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ap literature final Flashcards

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6687198482RHYMEthe similarity of likeness of sound existing between two words0
6687079432METERregularized rhythm, an arrangement of language in which the accents occur at apparently equal intervals1
6687094119FOOTthe basic unit of meter2
6687101411IAMBICconsists of a unstressed syllable followed by an stressed syllable3
6687104703TROCHAICconsists of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable4
6687115757ANAPESTICa metrical foot consisting of two unaccented syllables followed by one accented syllable5
6687123791DACTYLICa metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by two unaccented syllable6
6687139207SPONDEEconsists of two stressed syllables.7
6687153927PYRRHICconsists of two unstressed syllables8
6687163561MONOMETERone-foot line9
6687165281DIMETERtwo-foot line10
6687166694TRIMETERthree-foot line11
6687169095TETRAMETERfour-foot line12
6687170925PENTAMETERfive-foot line13
6687172756HEXAMETERsix-foot line14
6687174507HEPTAMETERseven-foot line15
6687176583OCTAMETEReight-foot line16
6687187304RHYMED VERSErhymed verse consists of verse with end rhyme and usually with a regular meter17
6687187305BLANK VERSEblank verse consists of lines of iambic pentameter without end rhyme18
6687187306FREE VERSEfree verse consists of lines that do not have a regular meter and do not contain rhyme19
6687206490END RHYMEconsists of the similarity occurring at the end of two or more lines of verse20
6687214275INTERNAL VERSEconsists of similarity occurring between two or more words in the same line of verse a rime in which one or both of the rime words occurs inside the line21
6687229993MASCULINE RHYMEoccurs when one syllable of a word rhymes with another word22
6687237069FEMININE RHYMEoccurs when the last two syllables of a word rhyme with another word23
6687241394TRIPLE RHYMEoccurs when the last three syllables of a word or line rhyme24
6687250772RHYME SCHEMEthe pattern or sequence in which the rhyme occurs. (the first sound is labeled as A and the the second is labeled at B, etc.)25
6687269801ALLITERATIONthe repetition of the initial letter or sound in two or more words in line of verse26
6687279370ONOMATOPOEIAthe use of a word to represent or imitate natural sounds27
6687282042ASSONANCEis the similarity or repetition of a vowel sound in two or more words28
6687287915CONSONANCEis the repetition of consonant sounds within a line of verse. it is similar to alliteration except that it does not limit the repeated sound to the initial letter or word29
6687315498REFRAINthe repetition of one or more phrases or lines at intervals in a poem, usually at the end of a stanza (like a chorus in a song)30
6687328242REPETITIONthe reiterating of a word or phrase within a poem31
6687331200SIMILEa direct or explicit comparison between two usually unrelated things indicating a likeness or similarity between some attribute found in both things using LIKE or AS32
6687357802METAPHORan implied comparison between two usually unrelated things indicating a likeness or analogy between attributes found in both things.33
6687376468PERSONIFICATIONthe giving of human characteristics to inanimate objects, ideas, or animals34
6687380108SYNECDOCHEis the technique of mentioning a part of something to represent the whole35
6687385625METONYMYis the substitution of a word naming an object for another word closely associated with it 'the white house has decided'36
6687393738SYMBOLa word or image that signifies something order than what it literally represents37
6687398933ALLEGORYa narrative or description having a second meaning beneath the surface one38
6687408231OVERSTATEMENTis an exaggeration for the sake of emphasis and is not to be taken literally39
6687421578UNDERSTATEMENTconsists of saying less than one means, or of saying what one means with less force than the occasion warrants40
6687428158ANTITHESISis a balancing or contrasting of one term against another41
6687432687APOSTROPHEthe addressing of someone or something usually not present, as if they were present (think of acting)42
6687441400DRAMATIC IRONYa device by which the author implies a different meaning from that intended by the speaker in literary work43
6687463171IRONY OF SITUATIONa situation in which there is an incongruity between actual circumstances and those that would seem appropriate or between what is anticipated and what actually comes to pass44
6687472702VERBAL IRONYa figure of speech in which what is meant is the opposite of what is said45
6687476243PARADOXa statement or situation containing apparently contradictory or incompatible elements46
6687490786OXYMORONa figure of speech that combines two contradictory words, placed side by side47
6687504870STANZAa division of a poem based on thought or form48
6687511052TYPES OF STANZAScouplet - two-line stanza triplet - three-line stanza quatrain - two-line stanza sestet - six-line stanza septet - seven-line stanza octave - eight-line stanza49
6687534769HEROIC COUPLET (sometimes called a closed couplet)consists of two successive rhyming verses that contain a complete thought within the two lines. usually consists of iambic pentameter lines50
6687545198TERZA RIMAa three line stanza form with an interlaced or interwoven rhyme scheme usually: A-B-A, B-C-B, C-D-C, D-E-D51
6687555888LIMERICKa five line nonsense poem with an anapestic meter usually: A-A-B-B-A the first, second, and fifth lines have three stresses, the third and fourth have two stresses52
6687569194BALLAD STANZAconsists of four lines with a rhyme scheme of A-B-C-B the first and third lines are tetrameter and the second and fourth lines are trimeter53
6687646075RIME ROYALa stanza consisting of seven lines in iambic pentameter rhyming A-B-A-B-B-A-A54
6687657330OTTAVA RIMAconsists of eight iambic pentameter lines with a rhyme scheme of A-B-A-B-A-B-C-C55
6687669903SPENSERIAM STANZAa nine-line stanza consisting of eight iambic pentameter lines followed by an alexandrine, a line of iambic hexameter56
6692907917SONNETa fourteen-line stanza form consisting of iambic pentameter lines.57
6692922499VILLANELLEconsists of five tercets and a quatrain in which the first and third lines of the opening tercet recur alternately at the end of the other tercets and together as the last two lines of the quatrain58
6692931858ELEGYusually a poem that mourns the death of an individual, the absence of something deeply loved, or the transience of mankind59
6692967013LYRICis the most widely used type of poem.60
6692978962ODEan exalted, complex rapturous lyric poem written about a dignified, lofty subject61
6693003758ALLUSIONa reference in literature or in art to previous literature, history, mythology, current events, or the bible62
6693017375ANACHRONISMan element in a story that is out of its time frame63
6693029579ANECDOTEa short and often personal story used to emphasize a point, to develop a character or a theme64
6693035899ANTECEDENTthe word or phrase to which a pronoun refers. (sometimes after the pronoun in poetry)65
6693042745APHORISMa terse statement that expresses a general truth or moral to people from all cultures because it occurs frequently in literature, myth, religion, or folklore66

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