6310130061 | Verse | Any composition in lines of more or less regular rhythm, usually ending in rimes or Any single line in poetry | 0 | |
6310137893 | Paraphrase | to put into our own words what we understand of the poem to say restating ideas that seem essential, coming out and stating what the poem may only suggest | 1 | |
6310146309 | Summary | a brief condensation of the gist, or main idea, or story | 2 | |
6310149754 | Theme | the central thought of the peom | 3 | |
6310154331 | Carpe diem | a popular them meaning "seize the day" in Latin which means seizing the joys of the present moment | 4 | |
6310158619 | Subject | the main topic or what the poem is about | 5 | |
6310161878 | lyric poem (old definition) | in greek: a poem sung to the music of a lyre | 6 | |
6310165339 | lyric poem (new definition) | a short poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of a single speker | 7 | |
6310171428 | narrative poem | a poem which main purpose is to tell a story | 8 | |
6310173527 | dramatic poetry | Any verse written for the stage | 9 | |
6310182692 | dramatic monologue | a lyric poem written as a speech made by a character at some decisive moment | 10 | |
6310190371 | dialogue | when the other character addresses another speaker | 11 | |
6310194770 | didactic poetry | poetry intended to teach the reader a moral lesson or impart a body of knowledge poetry that aims for education over art | 12 | |
6310204129 | nonsense poems | translations of primitive folk songs | 13 | |
6310209314 | tone | attitude conveyed toward the subject or person addressed | 14 | |
6310213450 | satiric poetry | a kind of poetry that uses derisive humor to ridicule human weakness and folly or attack political injustices and incompotnece | 15 | |
6310221698 | person | a fictitious character by an author to be the speaker of a poem, story, or novel | 16 | |
6310231939 | ironic point of view | contrast between the writer's attitude and what is spoken by a fictitious character | 17 | |
6310251869 | verbal irony | whenever words say one thing but mean something else, usually tthe opposite | 18 | |
6310267382 | sarcasm | a bitter form of irony in which the ironic statement is designed to hurt or mock its target | 19 | |
6310274181 | dramatic irony | when the audience or reader understands the implication and meaning of situation onstage and foresees the on-cominig disaster but the character does not | 20 | |
6310282565 | tragic irony | a situation that precedes the downfall of a hero's tragedy | 21 | |
6310285220 | cosmic irony | some Fate with a grim sense of humor seems to cruelly trick a human being contrast between the character's aspirations and teh treatment from the hands of fate | 22 | |
6310296112 | diction | choice of words | 23 | |
6310298118 | concrete | specific diction that refer to what we immediately perceive or particular individuals who belong to those general classes | 24 | |
6310311877 | abstract | contains words that express more general ideas or concepts | 25 | |
6310314359 | allusion | an indirect reference to any person, place, or thing usually fictitious, historical, or actual | 26 | |
6310319460 | poetic diction | any language deemed suitable for verse, but generally refers to elevated language intended for poetry rather than common use | 27 | |
6310334336 | decorum | propriety or etiquett | 28 | |
6310339314 | vulgate | speech not affected by schooling | 29 | |
6310339315 | levels of diction | a ranking of words, phrases, and sentences in levels of formality | 30 | |
6310348007 | Colloquial | casual conversation or informal writing of literate people | 31 | |
6310358009 | general english | the ordinary speech of educated native speakers | 32 | |
6310361925 | formal english | heightened, impersonal language of educated people, usually written, although possibly spoken on dignified occasions | 33 | |
6310372330 | dialect | a particular variety of language spoken by an identifiable region, group, or social class of people | 34 | |
6310377020 | denotation | dictionary definition | 35 | |
6310380093 | connotations | associations of a word | 36 | |
6310383083 | image | a word or sequence of words that refer to any sensory experience | 37 | |
6310383084 | visual imagery | imagery that refers to sense of sight | 38 | |
6310388323 | auditory imagery | imagery that refers to the sense of sound | 39 | |
6310390434 | tactile imagery | imagery that refers to the sense of touch | 40 | |
6310395601 | imagery | the collective set of images in a poem or other literary work | 41 | |
6310397386 | haiku (japanese) | beginning verse | 42 | |
6310403740 | haiku | a japanese verse form that has 3 un-rhymed lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables traditional version is supposed to be serious and spiritual in tone, relying on imagery | 43 | |
6310424949 | figures of speech | an expression or comparison that relies not on its literal meaning, but on its connotations and suggestions | 44 | |
6310424950 | simile | a comparison of 2 things indicated by some connective, usually: like, as, then, or a verb ex). my love is like a red, red rose | 45 | |
6310431336 | metaphor | a statement that one thing is something else, which, in a literal sense, it is not ex). my love is a red, red rose | 46 | |
6310442090 | implied metaphor | metaphor that uses neither a connective nor the verb "to be" ex). my love has red petals and sharp thorns | 47 | |
6310447852 | mixed metaphor | a combination of two or more incompatible metphors | 48 | |
6310450508 | personification | a figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or an abstract is made human | 49 | |
6310456464 | apostrophe | a direct address to someone or something in poetry often addresses something not ordinarily spoken to | 50 | |
6310466911 | overstatement/ hyberbole | a point with a statement containing exaggeration | 51 | |
6310468964 | understatement | a ironic figure of speech that deliberately describes something in a way that is less than the true case | 52 | |
6310478848 | metonymy | the name of a thing substituted for that of another closely associated with it | 53 | |
6310491407 | synecdoche | the use of a significant part of a thing to stand for the whole of it or vice versa ex). wheels for car | 54 | |
6310504425 | transferred ephithet | a device where some characteristics of a thing to another thing closely associated with it; usually places a noun nest to a noun in which the connection is not strictly logical | 55 | |
6310519679 | paradox | a statement that at first strikes one as self-contradictory, but that on reflection reveals some deeper sense | 56 | |
6310531570 | pun | a play on words | 57 | |
6310536818 | euphony | the sound of words working together with meaning, pleases the ear and mind | 58 | |
6310536819 | cacophony | a harsh, discordant effect often mirroring the meaning of the context in which it is used | 59 | |
6310542814 | onomatopoeia | an attempt to repesent a thing or action by a word that imitates the sound associated with it | 60 | |
6310547696 | alliteration | the repetition of two or more consonant sounds in successive words | 61 | |
6310553946 | initial allititeration | repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of successive words | 62 | |
6310560444 | internal alliteration/ hidden alliteration | repetition of the same consonant sound not at the beginning of successive words | 63 | |
6310563027 | rime | two or more words that contain identical or similar vowel sound, usually accented, with following following consonant sounds | 64 | |
6310571131 | exact rime | rime where sounds following the same vowel sound ex) follow and hollow ; go and slow | 65 | |
6310580838 | slant rime | rime where the final consonant sounds are the same but the vowel sounds are different also known as: near rime, off rime, imperfect rime ex) bone and bean | 66 | |
6310596461 | consonance | a kind of slant rime where the beginning and ending sounds are the same but the vowel sounds are different ex) chitter, chatter | 67 | |
6310607657 | end rime | rime that comes at the end of lines | 68 | |
6310609758 | internal rime | rime that occurs within lines | 69 | |
6310611850 | masculine rime | rime of one-syllable or (in words of more than 1 syllable) stressed final syllables ex) jail, bail; di-VORCE, re-MORSE | 70 | |
6310617587 | feminine rime | a rime of two or more syllables, with stress on a syllable other than the first ex) TUR-tle, FER-tile | 71 | |
6310622823 | eye rime | spellings look alike but pronunciations differ ex) rough, dough | 72 | |
6310628855 | rhythm | the recurrence of stresses and pauses in sound | 73 | |
6310631266 | stress | an emphasis or accent placed on a syllable in speech | 74 | |
6310641025 | slack | unstressed syllables | 75 | |
6310645794 | iambic meter | a succession of alternate unstressed and stressed syllables most familiar meter in the English language | 76 | |
6310651017 | caesura | a light but definite pause within a line indicated with double lines (||) | 77 | |
6310654924 | end-stopped | when a line ends in a full pause, usually indicated by some mark of punctuation | 78 | |
6310658722 | run-on line | when a line that does not end in punctuation and that therefore is read with only a slight pause after it | 79 | |
6310663450 | prosody | the study of metrical structures in poetry | 80 | |
6310666009 | scansion | a practice used to describe patterns in a poem by separating the metrical feet, counting the syllables, marking the accents, and indicating the pauses | 81 | |
6310676011 | quantitative meter | a meter constructed on the principle of vowel length | 82 | |
6310680331 | accentual meter | a meter where the poet counts the accents/stresses | 83 | |
6310692830 | iambic | a line made up primarily of iambs ( unstressed - stressed) | 84 | |
6310696164 | anapestic | a line made up primarily of anapests (unstressed - unstressed - stressed) | 85 | |
6310700819 | trochaic | a line made up primarily of trochees (stressed - unstressed) | 86 | |
6310708144 | dactylic | a line made up primarily of dactyls (stressed - unstressed - unstressed) | 87 | |
6310711784 | rising meter | movement rises from an unstressed syllable to a stress iambic and anapestic | 88 | |
6310716572 | falling meter | movement from a stress to an unstressed syllable trochaic and dactylic | 89 | |
6310722643 | monosyllabic foot (') | a foot, or unit of meter, that contains only one syllable | 90 | |
6310733558 | spondee (") | a metrical foot or verse containing 2 unstressed syllables often substituted into a meter to create extra emphasis | 91 | |
6310742708 | terms of the different foot lengths | monometer, dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, pentameter, hexameter, heptameter, octameter | 92 | |
6310758605 | closed form | poetry written in some preexisting pattern of meter, rime, line, or stanza | 93 | |
6310761381 | open form | Verse that has no set formal scheme - no meter, rime, or even stanzaic pattern | 94 | |
6310770045 | Free verse | poetry that organizes its lines without meter | 95 | |
6310773667 | Epic | a long narrative poem usually composed in an elevated style tracing the adventures of a legendary or mythic hero | 96 | |
6310777380 | blank verse | un-rimed iambic pentameter | 97 | |
6310781148 | couplet | a 2 lined stanza, usually rimed | 98 | |
6310784307 | heroic couplet/ closed couplet | two rimed lines of iambic pentameter | 99 | |
6310787107 | parrellel | a pair of words, or phrases, clauses, or sentences side by side in agreement or similarity | 100 | |
6310790315 | antitheses | a pair of words or phrases in contrast or opposition | 101 | |
6310794108 | tercet | a group of 3 lines | 102 | |
6310796127 | Terza Rima | a verse form made up of tercets that are connected by an overlapping rime scheme | 103 | |
6310805057 | quatrain | a stanza consisting of four lines | 104 | |
6310807354 | syllabic verse | aa verse for where there is a pattern of a certain number of syllables to a line | 105 | |
6310815690 | acrostic | a poem where the initial letters of each line, when read downward, spell out a hiden word or words | 106 | |
6310821316 | fixed forms | a poem that inherits form other poems certain familiar elements of structure | 107 | |
6310823791 | conventions | expected features such as themes, subjects, attitudes, or figures of speech | 108 | |
6310827010 | sonnet | A traditional and widely used verse form, especially popular for love poetry | 109 | |
6310838156 | English Sonnet/ Shakespearean sonnet | rimes cohere in 4 clusters with a couplet at the end | 110 | |
6310854211 | Italian Sonnet/ Petrarchan sonnet | a sonnet fololwing the rime scheme in the first octave (abba abba) and the final sestet with various rime scheme patters | 111 | |
6310861136 | octave | a set of 8 lines | 112 | |
6310863250 | sestet | a set of 6 lines | 113 | |
6310865033 | epigram | short poem ending in a witty or ingenious turn of thought, to which the rest of the compostion is connected to or lead up to | 114 | |
6310870082 | limerick | 5 anapestic lines usually riming aabba | 115 | |
6310871827 | clerihew | a comical biographical poem of 4 lines of irregular length and meter, and a rime scheme of aabb | 116 | |
6310883234 | Villanelle | a fixed form developed by french poets to imitate Italian folk song consists of 6 rimed tercets where the first and 3rd ending words alternate as the last word of of the remaining tercets and then are repeated together in the final 2 lines | 117 | |
6310898924 | Sestina | "song of sixes" a poem of 6 sestets where the last 6 words are rearranged in different orders but appear in the final envoy | 118 | |
6310929846 | projective verse | a way of constructing a poem where the poet listens to their own breathing and using ti as a rhythmic guide rather than poetic meter or form | 119 | |
6310938789 | psalms | sacred sangs usually refering to 150 Hebrew poems collected in the Old Testement | 120 | |
6310942691 | prose poems | poetic language printed in prose paragraphs, but displaying careful attention to sound, imagery, and figurative language characteristic of poetry | 121 | |
6310957447 | concrete poetry | visual poetry composed exclusively for the page in which a picture or image is made of printed letters and words | 122 | |
6357644010 | Portmanteau | a word composed of two or more words squished together ex) breakfast + lunch = brunch spoon + fork = spork | 123 |
AP Literature Poetry Terms Flashcards
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