5944143121 | Allegory | characters, events, and settings represent abstract qualities; the writer intends a second meaning to be read beneath the surface story | 0 | |
5944144932 | Alliteration | the repetition of initial consonants | 1 | |
5944147503 | Allusion | reference to a text or myth outside the poem itself, that carries its own history and meaning | 2 | |
5944148901 | Analogy | a comparison of similar things often for the purpose of using something familiar to explain something unfamiliar | 3 | |
5944151505 | Apostrophe | the device, usually in poetry, of calling out to an imaginary, dead, or absent person or personified abstraction | 4 | |
5944153824 | Archetype | a pattern or model of action, a character type, or an image that recurs consistently enough in life and literature to be considered universal | 5 | |
5944156970 | Assonance | the repetition of vowel sounds in a line or series of lines | 6 | |
5944161068 | Blank Verse | poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter; lines do not rhyme | 7 | |
5944161069 | Connotation | the associations or impressions carried by a word, as opposed to the word's literal meaning | 8 | |
5944163437 | Consonance | the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words and within words | 9 | |
5944165365 | Couplet | two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme | 10 | |
5944168736 | Denotation | a direct or specific meaning (dictionary meaning) | 11 | |
5944169560 | Didactic | intended to instruct; morally instructive | 12 | |
5944171362 | Dramatic irony | a situation in which the reader understands the meaning of something but the character does not | 13 | |
5944174851 | Dramatic monologue | a poem in which a single character, overheard speaking to a silent speaker, reveals a dramatic situation | 14 | |
5944176879 | Elegy | a poem of sorrow or mourning for the dead | 15 | |
5944180350 | Enjambment | the continuation of a sentence beyond the end of one line of poetry; a run-on line | 16 | |
5944182093 | Foot | the basic unit of rhythmic measurement in a line of poetry | 17 | |
5944183921 | Free Verse | poetry that avoids regularized meter and has no specific recurrent stress rhythms | 18 | |
5944192624 | Hyperbole | an exaggeration used to emphasize a point | 19 | |
5944193513 | Iambic | an unaccented syllable followed by an accented symbol | 20 | |
5944195142 | Internal Rhyme | the rhyming of two or more words in the same line of poetry | 21 | |
5944196778 | Metaphor | a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to or identified with another, dissimilar thing without using like or as | 22 | |
5944199579 | Motif | a recurring image, word, phrase, idea, object, or situation that appears in various works or throughout the same work | 23 | |
5944202147 | Ode | long and elaborate poem, usually dignified in tone and often written to praise someone or mark an important occasion | 24 | |
5944204157 | Paradox | a statement that, while self-contradictory, is nonetheless true | 25 | |
5944205457 | Parody | a mocking imitation of a literary work, usually for comic effect | 26 | |
5944206857 | Pastoral | a poem having to do with rural life | 27 | |
5944207608 | Personification | a figure of speech in which human characteristics and sensibilities are attributed to animals, plants, inanimate objects, natural forces, or abstract ideas | 28 | |
5944210736 | Prose | all forms of ordinary writing lacking the regular rhythmic patterns found in poetry | 29 | |
5944212227 | Satire | literature that blends ironic humor and wit with criticism for the purpose of ridiculing human foibles and frailties in individuals and institutions; seeks to correct and reform through ridicule | 30 | |
5944215357 | Sestet | a six-line poem or stanza | 31 | |
5944216177 | Simile | a comparison of two things, indicated by like or as | 32 | |
5944218540 | Situational Irony | the contrast that exists between what is intended and what actually takes place | 33 | |
5944221205 | Soliloquy | a monologue in which the character is alone and speaking only to himself | 34 | |
5944223370 | Sonnet | a fourteen-line poem in iambic pentameter | 35 | |
5944224899 | Tone | the poet's attitude toward its subject and theme | 36 | |
5944226836 | Understatement | a type of verbal irony in which something is purposely represented as being far less important than it actually is | 37 | |
5944228608 | Verbal Irony | a contrast between what is said and what is actually meant | 38 | |
5944229887 | Verse | a synonym for poetry; sometimes used to refer to a single line of poetry | 39 |
AP Literature - Poem Terminology Flashcards
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