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AP Literature Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
2526190054abstractcomplex, discusses intangible qualities like good and evil0
2526191268academicdry and theoretical writing1
2526195528accentthe stressed portion of a word2
2526197616aestheticappealing to the senses3
2526200105allegorystory with symbolic meaning4
2526204444alliterationrepetition of initial consonant sounds5
2526205800allusionreference to another work or famous figure6
2526207090anachronismmisplaced in time7
2526208144anecdoteshort narrative9
2526209197antecedentword, phrase or clause a pronoun refers to or replaces10
2526210269anthropomorphismwhen inanimate objects, animals or natural phenomena are given human characteristics, behavior or motivation11
2526214270anticlimaxwhen an action produces far smaller results than had been expected12
2526215660antiheroprotagonist who is markedly unheroic, morally weak, cowardly, dishonest etc.13
2526222135aphorisma short and witty saying14
2526223395apostrophean address to someone n15

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