A figure of speech in which grammatical forms are repeated39
5585150215Denotation (Diction)Minimal meaning of a word without implications (dictionary definition)40
5585150216Connotation (Diction)The overtones of words beyond dictionary definition (leaving, getting away, turning tail)41
5585150217ImageryWords that trigger the imagination to recall and recombine the images, memories, mental pictures of sights, sounds, tastes, smells, sensations, of touch and motion42
5585150218Visual (Imagery)Sight43
5585150219Auditory (Imagery)Hearing44
5585150220Olfactory (Imagery)Smell45
5585150221Gustatory (Imagery)Taste46
5585150222Tactile (Imagery)Touch47
5585150223Kinetic (Imagery)General motion48
5585150224Kinesthetic (Imagery)Human or animal motion49
5585150225MoodThe atmosphere/feeling created in the reader (what we feel)50
5585150226SymbolismAnything that stands for or represents something else51
5585150227AllegoryA type of narrative in which the surface story reflects at least one other meaning. It typically uses personification and human characters represent abstract ideas. Although it begins with symbolism, it requires that the symbolism is more sustained throughout the poem. Often a teaching story.52
5769002876FableA short narrative in prose or sometimes verse in which the actions of the characters convey a moral. It appears in two types of literature: -folklore -satire53
5769002877Fable (cont.)Sometimes called "beast fable." Characters are usually animals possessing human traits. The two most well known authors are Aesop and Fontaine54
5769002878MythStories belonging to a particular culture which embody and codify the religious, philosophical, and cultural values of the civilization in which it was composed (Most likely the place for the birth of literature as we know)55
5585150228AllusionA reference, explicit or implicit, to something-an event, a character, an idea- from literature, art, history, mythology, the Bible, or other major religious texts. An indirect or passing reference to something not explained within the literary work; depends on the reader's prior knowledge56
5769118158Oral traditionThe transmission of stories by the spoken word; although still utilized, it was the sole vehicle prior to written language57
5769118159Hero (protagonist)The main character that possesses character traits admirable to a particular culture58
5769118323AntagonistThe most prominent character that stands in opposition to the protagonist59
5769118324NarrativeTells a story60
5769002879DialectLanguage particular to a region (includes pronunciation, unique words, and vocal rhythms61
5769002880JargonSpecialized words used by groups based on profession and trade62
5769002881SlangInformal, substandard vocabulary63
5769002882DecorumWords and subject match64
5769118325Figurative languageMetaphorical language, as opposed to imagery which requires looking at things based on experience, asks us to look at things differently65
5769118326SatireAn attack on human vices or follies66
5769002883ParallelismA figure of speech in which grammatical forms are repeated67
5769002884DenotationMinimal meaning of a word without implications; dictionary definition68
5769002885ConnotationThe overtones of words beyond dictionary definition69
5769002886FableauA humorous, frequently bawdy tale in verse that was started in France; satirized courtly romance and other aristocratic forms; employed slapstick70
5769002887Free verseNo particular form; the poet sets the rules71
5769002888TenorThe ideas and attitudes of the literary speaker and author72
5769002889VehicleThe specific words of a similie or metaphor that illustrate the tenor73
5769002890Paranomasia (pun)Witty word play illustrating that words with different meanings have similar or identical sounds74
5769002891Paranomasia"The Importance of Being Earnest"75
5769002892Hyperbole (overstatement)Emphasis through exaggeration76
5769002893Hyperbole"I'm going to die of hunger" "I'm scared to death" "I'm dying of laughter"77
5769002894UnderstatementDeliberate underplaying or undervaluing something to create emphasis78
5769002895AnaphoraThe repetition of a word or phrase throughout the poem or a section of a poem79
5769002896Anaphora"The Bells" "Tyger"80
5769002899ApostropheA speaker addresses a real or imagined (sometimes personified) listener who is not present81
5769067002Apostrophe"London-1812" Addresses Milton who is dead82
5769067003SynecdocheA part that stands for a whole, or a whole that stands for a part83
5769067004Synecdoche"All hands on deck"84
5769067005MetonymySubstitutes names of things that are closely associated85
5769067007SynesthesiaDescribing a feeling or perception with words that usually refer to a different or even opposite feeling or perception87
5769067008Synesthesia"Darkness is light"88
5769067009StanzaA group of lines that forma section of a poem89
5769067010AlliterationThe repetition of initial identical consonant or vowel sounds in successive words or words close to each other90
5769067011OnomatopoeiaThe use of words that imitate the sound associated with it91
5769067013Carpe diemPoetic theme encouraging readers to seize the day93
5769067014MeterThe recurring rhythmic patterns in lines of poetry94
5769067015FootA unit of poetic meter containing a specific number of stressed and unstressed syllables95
5769067016LegendA story rooted in history that grows larger than life with fictional embellishment96
5769067017Morality playA form of English drama; intended to teach religious lessons and lead to salvation97
5769118160ForeshadowingHints of events in the future98
5769118161FlashbackA segment of literary work that places the reader in the past99
5585150229RythmA pattern of syllables and stressing. For example, iambic pentameter goes from unstressed to stressed.100
5585150230Meter (Rhythm)The recurring rhythmic patterns in lines of poetry101
5585150231Foot (Rhythm)A unit of poetic meter containing a specific number of stressed and unstressed syllables102
5585150232IronyA literary device that serves to misdirect; differences between appearance and reality 1) verbal- when the words are opposite of what is meant 2) dramatic- when the reader knows more than the characters or a contradiction between what the character thinks and reader knows 3) situation- an event that directly contradicts expectations103
5768515668Situational ironyA literary technique that emphasizes human powerlessness104
5768515669Dramatic ironyThe reader knows more than the characters105
5768515670EvadeTo elude or avoid by cunning; to flee from a pursuer106
5768515671AmbianceMood, feeling; general atmosphere107
5768515672GirthThe distance around something; to encircle; to secure with a band that encircles the body of an animal108
5768515673AsunderIn separate parts; apart from each other in position109
5768515674MilieuEnvironment or surroundings110
5768515675CoterieA circle of close associates or friends111
5768515676EffaceTo rub away112
5768515677BulwarkA defensive wall; something serving as a principal defense113
5768515678ConnoisseurAn expert; particularly in matters of art and taste114
5768515679LassitudeListlessness; torpor, weariness115
5768515680BeleaguerTo besiege; beset, surround, harass116
5768515681HistrionicOverly dramatic, theatrical117
5768515682CacophonyHarsh sounds118
5768515683ChattelAn item of personal, movable property; slave119
5768515684InciteTo encourage or stir up; to urge or persuade to act in a violent, unlawful way120
5768515685AloofDistant, reserved in manner; uninvolved121
5768515686ForbearTo refrain from; to abstain; to be patient or tolerant122
5768515687QuixoticIdealistic and totally impractical123
5768515688LamentTo express sorrow or regret; to mourn124
5768515689ExpungeTo remove; to delete; to erase125
5768515690ImpedeTo obstruct or interfere with; to delay126
5768515691DulcetMelodies, soft, soothing127
5768515692IncongruousNot appropriate, unsuited to the surroundings; not fitting in128
5768515693ArduousHard, difficult, tiresome129
5768515694AskewTo one side; crooked; awry; a sidelong look of contempt130
5768653807PlotA sequence of related events131
5768653808ExpositionNecessary background information -usually at the beginning -sometimes given a little at a time132
5768653809ConflictA struggle between opposing forces133
5768653810External conflictThe main character struggles against an outside force134
5768653811Internal conflictA character in conflict or struggling against himself135
5768653812Rising actionAll the events leading to the climax136
5768653813ClimaxThe high point of interest or suspense137
5768653814Falling actionThe events from the climax to the resolution138
5768653815ResolutionThe end of the central conflict139
5768653816DenouementWhen all the loose ends are satisfactorily tied up after the main conflict is resolved (happily ever after)140
5768653817CharacterizationThe creation of character -flat character: static, does not change -round character: changes and grows throughout the story141
5768653818Direct characterizationDirectly States character traits 1) description (physical) ex. Tall, dark 2) authorial voice (author makes a judgement for us) ex. Handsome142
5768653819Indirect characterization1) what a character says 2) what a character does 3) what other character say about them 4) how other characters react to them143
5768653820StereotypesFixed and oversimplified idea about something, someone, or some group -can be a valuable tool for writers144
5768653821Character traitsAll the qualities that make a person/character unique145
5768653822MotivationA reason explaining a character's thoughts, feelings, and actions - personality (p) + circumstances (c) = (m)146
5768653823DilemmaA choice that must be made147
5768653824Point of viewThe writer's choice of a narrator148
5768653825First personWhere a character is the narrator -can be major, minor, or a witness -we have to determine the reliability of the narrator149
5768653826Third personA voice outside of the story (fly on the wall)150
5768653827Limited third personWe see through one character's thoughts and feelings; often confused with first person151
5768653828Third person omniscientThe narrator outside the story has the ability to tap into the feelings of any and all characters152
5768727014PerspectiveThe place that a situation is viewed from153
5768727015SettingThe when and where a story takes place. Also important objects that are essential to the story Ex. The Necklace154
5768727016ToneThe writer's attitude towards his audience and subject155
5768727017ThemeThe central message or insight into life revealed through a literary work156
5768727018GenreA division or type of literature 1) prose/narrative fiction 2) poetry 3) drama 4) nonfiction157
5768727019VerisimilitudeThe art of creating realistic characters158
5768727020Stream of consciousnessAn interior monologue; a literary technique in which a character's intimate thoughts and impressions are related directly and immediately Ex. Barn Burning159
5769242391ArchetypesCharacter types, images, and/or patterns that are said to be universal. Common character ________________ include the hero, the wise old man or woman, the temptress, the servant, the savior, the trickster, the mentor p, and the rebel; pattern archetypes include the journey and the initiation; nature archetypes include the sea, the garden, the rose, the whale, the vulture, the vulture and the snake160
5769242392EpicA long narrative poem celebrating the deeds of a legendary or heroic figure161
5769242393Iambic pentameterA rhythmical pattern of syllables. The first word refers to the rhythm going from unstressed to stressed. The second part refers to its five feet, or that it is repressed five times162
5769242394RhymeWords that have the same ending vowel and consonant sounds163
5769242395Sonnet14 lines of iambic pentameter that rhymes in a number of different patterns, usually abab cdcd efef gg; divided into three quatrains and a final couplet164

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