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AP Literature: Literary Terms Flashcards

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6347456178MetaphorA metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two subjects without the use of "like" or "as."0
6347456565SimileA simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things.1
6347456566AnalogyAn analogy is a comparison between two things. Metaphors and similes are tools used to create an analogy.2
6347458510AnachronismAn anachronism is something that is not in the correct chronological time period.3
6347460701AphorismAn aphorism is a short saying that expresses a statement of truth in a concise and witty manner.4
6347465429PersonificationPersonification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an idea, or an animal is given human attributes.5
6347465872HyperboleHyperbole is the use of obvious and deliberate exaggeration.6
6347465877UnderstatementUnderstatement is when a writer presents a situation or a thing as if it is less important than it is.7
6347466642AllusionAn allusion is a literary device used to reference something outside of the work of literature.8
6347469452AntithesisThe use of contrasting concepts, words, or sentences within parallel grammatical structure.9
6347470293ApostropheA literary device in which the speaker detaches himself from the reality and addresses an imaginary character in his speech.10
6347479204EpigramEpigram is a short, but insightful statement, which communicates a thought in a witty, satirical, or paradoxical way.11
6347480077EuphemismThe substitution of a mild term for one more offensive or hurtful12
6347480832LitoteLitotes is a form of an understatement that uses double negatives to assert a positive sentiment.13
6347482069KenningA kenning is a two-word metaphor that replaces a single, concrete noun.14
6430809794MalapropismA malapropism is the (usually) unintentional misuse of a word in the place of another word with a similar sound.15
6430817127Metonymya figure of speech in which the name of a thing is replaced by the name of something else with which it is closely associated.16

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