2487092923 | allegory | a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one | 0 | |
2487094954 | anecdote | a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person | 1 | |
2487103435 | apostrophe | an exclamatory passage in a speech or poem addressed to a person (typically one who is dead or absent) or thing (typically one that is personified) | 2 | |
2487108067 | asyndeton | the omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence | 3 | |
2487112806 | polysyndeton | a literary technique in which conjunctions (e.g. and, but, or) are used repeatedly in quick succession, often with no commas, even when the conjunctions could be removed | 4 | |
2487117506 | refrain | a repeated line or number of lines in a poem or song, typically at the end | 5 | |
2487123881 | overture | an introductory section or part, as of a poem; a prelude. | 6 | |
2487132311 | coda | the concluding passage of a piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure | 7 | |
2487141534 | epithets | an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person | 8 | |
2487148891 | chiasmus | a rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical construction, or concepts are repeated in reverse order in the same modified form | 9 | |
2487153590 | caesura | a break between word within a metrical foot | 10 | |
2487158527 | cumulative sentence | begins with a main clause followed by phrases or clauses that modify the main clause | 11 | |
2487161378 | compound-complex sentence | a sentence having two or more coordinate independent clauses and one or more dependent | 12 | |
2487166939 | periodic sentence | a stylistic device, one that is not complete grammatically or semantically before the final clause or phrase | 13 | |
2487191077 | consonance | the recurrence of similar sounds, especially consonants, in close proximity (chiefly as used in prosody) | 14 | |
2487196915 | assonance | in poetry, the repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in nonrhyming stressed syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible | 15 | |
2487203539 | conceit | an extended metaphor with a complex logic that governs a poetic passage or entire poem | 16 | |
2487207655 | ballad | a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas. Traditional ballads are typically of unknown authorship, having been passed on orally from one generation to the next as part of the folk culture | 17 | |
2487211469 | ode | a lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject, often elevated in style or manner and written in varied or irregular meter | 18 | |
2487211470 | elegy | a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead | 19 | |
2487212655 | villanelle | a nineteen-line poem with two rhymes throughout, consisting of five tercets and a quatrain, with the first and third lines of the opening tercet recurring alternately at the end of the other tercets and with both repeated at the close of the concluding quatrain | 20 | |
2487234815 | epigram | 21 | ||
2487234816 | aphorism | 22 | ||
2487236051 | paradox | 23 | ||
2487237331 | oxymoron | 24 | ||
2487244427 | synesthesia | 25 | ||
2487246566 | acrimony | 26 | ||
2487252419 | idyll | a short description of a picturesque in rustic life | 27 | |
2487258337 | masculine rhyme | 28 | ||
2487260355 | anachronism | 29 | ||
2487261647 | sonnet | 30 | ||
2487261648 | lyric | 31 | ||
2487261649 | admonition | 32 | ||
2487264550 | a Petrarchan sonnet | 33 | ||
2487264605 | a pastoral | 34 | ||
2487267301 | a Shakespearean sonnet | 35 | ||
2487269356 | slant rhye | 36 | ||
2487270411 | iambic pentameter | 37 | ||
2487294926 | lampoon | 38 |
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