7184670923 | Allocation | the action/process of distributing something | 0 | |
7184671480 | Ascetic | practice of self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, usually religious affiliated | 1 | |
7184673102 | Beguile | To charm someone, sometimes deceptively | 2 | |
7184673554 | Crass | Lacking sensitivity, refinement or intelligence | 3 | |
7184673993 | Defray | Provide money to pay a cost/expense | 4 | |
7184674337 | DInt | An impression or hollow in a surface | 5 | |
7184674787 | Enjoin | To instruct/urge someone to do something | 6 | |
7184675212 | Envoy | a diplomatic mission messenger/representative | 7 | |
7184675755 | Interloper | a person who becomes involved in a place/situation where they are not wanted | 8 | |
7184676132 | Vicarious | Experienced in the imaginative through the feelings or actions of another person | 9 | |
7186283092 | Admonish | to caution, advise, or counsel against something | 10 | |
7186283390 | Akimbo | with hand on hip and elbow bent outward | 11 | |
7186283677 | Lassitude | weariness of body or mind from strain, oppressive climate, lack of energy | 12 | |
7186284397 | Licentious | sexually/morally unrestrained | 13 | |
7186284656 | Muse (N) | goddess of art/sciences, person with higher inspiration for arts/sciences | 14 | |
7186287207 | Muse (V) | to be absorbed in thought, meditation | 15 | |
7186287366 | Pecuniary | money paid for a fine/payment | 16 | |
7186287581 | Plight | an unfavorable/unfortunate state/situation | 17 | |
7186288238 | Presumptuous | presumes someone's conduct/thought w/o right or permission | 18 | |
7186288995 | Subversive | intending to overthrow/undermine an established system | 19 | |
7186289377 | Vacuous | lacking ideas/contents/intelligence | 20 | |
7186289533 | Avocation | a hobby, calling, vocation | 21 | |
7186289704 | Capricious | unpredictable change, erratic | 22 | |
7186290059 | Disparity | inequality, difference | 23 | |
7186290208 | Efficacy | capacity for producing a desired result/effect; effectiveness | 24 | |
7186290621 | Epistle | a formal letter | 25 | |
7186291101 | Hospice | a shelter for pilgrims, usually religious affiliated | 26 | |
7186291316 | Impetus | a moving force, impulse, stimulus | 27 | |
7186294108 | Moribund | near death | 28 | |
7186294346 | Reticent | disposed to be silent or not speak freely | 29 | |
7186294598 | Vacillate | to be indecisive/irresolute | 30 | |
7375678863 | Akin | family/allied | 31 | |
7375681244 | Corroborate | To make more certain/confirm | 32 | |
7375683569 | Inexorable | unalterable | 33 | |
7375688363 | Insipid | lacking flavor | 34 | |
7375690538 | Nefarious | wicked/criminal actions/activity | 35 | |
7375693597 | Physiognomy | someone's facial features/expressions; regarded as a character/ethnic origin | 36 | |
7375700075 | Retinue | group of advisors/assistants for an important person | 37 | |
7375704748 | Suppliant | a person making a humble plea to someone in power/authority | 38 | |
7375708261 | Tedium | state of being tedious | 39 | |
7375709958 | Torrid | very hot and dry | 40 | |
7447896514 | Affront | an action or remark that causes outrage/offense | 41 | |
7447900729 | Blase | Unimpressed by something because one has seen it before | 42 | |
7447905404 | Cajole | To persuade using coaxing/flattery | 43 | |
7447909793 | Choleric | Bad tempered/irritable | 44 | |
7447913405 | Encumber | To restrict/burden someone/thing so that free action is difficult | 45 | |
7447919767 | Feckless | Lacking initiative/ strength of character | 46 | |
7447923606 | Impasse | situation where there is no progress possible, usually a disagreement | 47 | |
7447928829 | Indolent | wanting to avoid activity, lazy | 48 | |
7447931429 | Lugubrious | Looking/sounding sad/dismal | 49 | |
7447934687 | Ribald | referring to sexual manner in an amusingly rude way | 50 | |
7447941603 | Adulation | excessive devotion to someone | 51 | |
7447944536 | Censure | strong expression of disapproval | 52 | |
7447946852 | Dissemble | to conceal true motives/feelings | 53 | |
7447949946 | Dissimulation | to change your behavior to conceal of one's thoughts/feelings/character | 54 | |
7447955093 | Droll | unusual way that is provoking amusement | 55 | |
7447958491 | Expectorate | To cough/spit out phlegm from lungs/throat | 56 | |
7447962193 | Palpate | To examine body part by touch, medically | 57 | |
7447965504 | Peremptory | insisting on immediate obedience | 58 | |
7447973818 | Pusillanimous | showing lack of courage/determination | 59 | |
7447976270 | Surfeit | an excessive amount of something | 60 | |
7495509076 | allay (v) | to calm or pacify, set to rest; to lessen or relieve | 61 | |
7495509077 | Capacious (adj) | Having a lot of space | 62 | |
7495509078 | diurnal | daily; of the daytime | 63 | |
7495509079 | Extricate (v) | To free someone/thing of difficulty/restraint | 64 | |
7495509080 | Ignominious | deserving or causing public disgrace or shame | 65 | |
7510217971 | Mitigate | To make less severe/painful | 66 | |
7510220722 | Palpitate | the heart beating rapidly strongly/irregularly | 67 | |
7510226202 | Phlegmatic | someone having an unemotional response | 68 | |
7510230206 | Propitious | Indication a good chance of success | 69 | |
7510234650 | Prostrate | Lying stretched out on the ground, facing downward | 70 | |
7510238823 | Acquiesce | to accept something reluctantly but without protest | 71 | |
7510245836 | Amity | a friendly relationship | 72 | |
7510248893 | Arduous | involving/requiring strenuous effort, difficult | 73 | |
7510257078 | Gestalt | An organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts | 74 | |
7510265228 | Inundate | to overwhelm someone with things or people to be dealt with | 75 | |
7510270901 | Perjury | the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court of law after having taken an oath/affirmation | 76 | |
7510284031 | Perspicuity | Clearness/lucidity in speaking | 77 | |
7510287547 | Preposterous | contrary to nature/reason/common sense | 78 | |
7510292428 | Trepidation | Tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation | 79 | |
7510296342 | Voluble | speaking/spoken fluently | 80 | |
7640333313 | Admonish | to caution, advise, or counsel against something | 81 | |
7640336775 | Aplomb | self confidence/assurance in a demanding situation | 82 | |
7640339375 | Barrage | Concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area, outpour of questions | 83 | |
7640343489 | Cognizant | having knowledge/being aware of | 84 | |
7640345065 | Collusion | secret/illegal cooperation in order to cheat/decieve | 85 | |
7640347518 | Hegemony | leadership/dominance by one country/social group over another | 86 | |
7640351600 | Nebulous | form of cloud or haze;vague idea | 87 | |
7640353017 | Paradigm | a typical example or pattern of something, model | 88 | |
7640356132 | Unctuous | a person excessively flattering | 89 | |
7640360125 | Urbane | a person, usually man, suave, courteous, and refined in manner | 90 | |
7640363469 | Ambulatory | relating to or adapted to walking | 91 | |
7640365375 | Brazen | bold and without shame | 92 | |
7640366539 | Din | a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise | 93 | |
7640372905 | Ennui | feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation/excitement | 94 | |
7640376842 | Exonerate | to absolve someone from fault after consideration of a case | 95 | |
7640379114 | Inscrutable | impossible to understand/interpret | 96 | |
7640407366 | Prognosticate | to prophesize | 97 | |
7640381141 | Schism | a split between two parties caused by a difference in opinion | 98 | |
7640384273 | Sedition | conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against authority of a state/monarch | 99 | |
7640386883 | Wizened | wrinkled with age | 100 | |
7884309525 | Austere | severe or strict in attitude, manner, or appearance | 101 | |
7884318858 | Corpulent | fat | 102 | |
7884321763 | Derisive | expressing ridicule, censure | 103 | |
7884327256 | Effeminate | unmanly | 104 | |
7884329855 | Jocund | cheerful and lighthearted | 105 | |
7884332611 | Manifest | clear or obvious to the eye or mind | 106 | |
7884335237 | Ostentatious | characterized by vulgar or pretentious display to impress | 107 | |
7884340224 | Sanguine | optimistic in a sad situation | 108 | |
7884343248 | Strident | loud and harsh, grating | 109 | |
7884346528 | Vehement | showing strong feeling, forceful, or passionate | 110 | |
7884352340 | Elegiac | having a mournful/sad characteristic | 111 | |
7884356788 | Fecund | to be fertile | 112 | |
7884360161 | Fortuitous | happening by accident/chance rather than by design | 113 | |
7884364434 | Infirmity | Physical/mental weakness | 114 | |
7884367331 | Malady | a disease or ailment | 115 | |
7884372576 | Nuance | subtle difference in | 116 | |
7915158573 | Profligate | recklessly extravagant | 117 | |
7915160802 | Remonstrance | a forceful protest | 118 | |
7915164397 | Scintillate | to emit flashes of light | 119 | |
7915167328 | Vitiate | to spoil or impair the quality of something | 120 | |
7946853128 | Analogous | comparable | 121 | |
7946855854 | Brigand | A member of a gang that ambushes and robs people in forests/mountains | 122 | |
7946865318 | Emissary | a person sent on a special mission | 123 | |
7946867684 | Felicity | intense happiness | 124 | |
7946878559 | Incendiary | attack designed to cause fires | 125 | |
7946881516 | Magnanimous | very generous toward someone less powerful than oneself | 126 | |
7946890453 | Plight | an unfavorable/unfortunate state/situation | 127 | |
7946893474 | Repartee | conversation or speech with quick witty comments/replies | 128 | |
7946896422 | Ubiquitous | found everywhere | 129 | |
7946898731 | Venerable | given a great deal of respect from age/wisdom/character | 130 | |
7946902507 | Countenance | a persons facial expression | 131 | |
7946904282 | Deposition | action of pushing someone out of a position/office | 132 | |
7946907036 | Discursive | digressing from subject to subject | 133 | |
7946910071 | Disdain | feeling that someone is unworthy of another's respect | 134 | |
7947144942 | Epigram | Expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way | 135 | |
7947144943 | Feign | To pretend to be affected by something | 136 | |
7947144944 | Laconic | Using few words | 137 | |
7947144945 | Mien | A persons look or manner, indicating their character or mood | 138 | |
7947144946 | Veracity | Accuracy | 139 | |
7947144947 | Wry | Dryly humorous | 140 | |
8026596956 | Confound | To cause one to become confused | 141 | |
8026596957 | Curate | a person authorized to conduct religious worship | 142 | |
8026596958 | Curate | To organize and oversee | 143 | |
8026596959 | ethereal | extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world | 144 | |
8026596960 | Gambol | to dance or skip around playfully | 145 | |
8026596961 | Mutability | Tendency to change | 146 | |
8026596962 | Nascent | starting to develop; coming into existence | 147 | |
8026596963 | Nonplused | perplex; confound | 148 | |
8026596964 | Pedantic | Perfectionist | 149 | |
8026596965 | Quail | To draw back in fear | 150 | |
8026596966 | rhetorical | Relating to rhetoric | 151 | |
8026596967 | Fatuous | stupid; foolishly self-satisfied | 152 | |
8026596968 | febrile | having or showing the symptoms of a fever | 153 | |
8026596969 | Furtive | Attempting to avoid notice or attention | 154 | |
8026596970 | incredulous | unwilling or unable to believe something | 155 | |
8026596971 | interminable | Endless | 156 | |
8026596972 | Obliquely | Indirectly | 157 | |
8026596973 | Pernicious | Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way | 158 | |
8026596974 | Sardonic | Grimly mocking or cynical | 159 | |
8026596975 | Ultimatum | Final demand, rejection results in breakdown | 160 | |
8026596976 | Writhe | To make twisting or turning movements in a way that suggests pain or struggle | 161 |
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