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AP Literature Flashcards

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4774353573actingthe last of the four steps of characterization in a performed play.0
4774353574actionan imagined event or series of events; an event may be verbal as well as physical, so that saying something or telling a story within the story may be an event.1
4774353575allegoryas in metaphor, one thing (usually non rational, abstract, religious) is implicitly spoken of in terms of something concrete, but in an allegory the comparison is extended to include an entire work or large portion of a work.2
4774353576alliterationthe repetition of initial consonant sounds through a sequence of words— for example, "While I nodded, nearly napping" in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven."3
4774353577allusiona reference—whether explicit or implicit, to history, the Bible, myth, literature, painting, music, and so on —that suggests the meaning or generalized implication of details in the story, poem, or play.4
4774353578ambiguitythe use of a word or expression to mean more than one thing.5
4774353579amphitheaterthe design of classical Greek theaters, consisting of a stage area surrounded by a semicircle of tiered seats.6
4774353580analogya comparison based on certain resemblances between things that are otherwise unlike.7
4774353581anapestica metrical form in which each foot consists of two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed one.8
4774353582antagonista neutral term for a character who opposes the leading male or female character. See hero/heroine and protagonist.9
4774353583antiheroa leading character who is not, like a hero, perfect or even outstanding, but is rather ordinary and representative of the more or less average person.10
4774353584archetypea plot or character element that recurs in cultural or cross-cultural myths, such as "the quest" or "descent into the underworld" or "scapegoat."11
4774353585arena stagea stage design in which the audience is seated all the way around the acting area; actors make their entrances and exits through the auditorium.12
4774353586assonancethe repetition of vowel sounds in a sequence of words with different endings— for example, "The death of the poet was kept from his poems" in W. H. Auden's "In Memory of W. B. Yeats."13
4774353587aubadea morning song in which the coming of dawn is either celebrated or denounced as a nuisance.14
4774353588auditorsomeone other than the reader—a character within the fiction—to whom the story or "speech" is addressed.15
4774353589authorial timedistinct from plot time and reader time, authorial time denotes the influence that the time in which the author was writing had upon the conception and style of the text.16
4774353590ballada narrative poem that is, or originally was, meant to be sung. Characterized by repetition and often by a repeated refrain (recurrent phrase or series of phrases), ballads were originally a folk creation, transmitted orally from person to person and age to age.17
4774353591ballad stanzaa common stanza form, consisting of a quatrain that alternates four-beat and three-beat lines; lines 1 and 3 are unrhymed iambic tetrameter (four beats), and lines 2 and 4 are rhymed iambic trimeter (three beats).18
4774353592blank versethe verse form most like everyday human speech; blank verse consists of unrhymed lines in iambic pentameter. Many of Shakespeare's plays are in blank verse.19
4774353593caesuraa short pause within a line of poetry; often but not always signaled by punctuation.20
4774353594canonwhen applied to an individual author, canon (like oeuvre) means the sum total of works written by that author.21
4774353595castingthe third step in the creation of a character on the stage; deciding which actors are to play which parts.22
4774353596centered (central) consciousnessa limited third-person point of view, one tied to a single character throughout the story;23
4774353597character(1) a fictional personage who acts, appears, or is referred to in a work; (2) a combination of a person's qualities, especially moral qualities, so that such terms as "good" and "bad," "strong" and "weak," often apply.24
4774353598characterizationthe fictional or artistic presentation of a fictional personage.25
4774353599chorusin classical Greek plays, a group of actors who commented on and described the action of a play.26
4774353600classical unitiesas derived from Aristotle's Poetics, the principles of structure that require a play to have one action that occurs in one place and within one day.27
4774353601climaxalso called the turning point, the third part of plot structure, the point at which the action stops rising and begins falling or reversing.28
4774353602colloquial dictiona level of language in a work that approximates the speech of ordinary people.29
4774353603comedya broad category of dramatic works that are intended primarily to entertain and amuse an audience. Comedies take many different forms, but they share three basic characteristics: (1) the values that are expressed and that typically present the conflict within the play are social and determined by the general opinion of society (as opposed to being universal and beyond the control of humankind, as in tragedy); (2) characters in comedies are often defined primarily in terms of their society and their role within it; (3) comedies often end with a restoration of social order in which one or more characters take a proper social role.30
4774353604conceptionthe first step in the creation of any work of art, but especially used to indicate the first step in the creation of a dramatic character, whether for written text or performed play; the original idea, when the playwright first begins to construct (or even dream about) a plot, the characters, the structure, or a theme.31
4774353605conclusionthe fifth part of plot structure, the point at which the situation that was destabilized at the beginning of the story becomes stable once more.32
4774353606concrete poetrypoetry shaped to look like an object. Robert Herrick's "Pillar of Fame," for example, is arranged to look like a pillar. Also called shaped verse.33
4774353607confessional poema relatively recent (or recently defined) kind in which the speaker describes a state of mind, which becomes a metaphor for the larger world.34
4774353608conflicta struggle between opposing forces, such as between two people, between a person and something in nature or society, or even between two drives, impulses, or parts of the self.35
4774353609connotationwhat is suggested by a word, apart from what it explicitly describes.36
4774353610controlling metaphorsmetaphors that dominate or organize an entire poem. In Linda Pastan's "Marks," for example, the controlling metaphor is of marks (grades) as a way of talking about the speaker's performance of roles within her family.37
4774353611conventionsstandard or traditional ways of saying things in literary works, employed to achieve certain expected effects.38
4774353612cosmic ironya type of irony that arises out of the difference between what a character aspires to and what socalled universal forces deal him or her; such irony implies that a god or fate controls and toys with human actions, feelings, lives, outcomes.39
4774353613criticismthe evaluative or interpretive work written by professional interpreters of texts.40
4774353614culturea broad and relatively indistinct term that implies a commonality of history and some cohesiveness of purpose within a group. One can speak of southern culture, for example, or urban culture, or American culture, or rock culture; at any one time, each of us belongs to a number of these cultures.41
4774353615curiositythe desire to know what is happening or has happened.42
4774353616dactylicthe metrical pattern in which each foot consists of a stressed syllable followed by two unstressed ones.43
4774353617denotationa direct and specific meaning.44
4774353618descriptive structurea textual organization determined by the requirements of describing someone or something.45
4774353619dramatic ironya plot device in which a character holds a position or has an expectation that is reversed or fulfilled in a way that the character did not expect but that we, as readers or as audience members, have anticipated because our knowledge of events or individuals is more complete than the char-acter's.46
4774353620dramatic monologuea monologue set in a specific situation and spoken to an imaginary audience.47
4774353621dramatic structurea textual organization based on a series of scenes, each of which is presented vividly and in detail.48
4774353622discriminated occasionthe first specific event in a story, usually in the form of a specific scene.49
4774353623discursive structurea textual organization based on the form of a treatise, argument, or essay.50
4774353624dramatic ironya plot device in which a character holds a position or has an expectation that is reversed or fulfilled in a way that the character did not expect but that we, as readers or as audience members, have anticipated because our knowledge of events or individuals is more complete than the char-acter's.51
4774353625dramatic monologuea monologue set in a specific situation and spoken to an imaginary audience52
4774353626dramatic structurea textual organization based on a series of scenes, each of which is presented vividly and in detail53
4774353627dramatis personaethe list of characters that appears either in the play's program or at the top of the first page of the written play.54
4774353628echoa verbal reference that recalls a word, phrase, or sound in another text.55
4774353629elegyin classical times, any poem on any subject written in "elegiac" meter; since the Renaissance, usually a formal lament on the death of a particular person.56
4774353630English sonnetsee Shakespearean sonnet.57
4774353631enjambmentrunning over from one line of poetry to the next without stop, as in the following lines by Wordsworth: "My heart leaps up when I behold / A rainbow in the sky."58
4774353632epica poem that celebrates, in a continuous narrative, the achievements of mighty heroes and heroines, usually in founding a nation or developing a culture, and uses elevated language and a grand, high style.59
4774353633epigramoriginally any poem carved in stone (on tombstones, buildings, gates, and so forth), but in modern usage a very short, usually witty verse with a quick turn at the end.60
4774353634expectationthe anticipation of what is to happen next (see curiosity and suspense), what a character is like or how he or she will develop, what the theme or meaning of the story will prove to be, and so on.61
4774353635expositionthat part of the structure that sets the scene, introduces and identifies characters, and establishes the situation at the beginning of a story or play. Additional exposition is often scattered throughout the work.62
4774353636extended metaphora detailed and complex metaphor that stretches through a long section of a work63
4774353637falling actionthe fourth part of plot structure, in which the complications of the rising action are untangled.64
4774353638farcea play characterized by broad humor, wild antics, and often slapstick, pratfalls, or other physical humor.65
4774353639figurativeusually applied to language that uses figures of speech. Figurative language heightens meaning by implicitly or explicitly representing something in terms of some other thing, the assumption being that the "other thing" will be more familiar to the reader66
4774353640figures of speechcomparisons in which something is pictured or figured in other, more familiar terms67
4774353641first person narrativea character, "I," who tells the story and necessarily has a limited point of view; may also be an unreliable narrator.68
4774353642flashbacka plot-structuring device whereby a scene from the fictional past is inserted into the fictional present or dramatized out of order.69
4774353643flat charactera fictional character, often but not always a minor character, who is relatively simple; who is presented as having few, though sometimes dominant, traits; and who thus does not change much in the course of a story. See round character.70
4774353644focusthe point from which people, events, and other details in a story are viewed. See point of view.71
4774353645foilone character that serves as a contrast to another72
4774353646formal dictionlanguage that is lofty, dignified, and impersonal. See colloquial diction and informal diction73
4774353647free versepoetry characterized by varying line lengths, lack of traditional meter, and nonrhyming lines74
4774353648genrethe largest category for classifying lit-erature— fiction, poetry, drama. See kind and subgenre.75
4774353649haikuan unrhymed poetic form, Japanese in origin, that contains seventeen syllables arranged in three lines of five, seven, and five syllables, respectively76
4774353650hero/heroinethe leading male/female character, usually larger than life, sometimes almost godlike. See antihero, protagonist, and villain.77
4774353651heroic coupletrhymed pairs of lines in iambic pentameter.78
4774353652hexametera line of poetry with six feet: "She comes, | she comes | again, | like ring | dove frayed | and fled" (Keats, The Eve of St. Agnes).79
4774353653high (verbal) comedyhumor that employs subtlety, wit, or the representation of refined life. See low (physical) comedy.80
4774353654hyperboleoverstatement characterized by exaggerated language.81
4774353655iamba metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one82
4774353656iambic pentametera metrical form in which the basic foot is an iamb and most lines consist of five iambs; iambic pentameter is the most common poetic meter in English: "One com | mon note | on ei | ther lyre | did strike" (Dryden, "To the Memory of Mr. Oldham")83
4774353657imagerybroadly defined, any sensory detail or evocation in a work; more narrowly, the use of figurative language to evoke a feeling, to call to mind an idea, or to describe an object.84
4774353658imitative structurea textual organization that mirrors as exactly as possible the structure of something that already exists as an object and can be seen.85
4774353659implied authorthe guiding personality or value system behind a text; the implied author is not necessarily synonymous with the actual author.86
4774353660informal dictionlanguage that is not as lofty or impersonal as formal diction; similar to everyday speech. See colloquial diction, which is one variety of informal diction87
4774353661initiation storya kind of short story in which a character—often but not always a child or young person—first learns a significant, usually life-changing truth about the universe, society, people, himself or herself.88
4774353662in medias res"in the midst of things"; refers to opening a story in the middle of the action, necessitating filling in past details by exposition or flashback.89
4774353663ironya situation or statement characterized by a significant difference between what is expected or understood and what actually happens or is meant. See cosmic irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony.90
4774353664Italian sonnetsee Petrarchan sonnet91
4774353665kinda species or subcategory within a subgenre; initiation story is a subcategory of the subgenre short story92
4774353666limericka light or humorous verse form of mainly anapestic verses of which the first, second, and fifth lines are of three feet; the third and fourth lines are of two feet; and the rhyme scheme is aabba93
4774353667limited point of view or focusa perspective pinned to a single character, whether a first-person-or a third-person-centered consciousness, so that we cannot know for sure what is going on in the minds of other characters; thus, when the focal character leaves the room in a story we must go, too, and cannot know what is going on while our "eyes" or "camera" is gone. A variation on this, which generally has no name and is often lumped with the omniscient point of view, is the point of view that can wander like a camera from one character to another and close in or move back but cannot (or at least does not) get inside anyone's head and does not present from the inside any character's thoughts.94
4774353668literary criticismthe evaluative or interpretive work written by professional interpreters of texts. It is "criticism" not because it is negative or corrective, but rather because those who write criticism ask hard, analytical, crucial, or "critical" questions about the works they read.95
4774353669litotesa figure of speech that emphasizes its subject by conscious understatement. An example from common speech is to say "Not bad" as a form of high praise.96
4774353670low (physical) comedyhumor that employs burlesque, horseplay, or the representation of unrefined life. See high (verbal) comedy97
4774353671lyricoriginally, a poem meant to be sung to the accompaniment of a lyre; now, any short poem in which the speaker expresses intense personal emotion rather than describing a narrative or dramatic situation.98
4774353672major (main) charactersthose characters whom we see and learn about the most99
4774353673meditationa contemplation of some physical object as a way of reflecting upon some larger truth, often (but not necessarily) a spiritual one.100
4774353674memory devicesalso called mnemonic devices; these devices— including rhyme, repetitive phrasing, and meter— when part of the structure of a longer work, make that work easier to memorize.101
4774353675metaphor(1) one thing pictured as if it were something else, suggesting a likeness or analogy between them; (2) an implicit comparison or identification of one thing with another unlike itself without the use of a verbal signal. Sometimes used as a general term for figure of speech.102
4774353676meterthe more or less regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry. This is determined by the kind of "foot" (iambic and dactylic, for example) and by the number of feet per line (five feet = pentameter, six feet = hexameter, for example).103
4774353677minor charactersthose figures who fill out the story but who do not figure prominently in it104
4774353678modestyle, manner, way of proceeding, as in "tragic mode"; often used synonymously with genre, kind, and subgenre.105
4774353679monologuea speech of more than a few sentences, usually in a play but also in other genres, spoken by one person and uninterrupted by the speech of anyone else. See soliloquy.106
4774353680motifa recurrent device, formula, or situation that deliberately connects a poem with common patterns of existing thought107
4774353681mythlike allegory, myth usually is symbolic and extensive, including an entire work or story. Though it no longer is necessarily specific to or pervasive in a single culture—individual authors may now be said to create myths—myth still seems communal or cultural, while the symbolic can often involve private or personal myths. Thus stories more or less universally shared within a culture to explain its history and traditions are frequently called myths.108
4774353682narrative structurea textual organization based on sequences of connected events usually presented in a straightforward chronological framework.109
4774353683narratorthe character who "tells" the story.110
4774353684natureas it refers to a person "it is his (or her) nature" a rather old term suggesting something inborn, inherent, fixed, and thus predictable. See character, personality.111
4774353685occasional poema poem written about or for a specific occasion, public or private112
4774353686octametera line of poetry with eight feet: "Once u | pon a | midnight | dreary | while I | pondered, | weak and | weary" (Poe, "The Raven").113
4774353687octavethe first eight lines of the Italian,or Petrarchan, sonnet. See also sestet.114
4774353688odea lyric poem characterized by a serious topic and formal tone but no prescribed formal pattern. See Keats's odes and Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind."115
4774353689oeuvrethe sum total of works verifiably written by an author. See canon116
4774353690omniscient point of viewalso called unlimited point of view; a perspective that can be seen from one character's view, then another's, then another's, or can be moved in or out of any character's mind at any time. Organization in which the reader has access to the perceptions and thoughts of all the characters in the story.117
4774353691onomatopoeiaa word capturing or approximating the sound of what it describes; buzz is a good example118
4774353692orchestrain classical Greek theater, a semicircular area used mostly for dancing by the chorus119
4774353693overplota main plot in fiction or drama120
4774353694overstatementexaggerated language; also called hyperbole121
4774353695oxymorona figure of speech that combines two apparently contradictory elements, as in wise fool (sophomore).122
4774353696parablea short fiction that illustrates an explicit moral lesson.123
4774353697paradoxa statement that seems contradictory but may actually be true, such as "That I may rise and stand, o'erthrow me" in Donne's "Batter My Heart."124
4774353698parodya work that imitates another work for comic effect by exaggerating the style and changing the content of the original.125
4774353699pastorala poem (also called an eclogue, a bucolic, or an idyll) that describes the simple life of country folk, usually shepherds who live a timeless, painless (and sheep-less) life in a world full of beauty, music, and love.126
4774353700pastoral playa play that features the sort of idyllic world described in the definition for pastoral.127
4774353701pentametera line of poetry with five feet: "Nuns fret | not at | their con | vent's nar | row room" (Wordsworth)128
4774353702personthe voice or figure of the author who tells and structures the story and who may or may not share the values of the actual author.129
4774353703personalitythat which distinguishes or individualizes a person; its qualities are judged not so much in terms of their moral value, as in "character," but as to whether they are "pleasing" or "unpleasing."130
4774353704personification(or prosopopeia) treating an abstraction as if it were a person by endowing it with humanlike qualities.131
4774353705Petrarchan sonnetalso called Italian sonnet; a sonnet form that divides the poem into one section of eight lines (octave) and a second section of six lines (sestet), usually following the abbaabba cdecde rhyme scheme or, more loosely, an abbacddc pattern.132
4774353706plot/plot structurethe arrangement of the action.133
4774353707plot summarya description of the arrangement of the action in the order in which it actually appears in a story. The term is popularly used to mean the description of the history, or chronological order, of the action as it would have appeared in reality. It is important to indicate exactly in which sense you are using the term.134
4774353708plot timethe temporal setting in which the action takes place in a story or play.135
4774353709point of viewalso called focus; the point from which people, events, and other details in a story are viewed. This term is sometimes used to include both focus and voice.136
4774353710precisionexactness, accuracy of language or description137
4774353711presentationthe second step in the creation of a character for the written text and the performed play; the representation of the character by the playwright in the words and actions specified in the text.138
4774353712propsarticles and objects used on the stage.139
4774353713proscenium archan arch over the front of a stage; the proscenium serves as a "frame" for the action on stage140
4774353714protagonistthe main character in a work, who may be male or female, heroic or not heroic. See antagonist, antihero, and hero/ heroine. Protagonist is the most neutral term.141
4774353715protest poema poetic attack, usually quite direct, on allegedly unjust institutions or social injustices.142
4774353716psychological realisma modification of the concept of realism, or telling it like it is, which recognizes that what is real to the individual is that which he or she perceives. It is the ground for the use of the centered consciousness, or the first-person narrator, since both of these present reality only as something perceived by the focal character.143
4774353717reader timethe actual time it takes a reader to read a work.144
4774353718realismthe practice in literature of attempting to describe nature and life without idealization and with attention to detail.145
4774353719red herringa false lead, something that misdirects expectations146
4774353720referentialwhen used to describe a poem, play, or story, referential means making textual use of a specific historical moment or event or, more broadly, making use of external, "natural," or "actual" detail.147
4774353721reflective (meditative) structurea textual organization based on the pondering of a subject, theme, or event, and letting the mind play with it, skipping from one sound to another or to related thoughts or objects as the mind receives them.148
4774353722representto verbally depict an image so that readers can "see" it.149
4774353723rhetorical tropetraditional figure of speech, used for specific persuasive effects.150
4774353724rhyme schemethe pattern of end rhymes in a poem, often noted by small letters, e.g., abab or abba, etc.151
4774353725rhythmthe modulation of weak and strong (or stressed and unstressed) elements in the flow of speech. In most poetry written before the twentieth century, rhythm was often expressed in regular, metrical forms; in prose and in free verse, rhythm is present but in a much less predictable and regular manner.152
4774353726rising actionthe second of the five parts of plot structure, in which events complicate the situation that existed at the beginning of a work, intensifying the conflict or introducing new conflict.153
4774353727rite of passagea ritual or ceremony marking an individual's passing from one stage or state to a more advanced one, or an event in one's life that seems to have such significance; a formal initiation. Rites of passage are common in initiation stories.154
4774353728round characterscomplex characters, often major characters, who can grow and change and "surprise convincingly"—that is, act in a way that you did not expect from what had gone before but now accept as possible, even probable, and "realistic."155
4774353729sarcasma form of verbal irony in which apparent praise is actually harshly or bitterly critical156
4774353730satirea literary work that holds up human failings to ridicule and censure157
4774353731second person narratora character, "you," who tells the story and necessarily has a limited point of view; may be seen as an extension of the reader, an external figure acting out a story, or an auditor; may also be an unreliable narrator158
4774353732sestetthe last six lines of the Italian, or Petrarchan, sonnet. See also octave.159
4774353733sestinaan elaborate verse structure written in blank verse that consists of six stanzas of six lines each followed by a three-line stanza. The final words of each line in the first stanza appear in variable order in the next five stanzas, and are repeated in the middle and at the end of the three lines in the final stanza, as in Elizabeth Bishop's "Sestina."160
4774353734setthe design, decoration, and scenery of the stage during a play161
4774353735settingthe time and place of the action in a story, poem, or play.162
4774353736Shakespearian Sonnetalso called an English sonnet; a sonnet form that divides the poem into three units of four lines each and a final unit of two lines (4+4+4+2 structure). Its classic rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg, but there are variations.163
4774353737shaped verseanother name for concrete poetry; poetry that is shaped to look like an object.164
4774353738similea direct, explicit comparison of one thing to another, usually using the words like or as to draw the connection. See metaphor.165
4774353739situationthe context of the literary work's action, what is happening when the story, poem, or play begins166
4774353740situational ironyin a narrative, the incongruity between what the reader and/or character expects to happen and what actually does happen.167
4774353741skenea low building in the back of the stage area in classical Greek theaters. It represented the palace or temple in front of which the action took place.168
4774353742soliloquya monologue in which the character in a play is alone and speaking only to him-or herself.169
4774353743sonneta fixed verse form consisting of fourteen lines usually in iambic pentameter. See Italian sonnet and Shakespearean sonnet.170
4774353744spatial settingthe place of a poem, story, or play171
4774353745speakerthe person, not necessarily the author, who is the voice of a poem.172
4774353746Spenserian stanzaa stanza that consists of eight lines of iambic pentameter (five feet) followed by a ninth line of iambic hexameter (six feet). The rhyme scheme is ababbcbcc.173
4774353747spondeea metrical foot consisting of a pair of stressed syllables ("Dead set").174
4774353748stage directionsThe words in the printed text of a play that inform the director, crew, actors, and readers how to stage, perform, or imagine the play. Stage directions are not spoken aloud and may appear at the beginning of a play, before any scene, or attached to a line of dialogue. The place and time of the action, the design of the set itself, and at times the characters' actions or tone of voice are dictated through stage directions and interpreted by the group of people that put on a performance.175
4774353749stanzaa section of a poem demarcated by extra line spacing. Some distinguish between a stanza, a division marked by a single pattern of meter or rhyme, and a verse paragraph, a division governed by thought rather than sound pattern.176
4774353750stereotypea characterization based on conscious or unconscious assumptions that some one aspect—such as gender, age, ethnic or national identity, religion, occupation, marital status, and so on—is predictably accompanied by certain character traits, actions, even values.177
4774353751stock charactera character that appears in a number of stories or plays, such as the cruel stepmother, the braggart, and so forth.178
4774353752structurethe organization or arrangement of the various elements in a work.179
4774353753stylea distinctive manner of expression; each author's style is expressed through his/her diction, rhythm, imagery, and so on.180
4774353754subgenrea division within the category of a genre; novel, novella, and short story are subgenres of the genre fiction.181
4774353755subject(1) the concrete and literal description of what a story is about; (2) the general or specific area of concern of a poem—also called topic; (3) also used in fiction commentary to denote a character whose inner thoughts and feelings are recounted.182
4774353756subplotanother name for an underplot; a subordinate plot in fiction or drama183
4774353757suspensethe expectation of and doubt about what is going to happen next184
4774353758syllabic versea form in which the poet establishes a precise number of syllables to a line and repeats it in subsequent stanzas.185
4774353759symbola person, place, thing, event, or pattern in a literary work that designates itself and at the same time figuratively represents or "stands for" something else. Often the thing or idea represented is more abstract, general, non-or superrational; the symbol, more concrete and particular.186
4774353760symbolic poema poem in which the use of symbols is so pervasive and internally consistent that the larger referential world is distanced, if not forgotten.187
4774353761syntaxthe way words are put together to form phrases, clauses, and sentences188
4774353762technopaegniathe art of "shaped" poems in which the visual force is supposed to work spiritually or magically189
4774353763temporal settingthe time of a story, poem, or play190
4774353764terza rimaa verse form consisting of three-line stanzas in which the second line of each stanza rhymes with the first and third of the next.191
4774353765tetrametera line of poetry with four feet: "The Grass | divides | as with | a comb" (Dickinson).192
4774353766tetrameter coupletrhymed pairs of lines that contain (in classical iambic, trochaic, and anapestic verse) four measures of two feet or (in modern English verse) four metrical feet.193
4774353767theme(1) a generalized, abstract paraphrase of the inferred central or dominant idea or concern of a work; (2) the statement a poem makes about its subject.194
4774353768third-person narratora character, "he" or "she," who "tells" the story; may have either a limited point of view or an omniscient point of view; may also be an unreliable narrator195
4774353769thrust stagea stage design that allows the audience to sit around three sides of the major acting area.196
4774353770tonethe attitude a literary work takes toward its subject and theme.197
4774353771topic(1) the concrete and literal description of what a story is about; (2) a poem's general or specific area of concern. Also called subject.198
4774353772traditionan inherited, established, or customary practice.199
4774353773traditional symbolssymbols that, through years of usage, have acquired an agreed-upon significance, an accepted meaning. See archetype.200
4774353774tragedya drama in which a character (usually a good and noble person of high rank) is brought to a disastrous end in his or her confrontation with a superior force (fortune, the gods, social forces, universal values), but also comes to understand the meaning of his or her deeds and to accept an appropriate punishment. Often the protagonist's downfall is a direct result of a fatal flaw in his or her character.201
4774353775trochaica metrical form in which the basic foot is a trochee202
4774353776trocheea metrical foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed one ("Homer").203
4774353777turning pointthe third part of plot structure, the point at which the action stops rising and begins falling or reversing. Also called climax.204
4774353778underplota subordinate plot in fiction or drama. Also called a subplot.205
4774353779understatementlanguage that avoids obvious emphasis or embellishment; litotes is one form of it206
4774353780unity of timeone of the three unities of drama as described by Aristotle in his Poetics. Unity of time refers to the limitation of a play's action to a short period— usually the time it takes to present the play or, at any rate, no longer than a day. See classical unities.207
4774353781unlimited point of viewalso called omniscient point of view; a perspective that can be seen from one character's view, then another's, then another's, or can be moved in or out of any character's mind at any time. Organization in which the reader has access to the perceptions and thoughts of all the characters in the story.208
4774353782unreliable narratora speaker or voice whose vision or version of the details of a story are consciously or unconsciously deceiving; such a narrator's version is usually subtly undermined by details in the story or the reader's general knowledge of facts outside the story. If, for example, the narrator were to tell you that Columbus was Spanish and that he discovered America in the fourteenth century when his ship the Golden Hind landed on the coast of Florida near present-day Gainesville, you might not trust other things he tells you.209
4774353783verbal ironya statement in which the literal meaning differs from the implicit meaning. See dramatic irony and situational irony.210
4774353784verse paragraphsee stanza211
4774353785villainthe one who opposes the hero and heroine—that is, the "bad guy." See antagonist and hero/heroine.212
4774353786villianellea verse form consisting of nineteen lines divided into six stanzas—five tercets (three-line stanzas) and one quatrain (four-line stanza). The first and third lines of the first tercet rhyme, and this rhyme is repeated through each of the next four tercets and in the last two lines of the concluding quatrain. The villanelle is also known for its repetition of select lines. A good example of a twentieth-century villanelle is Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night."213
4774353787voicethe acknowledged or unacknowledged source of story's words; the speaker; the "person" telling the story.214
4774353788word orderthe positioning of words in relation to one another.215

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