Vocabulary terms relating to poetry
8154418645 | Anapest | unstressed, unstressed, stressed | 0 | |
8154418646 | Aubade | A poem about dawn; a morning love song; or a poem about the parting of lovers at dawn | 1 | |
8154758243 | Ballad | A poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas | 2 | |
8154758244 | blank verse | unrhymed iambic pentameter | 3 | |
8154758245 | Caesura | A natural pause or break in a line of poetry, usually near the middle of the line. | 4 | |
8154758246 | Couplet | Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme | 5 | |
8154758247 | Dactyl | A metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by two unaccented syllables | 6 | |
8154758248 | Enjambment | the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza. | 7 | |
8154758249 | Euphony | pleasant, harmonious sound | 8 | |
8154758250 | Free verse | Poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme | 9 | |
8154758251 | Heroic couplet | a couplet consisting of two rhymed lines of iambic pentamenter and written in an elevated style | 10 | |
8154758252 | iambic pentameter | a poetic meter that is made up of 5 stressed syllables each followed by an unstressed syllable | 11 | |
8154758253 | internal rhyme | A word inside a line rhymes with another word on the same line | 12 | |
8154758254 | Italian sonnet | composed of an eight-line octave and a six-line sestet | 13 | |
8154758255 | Lyric poem | A type of poem characterized by brevity, compression, and the expression of feeling. | 14 | |
8154758256 | Meter | A regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry | 15 | |
8154758257 | Narrative poem | A poem that tells a story | 16 | |
8154758258 | Near, off, or slant rhyme | A rhyme based on an imperfect or incomplete correspondence of end syllable sounds. | 17 | |
8154758259 | Quatrain | 4 line stanza | 18 | |
8154758260 | Refrain | A line or set of lines repeated several times over the course of a poem. | 19 | |
8154758261 | Shakespearean sonnet | ABAB CDCD EFEF GG with iambic pentameter | 20 | |
8154758262 | Stanza | a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse. | 21 | |
8154775284 | epigram | a witty saying expressing a single thought or observation | 22 | |
8154775285 | Sestet | 6 line stanza | 23 |